Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 285 His Frustration And Pain



Li Fengjin felt nervous when Bai Renxiang held his shoulders and lifted herself to his ears. "I know you love me, playboy," she whispered in his ears.

Immediately her words and breath landed on his ears, his heart skipped causing his breath to hitch and was slowly turning laboured. His ears turned red much to Bai Renxiang's surprise.

She pulled away from him a little so that she could see his face. His bright blue eyes had turned darker and his face was a little bit flushed.

"Why are you blushing? Did I say something embarrassing? She asked. "I just said it in your ears instead of your-mm."

Bai Renxiang's eyes widened at his action. He was kissing her in the living room. She struggled but his grip on her waist was firm.

Seeing as her actions were futile, she stopped and gave in. Her mind soon became clouded by the kiss.

"You are really a teaser," Li Fengjin murmured after they broke the kiss.

Bai Renxiang was still panting. Her face was more flushed than Li Fengjin's.

"What? You are blushing now?"

"Go away, you kiss stealer," she scurried away from him.

"Hahaha! You were the one who made me steal a kiss," Li Fengjin said amidst his laughter.

"You liar. How am I at fault?" She pouted and glared at him.

"You teased me. It is only fair I tease you back. The teaser gets teased," he shrugged.

"Gasp. You- argh." She threw one of the throw pillows at him.

Li Fengjin easily caught the pillow and laughed. Bai Renxiang smiled after some time.

"Ahem! I hope I am not interrupting anything," Jiang Meilin said.

"Mum! When did you come in?" Bai Renxiang asked.

"Not quite long. Why are you asking? You look suspicious," Jiang Meilin eyed her.

"It is nothing," Bai Renxiang said with a sigh.


Meanwhile, Yi Minsheng did not return home after ge left Bai Renxiang's house. He went straight for his car at the building's parking lot and drove off.

He was lucky his car keys were with him in his pocket. He needed to be alone after that talk with Bai Renxiang.

He drove aimlessly until he came to a stop at a quiet open field. All through the drive till now, his mind kept replaying her words.

"I can't love you."

"We should stop being friends."

"My Li Fengjin loves ME."

"...he is not like you."

"Please, let me go."

Yi Minsheng's eyes were red and teary. He could not explain the helplessness he was feeling.


He repeatedly banged his hands on his steering wheel as he screamed inside his car. He takes his hands through his hair and then his face.

"Why? Why? Why can't you love me instead of someone else? Despite the tons of guys out there, you chose him. A player," he said.

"Cursed my stupid fate. Why can't you make her love me? Am I not enough? Am I not worthy enough for her? I hate you, universe," he shouted while crying.

Yi Minsheng buried his head in his steering wheel and poured his heart out. This was the only way he could vent his frustration.

He has no one to talk to anyone apart from his mother and Wei Ruolan. But he did not want to talk to any of them now, especially Wei Ruolan. What would she think of him if she saw him at this moment?

He did not have friends either. The guys at his place of work would make fun of him. Also, they would prefer to ease away their sorrows at the bar or clubs while drinking and surrounded by women.

So, with no one but himself to talk to, he could only weep and scream and curse himself. To him, life was being unfair. The very first girl he loved only saw him as a friend.

Yi Minsheng was not even sure Bai Renxiang wanted to be friends with him anymore. This was exactly what he was trying to avoid when she first turned him down.

He wanted to still pursue her but he decided against it to still keep the only thing between the two of them. But know that thing was at the brink of dying if it had not even died.

Yes. Their friendship was dead as far as he still loved Bai Renxiang. If only he had borne the pain of seeing Bai Renxiang and Li Fengjin together, he would not be crying over their lost friendship.

But it was hard. It would have been better if he was unaware of her relationship with another guy. But what was done was done.

He came out of his car to receive some fresh air. That was how Yi Minsheng stayed at that place till it was almost seven in the evening.

"Sigh. Her heart already belongs to someone else. You can't fight for it now, Yi Minsheng. Since you love her, you should let her go," he told himself. "As far as Bai Renxiang is happy, I will be happy. Maybe it is best if we ended our friendship and remain good neighbours."

With his mind settled, Yi Minsheng got into his car and drove home. His mother must have been worried about him.

It was thirty minutes past seven when Yi Minsheng got to the building that evening. He could not care about the stares he was getting from the people passing by.

Have they not seen a guy with messy hair before? But Yi Minsheng did not know that his hair was not the only thing that got them looking.

It was his red eyes, cold face and messy hair. Yi Minsheng got into a free elevator and pressed the floor number he was headed to. In less than a minute, the door dinged and opened.

Yi Minsheng stepped out of the elevator and walked to his apartment. But he stopped in his tracks when he saw Li Fengjin planting a kiss on Bai Renxiang's forehead.


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