Pick Up the Rejected Pure Love

Chapter 47: Holding Breath

Chapter 47: Holding Breath

It was the day we talked about eating salmon on a weekday.

Since early morning, Eun-ha and I had been shopping at a large supermarket.

I pushed the cart around as Eun-ha roamed around the mart, picking up items here and there.

“Hmm- I’ve never used tsuyu before. Should I try it this time? What do you think, Han-gyeol?”

“Huh? Can you first explain what tsuyu is?”

“It’s used when making sauce for salmon bowl.”

“Do we have to use that?”

“Hmm- The recipe I found used soy sauce.”

“Then let’s use soy sauce.”


Eun-ha looked at me with a puzzled expression.

“Well, even if we buy tsuyu, we won’t use it again after today, right?”

“I was thinking of making it often since Han-gyeol likes it?”

I let my guard down again.

My heart fluttered like crazy.

“Then let’s buy tsuyu. Have we bought everything else?”

“Hmm- we have onions at home, should we buy a pack of radish?”

“Let’s do that. They would look pretty on the salmon bowl.”

“The vegetables are over there on that side. Let’s go.”

As Eun-ha walked ahead, she naturally interlocked her arm with mine.

I was slightly surprised by the extremely natural skinship but didn’t mention it verbally.

I simply matched her pace and walked toward the vegetable section.

We really do look like a married couple.

Upon arriving at the vegetable section, Eun-ha unhesitatingly put a pack of radishes into the cart.

“Radish are done... now all we need to buy is the salmon. Nothing else, right?”

“This should be enough, shouldn’t it? We just have to buy the salmon?”

“Hmm- it looks like it needs to be salted, but fine salt should be okay, right?”

“Yeah, yeah. I heard it’s not good with coarse salt. Shall we go then?”

I was about to turn the cart when Eun-ha gazed at me, aloof.

When I subtly lifted my arm to the side, without a word, she slipped hers between my arm and torso.

“Didn’t you link arms without saying anything earlier?”

“Can you not point that out? It took quite a bit of courage, and Han-gyeol didn’t react at all.”

“Did it seem that way? Internally, I was cheering because I was so happy.”

“If you’re happy, express it. Sometimes Han-gyeol doesn’t express at all.”

“Don’t you think there should be moments that pass leisurely and naturally?”

“Hmm- hearing it, I guess so. So? Isn’t it uncomfortable linking arms?”

“Not at all. Also-”

Would it be a bit much to say we were like a married couple when we were just high school students?

Marriage was still a long way off and carelessly uttering such words without any preparation should be avoided-

“Like a married couple?”

“Ooh-! What the heck. How did you know?”

I stared at Eun-ha in surprise.

“It was written all over Han-gyeol’s face?”

“Have you now learned to even read minds?”

“I guess I learned that from Han-gyeol too.”

“You selectively speak only the fluttering words. Have you been attending a school for this?”

At my words, Eun-ha answered with a bright smile.

“The tuition was quite expensive.”

She was playing along.

Why was she so kind?

Jokes that might seem uninteresting to others were fun when shared with Eun-ha. With that, we bought the salmon last and exited, holding a basket full of groceries.

Although it was slightly heavy, wanting to show a robust image in front of Eun-ha, I monopolized the basket.

“Han-gyeol. Isn’t it heavy? Shall we hold it together?”

“Not at all? Is it super light?  It’s lighter than when I picked up the Eun-ha reference book.”

“Right. When Han-gyeol and I met at the bookstore, the attire was completely shabby, and I was embarrassed.”

“If being shabbily dressed is to that extent, the disparity is too great with the shabbiness I know of? You were pretty even then.”

Eun-ha avoided my gaze, seemingly shy at my words.

“I had pushed down my hat and was dressed quite casually···”

“You’re blushing again. It’s about time you got used to this.”

“How do I get used to this··· I think I’ll never get used to it until I die.”

“Thinking of living together until death?”

“Yup. Since I have no thoughts of parting.”

That was a hefty statement···

Since it was Eun-ha who said it, the weight of those words felt exceptionally heavy.

“Then make me salmon over rice every morning.”

“Then Han-gyeol should make tteokbokki every evening.”

“Isn’t this a losing deal for me? I’m okay with bargaining a bit more.”

“Hmm- I’ll think a little more about it.”

My heart kept thumping as I looked at Eun-ha, who was smiling gently.

“Do you like tteokbokki the most, Eun-ha?”

“Yup. I’ve eaten it often since I was young, but I never get tired of it.”

“Shall I make tteokbokki for you tomorrow then?”

Eun-ha stared intently at my face at my words.

And responded with a pleasant smile.



As soon as we got home, we washed our hands and headed to the kitchen together.

Eun-ha would do most of it, but I didn’t want to leave her alone in the kitchen.

I too washed my hands and decided to help with washing vegetables or trimming ingredients.

“Eun-ha, what should we start with?”

“Can you peel the onions first? One or two should be enough.”

“Okay, okay. Tell me if you need anything else.”

“Yup, yup. I think we can take it slow. We have time since we have to marinate it in salt anyway.”

As we were cooking together in the kitchen, a loud voice came from the living room.

“Wow~ Never thought I’d see this day. Thanks to Han-gyeol, I get to eat the salmon made by my younger sister! Thank you! Han-gyeol, you are a blessing that rolled into our house. If it’s okay, would you like to move in starting today?”

It was Eunwoo Hyung sitting on the sofa.

He was smiling brightly, but it was a hearty laughter quite different from Eun-ha’s.

“Ah- Seriously! Don’t make unnecessary comments to Han-gyeol! Anyone would think I’m a younger sister who’s never cooked a meal!”

“If I had asked you to make a salmon rice bowl, would you have made it for me? For real? Really? Betting on Han-gyeol?”

“It’s enough not to starve. Why do I have to go to that length?”

As Eun-ha spoke with a momentarily cold tone, Eunwoo Hyung swiftly shifted his gaze toward me.

“Han-gyeol, what did you say last time? My younger sister is what? Kind? Gentle?”

“That··· must have been a story limited to me. And I like that.”

“It’s deep love, isn’t it.”

“Well, it is.”

As I conversed with Eunwoo Hyung, Eun-ha interjected straight away.

“Han-gyeol, let’s not engage and do what we’re going to do.”

“Right, right. Ah, I haven’t seen Hyun-joo noona yet?”

“She postponed the morning tutoring to the evening, so I told her to come at the adjusted time. She’ll be here soon.”

“I might have ordered too complex a dish.”

“Why worry about that. Ah- Han-gyeol, can you tie my apron strings?”

Eun-ha draped a sea-blue apron around her neck and handed the strings to me.

‘Stay calm.’

‘There are no ulterior motives in Eun-ha’s actions right now.’

Although it was an extremely embarrassing situation, I sincerely tied the strings as Eun-ha requested.

“Thank you.”

“No, I’m the one who should be thankful.”

“Huh? Why Han-gyeol?”

“Just··· thank you.”



“Kiya~ Han-gyeol, did you know? She pondered for two hours before ordering that apron, you know?”


When I subtly looked at Eun-ha, her face was on the brink of explosion.

Carefully placing the knife on the cutting board, Eun-ha dashed into the living room.

“Hey you maniac-! Why would you say that! Why would you tell him!”

Eun-ha began beating Eunwoo Hyung, who was sitting on the sofa.

It started with kicks but then she began to relentlessly punch Eunwoo Hyung’s arm.

Yet, Eunwoo Hyung wore the world’s happiest smile, taking joy in it all.

“Ahahahaha-! Even getting hit is fun right now~! Ahahahahahaha!”

“You really deserve to be hit!”

“Ouch! Hey! That hit the bone!”

“I aimed for it. Just take it quietly!”

Eventually, Eunwoo Hyung stood up from the sofa and fled to his room.

The door locked with a ‘clank-’, but, fuming, Eun-ha banged on it.

“Open it when I’m asking nicely.”

- Open it when I’m asking niiicely~

‘If I laugh now, will I be the next to die?’

‘Hold it in. This is the most challenging not-to-laugh moment of the year.’


Though this aspect of Eun-ha was cute, the salmon couldn’t continue sitting at room temperature.

Gently, I took Eun-ha’s hand and led her to the kitchen.

“Eun-ha, let’s focus on what we have to do.”

“Ah- Yeah···!”

Normally, I would bring up the apron story once more but···

Instinct told me. If I teased her now, I would be the one placed on the cutting board.

While she showed signs of gradually calming down, Eun-ha seemed tremendously embarrassed.

With a facial expression like that, it was even hard to give her a compliment saying it suits her well.

Eun-ha’s back, as she returned to the kitchen, incessantly lingered in my sight.

I was conflicted, not sure whether she was embarrassed or genuinely angry at Eunwoo Hyung.

For now, I decided the priority was to calm Eun-ha down and seated her on a kitchen chair.

“I’ll take care of the onions, so just sit here for a moment, Eun-ha.”


I headed toward the sink, leaving the still-embarrassed Eun-ha behind.

I cut the top and root of a sizeable onion and repositioned the knife.


With somewhat awkward motions, I was peeling the onion.

Was this how it was supposed to be peeled...?

It felt somewhat clumsy.

‘Chef Baek Jong-won does it so skillfully.’

Such pointless thoughts crossed my mind while I was peeling the onion.

Then, I heard Eun-ha quietly getting up from behind me.

Perhaps she had calmed down a bit now...?

Eun-ha approached me and wrapped her arms around my waist without changing her expression.



Burying her face in my back, Eun-ha silently embraced me tighter.



Silence enveloped the kitchen, which was bustling just a few minutes ago.


I swallowed dryly, but Eun-ha did not let me go.

After about a minute of serenity, Eun-ha quietly separated herself from me.

I was curious about Eun-ha’s expression now, but my own must have been serious too.

In the end, time passed without us facing each other or thinking of words that could change this atmosphere.



The sound of Eun-ha stepping backward reached my ears, which quickly turned into a dash- as she sprinted to her room.

Only after the thud of her door closing did I exhale the breath I’d been holding with a woosh-! and slumped in front of the sink.

“I really almost died...”

In the end, peeling the onion and curing the salmon in salt were tasks I had to complete on my own.

--- The End OF The Chapter ---

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