Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 225 She Must Pay



After the close of work, Mr Quan and Mr Fan decided to go and see how Jiang Bojing was doing. They knew he would be expecting them.

By the time they got there, Jiang Bojing's wife, Luo Xue was the only person they met in the living room.

"Ah! Welcome, Mr Quan and Mr Fan. It has been a while. Come in," she greeted and ushered them in.

"It really has. You look as stunning as I can still remember," Mr Quan said.

"Yea, she is. Our friend, Bojing dotes on her so well. How can her beauty depreciate?" Me Fan complimented.

"Haha. You flatter me. Please have a seat while I go and inform my husband of your arrival," she then excused herself from the living room.

Soon enough, Jiang Bojing came down to the living room and he exchange pleasantries with them.

"While you men talk, I will bring some tea for you," Luo Xue offered.

"Thanks, honey. We will be in the study then," Jiang Bojing said and gestured for his two friends to follow him.

"Have a seat, the both of you." The three of them sat down around the square table in the study room. None of them spoke for a while.

"So, how was the company today?" Jiang Bojing asked.

"You still care about the company despite what has happened to you because of it?" Me Quan asked in disbelief.

"The whole company has heard about what happened in the meeting room," Mr Fan added.

"So what is they have heard? I do not give a damn about them. People will always hear and talk," Jiang Bojing countered.

"And they will do so when that bitch gets what she deserves," he added.

My Quan and Mr Fan exchanged glances on hearing what he had just said.

"Sigh. What you did today was unbelievable," Mr Quan said.

He and Mr Fan would have never imagined that their so-called friend could o such a thing. They thought he only had great ambition and want for the position of CEO. But it turned out that it was beyond all that.

"I agree with Quan. You never told us about your other company," Mr Fan said.

"Listen. I-"

Knock! Knock!

"I borough tea for you all," Luo Xue said as she needed into the room. "I hope I am not interrupting anything "

"Not at all. Come in," Jiang Bojing smiled sweetly at his wife.

"Alright. I will just drop it here. If you need anything else, just call me. Take care of your guest, honey," she said before she left the room.

"As I was saying, I did not tell you because not everyone knows about it. Most of the employees are not even aware I own that company," he explained.

"Hmm. I understand but at least a little leads io on what you plan to do would not hurt, right?" Me Fan asked.

"Alright fine. Now, about what I want," he leaves forward on the table.

"Hmm, what is it that you want? We are at your disposal," Mr Quan said.

"I want her to pay. I want that bitch out of the company, by all means, possible," he said with anger laced in his voice.

"We know, Bojing. So what must we do? But mind you, it should not be something that can be easily traced back to us. CEO Bai has sounded a clear warning-"

"You call that a warning? It was a threat and I am sure that Chairman Juang will support her," Mr Fan cut Mr Quan short.

"Is that so?" Giant Bojing asked as he thought carefully about what his next move of revenge would be.

"Yes, it is so. So think wisely this time," Mr Quan warned.

"Very well then. Let us just start with the basics," an idea popped into Jiang Bojing's mind.

"And what would that be?" Be Fan asked as he also sat at the edge is his chair and leaned on the table.

"It is quite simple. The two if you should help me dig up information about Chairman Jiang's granddaughter. Whatever the two of find, bring it to me," he suggested.

"But what do you want to use information about her for?" Mr Quan asked, confusion evident on his face.

"Hahaha! Quan, my friend. Do you but know the saying that not everyone is perfect?"

"Actually, it is 'nobody is perfect," he corrected.

"There you go. You know it when more than I do. This means that even that Bai Renxiang, has a flaw one way or another," he smirked evilly.

"Ah! I get it now. So we can use her last bad record to deal with her," Mr Quan nodded and laughed in understanding.

"Perfect plan. No one will be able to find out the mastermind behind her downfall then," said Mr Fan.

"Then, when the company is in its crisis, you will swoop in and help them. In the end, you will be seen as the hero of Jiang's Corporation."

"Pft... The time of playing heroic has passed," Jiang Bojing snorted.

"Then what do you want?"

"When the company is falling, I will buy it. First by getting the shares of most of the members of the board."

"Wow! You really are ambitious, Jiang Bojing."

"Of course, I am. A man without an ambition can not have a good future," he smiled. "That bitch of a woman humiliated me. I will make sure she suffers the same humiliation I did and even worse."

"Hmm. Indeed. I await the time when we shall take over the company together," Mr Quan said.

"I can not wait to see the displeasure on that old man's face when he sees what has become of his company and granddaughter."

The three of them celebrated their future success with their cups of tea. They talked about other random things concerning business and society.

By the time it was evening, the two of them left the home of Jiang Bojing to their destinations.


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