Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 140 Hit The Jackpot



"Fang are you sure that he is the one? I mean you are not mistaken right?" She asked again in case she heard wrong the first time. How can Li Fengjin be the person her stepsister, Bai Renxiang slept with? It cannot be possible.

"No, I am not mistaken. The CEO of Emperor's Enterprise is the one she slept with," he confirmed his words.

"Oh my God. This is not what I wanted to hear," she mumbled.

"What did you say? I am sorry. I did not quiet catch you there. Please repeat what you said," Fang said.

"It is nothing. Forget about it. Anything else. Did you find anything else other than this?" She asked.

"Yes, I did," he replied.

"Okay. What else did you find? Be quick I have work to do," she urged him.

"It turns out that Li Fengjin did not know the woman he seemed to have spent the night with."

"What do you mean by he did not know who the woman he slept with is a?" Bai Ming asked on confusion. Her brows furrowing as she wondered how a person would not know who he had an intimate relationship with.

"He was very drunk that night so he was not aware of the identity of the person. And there is good news," Fang said.

"What good news?"

"Up untill date, it appears that he does not still know about the person. He is searching for her," Fang added.

Bai Ming's face that was pale had began to regain its colour. Her angry and shocked eyes were now replaced the happy and excited ones. She stood up in glee at the news.

"Well that is indeed great news, Fang. I must say you did a job well done," she complimented his research.

"What can I say Ms Bai? You hired a capable hand. Thank you for your kind words."

"Alright then. I will need to hang up now. I will call you some other time so that I will tell you the next thing you should do."

"Aye madam. Have a good day," he said.

"Hmm. Same to you," Bai Ming said before she ended the call.

Looks like things were not turning out to be as bad as she thought it would be. Her stepsister slept with the most eligible and wealthy banchelor. Bai Renxiang had hit the jackpot. She could not help but feel jealous at her stepsisters good luck.

But Bai Ming would not let her have this one. She would make sure that Bai Renxiang continues to suffer. She, Bai Ming would make sure that Bai Renxiang would not have a chance to have the lottery, Li Fengjin.

If Li Fengjin finds Bai Renxiang, it would be hard for her to deal with her. Bai Renxiang might even use Li Fengjin's influence if they end up together, to steal her inheritance. If that happens, she and her mother would suffer.

But all these are ifs. She will not let that happen. She will not let Bai Renxiang ruin her life for the second time. She will not allow Bai Renxiang to destroy what she had suffered to build up.


After sorting out her thoughts and calming her almost ranging self, she went to seat back on her chair. She rubbed her hands on her face gently and clutched lightly on her hair. She picked up her phone again and dailed a number and waited for the call to get connected.

"Hello Mingming," Mrs Lin Ying's voice rang out.

"Hey mum. Afternoon," Bai Ming's dull voice surprised Lin Ying.

"Honey what happened? Is something wrong? Did anything happen to you at the office? Did anyone bully you?" Lin Ying bombarded her with loads of questions.

"Nothing happened. I just got news," she said.

"What news? News about what and from whom?"

"News about that stupid Bai Renxiang and it iwas from Fang."

"From Fang? About Bai Renxiang? Oh my! What did he say? Have he found out anything?" She asked.

"Yes mum. He found something and it is very very unimaginable."

"Okay. I am all ears. Carry on."

"Sigh. After we discovered from Fang, the investigator I hired, about Bai Renxiang's whereabouts and her child, I asked him to find out who she slept with that but ght when she was supposed to meet Mr Bryan," she made a deliberate pause.

"Uh huh. Go on. I am listening," Lin Ying probed further.

"Well he did and the person she slept with is the CEO of Emperor's Enterprise, Li Fengjin," she said.

"WHAT?!! Li Fengjin? Are you seriously being serious right now?" Lin Ying's eyes popped. How is that possible? It is not supposed to be possible.

"Do I found like I am joking right now? I am drop dead serious. Even I did not believe my ears when Fang told me. It felt so.... argh. I do not even know what to say," she groaned. Recalling the news and telling her mother made her once angry self to resurface.

"Relax honey. We just have to come up with something quickly," Lin Ying tried to calm her angry daughter down.

"I know mum. I have those ght of something. Fang told me that based on his investigation, Li Fengjin does not know the identity of the woman he slept with because he was drunk on that night. So I thought about preventing him from finding her. In that way, she would not have anyone powerful to back her up when she comes to fight over the inheritance," she explained her plans to her mother.

"Yes. That is a very good idea. A brilliant one at that. Since you know what to do, relax. It is not the time to fine over your stepsister, okay? But.. my God. She really did it this time and that too with such a powerful man. She has win a grand lottery but she is not aware of it," Lin Ying could not help but say.

"That sl*t hit a jackpot, mum. We have to be very careful with whatever we do and how we do things. Li Fengjin is looking for her. So if we are going to prevent him from finding her byaybr hindering his searched, then we have to make sure he does not feel nds our or trace everything to us," she reasoned.

Li Fengjin is a very powerful personality. If he discovers that they are stopping him from finding the woman he slept with, trouble will be brewing. He may even want to find out their purpose and once he knows, it will not even snap his fingers for them to disappear. Just one word and they might be wiped out of existence.

"I know dear. But why is he looking for her? He should not be so bothered by looking for a woman who brought herself to him, right?" She wondered. He could easily get another girl for himself. So why take the trouble and time to find Bai Renxiang?

"Oh mum. You are so old. Things are changing by the day. All men are the same. They like to keep women that can satisfy them. Especially if she knows what he wants,"she paused.

"Maybe that is the reason why he is looking for her. He is afterall a playboy, remember?" She said.

"Ahem. Right. I remember. How come you know all these things?" Lin Ying asked.

"Duh! There are girls everywhere and men who chases after pleasure. Back when I was still in the entertainment industry, rich men only help some of those famous actress if they can properly serve them well in I heard actually. That is how I know," she answered truthfully.

"That is another reason why men keep mistresses too," she added.

Unknown to her, her words hit her mother pretty bad. Lin Ying could remember that that was the reason why Bai Guiren cheated on Jiang Meilin. To him, the young her was way better than his wife back then. So he would always visit her and spend lavishly on her with money.

So hearing her daughter say that made her cringe a little. Although she did not regret sticking to him back then. It was Jiang Meilin's fault for not knowing how to keep her man and let him be taken away from her.

"Alright. Just relax and do your work or call Feng Yisheng. Seeing him my ght relief your stress," she said.

"Stop teasing me mum. Alright mum. I still have some work left to do. I will see you at home," she said.

"Okay honey. Take care of yourself, okay? Bye."

"Bye mum." Bai Ming dropped her phone on the desk and let out a long sigh as she relaxed her back on the chair. She was giving a project to handle today and she needed to come up with a nice presentation before the end of the week. She has to impress everyone with her idea.

Bai Ming began to work on her presentation pushing the thought of how to prevent Li Fengjin from finding Bai Renxiang at the back of her mind. If only she that Li Fengjin had already found the woman her slept with, she would have been in a frenzy by now. Looks like Fang is not so good as he said he is.


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