Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 265 My Woman




The kidnappers were shivering in fear as Li Fengjin wore a pair of black leather gloves. He picked up a very sharp dagger from a table at the side of the room.

There were many torturing tools neatly arranged on the table. Li Fengjin strolled to the leader of the men who is none than Tim. His blue eyes were extremely bone-chilling and dark as he gazed down on the man.

"You bas-"


Li Fengjin placed a blow across his face. Since Tim was tied up with a chain, he could not react nor could he fall backwards or fight back. Does he even have the guts to raise a hand against Li Fengjin?

"That was a gift a friend of mine asked me to give you. You like it, right?" Li Fengjin asked.

"Dan that fucking friend of yours," Tim shouted and Li Fenjin frowned.

"No? You seem to hate the gift and its' giver very much," Li Fengjin said.

"Aaahhh ~~"

In a flash, Tim's painfully voice echoed in the room. Li Fengjin had dug the sharp dagger at the side of Tim's body. It obviously hit his rib cage.

"Tsk. You are too noisy," Li Fengjin complained as he repeated the same action once.

Tim shook violently on the spot and screamed his lungs out because of the excruciating pain he was feeling.

"I hope you would be this loud when I start asking questions," Li Fengjin stated.

"What the hell? What the fuck do you want?" Tim roared.

"What I want is very simple. You can give it to me within seconds. I want answers. Honest answers," Li Fengjin placed much emphasis on the works 'honest' to ensure Tim got an idea of what he really wanted.

Li Fengjin bent his upper body forward as he grabbed a just full of Tim's hair and yanked his head backwards. His action made Tim wince in pain. Their eyes were properly locked just the way Li Fengjin wants them.

"I do not have time to beat bout the bush today. So, tell me. Who hired you to kidnapper Bai Renxiang?" Li Fengjin asked.

"Why do you want to know? What does that hot chick have to do with you?" Tim asked daringly. He had a mocking glint in his eyes.

"Hahaha! So much boldness," Li Fengjin said.

He swiftly stabbed Tim in the same spot earning from him another painful cry.

"Hot chick? Who gave you the cheek to call MY woman such?" Li Fengjin asked.

His eyes were getting red with rage now. The other kidnappers cursed their fate when they heard what Li Fengjin said.

They had messed with not only his person but his woman. How fucked up can they be?

"Please," one of the kidnappers cried out. "Pl-Please... We had no idea that Sh-she was your woman. We had no idea that that lady was yours. Have mercy on us, please," the man begged.

p "BE QUIET!" Li Fengjin roared. "Shut that gutter of yours and wait for your damned turn," Li Fengjin bellowed.

Li Fengjin's men felt their skin crawl in fear. It had been a long time since they saw their boss like this. The last time was when his mother had an accident.

It was more like a threat, an intentional warning to the Li's at that time. When young Li Fengjin found out it was a business rival, he dealt mercilessly and ruthlessly with them. Later on, he wiped that family out of the face of the earth.

Now, they had kidnapped his woman. These people would not learn, would they? They keep using the female gender to threaten him or they would harm them as they did to Bai Renxiang.

Sigh. They would and must get what is coming for them. Without a doubt, Li Fengjin will make them and who gave them the orders to experience something dreadful that they would prefer to be in hell.

"I asked you who ordered you to kidnap her," Li Fengjin said in a much louder voice.

"No one ordered us to. We did it on our own accord," Tim lied.

Li Fengjin stood straight as he released his tight grip on Tim's hair.

"That is not the answer I want," he licked his lips as his gaze remained on Tim. He stretched his right hand out.

"Get me a bottle of whiskey," he ordered puzzling everyone except Sheng.

Sheng nodded and quickly moved to another side of the room. In no time, Sheng came back with a fine bottle of whiskey. He respectfully placed the bottle on Li Fengjin's outstretched hand.

The room fell silent as everyone watched with keen interest. They had the same question running in their heads.

Does he want to drink while torturing them? If not, then what does he need a bottle of whiskey for?

Soon enough, their unheard question was answered as Li Fengjin poured some content of the whiskey on the spot he stabbed Tim three times.

"Aarrgghh!!! Aahh~~ Fuck! Aahaahaaa," Tim screamed and cursed.

The pain was stinging and the wound hurt so bad that Tim peed his pants. Everyone in the room scrunched their nose at the irritating smell. Sheng immediately fished out a nose cover and handed it to Li Fengjin.

"For a man, a kidnapper and a rapist like you, it sure is disgusting to make a mess out of yourself," Li Fengjin said. He yanked Tim's hair again and asked.

"You have one last chance, to be honest with me. Who. Ordered. You. To. Kidnap. Her?"

"No one, God damn it. It was our own doing," Tim carried on with his lame truth.

Sheng and the other of Li Fengjin's men rolled their eyes at the words that Tim spoke. It was way more than obvious that he lying to Li Fengjin.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Still not what I want to hear. Come up with a better story if you want to deceive me."


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