Pick Up the Rejected Pure Love

Chapter 54: Gaze

Chapter 54: Gaze

“Alright, everyone has worked hard for the midterms. But don’t let your guard down too much, and prepare for the June mock exams intermittently~ That’s all. You can head home.”

Finally, the midterms were over.

I thought I did fairly well on the last exam.

Above all, my calculus score had improved significantly.

“Eun-ha, now that exams are over, what will you do?”

Harim, who was sitting next to me, asked.

I answered while packing my bag.

“I’m going to the amusement park with Han-gyeol.”

“What, the amusement park?”

“Yeah, why?”

“Which amusement park are you headed to? Jamsil?”

“Yes, it’s the closest one. Why?”

“Nothing, just asking. Have fun!”

“Thanks, Harim. You’ve worked hard too. See you tomorrow!”

I slung my bag over my shoulder and headed straight to Han-gyeol’s seat.

Han-gyeol was also packing up and waiting for me.

“Should we eat in the cafeteria before going?”

“We might buy snacks there, so let’s just head straight.”

“Alright then, let’s go.”


Han-gyeol and I left the school immediately.

We took the bus and arrived at the subway station.

Going to the amusement park with Han-gyeol.

I couldn’t help but keep smiling.

“You seem so happy?”

“Yes. Exams are over and now we can fully enjoy our date.”

“I’m happy too. But Eun-ha, are you good with rides?”

“I handle all of them pretty well. What about you, Han-gyeol? Any you can’t take?”

“I’m a bit scared of the Gyro Drop.”


“When it drops, it feels like my heart stops.”

“Exactly! It feels like your heart will stop right before you hit the ground?”

“That sense of not knowing when you’ll drop... it’s terrifying.”

“Right, it gives you chills. But that’s the thrill. I’ve loved it since I was young.”

Han-gyeol widened his eyes, staring at me intently.

“Eun-ha, you’re scarier.”

“Huh? Why?”

I had a hard time grasping what he found so frightening.

We had booked our tickets online, so upon exiting at Jamsil Station, we headed straight for the entrance.

“I hope it’s not crowded.”

“True. Other schools have finished their exams too.”

We fervently hoped for fewer people as we took the escalator up.

“Oh- Han-gyeol! It seems pretty empty, right?”

“Indeed. We’ve hit the jackpot.”

The inside of the amusement park was quieter than expected. More people might arrive later, but for now, it was nearly vacant. This was no time to leisurely soak in the emptiness.

“Han-gyeol! Let’s go on the flume ride, quick!”

“Seems like we can take it slow, though?”

“No way. We need to enjoy all the fun rides while it’s empty.”

“You’re really in combat mode.”

“Come on, let’s go. Hand!”

I extended my hand, and Han-gyeol held it tightly. We made our way straight to the flume ride queue. Thankfully, the line wasn’t long. It looked like a 15-minute wait at most.

“I’ve never seen it this empty before.”

“After this, which ride should we try next?”

“Let’s start indoors with the ‘French Revolution’ and ‘Pharaoh’s Wrath’. Afterward, we’ll head outside for ‘Atlantis’, ‘Gyro Drop’, and ‘Gyro Swing’. Then, back inside to grab some food.”

“You seem super excited. Is it that fun?”

“Yes, super fun. And it’s even better with you, Han-gyeol.”

I hadn’t realized how exhilarating it would be to visit the amusement park with Han-gyeol. As we chatted and waited our turn, we soon found ourselves next in line.

“Han-gyeol, I’ll sit at the front, okay?”

“You’ll get all wet. Eun-ha, you should sit at the back.”

“The water will splash inside the boat anyway, right?”

“I just don’t want my girlfriend to get wet.”

“I don’t want my boyfriend to get wet either.”

“Let’s be fair and decide with rock-paper-scissors.”

“Ugh... fine. Let’s do it. Rock-paper-scissors!”

I had scissors, and Han-gyeol had paper.

“Yes! Han-gyeol, I’m taking the front, okay?”

“Isn’t the winner supposed to sit at the back?”

“Come on, accept your loss gracefully.”

Han-gyeol nodded in understanding.

“Next passengers, please board!”


As per the result, I took the front seat. There was still water inside the boat, but it was better than Han-gyeol getting wet.

“Eun-ha, want to switch seats now?”

“It’s fine. It’ll dry soon.”

I couldn’t let Han-gyeol get wet again, especially after he got soaked because of me last time.

“Please hold onto the handlebars. We’re starting~”

With the attendant’s announcement, the boat began to move forward. We slowly ascended the first incline.

“Han-gyeol, I think we’re about to descend.”

“No need to state the obvious.”

As Han-gyeol finished his sentence, the boat plummeted downwards. The drop was thrilling, but the first descent felt a tad underwhelming.

“Shorter than expected, huh?”

“The real thrill in the flume ride is the second drop. Here we go again.”

Now, we ascended the second incline. The boat wobbled and then started tilting. In a flash, we were plummeting again. I shut my eyes tightly, enjoying the moment, but water splashed inside, soaking everything below my knees.

“Eun-ha, did you get very wet?”

“Yeah, but it’s okay. It’ll dry up quickly.”

After exiting the flume ride, Han-gyeol handed me some tissues.


“Should’ve saved this ride for last.”

“No way! It was super fun. Let’s go ride the French Revolution now.”

“Alright, alright. Let’s do everything you want, Eun-ha. When was the last time you visited an amusement park?”

“I can’t really remember... I think I was in the fifth grade of elementary school. Came with my family.”

“Been 7 years, huh?”

“Yeah. That’s why it’s so exciting.”

“Alright then, let’s enjoy all the fun rides. Let’s hurry.”

Han-gyeol quickly grasped my hand and led me to the next ride.

Today, it felt like Han-gyeol was holding onto my hand a bit tighter than usual.

Maybe he was relieved because the exams were over? Regardless, it made me feel good.


After riding the French Revolution and Pharaoh’s Wrath, we headed to a souvenir shop.

There were various headbands displayed, and I pondered over which one would suit Han-gyeol.

Unlike me, without hesitation, Han-gyeol placed a white cat headband on my head.

“You look cute.”

“Ah- Then let’s get a black one for you.”

I put a black cat headband on Han-gyeol. It complemented his expressionless face perfectly.

“Han-gyeol, you look super cute.”

“Eun-ha looks adorable too. Should we buy these?”

“Mhm. We can wear them around.”

After purchasing the headbands, we took several pictures in front of a full-length mirror. In the images, we both looked incredibly happy, enjoying the moment with bright smiles.

“Can I use this as my profile picture?”

“Yes, it came out really nice.”

“Should we head out now?”

“Eun-ha, are you hungry? Should we eat something?”

“Hmm- Let’s ride the Gyro Drop, Gyro Swing, and Atlantis first, then eat.”

“That sounds wise. It might be risky to eat and then go on the rides immediately.”

“Just trust me. If Han-gyeol falls off in the middle, I’ll catch you!”

“Very reassuring. Let’s go.”

We went outside and rode the Gyro Swing and Atlantis. Now, we planned to ride the Gyro Drop next, but Han-gyeol seemed a bit apprehensive.

-Ahhhhhh Aaaaaaaaaa-

Hearing the screams of people and seeing the rapid descent of the ride made him freeze in place.

I was grateful that he was doing this for me, but I didn’t want Han-gyeol to push himself because of me.

“Han-gyeol, let’s ride the Gyro Drop some other time.”

“There is no next time. It’s okay, let’s ride.”

“Didn’t you say it seemed a bit scary earlier?”

“I’d hate to see you ride alone more.”

“We can come back and ride it next time!”

“It’s been 7 years, right? Let’s ride together.”

I was led by Han-gyeol’s hand onto the Gyro Drop.

As the safety bar lowered, the ride began its slow ascent into the sky.

Han-gyeol, visibly tense, gripped my hand tightly.

“Eun-ha, do you know how to perform CPR?”

“I think I can, but why?”

“You never know, I might need it...”

“Don’t worry too much! You won’t die~. I’ll grip your hand even tighter.”

I squeezed his hand reassuringly.

The brave effort Han-gyeol was making endeared him to me even more.

Soon after, with a slight jolt, we reached the very top.


“Han-gyeol, don’t worry.”

“Sorry, Eun-ha, can you not talk for now? I need to mentally prepare.”

“Ugh- how can I time that? This ride is meant to drop suddenly.”

“Sorry, I’m just curious when it will drop-!!!”

Before Han-gyeol could finish his sentence, the ride plummeted.

My hair shot up towards the sky while Han-gyeol’s grip on my hand tightened even more.

Soon, our feet touched the ground, and a gust of wind spread in all directions.

“Han-gyeol, are you alive?”

I looked over at him, and he seemed utterly out of it.

It looked as if something white was gently escaping from Han-gyeol’s mouth.


“I can’t ride this again...”

“Is your heart okay? Do you need CPR?”

“I think I’m okay.”

“Let’s go eat now.”


Exiting the Gyro Drop, we made our way indoors.

There were numerous couples taking photos with a magical castle backdrop.

Come to think of it, I have seen a lot of pictures taken here on social media.

My gaze inadvertently caught a couple capturing a photo with their lips locked.

For a moment, I sharply turned my gaze away.

I had seen many photos of couples kissing...

Would we... today?

Holding hands had become somewhat natural for us, but hugging was still a bit shy and challenging.

Of course, as students, we were clear about our boundaries. But I felt we hadn’t progressed beyond the initial stages of our relationship.

While everyone’s comfort with physical intimacy varies, I thought a light peck would be acceptable for us at this stage.

Curious if Han-gyeol felt the same, I sneakily glanced up at him.

But Han-gyeol still seemed to be recovering from the Gyro Drop’s adrenaline rush.

Still, his lips came into my view.

They looked soft, incredibly soft.

‘Oh no.’

Suddenly, all I could see were Han-gyeol’s lips.

--- The End OF The Chapter ---

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