Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 302 [Bonus Chapter]Meaning



"Do you know what it means to gift your man a tie?" Li Fengjin asked.

"No," Bai Renxiang shook her head. "Is it supposed to have a meaning?"

"To me, it should have a meaning. Do you know what the meaning should be?"

"Not really. I have never seen you wear a tie. I just wanted to see you on one. Even if it is once in a while," Bai Renxiang said.

Li Fengjin stared at her face. He was searching for any sign of this being an act. But what he got was a cute and innocent girlfriend who loves him and just wants to see him wearing a tie.

​ "Alright. This is where another one of my duties falls in place," Li Fengjin said.

"Huh? Duty again? What is that going to be now? I am suspicious of you," Bai Renxiang said.

She had started moving away from him on the bed. Li Fengjin smiled again and drew closer to her. Every movement she makes gets a response from him. He moved towards her.

Unknown to Bai Renxiang, the more shelved away is the more her closeness to the edge of the bed. When she took her last move, she slipped.

Li Fengjin quickly grabbed her waist and pulled her away from the edge causing the both of them to fall to their sides on the bed. Bai Renxiang was shocked.

Her eyes were still as wide as when she felt herself slipping off the bed. If Li Fengjin had not held her on the, she would have fallen on her butt. The fact that Li Fengjin's bed was higher than normal also made her gulp.

She would have been as saving her butt now if not for him. That would have been so embarrassing. Meanwhile, Li Fengjin was still looking at her. But with more of a worry than a tease.

"That is what you would have gotten for not staying put," Li Fengjin said.

"I-I... Thank you," was all Bai Renxiang could manage to say.

"Hmm. So, as I was saying, it is my other duty as your boyfriend to teach you what you do not know or are aware of. Like the tie for example," he said.

"What do you want to teach me that I already do not know?" Bai Renxiang asked.

"Oh, there is a lot you do not know, my love. A whole lot of things," Li Fengjin said and winked at her.


"A tie... As a girlfriend, if you gift your boyfriend a tie, it means that you," he gently pushed a few strands of her hair behind her ear. Then, his thumb caressed her smooth face.

"It means that you saying I am yours. It means that you can see yourself in a committed relationship with me. As for the last, which is the most important, it means you want a future... with your boyfriend, me," Li Fengjin said.

Bai Renxiang's eyes moved away from his. She was speechless at the meant. What does he mean by all those meanings? Does gifting a tie to your boyfriend really mean that?

<<<Author: Yes, it does. Check the internet, girl. The answers are there.>>>

"So, my love. I see a future with you. I want a committed relationship and you are mine. Do you also feel and see the same?" Li Fengjin asked in a low husky voice.

"I-I bought the tie as a gift, okay? I bought them because I love you and I wanted to. I also want a committed relationship. I also see a future with you. But... I am not sure if it is that far," Bai Renxiang explained.

"Oh! I see," Li Fengjin said. There was a hint of disappointment in his voice.

"Hey... Don't feel bad," she held his face. "I really really love you, okay? You make me happy. You make me feel like a real woman. I feel safe and strong with you. Nothing will change that, do you understand?"

"I do. But I want you to know that there's no one in this world that is fit for you apart from me. No man is worthy of you, not even me. But I hold the best out of all the men in the world, to be with you and only you," Li Fengjin said.

"I know. My past made me realize that. So, please don't leave me, okay? I still love you. I only need a little time to know if I want to be with you for life. Just a little more time."

"Alright. I can wait. Sigh. You are the best they f that has ever happened to me, Renxiang. There is no way I will leave you. Even if one day you do not love me anymore."

He hugged Bai Renxiang and they stayed like that for a while. Bai Renxiang took that time to bask in his warmth, protection and love. She wished time would just stop for them.


"I like the way my name sounds when you call it like that," Li Fengjin mumbled.

"Stop messing with me."


"Do you think your mother would be... would she accept me when she knows that I have a child for someone else?" Bai Renxiang asked worriedly.

"It is not up to her. I am the one that decides that and I already accepted you."


"Do not think about it. It will ruin our mood, especially yours. Just enjoy this moment," Li Fengjin said.

"Alright. I will listen to you then," Bai Renxiang agreed.

Li Fengjin heaves a silent sigh of relief when she did not insist on knowing. The truth is that he had no idea if his parents would let him be with a woman who already has a child that is not his.

So, instead of getting her hopes up by saying they would, he chose the best way he could think of. He wanted to tell her that she does not need to worry about that because Bai Xiaojin is his son.

But he doesn't want her to think that that was the reason he wanted to be with her. For all he knows and so not know, she might not want him anymore if she knows.

'What if she freaks out and sees me as a threat? What if she sees me as a man that wants to take her son away from her? Or worse. What if she thinks I just want to get into her pants like three years ago?'

Li Fengjin loathed the thought of that. He could only such and hope that things would go well if he finally tells her the whole truth.

"Sigh. So, you like what I bought?" Bai Renxiang broke the silence in the room.

"How many times do have to ask? I love them all. I love everything and anything you get for me," Lu Fengjin said and planted a kiss on her forehead.

"Okay. You should keep them now, don't you think?"


Li Fengjin stood up from the bed and picked up all that she bought. Bai Renxiang helped him with some. He led her to his walk-in closet and together, they placed the things in the appropriate places.

"The time is fast spent. I should get going now or else mum would worry too much," Bai Renxiang said.

"Sigh. I wish you can sleepover," Li Fengjin sighed and hugged her.

"But I can't. I have no clothes to get and Bai Xiaojin will be alone."

"He can stay with your mother. As for the clothes, I can get some for you. So, can you please stay with me tonight?" Li Fengjin asked with a cute pout.

"Li Fengjin, we did not plan a sleepover. I would have loved to stay. I am serious. But we gave my mother our word. Maybe, next time, okay?"

"Sigh. Fine. Come on. I will take you home."

"Thank you. I love you. Muah," she quickly pecked his cheek and went to get her phone from the bed.

"You just kissed my cheek," Li Fengjin said.

"What? Is it not normal for a couple to do that? I thought you know so much," she joked.

"I do know so much. If you stay longer, we can start a class," Li Fengjin winked.

Bai Renxiang blushed profusely. Li Fengjin laughed out loud. Before she would bury her face in her palms, Li Fengjin held her hands and pulled her with him. Together they went back to the garden.

"Finally," Ning Xiaozhi said.

"The lovebirds have remembered they left friends," said Ye Chaoxiang.

"What took you guys so long?" Yang Chen asked.

"Don't ask such silly questions," Ye Chaoxiang said.

"Yeah. Look at Bai Renxiang blushing so hard and Li Fengjin grinning. Do you still need to know what took them so long?" Yi Changying said.

Bai Renxiang was left speechless. Her face turned even redder. They were all talking as if she was not there. Can't they see how embarrassed she is?


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