Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 209 Heavenly Beauty



Just like Li Fengjin had promises over the phone, Wang Tingxiao was already at the entrance of the hotel waiting for her arrival.

"Just be good and wait patiently for mummy to finish her work and come back, okay?" She caressed Bai Xiaojin's cheek.

"Okay mummy. But you have to hurry or I might not be sure yo be a good boy anymore," he warned.

"Sigh. Okay. I eill try my best to hurry back once i am done. Bye for now," she said. Just tyen, Wang Tingxiao approached her and bowed lightly as he greeted.

"Good afternoon Ms Bai."

"Assistant Wang. Good afternoon. It has been a while," Bai Renxiang said after she alighted from the car.

"It really has. My boss is waiting for you at the thirtieth floor," Wang Tingxiao informed.

"Alright then. Let us head in," she said before carefully shutting the door.

"Hmm. This wat please," Wang Tingxiao said and lead her into the building.

Bai Renxiang and Wang Tingxiao headed straight for the elevator once they got into the tall building. Wang Tingxiao pressed the number of the floor they were going to and after that, the door closed.

In just a minute, they heard a ding sound from the elevator and its door opened. Taking g the cue, the two of them stepped out and Wang Tingxiao continued leading the way. They walked for a short period of time before they came to a stop in front of a big black door with intricate gold designs.

Bai Renxiang was impressed by the designs and structure of tgr building. It seemed to all show a hint of... royalty in them. Anyway, it is as the name goes, Emperor's Palace Hotel.

"My boss is waiting for you inside. Please go in first. I have other pressing matters the boss wants me to take care of," Wang Tingxiao explained politely.

"Ii is alright. Thank you for at least guiding mW till the place. Do have a nice day ahead, Assistant Wang," sgr said with a slight smile on her face.

"The same goes to you, Ms Bai. I will go on first then. Good day," he bowed before turning on his heels and leaving.

After she was sure that Wang Tingxiao was out of sight and hearing, Bai Renxiang took in deep breaths to steady her heart and mind for the meeting. She had to make sure she was both mentally and physically ready to seat face to face wit Li Fengjin's handsomely distractive face.

After making sure she could go through the meeting, she placed her right hand on the door knob and twisted it down. Pulling the door open, she stepped into the room and lightly shut the door behind her.

Meanwhile, Li Fengjin who had his concentration on a document in his hands was disturbed by the opening and closing of the door. He diverted his eyes from the document to see who just came in.

Lo and behold, his dazzling blue eyes was bestowed with a bewitching fair lady standing by the door. Ms Bai's attire never cease to leave him captivated even mentally drooling at her heavenly beauty.

She was dressed in a white long sleeved T-shirt on a lilac office pants with a gold design belt around the waist. She had on a sleeveless matching kneel length coat, earrings and heels that seemed to be covered in sparkles. Her lips were coated with a nude coloured lip gloss and her thick black hair was let down to fall freely on her shoulders.

Bai Renxiang was truly a natural beauty. One that could make men enchanted. But from what he has observed in all their meetings, she likes to keep that beauty tone down. For what reason he was yet to find out but he was he would. But first, he needs to get her heart first. After that, every other thing can follow suite.

"Welcome Ms Bai. You arrived quite sooner than I had expected," he commented as he took unhurried steps towards her. Then he brought he hands forward for a handshake- something he dies everyone one they meet in disguise of professionalism. But deep did n, he just loved the feeling of having her little, soft and warm hands in his big, cold and also smooth hands.

Do not be surprised. Li Fengjin has never done any hard work by himself. Even if he has, they were very few he had done. So his hands can be smooth and can also be considered as soft.

"I was just around d the corner when I received your call," she said.

"Okay. Please having seat. Would you like a glass of water or juice or wine? I can ask someone to get it for you," Li Fengjin offers as he pulled a seat for her before he took his.

"No nothing. Thank you for offering. But I am actually in a hurry to meet someone," she politley declined and stated her reason for turning down his offer.

Bai Renxiang was also hinting that they needed to quickly solve whatever urgent issue there is and that she would not be staying longer to have lunch or dinner with him today. Li Fengjin being smart, got the message and smiled. thank without wasting anymore of her time, he stated the issue. He carried on an air of business even if he was kind of sad that she was hurrying to leave him to be with someone else. He still needs to respect her privacy... for now though.

They both of them buried themselves in solving the issue at hand that they did not notice the time. Bai Renxiang totally forgot that she had told her son to be patient while waiting for her. She even promised to hurry things up do that they could continue that outing- though it had not even started when Bai Renxiang got a call from Li Fengjin. But now, the little mid had a mind of his own.


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