Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 206 Can We Be Friends?



"Bai Xiaojin is what Yu Bao said true?" The teacher moved his gaze to Bai Xiaojin.

"Teacher Song, that is not the truth," Bai Xiaojin stated simply.

Teacher Song sighed again. He was expecting more details from the kid. How is he supposed to know who is lying and ego us not? Kids these days tend to deceive people with their words.

"Okay. If it is not the truth, can you tell me what happened then?" He asked.

"I was reading as you told us to when Yu Bao and his friend came to bother me. So I told them off," Bai Xiaojin said without beating around the bush.

"Really?" Teacher Song asked as he alternated his gaze between Yu Bao and Bai Xiaojin.

Teacher Song squinted his gaze more at You Bao. The Bai Xiaojin he knows, that new kid, never makes trouble. He had never heard any complaints about him since he arrived.

"That is not true. Teacher Song, Bai Xiaojin is lying. He knows you will believe him because he has been acting like a good and quiet boy but he is not. He proved it a few minutes ago," Yu Bao quickly said.

The children in the class were quite surprised at the way Yu Bao was turning things. But no one could voice out against him as they did not want his trouble. Meanwhile, Teacher Song was finding the two party's claim hard to discern the truth from the lie.

It could be that Bai Xiaojin had done such a thing since he had portrayed an innocent kid image since he came. What if he never did disturb the class? While in Yu Bao's case, he had been a troublemaker since day one. Just as he was contemplating things, another voice rang out in the class.

"Teacher Song, I also want to say something."

The whole class turned to the voice. He was the one who said Yu Bao got served. He had dark brown hair and eyes. He was always smiling and he was just the same height as Bai Xiaojin.

"Yes, Gu Mingzhe. Please speak up," the teacher said as he sat on his chair and leaned on his table with both hands folded under his jaw.

"I had my attention on them since the start. Bai Xiaojin was reading and Yu Bao walked from his seat to bother him like always. Only that this time Bai Xiaojin did not stay silent. As he said, he told them off," Gu Mingzhe said.

He shrugged his shoulders when he saw the glare Yu Bao sent his way. What Gu Mingzhe just testified was all that Teacher Song needed to hear to clear his doubts. He knew deep down that Bai Xiaojin would never disturb the class much less call someone names.

"Yu Bao, you have one last chance to say the truth," Teacher Song said while stressing every word. Yu Bao gulped in fear. Their teacher was angry. Although he seemed nice and always plays with them when he gets mad, it was bad. And one of the things that made him angry is dishonesty.

"I-It... It's true," Yu Bao admitted."

"Sigh. This is not the first time you are bothering others," Teacher Song said.

"But this time I only wanted to all to him. He called me names. He said I did not know who I am and he also said my daddy failed to tell me," Yu Bao tries to justify his words.

,m "That is not true and you know it. Why would you ask me if I know who you are? Besides, you were the one who talked about me not knowing my dad. Teacher Song also warned you about say g stuffs like that. So I treated you with your words," Bai Xiaojin said.

"Okay, that is all I need to hear from the two of you," Teacher Song shushed them.


"It is time for lunch. You can all go and play and have your lunch. As for Yu Bao and Meng Jue, the two of you will stay behind to reflect on your actions and words after you eat. Am I clear?'

"Yes, Teacher Song," they all choruses.

"Alright. Bless and eat your food and play safely."

Immediately he said those words left his lips, the kids rushed out of the class with their such books in hand and friends with them. Bai Xiaojin walked out of the class and headed straight for a good spot under the peach tree in the school's playground. On his way, he heard someone shout his name from behind him. It seems as if the person was running towards him because the voice got louder.

"Hey. Bai Xiaojin wait for me," Gu Mingzhe shouted. Even he got to where Bai Xiaojin stood he was a panting mess. He bent his back as he rested his two hands on his knee while trying to catch his breath.

"Jeez, why did you not stop when I called you in the first place?"

"What do you want from me? To make trouble like all the rest?" Bai Xiaojin asked as he continued walking.

"No, of course not. I was the one who supported you in class," Gu Mingzhe quickly corrected his words.

"Oh! Thank you then," was all Bai Xiaojin said before increasing his pace to the tree.

"Wait up. That is not why I followed you," Gu Mingzhe said and rushed after him.

Bai Xiaojin sat down on the fine grass and began to open his lunch box. Gu Mingzhe also sat with him and followed his movement. Seeing that the boy was not leaving, Bai Xiaojin turned to him with a questioning gaze.

"Why are you following me? What do you want? Look, I do not want trouble, okay?"

"Hey hold up. Who said anything about trouble and all that? I just wanted to say what you did to Yu Bao and his minion was cool."


"Can we be friends?"


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