Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 237 Save My Woman



When Bai Renxiang opened her eyes, the room she was placed in was dimly lit by a yellow bulb. It took some time before her eyes adjusted to the darkness of the room.

After that, she looked around the room. There was nothing in it except the bed she was lying on and a table a little bit far away from the bed.

"Groan~" she gritted in pain as her head pounded.

All that happened before she passed out came rushing back into her head. It was torturous.

Just as she was about to use her hands to massage her head, she found something quite shocking.


The two of her hands were chained to the bedposts. Bai Renxiang was perplexed.

"What the hell is this?" She asked. "En... Why am I all chained up?" Bai Renxiang tried to shake them off her hands but she could not. Instead, the more she tried, the more pain she felt. Bai Renxiang sat up in frustration. But once she did that, she was even more shocked and accused.

"I could have sworn I was fully clothed before the accident," she murmured. But then again, that was not what had really bothered her.

"W-Why are there.... why are there ki-iss marks... all over my legs?" Bay Renxiang stuttered as her eyes took in her skin covered by hickeys.

It was like that till where her white and red striped T-Shirt stopped which was just below her butt. Before long, Bai Renxiang found herself in a crying state.

"No. This can't be happening to me. No, it can't," she whisper in fear as she shuddered at the thought of being raped.

But she felt no pain between her kegs. Even if she was no longer a virgin, she had never slept with a man after that night's encounter with that man.

So if she was raped, she should have at least felt pain, right?

Bai Renxiang looked around the empty room. There was not even a window for ventilation. Just holes that seemed to have been created by bullet shots or something else she had no idea of.

Just as she was observing her locked up environment, she heard the sound of boots walking towards her room.

Click. The room door opened. A tall and molecularly built man walked into the room. Bai Renxiang quickly wiped her tears off of her eyes.

"Well, well, well. Look who has awakened from their slumber," the man's mocking voice echoed in the room as he stalked towards the bed.

"Who are you? What do you want from me?" Bai Renxiang asked boldly as she cautiously watched every move the man made.

"Slow down, sexy. One question at a time. You do not have to be so impatient about it, my darling," the man smirked as he eyed her lustfully.

"Don't call me those disgusting names. Answer me, you moron. Who are you and what do you want from me that you kidnapped me?"


By the time Li Fengjin got to the scene of the accident, he saw a man lying lifeless on the ground. Just to be sure, Li Fengjin still checked if he had any amount of life in him.

Fortunately, the man was alive. His breathing was very shallow and his body was covered with blood.

"He must be her driver," he said.

Then a small object caught his attention. He walked to it and saw that it was Bai Renxiang's phone. The phone was destroyed as someone purposely smashed or stepped on it to avoid her from contacting anybody.

"No wonder she was not receiving my calls or messages. Damn it. What if she had the accident when I was calling?" Li Fengjin said in frustration. Fishing his phone out of his pants pocket, he called Sheng.

"Send some men over to take the driver of Bai Renxiang. He needs immediate treatment soon as possible. Do not let him die because he may be a source of useful information later," Li Fengjin said.

"Yes, boss. Some of our men are almost at the place you are at. Also, I have gotten Ms Bai's present location from boss Yang Chen. I am sending it over now," Sheng reported.

"Good. Do not call me except I call, understood?" He ordered.

"Roger that, boss. I will tell Lee and his men to be ready in their position if something were to go wrong."


With that said, Li Fengjin entered the phone after taking a glance over the address sent to his email. It was one of the perks of having a photographic memory.

"Hey, buddy. Yang Chen sent me an address. Your woman is sure to be in this place," Yep Chaoxiang spike out of his window. He has just arrived there.

"Yeah. Sheng sent me that," Li Fengjin nodded.

"Whoa! This guy looked like he took a blood bath," Ye Chaoxiang said as soon as he saw driver Jun.

"Yeah. Sheng will take care of it. But for the meantime, Lee and the others are on their way."

"Do what are we going to do? Wait for them?" Ye Chaoxiang asked.

"Like hell, I will. I am going to save my woman before it is too late."

Meanwhile, Jiang Meilin could not calm down. Her nerves were on edge and she had been facing around to and fro in the living room since her call with old man Jiang.

"Please, calm down mum," Shane said.

"I can't. You know I can't. So stop telling me that over and over again," Jiang Meilin said as she glared at Shane.

"You have to. Elder master or Bai Renxiang would not like to see you worried," Shin chipped in.

They could not allow anything to happen to her or else, their punishment awaits them. Worrying is not good for one's health.

"What is wrong with you two? I can't calm down. I can't relax. I can't stop worrying. I can't do all these because my daughter is out there somewhere. Kidnapped by whoever it is," Jiang Meilin yelled.

"What? Mummy... mummy has been kidnapped."


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