Pick Up the Rejected Pure Love

Chapter 51: The Chase

Chapter 51: The Chase

Midterm exams were just around the corner.

I should have been immersed in studying, but all I could think about was Eun-ha.

“Hey Han-gyeol, what are you thinking about so deeply? Is something bothering you?” Yujin asked me.

“Is it right to bring up something that will surely embarrass your girlfriend?”

“So it’s about a relationship? I shouldn’t have asked. I wish I could turn back time.”

Eun-ha seemed to have mistaken that I was asleep, but I had been awake since she playfully poked my cheek.

I still felt distant from reality because of Eun-ha’s recent confession of love. Every time I recalled that moment, I could hear her voice crystal clear.

Should I admit I was awake?

I wanted to see Eun-ha blush.

“Man, this is really troubling me.”

“If you’re troubled, just speak up. You’re not the type to hold back.”

“You seem to know me better than I thought.”

“Is there something on your mind?”

“I feel embarrassed to bring it up too.”

“Spare me… Spare me… Grant me the power to turn back time. Or please erase my memory for just a minute.”

If asked whether I love Eun-ha, of course, I do.

In my heart, I wanted to say I loved her a thousand, ten thousand times.

But to utter those three simple words required immense courage.

Honestly, I never imagined she’d be the first to say it.

Eun-ha, who always struggled to express herself... That Eun-ha confessed her love first.

It made my heart race even more.

“Ah- Eun-ha, she is so lovely. I want to marry her right after graduation. I want to make her happy.”

“This is too much! Save me, God! Punish my friend who’s making fun of me here! Or grant me a weapon to punish this friend!”

While I couldn’t express my fervent wish to her, Yujin was busy cursing me.

“Stop with the cursing and suggest a solution for how I should deal with these feelings.”

“Don’t you think asking for a logical solution to emotional problems is a bit much?”

“Do you have a good solution or not? If I keep feeling like this, my grades will suffer.”

“What kind of nonsense is that?”

“I can’t study because I keep thinking about Eun-ha. This is like a disease. They say there’s no cure for it.”

“You’re not going to tell me specifically what happened, are you?”

“Sorry. I want to keep it as a memory known only to Eun-ha and me.”

“Then just do the same thing she did. That’s all the advice I can give.”

“Do the same thing? Isn’t that childish?”

“Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth.”

It felt slightly childish, but it didn’t seem like a bad idea.

I subtly glanced toward Eun-ha, but she was laughing and conversing with Jeong Harim.

“That was a decent solution.”

“You’re satisfied just like that? Then why did you even ask?”

“I couldn’t think of anything other than Eun-ha.”

That was right. By observing Eun-ha throughout the day today, an opportunity to tell her I love her might just come along.


Though I was resolute, there was no chance until the school classes ended.

Perhaps because midterms were right around the corner, Eun-ha only focused on her studies, sitting next to me.

She seemed particularly engrossed today. Maybe it was just my perception.

“Hey, Han-gyeol. I feel your gaze on me. Is there a problem or something?”

It was indeed a serious issue.

Should I just tell her now?

But then I’d have to show her my embarrassed face.

“No, I was just looking because I wanted to see Eun-ha’s face.”

“It’s sweet of you to say, but we can’t do that now. Midterms are next week; we should be studying.”

“You’re so stern. Aren’t you tired, Eun-ha? Don’t you feel like taking a nap?”

“Not at all. We ended our call early last night and slept, remember?”

I should’ve prolonged the call last night.

“Did you stay up studying after our call, Han-gyeol? It’s not good for your health to study too late.”

“No, I slept early too. I just suddenly wanted to see Eun-ha asleep, that’s all.”

“What? Don’t wish for that; I look pretty awkward when I sleep.”

“I only found it cute.”

“Ah, you must’ve seen when I was sick.”

“As always, you looked cute.”

When I said she was cute, Eun-ha beamed with a smile, clearly pleased.

“Thanks for the compliment.”

“You’re not embarrassed by being called cute anymore?”

“No. Now when Han-gyeol says I’m cute, it just makes me happy. It was embarrassing at first, but now I’m fine with it.”

“I personally like seeing Eun-ha embarrassed. I often want to see that.”

“Then try making me blush. Now, when Han-gyeol praises me, I feel happiness more than embarrassment.”

If I confessed my love, she might just bolt out of the classroom.

I decided to hold off for a moment and assessed the situation.

“So, should I try making you blush?”

“Yep, I’m not easily embarrassed now.”

“Quite confident. You think you know what I’ll say?”

“Whatever you say, I won’t be embarrassed.”

“With Eun-ha talking like that, I feel challenged.”

“Think you can do it?”

I started off lightly.

“Eun-ha, you’re beautiful.”


“Eun-ha, you’re cute.”

“I appreciate that too.”

Rather than looking embarrassed, Eun-ha adjusted her posture and stared directly into my eyes.

“Seems more like Han-gyeol’s the one who’s embarrassed, no?”

For some reason, I felt like I was being cornered.

“When did you become so bold?”

“With Han-gyeol, it’s special. I want to treat you differently than others.”

“How do you treat me differently?”

“I just want to be honest with Han-gyeol.”

“And you can’t be honest with others?”

“Yeah. I feel most comfortable with Han-gyeol. That’s why I want to be more transparent and expressive.”

“Then show it when I’m awake.”

“Yep, express it when you are... wait, what?”

‘Ah- I shouldn’t have said it like that.’

“Han-gyeol? What did you just mean by that?”

“What did I just say?”

“You said to show it when you’re awake.”

“Yes, exactly as it sounds.”

“So, why did you think of that?”

I clamped my mouth shut tight at Eun-ha’s question.

Eun-ha’s expression quickly hardened.

“...You were awake?”

I cautiously nodded in confirmation.

“Since when...?”

“Since Eun-ha poked my cheek.”

“I see...”

Surprisingly, Eun-ha turned her gaze away calmly.

“You heard everything?”


“Just to confirm, you know what I’m talking about right now, right?”


“What’s the probability that what you’re thinking and what I’m thinking differ?”

“At most, around 1%.”

At my response, Eun-ha wordlessly stood up from her seat and exhaled a deep sigh.

“Eun-ha? Why are you standing up?”



“I’m sorry!”

Eun-ha dashed out of the classroom like a bullet.

I instinctively chased after her.

“Eun-ha! Where are you going?”

“Don’t follow me!”

“You said you weren’t embarrassed!”

“How can I not be embarrassed about that!”

“But you said it yourself!”

“That’s why it’s even more embarrassing!”

“It’s dangerous, don’t run!”

“Then don’t chase me!”

I was worried watching Eun-ha rush down the stairs three at a time.

If she were to misstep, it would be a major accident.

In the end, just as Eun-ha had said, I stopped my pursuit and let her go.

And honestly, I felt even with a full-on sprint, I couldn’t catch her.

“How is she so fast?”

After slowly descending the stairs and stepping outside the building, I began my search for Eun-ha.

I was certain she couldn’t have gone far, but she wasn’t easy to locate.

I checked both the athletic field and the cafeteria, but there was no sign of her anywhere.

After lingering outside for a while, the recycling area caught my eye.

Treading softly and carefully toward the recycling spot, I faintly sensed a presence.

“Eun-ha, come out while I’m still being nice.”

I gave her a chance, but Eun-ha resolutely stayed hidden.

“There won’t be a scene like in movies or dramas where a cat suddenly jumps out. Just give up and come out.”

Upon hearing this, Eun-ha cautiously revealed herself.

Despite the time that had passed, her face was still unmistakably red. She puffed out her cheeks in what seemed like annoyance, glaring at me.

“That was mean-!”

She seemed quite peeved.

However, it appeared she had no intentions of running away again.

Considering how she had sprinted with all her might earlier, she likely didn’t have the energy to run much more.

“You said it yourself while I was asleep.”

“But, still...! Even if you heard...! You didn’t even respond...!”

I knew exactly how to appease the slightly upset Eun-ha.

Although I had a surefire way, the thought of actually executing it made my cheeks flush with embarrassment.

Still, I truly wanted to express my feelings to Eun-ha.

“I also...”


“I love you too.”

After struggling to get the words out, my face felt hot.

In the end, I too had to exhale a long sigh.



“I’m sorry too!”

Overcome by embarrassment, I turned and fled.

As I took off, Eun-ha immediately chased after me.

“Han-gyeol, where are you going! Stop right there!”

“No way!”

“You’ll get hurt if you run like that!”

“Then don’t chase me!”

--- The End OF The Chapter ---

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