Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 146 Revenge



"Hey watch out," Ning Xiaozhi shouted.


"Aaahhh!!" She screamed when she saw the rod swinging towards Ye Chaoxiang's direction.

Ye Chaoxiang cursed mentally at his lack of alertness. But there is no way he is going to let that rod touch him. So on impulse, he use his strength to quickly turn the guy holding him so that they were now in each other's position and.



He screamed in pain. He had received the hit from the rod in place of Ye Chaoxiang. The third guy with the rod had his eyes wide at the outcome. His surbodinate was severely injured because of him. He dropped his rod in attempt to rush up to him, but Ye Chaoxiang was not going to let him slide.

"Tsk tsk. Take it from me. You should never allow yourself to be distracted when you are in a fight," he advised before landing a heavy punch on the guy's face.

That one punch is enough to send him unconscious. Ye Chaoxiang let out silent sigh of relief. That just now was a close call. A very very close one. Then he heard a clapping sound from behind him. He turned around to see the cowardly leader smiling stupidly as he clapped away.

*Clap clap clap*

"That is very impressive dude," he said.

"You do not need to say it. I know how awesome I am."


Who shamelessly accepts a compliment and that too from an enemy. This guy is really something.

,m "Are you scared now? I really need to take care of that beautiful woman you hit and you are wasting my time," Ye Chaoxiang said as he checked his wristwatch for the time. Meanwhile, Ning Xiaozhi could not help but blush at his remarks. He thinks she is beautiful. That is great news for Ning Xiaozhi. Enough to cool down the stinging on her cheek for a few seconds before it started again.

"Let me wipe that proud talk off of your lips," then he attacked.

Punches to the left and right, flying kicks, jabs and strikes with an uppercuts. Ye Chaoxiang avoided all those effortlessly and landed brutal punches on the man's ribs, face and abdomen. Blood flew out of the leader's mouth.

He had begun to see stars but Ye Chaoxiang was not yet satisfied. He yanked hard on the man's hair and dragged him to Ning Xiaozhi. Ning Xiaozhi was perplexed at his actions. She took two steps away from them.

"Stop being scared of this imbecile. I brought him to you for revenge. Hit him with twice the amount of strength he hit you with. On the same place," Ye Chaoxiang pointed to the man's left cheek.

The man trembled in fear. He shook his head and struggled to break free from Ye Chaoxiang's grip. But all his efforts were futile. Instead, Ye Chaoxiang tightened his grip more and turned his left cheek to face Ning Xiaozhi.

"Hiss. Aahh. Please...please spare me. I will never do it again. Please have mercy on me. Please," he begged.

"Now is not the time to let down your ego. Brace yourself like a man and bravely received the slap. There would be not next time for you to think if you should do it again or not," he reprimanded the leader and turned to her.

"Do it," he coaxed her into getting her revenge for the pain.

Ning Xiaozhi looked at the man and then to Ye Chaoxiang. He gave her an assured smile. Being assured, she steeled herself.


She landed a slap on the man's awaiting face. Ye Chaoxiang smiled like a proud teacher that was happy that his student could learn a certain move he had been teaching.

"Make sure your path never cross hers. If you see her coming the same way as you, you follow somewhere else. Am I clear?" He bellowed.

"Ye-yes sir. Very clear," he nodded vigorously.

Ye Chaoxiang threw him aside. He sighed and turned back to Ning Xiaozhi.

"Does your cheek still hurt?" He asked.

"No, it does not," he answered absentmindedly. Ye Chaoxiang lightly touched the inflammed part on her left cheek and she winced.

"Now that is better. At least I know you are still in pain, lair. Tsk. Follow me."

He grabbed her purse that was on the floor and her hands and moved. Ning Xiaozhi winced again gaining his attention.

"What? Are you hurt anywhere else?" He asked with pure concern laced in his voice.

"It is nothing. My ankle just hurt a little from the fall earlier," she said in a small voice.

"Thank you for saving me. Do not worry. I can just walk home. My house is not that far from here," she collected her purse and bowed.

"Thank you for helping once again. I will treat you when you come to the restaurant next time," she smiled before limping away from him.

Ye Chaoxiang sighed as he shook his head. She is definitely not okay and she is busy putting bup a painless front in front of him.

"Women are so complicated. For Christ's sake, can she not just obediently follow me to a nearby pharmacy? Argh forget it," he took long strides towards and before she could process her thoughts, her legs were no longer on the ground. To avoid falling butt flat on the ground she quickly wound her hands around his neck.

"What are you doing? Please put me down. I..I can walk on my own. You do not have to carry me," she protested and looked up at him.

She froze instantly. His eyes freezed her. It left no room for arguments. Her face heated up because of his intent state. She quickly averted her gaze away from his.


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