Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 307 Girls Talk



"Babe? What happened between you and that hot boyfriend of yours last night?" Ning Xiaozhi asked.

"Well, he... I wanted to escort him to his car. But you know guys. He refused. So... we were kind of arguing or being childish."


"He told me to go in before he leaves. But I said he should go first," Bai Renxiang said.


"What is so funny, Xiaozhi?"

"Nothing. It is just that I can't imagine him doing that. I bet it carried on like that," Ning Xiaozhi said.

"It did, alright. I wanted my eyes to do the escorting. At least to the elevator since he would not let me go with him to his car. But he disagreed."

"You know them. Those three guys are overprotective of their own. You should have just listened to him," Ning Xiaozhi suggested.

"I know. But no one can harm me in my home, right? I just wanted to see him off. What wrong did I do?" Bai Renxiang argued.

"There is no need for that. If he wanted that, he would have dropped you at the building and watched you disappear into it. But he wanted to take you home because the entrance of the building is not your home. It is inside the building, way up."


"So, in common sense, you should have seen him to the door, wish him a safe drive home and all those stuff. Then, when he says he wants to see you go in, you go in. Simple," Ning Xiaozhi said.

"But I also wanted to see him leave," Bai Renxiang said and pouted.

"Do you think he does not know that? Guys just love it that way. It is like a fulfilment to them. They are like. I took her home safely. I watched her go inside her house. She is safe now. Stuff like that gives them peace of mind."

"Sigh. You are taking his side, aren't you?" Bai Renxiang asked.

"Of course, I am. My Chaoxiang does that too. It is another way of them showing you how much they care and they can be sweet and romantic."

"Sigh. I get it. But this is not what I wanted to tell you," Bai Renxiang said.

"It is not?"

"No... I mean it is. But not the main stuff."

"Okay. Tell me the main thing you wanted to say."

"Okay. So, while we were arguing in that, he... he kissed me."

"Aaahhh!!" Ning Xiaozhi squealed again.

Bai Renxiang moved her phone away from her ear. She rolled her eyes at her overdramatic best friend. But she was also blushing.

It is the first time she has ever told anyone about her and Li Fengjin's kiss. She felt embarrassed. But this is her best friend. They tell each other everything.

"Are you done destroying my eardrums?" Bai Renxiang asked.

"Oh, I am sorry about that. You know, this is actually the first time you are telling me Li Fengjin kissed you. Although I know this is not the first kiss you two are sharing since your relationship started," Ning Xiaozhi shamelessly said.

"Well, I-"

"I understand, you shy baby."

"Sigh. Thank you. So, after the kiss, I agreed to go in. If I had continued being stubborn, maybe someone would have caught us kissing at my doorstep. I have had it with the rumours going around about me and my son. I can't take another," Bai Renxiang said.

"Yeah. Those people are bitches and bastards. Do not let what they say get to you, okay?"

"Hmm. So, where was I?"

"You agreed to go inside," Ning Xiaozhi answered.

"Ah! Yes. I agreed to go in and he... he did something unimaginable. Guess what he did."

"He hugged you."

"No. That would have been better."

"He kissed you again," Ning Xiaozhi guessed.


"What did he do? Just spill it, babe," Ning Xiaozhi could not take the wait.

"He... Li Fengjin spanked me. Like on my butt," Bai Renxiang said.


"He did what now?" Ning Xiaozhi asked again. "I am sorry. I did not quite get you last time. Can you repeat?"

"Jin spanked me... on my buttcheek, okay? It was so embarrassing," Bai Renxiang groaned in frustration.

"WOW! I am... I am speechless. I have got no words to say. I mean it. Oh my God!" King Xiaozhi exclaimed.

"Is it bad? I mean, he did not hurt me or behaved violently. It was rather kind of-"

"Hot. Gentle. Sexy," Ning Xiaozhi spelt out different words.

"Hmm. Kind of. Is it bad? Do you think I am crazy? Because I think I am."

"Of course not, babe. Hahaha. You are not crazy. It is normal. Let us just say, it is one of the things couples do aside from hugging and kissing and whatnot. It is not bad," Ning Xiaozhi said.

"Are you sure? You know, I could not stop thinking about it last night. Even till now. I am still thinking about it. Do you still think I am not crazy?" Bai Renxiang asked.

"You are not, silly. Sigh. You are so naïve."

"Why are you so calm about it? Has Ye Chaoxiang done something like that to you? How did you react? Did also think a lot about it?"

"He has. But I am not as naive as you are, remember? I did not think about it. There is nothing to think about. He is my boyfriend. Like he is mine just like I am his. So I go about with this mindset that everything I have is his and his, mine. He also told me that," Ning Xiaozhi said and shrugged as if Bai Renxiang was with her and could see her.

"I admire you a lot. Sometimes I wish I could have your carefree attitude. And that time would have been yesterday. Gosh, I was so embarrassed. But it did not feel weird, just... new, that's all," Bai Renxiang explained.

"I get it. Hahaha. So that is what you wanted to tell me. Sigh. My baby has become more mature now. I feel like a proud mother watching her child take the first step in walking," Ning Xiaozhi said and laughed.

"I just needed someone to tell. But I could not tell anyone."

"I am glad you told me, girl."

"I am glad too. Say, Xiaozhi. Do you... how far do you see your relationship with Ye Chaoxiang going?" Bai Renxiang asked.

"As far as forever. Why do you ask?"

"Well... I- do you think that my relationship with Jin is going too fast?"

"No. It is going smoothly, I mean at a great pace. Your relationship is not too slow or too fast. I love your pace," Ning Xiaozhi said.

"I see," Bai Renxiang trailed off.

"Hey. What's wrong?" Ning Xiaozhi asked with concern.

"Nothing. I just wanted to ask. You know, to know if I am doing the right thing," Bai Renxiang said.

"You are doubting if your relationship with Li Fengjin will last, am I right?"

Bai Renxiang was silent. She strolled back to her table and sat on her chair. She picked up her fountain pen on the table and twirled it in her fingers.

"Yes," she answered.

"Why? Girlfriend, Li Fengjin loves you like crazy. His whole being loves you even his instincts," Ning Xiaozhi joked about the instincts part. Bai Renxiang laughed a bit.

"I know he loves me. He loves me to the extent of seeing us having a future together."

"You see what I am talking about."

"I know. But the problem here is me. I do not know... I don't know what I want for myself," Bai Renxiang said.

"Listen, babe. You have never known what you want for yourself."


"I am sorry. But that is the fact." Ning Xiaozhi stated. "Even the job you got before and what you are now a CEO, you chose to do that because of your family."

"I did it to be able to protect my mother and my son. Besides, running the company is like my inheritance. It is my inheritance," Bai Renxiang said.

"Yeah. It is a good thing though. But you did go and tell your grandfather that you wanted to run the company. No. You know what?" Ning Xiaozhi paused.

"Everything you do, you do it for someone. You do it for family. You are scared of doing something for yourself because of your fucking past."

"You are scared to do your dream job as a fashion designer because of what people might say about you when they remember your scandal. You are scared to take new steps with Li Fengjin because of your stupid ex. You are scared to do what will bring you happiness because you think that thing will only bring you pain and shame and disgrace," Ning Xiaozhi paused again.

"But let us face it girl. You are more than your past. You have more than your past. You have got a mother and a son who believes in you. You have the best best friend you could ever wish for. You have got money and you are feared. You are a boss lady. Even if all these are not what you really want, you still got them. And to crown it all up... you have the most handsome, wealthy and most sought after bachelor as a boyfriend."

"Loving Li Fengjin is the only thing I know, you did for yourself. And you are so damn happy about that. So, you better hold on tight to that happiness and your man because if you don't, there are millions of women waiting to steal him away."


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