Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 153 Warning



As soon as Mrs Su left his office, her breathing was laboured. Her eyes were red and glaring. She felt like ripping someone's head off. She walked away and went straight to the car waiting beside the school gate for her.

The chauffeur quickly came down and opened the back seat door for her. Once Mrs Su sat, she threw her purse to her side and relaxed her head on the headrest of the seat.

"Drive straight home," she ordered as she massaged her temples from thinking about what the principal, Mr Tang said.

'What did he mean by offending Mr Jiang? What has Mr Jiang got to do with this whole issue?' She thought. This has started to stress her out. Just then, something struck her thoughts.

"Is that Ms Bai somehow related to Mr Jiang? As in 'Mr Jiang'?" She mumbled to herself.

"So that must be the reason why that stupid and corrupt Mr Kang accepted the kid back into the school." Mrs Su busied herself with her thoughts, not knowing the trouble that awaits her on her way.

It had not been up to an hour since they left the school. The car was moving steadily on a seldomly used road when they were cornered by four black cars, fully tinted. The driver acted quickly on reflex and stepped on the brakes to avoid collision with the black cars.

Mrs Su that had her eyes closed jerked forward, almost hitting her head on the back of the driver's seat. Her eyes were wide open with her hair scattered all over her face. That was a close call. She arranged her hair as she shouted at the driver.

"What is wrong with you? Have you lost your driving skills already? You almost had me killed," she kept on ranting and venting her anger on the poor driver that was still in shock himself.

He still kept his gaze on the black cars and saw how a man in black stepped out and opened the back door for someone, seemingly his boss. The driver could not believe whatnot rather whom he saw.

"Is that not young master Li?" He voiced out his thoughts, halting Mrs Su's rage and turning her mute and confused.

"What young master Li? Stop making up excuses for your idiotic actions. How can you see the young master of the Li dynasty? Quit daydreaming and drive me home," she complained.

Meanwhile, Li Fengjin came down as well as the other men in the three cars. As per his orders, they surrounded Mrs Su's car. Not understanding what was going on, she stepped out of her car and to her surprise, it was him. The young master of the Li dynasty stood proudly under the sun.

Li Fengjin took off his dark shade and walked straight up to the woman. He stared her down with a hint of disgust in his stare.

" g master Li what brings you here?" She asked what was on her mind in respect and carefulness of her words. She did not want to face the wrath of this man.

"Mrs Su it is not all places you poke your nose into," he started.

"I am sorry. I do not quite get what you are saying. What do you mean by that statement, young master Li?" Mrs Su asked with furrowed brows.

"I do not explain words to just anybody. Also, you do not need to understand because you know very well what I am talking about. Keep your hateful thoughts off of Ms Bai and her son. Mind yourself and the words you let out from that gutter you call a mouth," he said.

"If you cause any harm or touch a single strand from their hard, you might miss something on return. Have I made myself clear?" He spat put those threatening words as if he was talking about the weather.

Mrs Su nodded her head. She had even started trembling from his words. She could feel sweat droplets sliding down her spine. Li Fengjin walked away from her as he could no longer stand the strong smell of perfume she wore. So irritating.

"Be sure to walk a separate oath from Ms Bai and the boy or else," he left his words hanging as he believed that she had already gotten the warning the first time. Wang Tingxiao looked back at the woman in pity. She should have let things be after Ms Bai withdrew her son from his previous school.

"Mrs Su that is a warning from my boss. You better heed his words. My boss is very protective and unpredictable. Have a good day Mrs Su," he left her those words before he hurried to Li Fengjin and they all continued their journey to Bai Xiaojin's school.

Even after they left, Mrs So remained in the same spot she was when Li Fengjin spoke to her. She could not get over the terrifying aura he emitted earlier. Who would have thought that Ms Bai would have so many powerful people backing her and her son? Mrs Su staggered backwards and rested on the car. She held her head due to the aching she was feeling in her head.

"Madam are you alright? Should I bring you to the hospital?" The driver asked after coming out from his shock. The wife of his boss, his madam, has just received a very sound and heart frightening threat from the young master of the Li dynasty.

"No, I am okay. Let is go home. Take me back to the house now," she said still in a daze. The driver opened the door for her to step into the car. Mrs Su took a last glance at the place where Li Fengjin had parked his car and where he stood to warn her before she entered the car and the driver drove the car back to the Su's residence. She had received the warning. She would not be stupid enough to do otherwise.


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