Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 103 Accept It



"Grandpa said he has being thinking about it. He told me that he had asked you but you did not want anything to do with it so he wants me to do it." Bai Renxiang beat around the bush.

"Oh come on. Quit stalling already. What is it that he wants you to do?"

After a few seconds of silence, Bai Renxiang sighed and said, " Grandpa wants me to be the CEO of Jiang's Corporation."


" father, your grandfather wants you to be the CEO of Jiang's Corporation? His company?" Jiang Meilin repeated the question to make sure she heard the right thing.

"Yes, mum."

There was a moment of silence after Bai Renxiang's response. Bai Renxiang noticed that her mother seemed to be in deep thoughts.

Meanwhile, Jiang Meilin's mind went back in memory lane.



​ "Come in," Jiang Weilong of mid-forties spoke when he heard the knock on the door of his study room.

In came Jiang Meilin of twenty-one years old. She was wearing a yellow flare dress with floral design on it. Her hair was let down in curls as it rested on her back.

Jiang Weilong smiled brightly when he saw who it was that entered his study.

"Dad you sent for me," Jiang Meilin returned his smile as she walked further into the room.

"Yes yes, I did. Have seat. I need to discuss something with you," he gestured to the seat opposite his, behind the desk.

"What do you want to discuss dad?"

Jiang Weilong remained silent for some time. His expression had turned stoic. It made Jiang Meilin shift uncomfortably in her chair.

"Jiang Meilin, I want you to lead Jiang's Corporation after me, as the next heir," Jiang Weilong suddenly said.

It shocked Jiang Meilin at first but it was expected. She had been preparing her mind for this ever since she over heard her father and uncle talking or rather arguing about it before.

"You are educationally prepared for it and if not, I will make arrangements for you to study abroad before you take over," he laid his sentences out in a straightforward manner.

"I understand dad," Jiang Meilin nodded.

"You do?" He asked in doubt.

"Yes, I do. But....I can't."

"I could see that coming. Why? If I may ask."

"It is because being a CEO is too stressful. And besides, I do not want to be caught between a battle of our family. I mean, uncle does not want me to take over the company because I am not you and mum's blood," Jiang Meilin said in a relaxed manner.

"But your mother and I see you as one. Our own flesh and blood. Also, it dies not matter what your uncle says. It is only normal that as the first born son, my child gets to inherit the company after me," he stayed a fact.

"Yes, I know. But I am not really your child. You and mum adopted me. No offense dad," she quickly apologized for that.

"None taken."

"Finally, I want to live be a life that does not involve too many responsibilities and I told you of my dream of becoming a renowned chef," Jiang Meilin stated her final reason.

After some time, Jiang Meilin walked out of the study room. But things did not end there.

The next day, Jiang Meilin was no where to be seen. She had left home.

It left Jiang Weilong in despair. He wondered and thought of an answer to the question of why she left.

He let her do what she wanted and never pressured her for anything. Not even to take over the company. So why?

That question was later answered when he discovered that she got married with that stupid douchebag called Bai Guiren.

**Flashback Ends**

"Mum! Mum?" Bai Renxiang shook her mother's shoulder lightly to bring her out of whatever thought she was having.

"Huh yes. What is it?" Jiang Meilin jolted in shock.

"Jeez mum. What are you day dreaming about? I have been calling out to you," Bai Renxiang asked.

"Oh I am sorry. I just.... Nevermind," she avoided the question.

"So what did you say about the offer? Did you accepted it?"

"No, I did not. I told him what I told him when he asked before which is no. I had told him that I did not want to get involved in any family business and fight and all that," she explained.

"But..." Jiang Meilin said the word that she had noticed may be hanging on her daughter's tongue.

"Sigh. But now I am starting to think twice about it," she admitted.

"Okay. Do you think you are ready for it? Do you think you can handle being CEO of a huge company?" Jiang Meilin asked the question that anyone would ask if Bai Renxiang tells them.

"I do not know. I handled quiet a lot when I was in Bai Jewelries, but not as much as a CEO. Also, grandpa told me that he will put me through and help me when I needed it," she said it as if she was trying to assure of herself than answering her mother.

"Yes and there is also Charlie. He had been with your grandpa for over five years, according to what dad told me."

"True. So what do I do mum? Should I accept it? Grandpa also said that if I do not, I should think of Xiaojin," Bai Renxiang added.

"Hmm. Dad really knows his way around things. I for one as your mother, think you should accept the offer that he proposed," Jiang Meilin suggested.

"You really really think so? I mean I think so too but I am not so sure," Bai Renxiang muttered.

"Hmm. From The looks of everything, you want this offer. Deep down inside of you, you know you can handle it. But because of your past experience you feel reluctant to accept it," Jiang Meilin spoke the truth.


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