Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 232 Waiting



"I will give you the contact information of the leader of the men. But before u do that, you will have to bring my pet," Fang laid down his condition.

"Urgh! But we both know that you did not accept it di this job because I got your pet," Bai Ming started. "It was because the pay was enticingly good," she added.

"Yeah, whatever. Who would not like a job that oats so well? Anyway, do not change the subject. Are we clear on what I have stated?" He asked.

Nope," she disagreed.

"Ms Bai-"

"I will increase your payment. Just continue with the job. I will send you your dog but you will not get the pay. How does that sound?" She asked.

There was silence at the other end is the phone. Fang was contemplating if he should accept the offer or not.

"Fine. But the next time you call me, it should be about the arrival of my dog," he agreed after much silence.

"Deal then. Have a nice day, investigator Fang."


At Bai Xiaojin's school.

The school had closed and just like every other day, Bai Xiaojin and Gu Mingzhe sat on the bench beside the school gate, talking as they waited for their parents.

After waiting for half an hour, Bai Renxiang had not come to pick up Bai Xiaojin and neither was driver Jun.

"Hey, Bai Xiaojin. Why are our mummies taking time to come and pick us up?" Gu Mingzhe asked with his eyes never leaving the gate of the school where other parents came in and went out.

"I do not know too, Gu Mingzhe. Even my uncle Jun and your uncle Long are not showing up," Bai Xiaojin answered.

"That is true. Maybe they are stuck at work and our uncles are stuck in traffic," Gu Mingzhe said again.

"Sigh. Maybe that is the case. Let us just wait patiently."

"Oh!" Gu Mingzhe exclaimed as his eyes beamed. "Why don't we do our homework while we wait? That way, we will not think too much about their delay and we will get more time to play at home," he suggested.

"Why do you like to play so much?" Bai Xiaojin asked making Gu Mingzhe roll his eyes at him.

"Oh, please. Every kid likes to play," he countered Bai Xiaojin's words.

"Alright, alright. I get it. I love playing too. Can we get our homework done now?" Bai Xiaojin admitted.

"Yes, we can."

In the middle of their work together, Gu Mingzhe's mother arrived.


"Oh, honey. I am so sorry for being late. There was a lot of work and... I can't even make up good enough excuses," Mrs Gu apologized as she hugged her son.

"No need to apologise, mummy. I understand that your work is stressful. Besides, I was with Bai Xiaojin and we were just doing our homework together since his mummy is not here yet," Gu Mingzhe smiled.

"Xiaojin honey. Your mummy has not come either?" Mrs Gu asked as he patted his head.

"No, Mrs Gu. Maybe she also has work holding her down," Bai Xiaojin answered.

"Okay. Then, what about your driver?"

"I do not know either. Maybe he is on his way here."

"Alright then. Be and Mingzhe will be going now. There are still some things I would like to handle. Send my regards to your mother when you see her," Mrs Gu said.

"Okay. Bye Gu Mingzhe."

"Bye Bai Xiaojin. See you tomorrow," Gu Mingzhe waved at him as he left with his mother.

As soon as Mrs Gu and Gu Mingzhe were no longer in sight, the smile on Bai Xiaojin's face dropped. He was starting to feel bad about the lateness of his mother and driver.

"Sigh. What is taking you do long, mummy? Uncle Jun, I thought you knew your way around the city. Why are you still stuck in traffic?" He murmured.

If only he had known, that his mother and driver has met a tragic fate.

Since Bai Xiaojin had no one to talk to, he completed his homework and picked a book from his bag to read. By and by, with every moment, seconds, minutes and hours, the school was getting less noisy as most children had left.

Bai Xiaojin was getting worried and restless. Even the security man at the gate was confused. Normally, he had known that Bai Xiaojin's guardians were never this late in picking him up.

It was a surprise to still see Bai Xiaojin seated on the bench at school.

"Hey, kid. Why are your guardians not here yet?" The security man asked?

"I do not know. My mummy has never been this late, including the driver that comes to pick me up me in her stead," Bai Xiaojin said.

"Sign. If at all they are going to come, they had better hurry it up. I want to vl9se the gate," the man said before ge left.

Just then, teacher Song walked out of the school building. He had stayed back to do some kinds of stuff causing him to be the last teacher at school.

"Teacher Song?!"

Teacher Song who had his head down and attention fixed on his phone, looked up to see who had called him.

"Bai Xiaojin?!" He called out in surprise. Teacher Song increased his steps to get to where Bai Xiaojin was now standing at.

"Hey. What are you still doing here? Why is your mum?" He asked as he looked around, searching for Bai Renxiang.

"My mummy is not here. She has not come to pick me up and my driver too," he said in a low tone.

Teacher Dong could see that Bai Xiaojin was very sad. Well, who would not? A three-year-old kid sits alone on a bench as he watches parents come to the school and leave with their wards.

He was bound to be sad. Bai Xiaojin would also want to go home. Teacher Song wondered why he had not started crying for his mother.



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