Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 188 Unexpected Guest



Ye Chaoxiang examined Jiang Meilin and asked her some questions during the process. After the examination, he came to a final conclusion.

"Sigh. According to my examination..." He stalled and stared at the mother and daughter pair. His silence made Bai Renxiang to seat on edge. She was getting nervous about the outcome of the examination.

"There is nothing wrong with your mother Ms Bai. She is perfectly fine, hale and hearty," he said with a slight smile on his face.

"Oh my God. You scared me, Doctor Ye," Bai Renxiang let out the breath she was holding as she placed a hand on her chest.

"I am sorry about that," he apologized.

"No problem."

"Although your mother is alright, she still needs her proper rest. From what I know, she does not rest enough and overwork herself," he said.

Bai Renxiang looked at her mother as if saying 'I told you, didn't I?' Jiang Meilin just pursed her lips as she had nothing to say to justify herself anymore. Bai Xiaojin and the doctor have said it all.

"Just do as I told you back then. Let her drink plenty of water, take enough fruits and vegetables and make sure she gets maximum rest."

"Alright. Thank you for your time doctor," Jiang Meilin said as she and Bai Renxiang stood on their feet as an indication that they were leaving.

"You are highly welcomed ma'am."

"Thank you doctor Ye," Bai Renxiang said.

"You are welcome. Ah! Ms Bai!" He called before she left.

"Yes, doctor?" Bai Renxiang stopped and turned to face him.

"I was told you resigned from that restaurant," he said.

"Yeah. I did resign."

"Hmm. So you got a better job then?" He asked.

"Yes. Way better, if I must add."

"That is great. But we missed seeing your face. Especially Yang Chen and your ex-boss."

"Oh?! My regards to them then," Bai Renxiang said.

"Okay. Have a lovely day ahead."

"You too doctor. Good day," Bai Renxiang said and she finally left, closing the door behind her.

Meanwhile, Ye Chaoxiang could not hold his smile any longer. He wondered how jealous his friend will be once he gets to know that his mysterious woman came to the hospital today. Just as he was picturing Li Fengjin's jealous face, his phone rang. He looked at the name displayed on the screen and his smile widened.

"Speak of the devil and he will appear," Ye Chaoxiang said immediately after he picked up the call.

"Hey bro. You were missing me so badly that you even started talking about me? That is so touching," Li Fengjin jested.

"Pff.. in your dreams brother. In your dreams. Why the hell did you call me? You are ruining my mood after I just attended to a beautiful patient," Ye Chaoxiang said.

"Woo! Who is this beautiful patient that can make Ye Chaoxiang's mood to be good?"

"Take a guess,"

"Hmm. The guessing game, huh? Let me think... Is it that hot waitress at the restaurant?"

"Nope. But I wish she was the one."

"Who else then? She is the only hot lady I know that is in your boring life. She and your sister that is," Li Fengjin said.

"Yeah, whatever. Sigh. Well since you are clueless, I might as well just tell you," Ye Chaoxiang played.


"Hmm. I met with your lady. Ms Bai just left my office before you called. You missed her buddy," Ye Chaoxiang said.

"(Gasp) What? What was she doing there when I am heading over to her company?" Li Fengjin asked in surprise.

"Wait what? What company?" Ye Chaoxiang asked with furrowed brows.

"An! I forgot the tell, you guys. I partnered with a new company yesterday. It turned out that she, Bai Renxiang is the CEO of that company which is none other than Jiang's Corporation," Li Fengjin briefed him.

"Wow! No wonder she resigned from her two jobs. Now I also understand why she looked so beautiful and professional and kind of-"

"Dominating?" Li Fengjin completed his words.

"Yeah, something like that," Ye Chaoxiang agreed.

"Yeah. That's my woman," Li Fengjin said proudly.

"You are such a showoff."

"Call me whatever you want. It will not change anything. I have a goddess to meet. Talk to you later."

"Alright. Make sure to focus on the business and not her face," Ye Chaoxiang said before ending the call. Li Fengjin just shook his head with a smile plastered on his face.

"Boss! We have arrived," Wang Tingxiao said.

Li Fengjin looked out the window to see the tall building of Jiang Corporation standing proudly. He smiled softly as he remembered the fact that the woman he loves is handling this company.

"Alright let us go."


Meanwhile, Jiang Meilin and Bai Renxiang have gotten home. They went to the store first so that Shin and Shane will be aware of their arrival.

"Now that you have seen me home, you can go back to work now," Jiang Meilin said.

"You want me to leave quickly so that you can work and tire yourself out?" Bai Renxiang's eyed her mother suspiciously.

"No, my dear. It is not that," Jiang Meilin said.

"I am not a kid anymore, mum. I know you like the back of my palm. Just admit that you wanted to work in the grocery if I had left as you wanted."

"Okay fine. You got me," Jiang Meilin admitted.

"Better. Besides, I am not going to the company today. I will work from home so that I can monitor you," Bai Renxiang suddenly said.

"What?! How can you do that? I will not allow you to do that," Jiang Meilin declared.

"Whether you like it or not, I will stay at home to watch you and make sure that you do not-"

Ring!! Ring!!

The ringing of Bai Renxiang's phone interrupted what she was about to say. Jiang Meilin kept quiet as Bai Renxiang picked up the call.

"Hello, b-boss," Xia Xinyi's nervous voice rang out.

"Hello, Xia Xinyi. What is the matter? Why do you sound like that?" Bai Renxiang asked.

"Sound like what boss?" Xia Xinyi said in an almost whisper as she turned her head a little to see him staring at her. She immediately averted her eyes and gulped.

"Is everything okay Xinyi?" Bai Renxiang asked again.

"No-nothing. I just wanted to know where you are and when you intend to come to the office."

"Oh! I am not coming to the office today. Just send me some documents through email. I will work from home," Bai Renxiang informed her and looked at her mother's disappointed face and smiled mockingly at her.

"What?! You can't work from home. Not at this crucial time like this one," Xia Xinyi hurriedly said.

"Why? What do you mean by crucial time like this one? You better stop stalling and tell me what you are acting so weird," Bai Renxiang said in an authoritative voice.

"Gulp. You have a guest boss. A very important guest," Xia Xinyi said.

"Who is the important and unexpected guest?"

"Mr Li and his assistant are the guests."

"Sigh. Fine then. Tell them that would be with them soon. I just need to make sure everything stays put here at home," Bai Renxiang said.

"Oh alright. Please be quick, boss. Mr Li is staring at me as if I am hiding you or something," Xia Xinyi whispered.

"Hehehe. Relax. He will not bite because as far as I know, Mr Li is very cultured."

"Whatever you say, boss. Bye."

"Emergency call?" Jiang Meilin asked.

"Yes, and I guess you are very happy about it."

"Tsk. I am not," Jiang Meilin clicked her tongue and glared at Bai Renxiang.

"Well. I need to get going now. The business partner I told you about is at my office as we speak," Bai Renxiang said and walked to the car.

She paused on her track and turned to look at her mother.


"Yes, dear."

"Please go back home and rest. I beg of you," Bai Renxiang pleaded and entered the car.

"I hear you, dear. Work well and don't forget to eat at the appropriate time," Jiang Meilin said as she waved her.


Meanwhile, at Bai Renxiang's office, Xia Xinyi took in deep breaths after the call and turned to face Li Fengjin's poker face.

"Ahem. Mr Li, I have called my boss. She will be here soon. So please bear with us and wait a little more," Xia Xinyi said as she shifted her gaze from Li Fengjin said t his assistant, Wang Tingxiao.

"Alright." That was all Li Fengjin said as he took his phone out of his pocket to busy himself while he wait.

"Uhm... Is there anything the both of you would like to have while waiting.?A cup of coffee, wine or-

"Water. Just water would be fine. Thank you, " Li Fengjin said.

"Same for me," Wang Tingxiao said.

"Okay sir," Xia Xinyi said before hurrying to bring two bottles of water and two glass cups for them.

"Thank you."

"You are very much welcome."

After waiting for about thirty minutes, Bai Renxiang finally sauntered into the office.

"I am sorry for the wait." She said as her gaze landed on the godlike handsome man seated in her office with his long legs crossed like a king seated upon his throne. His all-black attire made him look more dominating than he ever was. To make matters worse for Bai Renxiang's innocent eyes, the first two buttons of his inner black shirt were left undone. He looked stunning and hot.


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