Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 28

This was the first time Ping ever felt this kind of dilemma in all her years of being a carnivore! Han smelled like a waking talking buffet! Everything about him was screaming at her to take a bite from him!

She looked at him again and instead of seeing a man there she saw a fried chicken!

Ping put her hand up to her face and turned around. What was happening to her!?

Han saw Ping turn around and he felt even more pride in himself. This girl was too cute! Did she never see a man’s body before!? He didn’t mind if she looked at all! He got to see her own so it was only fair!

Han hung his shirt and trousers beside the fire and sighed as he sat down in front of it. The night was pretty cold so the warmth of the fire was welcome. Ping sat down a little far from him and Han wondered why she was suddenly acting so shy. Did they not say there was no dignity in this period?

He shrugged and looked back at the fire. He still had to go out later tonight once his clothes dried. Ping already ate some of the zombies but he hadn’t eaten anything since he came here. He had to find food and water for them to survive for a short time.

“Rina never stopped talking about you”

Ping suddenly said this while looking into the fire. Han noticed how serious her expression was and figured she was remembering something painful. He didn’t want to hear about what his sister went through. It was already hard enough knowing he was never there for her.

But he still listened.

“She would tell me about how the two of you were inseparable whenever we were resting. No matter when or where we were you were the only thing she thought about. After a while, it even became a bit annoying because I knew more about you than myself. But I think she still hoped you would save us,”

Han looked away from her. He shouldn’t be feeling bad about this! This wasn’t him they were talking about, it was another him that he never even knew! But he still felt really bad. Was he really that shitty type of brother?

Han stood up because he did not want to talk about this again. He was running away like a coward and he was proud of it.

“I have to go get some food. I will bring back some zombies as well so just wait here”

Han grabbed his clothes from the fire. They were not completely dry but he did not care. He just wanted to get out of here. He threw them on and then leaped out the window of the story building to the ground.

Ping’s eyes widened when she saw Han jump through the window. This was the fifth floor!!! She ran to the window and looked down to see how badly he was injured but she was shocked when she only saw a figure running into the darkness. What sort of strength can survive a drop from a five-story building!?

Han ran across the east to see if he could find any convenience stores around. He would also need to find a way to carry the goods back with him. Carrying food and fighting zombies at the same time was not something Han was confident enough to do.

He slashed his combat knife across the throat of a zombie and then plunged the blade deep into its head. The zombie gurgled and then fell to the ground before Han retracted the blade.

It was already night in the east so the zombies were far slower than they were in the morning? Han has already taken down about a hundred of them but he still hasn’t seen any convenience stores around. Did the people in this place not eat food!?

“Search every house and every alley! I want to have that carnivore no matter what! We will not let her escape!”

Han quickly hid inside an alley as a man ran past. That voice right now was Rin Woo’s. Did they already get here!? Han looked out from the alley and saw there was no one? The man already turned the corner up ahead. He had to warn Ping now. The food would have to wait!


A stone dropped into Han’s stomach as he felt a gun at the back of his head. He did not even hear the person come up to him! He turned around slowly and his eyes widened when he saw Rin Woo holding the gun.

Rin Woo was now sure this man recognized her. She has been trying to find out who he was all this time but she couldn’t place his face with any of the people she met before. But now that his eyes widened in recognition, she was sure he met her at least once.

“If you move then I’ll end you. I’m only going to ask you these questions and you will nod if it is true. Do you understand?”

Han narrowed his eyes at the woman. He was not a fan of being told what to do. But the gun was dangerous enough for him to obey for now. He didn’t think he could dodge a bullet yet.

Han nodded his head and Rin Woo visibly preened.

“You are not from here, are you?”

Han nodded positively.

“Is the carnivore forcing you to follow her?”

Han shook his head and Rin Woo frowned. Did this man seek death! Why would he lie to her? There can never be a human that would follow a carnivore willingly. They were all evil and cruel animals!

“You don’t have to be afraid! We will not let her hurt you again! Did she force you to go with her?”

Han shook his head again

Rin Woo frowned even deeper. This man has been brainwashed by that carnivore! She decided to change her tactic.

“Just now, you recognized me, didn’t you? Have you met me before?”

Han nodded positively. Rin Woo was immediately interested. This man that she recognized also knew her, maybe she could use that to make him follow her. If he still resisted then she will be forced to use force but she did not want to hurt a human.

“Then where did we meet before?”

Han was motionless. Did this woman not say he could only respond with nods. What a troublesome person. Should he tell her where he once met her or should he lie? Han decided there was no harm in telling her where he met her, it was unlikely she remembered a meeting from five years ago. She was probably just mistaking him for someone else because of his mask.

“We met five years ago for a meeting. You wanted to install some home appliances in my estate. I almost refused but you were very adamant. It will not be wrong to say you were my first business partner”

As Han spoke he noticed how Rin Woo’s face got paler and paler. Her hands began to shake and she immediately took a step back from him. Did he say something wrong?

Rin Woo looked sick. She couldn’t believe it! He was one of them! Her hand immediately dropped and then she did something that Han never thought he would see her do! She fell to her knees and bowed with her head to the ground!

“I’m sorry! I’m so sorry for everything!”

Han was too shocked to even move! What in the world was this woman doing!?

“I never meant to hurt anyone! I never meant to do it! Please! Please forgive me!”

Rin Woo was crying and shouting all this and Han was just standing there with his eyes wide. He was about to force the woman to get up but a bright light suddenly shone in his face.

“Hey! What are you doing to Commander Rin! Get him!”

A group of men that Han did not have any intention of fighting suddenly ran forward to attack him. Rin Woo shot to her feet and faced the men head-on. She did not want any harm to come to Han. Han used the momentary hesitation of the men to run into a side alley and disappear into the next street.

The man wanted to chase after him but Rin Woo immediately cornered them.

“Stop right now! No harm is to come to that man no matter what! If Anybody harms him they will have to answer to me!”

The elite squad all stopped and stared at her in shock. Their commander was acting very weird. They thought the orders from above were to capture or kill anyone associated with carnivores.

Rin Woo looked in the direction that Han ran and she cursed herself for letting him run away! She has a perfect chance to save him and she was too busy crying on the ground! Next time she met him she will surely save him from that carnivore! After everything she did to him, it was the least she could do.


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