Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 235 Find Her



"Do not tell me someone got her before we could?"

That could be the only explanation for Bai Renxiang's absence from the accident scene. But who could have taken her? Did she have another enemy apart from himself?

"That might be the case, Jiang Bojing. She can" t run off so quickly before we arrived. She must have survived with injuries," Mr Quan evaluated.

"Yes. And if someone else really attacked her, then there is no way she would be able to escape. There 8s a high probability that it is just an 'accident' per say," said Mr Fan.

"I understand. You, get the hell out of my office," Jiang Bojing said to the man kneeling on the floor.

Taking a bow, the man left the office. He was literally running out because of the year that his boss would change his mind and punish him instead.

"What should we do now?" Mr Quan asked after the man had left.

After thinking, Jiang Bojing said, "What we will do now... is nothing."


"It is as simple as ABC, someone has already done the job for us. They might have captured her to settle the beef they have with her, which is an advantage to us. That person has helped us to do the dirty work," Jiang Bojing explained before going back to his chair to sit down.

"Hahaha! That is a smart one, Jiang Bojing. You did not have to lift a finger in wiping put an enemy. Lunch is truly on your side," Mr Fan said.

They all rejoiced and celebrated their victory with wine instead of tea.

Meanwhile, Xia Xinyi could not take the wait anymore. It was almost 4:00 pm which is their closing hours and Bai Renxiang has still not arrived.

She picked up her phone and dialled assistant Charlie's number. Within a few rings, the call got connected.

"Hello, assistant Xia. How may I help you?" Charlie asked.

"Ahem! S-Senior... Something... is wrong," she stuttered.

"Tell me what it is? Is it about the company? Send it over and I will help you with what I can," he said.

"I know. It is not about the company per se. But, I will be needing your help as soon as possible."

"If it is not about the company, why did you call? Do not tell me you called because of one of you and Secretary Jinhai's childish arguments?" Charlie asked in a stern and suspicious voice.

"Oh, senior. I wish that is the case but it is not. *sob* It is something much worse than arguments," Xia Xinyi had started crying before she could hold back herself with her professionalism.

"Hey, Xia Xinyi. What is it? Why are you crying all of a sudden? What is wrong?" Charlie was getting anxious?

"It is the boss," Xia Xinyi began.

"Mmm-hmm. What about the boss?"

"She has not come back to the company."

"Sigh. Is that why you are crying. As her assistant, don't you know that after her last work for the company, she heads straight home? She has a kid, remember," Charlie shook his head.

"I know. That is not it. I would not be crying if it is. Boss left the company in the morning for a meeting with Ji but she never came back. Not even for the opening of the new hotel," she cried.

"She said she would come back to the company and then the two of us would go together. She never came back to the company. I had to go on her behalf. The worse part is that I can't call her. Her phone is switched off."

"What? But- call madam Jiang then. Maybe, the boss fell ill and went to the hospital or went home. Ask boss' mother," Charlie suggested.

"She is not home either. Madam Jiang called me earlier. She called to ask if the boss was in the office because she had not gone home. I could hear the panic and worry in her voice, senior. This is getting bad," Xia Xinyi cried more as she sat helplessly on the floor.

Charlie could not believe the words that Xia Xinyi had told him. But from the way she was crying over the phone, it knew otherwise. She was not joking at all. Something is really happening to their boss.

"Hey, Xia Xinyi. Try to calm down," he said after a while.

"Calm down? How can I or anybody calm down? Our boss might be missing for all we know and you want me to calm down? What is wrong with you?" She lashed out at him, forgetting the status he held over hers.

But who cares about status? If high status could help find her boss, fine. But if not, then screw it.

"Listen to me first. I want you to be calm so as not to raise suspicion. I hope you have .ot told anyone about this?" He asked.

"No, I have not. I have been in my office since I came back from the opening," she said in a less angry voice.

"Then, that is great. We can't afford to let this news get out. No one is to be trusted as of this moment. "

"Okay. But what about the boss?"

"Do not worry about her. After this call, I will inform him. If the boss is really missing as you have said, we need to find her before something bad happens to her and quick. Take care of things at the company while the chairman and I will take care of the rest, understood?" He ordered.

"Yes, senior."

Immediately after that call, Charlie rushed up to old man Jiang's study room to inform him of this news though it was bad.

But once he reached the door, he heard the old man roar his name. Charlie felt cold shivers run down his spine and he gulped.

'What has gotten elder master so mad for him to call me like that?' He asked within himself.

p With only one way to find an answer to his question, Charlie quickly pushed the door open and answered the call. His gaze met with the enraged ones of his elder master. Gulping in quick fright, Charlie averted his gaze downwards.

"Here I am, boss."

"Activate the search team," was old man Jiang's order. Charlie raised his head in confusion.

'Why does he want to activate the search team when-'

"My granddaughter is missing," old man Jiang unknowingly interrupted Charlie's thought. "Turn the city upside down if you must. You must bring her back before the end of the day. Just FIND HER."

"Yes, boss," Charlie bowed before rushing to carry out his task.

He did as told and dispatched the search team to check every corner, every nook and cranny of City S leaving no stone unturned.

While all these were going on, Li Fengjin could not stop pacing about in his room with his phone. He was feeling very weird all of a sudden and he could not explain why.

He has never felt like this before, so why now?

Li Fengjin looked down at the phone in his hand with a frown on his face causing three lines to appear on his once smooth forehead. As soon as he tapped the phone, Bai Renxiang's picture was displayed on the screen. His heart clenched tightly on this sight. Li Fengjin had to take in deep breaths to ease the pain.

"What is the meaning of this?" He asked no one in particular as he sat on his bed.

"Something bad must be happening. But what? Is it mum? It can't be. I talked to her after I could not reach Bai Renxiang," he reasoned.

That was when the thought settled in. Up until this moment, Bai Renxiang had not called or texted and neither was he able to do so. Her phone was switched off.

Li Fengjin had sent so many texts to her that he had lost count of. Even at that, she had not seen not to talk of replying to any of his text messages. He was restless.

Just then his phone rang, thinking it was Bai Renxiang, he quickly picked it up without paying attention to the name displayed on the screen.

"Bai Ren-"

"Hey, bro. How are you doing?" Ye Chaoxiang's voice cut him off?

"Sigh. Hey bro," Li Fengjin said without hiding the disappointment in his voice.

"Huh? Why do you sound like that? Is something wrong?" Ye Chaoxiang asked. "Ah! I get it. You thought it was your Bai Renxiang, huh? You were expecting her call," he added.

"Yes, I was expecting her call," Li Fengjin said.

"Whoa! You are not denying it. Someone has fallen in love," Ye Chaoxiang teased.

"I am in no mood for your stupid teasing, dude. If you called to do that, hang up now," Li Fengjin spat out cruelly.

"What happened? You sound mad and restless," Ye Chaoxiang immediately became serious.

"Something bad is about to happen or has happened. Bai Renxiang may be in danger," Li Fengjin opened up.

"Are you sure? Have you called to check up on her before saying that?"

"I don't need to check up on her. My instincts and feelings say so and they are never wrong."


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