Pick Up the Rejected Pure Love

Chapter 61: The Bet

Chapter 61: The Bet

Alright, time to switch seats, dont you think? Lets make some progress and just shuffle seats randomly with the program.

At the teachers words, I sneaked a glance at Eun-ha, who had her eyes closed, and hands clasped together. I couldnt help but let out a small chuckle at her sight.

How many clicks should I make? Three?

Teacher, since its May, lets do it five times~

Alright, Ill click five times~ No complaints later, okay?


I silently watch the laptop screen projected onto the classroom display. As the teacher clicks the mouse, the students names shuffle around.

When the seating arrangement was finally settled, the students eagerly searched for their names. Some groan in dismay, while others beamed with joy.

Ah, Teacher, please click it one more time!

Didnt I say no take-backs?

I too look for my name on the screen. I found it in the center of the third row. Naturally, I check whos sitting next to me.


I blinked in disbelief at the clear writing Shin Eun-ha. Rubbing my eyes and checking again, I confirmed that Eun-ha was indeed my partner. It was a moment of secret joy at such a coincidence.

Wow! Yes!

With the sound of a chair dragging, someone stands up. It was Eun-ha, clenching her fist in excitement, seemingly thrilled.

I turned my head away, biting my lip to suppress my laughter. She was just so cute and lovely.

Eun-ha, its okay to be happy, but try to keep it in your heart, okay?


Immediately, the homeroom teachers warning flied at her, and Eun-Ha sat back down, her face flushing.

Ah... so cute.

Are you talking about me?

Yujin, sitting beside me, teased.

  1. 20 Charming Pickup Lines for Book L...

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Would it be? Obviously, its about Eun-ha.

Ah, it was fun being Han-gyeols partner. Too bad.

If anyone sees it, they would think we were parting ways forever. Lets just move to our new seats.

Such a Cold-hearted person...

I enjoyed it too.

One by one, the students began to rise and move to their new seats.

I bid farewell to Yujin and quickly moved to sit next to Eun-ha.

Our eyes met as she approached with a beaming smile, carrying her belongings.

Are you that happy about being partners?

I-its embarrassing... but yes, Im really happy.

It shows.

Do you not like it?

I like it too.

After I sat down, Eun-ha followed suit. For a moment, we just looked at each other, exchanging silent glances.

Lets get along well.

Im counting on you too, Han-gyeol.

Alright, everyone, enough chatting. Shall we start the lesson?

Hiding our fluttering hearts, we focused on the lesson. Eun-ha looked beautiful, quietly listening and flipping through the textbook. Whenever our eyes met, she would give a bright smile.

Just having Eun-ha beside me made the class more enjoyable.

I wanted to playfully interact with her, but I couldnt during class, nor did I want to disrupt her studies. However, as soon as the class ended, Eun-ha quickly turned towards me.

Han-gyeol, Han-gyeol. Wanna go to the canteen?

Isnt it lunchtime after the next period?

Just thought we could celebrate being partners again with a drink or something.

A celebration drink? Thats fun. Lets go.

We left the classroom and headed to the canteen.

I hope we dont have to change seats again.

Me too. But I keep wanting to be playful with you during class.

Same here. Still, we have to focus on our studies, so lets just hold back a bit.

I enjoyed sharing notes with you at the beginning of the semester.

Yeah, that was fun for me too.

Sharing these light-hearted moments, we soon arrived at the canteen.

Eun-ha got orange juice, and I chose apple juice, then we headed back to the classroom.

Ah- By the way, what is in our 4th period?

Calculus, I think? The math teacher will probably ask you to solve a problem again.

Because of Yujin, Im always the one getting picked on.

But you solve every problem without a single mistake.

Itd be embarrassing if I didnt.

Its cool how you solve them so easily.

Really? Ill do my best then.

Get it wrong sometimes, okay?


It might make you look cool to other girls too.

Eun-has cute jealousy almost made me spit out my apple juice with a chuckle.

Youre jealous in such a cute way?

How great would it be if you were cool and handsome just for me?

Actually, I think I only look cool and handsome to Eun-ha.

Thats not true. Han-gyeol, youre objectively handsome and cool.

Thanks for the compliment. But you know, Eun-ha, youre objectively pretty and cute too.

No, well... you dont need to compliment me too.

Her bashful reaction was incredibly adorable. We arrived at the classroom and took our seats just as the bell rang.

Right on time, the math teacher entered.

He glanced at the seating chart attached to the podium, looking puzzled.

Did you guys change seats?

Yes. During the third period.

Wheres Newton?

Here, I am.

Oh, really? Whats this? Are you two partners now?

Yes. We were lucky.

The math teacher then turned to Eun-ha.

Newtons girlfriend, are you happy about this?

Me?! Yes, Im really happy.

Oh...?! Thats...

Eun-Has candid response seemed to slightly fluster the teacher.

Haa...! Lets just get on with the lesson. Everyone, open your books.


After math class and lunch, we returned to the classroom.

Han-gyeol, I got a text from Hyun-joo unnie. You know about the Korean tutoring you wanted...

Oh, right. She said shed ask for me.

What should we do? The tutor said they dont have any openings, so it might be difficult for you to get a spot.

Then it cant be helped. Tell Hyun-joo Noona Im thankful she looked into it for me.

It seemed like I would have to find a Korean tutor or a language academy myself.

I wanted to find one before the June mock exams, but it looked like I should start searching now. Tutoring seemed difficult, so an academy might be the better option.

Hey, Han-gyeol.

Yeah, whats up?

If its okay with you, maybe I could teach you Korean?

Eun-ha? No, I dont want to take away from your study time.

I firmly declined Eun-has offer.

Think of it as a date. Just until the June mock exams!

I appreciate the thought, Eun-ha, but I cant. Ive been focusing more on Korean since the midterms, so Ill do well in the mock exams.

I just want to be of some help to you.

You already are. Just helping me out with the questions I dont know is enough.

I felt bad for continuously rejecting Eun-has kindness, but it just wasnt feasible. However, Eun-ha didnt seem to give up easily.

Then lets make a bet.

A bet? What kind of bet?

We have about three weeks until the June mock exams, right?

Yeah, thats right. Are you suggesting we bet on our grades?

It wasnt a bet I was eager to accept.

Yeah. For the next three weeks, Ill help Han-gyeol with his Korean studies.

Ah, Eun-ha, Ive already said I dont want to take away from your study time.

Youre worried about my grades dropping, arent you?

Its not just about grades dropping; Im also worried about your grades not improving as much as they could.

Then lets do this.

Eun-ha firmly grasped my hand and proposed.

For the remaining three weeks until the June mock exams, Ill help you with Korean twice a week. If your Korean grades dont improve, then youll have to look for a tutor or join a language academy. But, theres one condition.

Whats that?

If your Korean grades improve, but my grades drop or dont improve, then youll still look for a tutor or a language academy. In other words, if its not a win-win situation, I lose. But if it is a win-win, then youll continue learning Korean from me.

It was a tempting offer, but I still didnt want to take away Eun-has time.

Of course, it would be great if both our grades improved, but I didnt want to overburden her.

Still not keen on it?

Han-gyeol, I know you dont want to take away my time, and I really appreciate that. But as your girlfriend, I want to help you. Its not about being stubborn. I promise not to neglect my studies or overdo it. So please, trust me, and let me help you for these three weeks.

It was hard to refuse Eun-has earnest request. As I hesitated, Eun-ha continued to press on.

What if our roles were reversed, Han-gyeol? What would you have done?

Huh? If the roles were reversed...?

I might have insisted on helping Eun-ha in any way I could.

You would have helped me, right?

I nodded silently.

Han-gyeols feelings for me arent much different from mine for him. Thats why I want to help. If it were me, Han-gyeol would have definitely helped. So now, in this situation, the first thing I want to do is to help Han-gyeol. Ill ask one last time. Im not forcing you. Can I help you for just these three weeks?

It was hard to refuse when she put it like that... But I couldnt just accept her condition as it was.

I have a condition too.

What is it? Tell me.

The criterion for improvement in Korean is based on my Korean grade reaching 1st grade. And its the same for Eun-Ha; your math grade also needs to be 1st grade. If either of us fails to achieve this, Ill look for a tutor or an academy instead of relying on Eun-ha.

Eun-ha looked into my eyes for a moment and then nodded.

Okay. Han-gyeols Korean at 1st grade, and my math at 1st grade. I accept.

So much for dates for the next three weeks.

Wait, could tutoring be considered a date?

--- The End OF The Chapter ---

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