Pick Up the Rejected Pure Love

Chapter 3: Law and Politics, Politics and Law

Chapter 3: Law and Politics, Politics and Law

“Ah! Playing basketball after such a long time was really fun.”

I stretched towards the sky after changing into my gym clothes.

Playing basketball during high school... It felt like a dream.

It seems kids these days still enjoy running around.

Ah, Isn’t this an old man’s way of thinking?

“Right. Everyone seemed to enjoy it a lot. And you played really well.”

“Really? It’s a bit embarrassing when you compliment me like that.”

Hearing Eun-ha, who was sitting next to me, say that made me unexpectedly embarrassed.

I did want to hear compliments like ‘I was cool’, but saying that sort of thing was still a bit awkward between us.

“No, really! You played great! Are you in the basketball club, Han-gyeol?”

“No? I think it’s the literary club.”

“You think?”

Ah, that’s not good.

“I’m in the literary club. The literary club. Haha.”

“Oh... That’s unexpected. I heard there aren’t many people in the literary club.”

That’s Exactly what I thought.

Why did it have to be the literary club?

It was the same club I was in back in my original world.

“I’m planning to join another club this year.”

“Which one? The basketball club?”

“Well... It’s too hot in the summer and too cold in the winter, so maybe not the basketball club. How about the library club?”

“Huh? The library club might be a bit boring for Han-gyeol, don’t you think?”

“There’s also a kind of stability that comes from that sort of boredom…”

“Haha! What’s that? You just sound like my other brother!”

Wouldn’t ‘being like family’ is a rather good approach?

“Haha! How old is your other brother?”

“Huh? He’s five years older than me. He was discharged from the military not too long ago.”

“I envy him.”

“Huh? Why?”

“Uh...?! No, I mean, I have to join the military someday, so I’m just envious of him having finished. Haha!”

Damn it. I had such a tough time in the military.

I even served an extra military shift for giving a deer some food!

Well, to be honest, I was a quartermaster, so it was relatively more comfortable than others.

But still, spending 1 year and 9 months locked up in the military was frustrating.

“Do you have any siblings, Han-gyeol? Maybe a sister?”

“No, I’m an only child.”

“I see... I heard that only children tend to be pampered and lack consideration. But I guess that’s just a stereotype.”

“Really? Sometimes there might be some truth to it, right?”

“Huh? When I look at you, Han-gyeol, I don’t get that impression at all.”

“Is that a compliment? Makes me feel good.”

“Yes. It’s a compliment.”

Seeing Eun-ha’s smiling face, my heart swelled with joy.

To think I’d get to witness Eun-ha’s vivid smile with my own eyes.

This was the most wonderful moment of my life.

Can life be this exhilarating?

“You seem mature, Han-gyeol.”

“Really? Shouldn’t you be saying I look like a high school student instead? Aren’t you saying I look old?”

“No, no! I wasn’t referring to your looks. I meant your behavior is mature.”

“Haha, I know. I was just kidding.”

“I take back what I just said.”

“Huh? Why?”

“I was kidding too.”

The lighthearted jokes and teases were truly enjoyable.

Having school meals after such a long time, experiencing physical education again, and the lively atmosphere of a classroom full of students... felt refreshing.

Wearing the attire called a school uniform and relishing this freedom made me exhilarated, as it had been so long.

The high school life I originally experienced was pretty tough.

“Speaking of maturity, isn’t Eun-ha even more mature?”

“Huh? What gives you that idea?”

“Um… because you’re kind?”

“Hehe, what’s that? Being kind makes you mature?”

“Yes. Being considerate of others is really tough.”

“Thanks for the compliment. Shh- the teacher is coming in. Be quiet now.”

I wished our conversation could have lasted longer.

Would offering to share some snacks have been a good idea? Or would that be seen as out of place?

However, after lunch and a game of basketball, I was suddenly overwhelmed by fatigue.

As I began to drift off, I felt a gentle poke.

“Uh... what?”

When I raised my head, every eye in the classroom was on me.

In a corporate setting, this would have been a moment of utter embarrassment, but thankfully, this was just school.

Nevertheless, the pressure felt familiar.

“You, the one dozing off on the first day of senior year, stand up.”

“Yes, sir.”

“I just explained differentiation again. If you can explain what differentiation is, you can sit. So... What is differentiation?”

It was something I learned a decade ago, but I couldn’t recall it clearly.

If I said it was the opposite of integration, I’d surely get scolded for making a joke, right?

While I was pondering how to explain, Eun-ha discreetly wrote the answer in my textbook.

- The slope at a specific point.

I recited Eun-ha’s beautifully written answer as it was.

“The slope at a specific point.”

“You’re saved by your partner. Sit down.”

“Thank you.”

As I settled back into my seat, I penned a quick thank you note in the textbook. And then, what ensued was a delightful written exchange.

-Thanks for the hint.

-Sorry. I should have just woken you up earlier.

-I was the one who fell asleep, so don’t be.

-Right. It’s Han-gyeol’s fault.


I glanced up to meet Eun-ha’s gaze just as she was writing that.

Her face, holding back laughter with a smile, looked incredibly beautiful.

-I’ll reflect on it.

- Well, that’s good to hear.

-But Eun-ha, you’re also doodling right now, aren’t you?

Upon my remark, Eun-ha’s hand stopped. After a brief hesitation, her hand moved again.

-True lol.

My heart warmed at the sight of her shyly written ‘lol’.

Having this written conversation with the main heroine I had always admired... was out of the world.

As we continued our private chat, unnoticed-

“Both of you messing around, move to the back.”

Oh no.


After being reprimanded by the math teacher in the faculty room, we made our way back to the classroom.

“I’m sorry. You got in trouble because of me.”

“No? Not at all. I had fun too.”

Oh my...! Eun-ha said she enjoyed chatting with me.

I feel like I could happily die now.

Well, no, I still don’t want to die.

“What’s our last class today?”

“Politics and Law, I guess?”

“Politics and Law...?”

Wasn’t it “Law and Politics” when I was in school?

Did they change the name?”

Realizing the difference, I suddenly felt the generation gap.

Come to think of it... This generation had mandatory Korean history and absolute evaluations in English, right? I remember crying at home after scoring 87 in English and being placed in the third grade...

Such an evaluation system feels scary, doesn’t it?

“Why such a reaction? I’ve heard it’s difficult, but..”

“Ah, it’s nothing...”

I brushed it off, feeling an inexplicable sense of guilt surge within me again.

I had heard that Korean and Math were mandatory now... That seemed intense.

I wonder if they still teach ‘Kwandong Byulgok*’ from Mr. Jung Cheol?

What about “Three Kingdoms*“? And “Heosaengjeon*“? Those were the only ones I could think of...

Speaking of which, I had also heard that students even have to choose elective subjects in math nowadays, right?

What’s this? I’m totally ignorant when it comes to university entrance exams!

“Hey, Eun-ha... have you decided on your math elective subject?”

“Hmm… I’m thinking of taking calculus?”

“So, calculus and statistics are now separate subjects?”

“Yes... But why?”

This was unbelievable.

In my time, both calculus and statistics were fundamental...

I was sweating bullets.

“Are you taking calculus too, Han-gyeol?”

“Huh? Probably?”

“In the past, you had to study calculus and statistics together!”


“Yes. About 10 years ago maybe?”

“Hahaha - sounds rough.”

I’m from that generation...

“Well, it is what it is, right? We’re all students preparing for entrance exams, hehe.”

It was awkward.

Feeling a bit disheartened, I walked down the corridor.

“Hey! Eun-ha-!”

A girl called out Eun-ha’s name in a confident voice. Next to her stood a fairly handsome boy: The protagonists of this novel, Kang Seo-ha, and Yang Jung-yeon.

I ended up facing the last people I wanted to meet right in the middle of the hallway.

“Hello, Jung-yeon? Hi Seo-ha.”

However, Eun-ha waved with a bright smile.

Her consideration was always directed towards others, often sidelining her own emotions.

Even though she was smiling, I was certain her inner feelings were complicated.

“Hi, Eun-ha. It’s the first day of the new semester, but we only see you in the last period?”

This clueless protagonist greeted Eun-ha cheerfully, oblivious to her feelings.

If you’re going to reject, do it right... Idiot, there’s no way you can reject someone and then remain friends.

A pleasant rejection? There was no such thing.

A rejection was, after all, an act of pushing someone away.

But there was nothing I could do in such a situation.

“Who’s this?”

The dolphin, Eun-ha’s past rival, stared at me intently.

What are you looking at? You’re the one who took Kang Seo-ha away from Eun-ha.

She sure has a thick face. I should keep my distance.

What’s she trying to pull?

“Ah- This is Lee Han-gyeol, he’s in my class. We became quick friends on the first day. Haha...”

Eun-ha’s voice trailed off as she sneakily glanced at Kang Seo-ha.

The subtext was clear: ‘What would Seo-ha think, seeing me with another guy, especially after he just rejected me a few months ago?’

She was probably fretting over such unnecessary thoughts.

“Ah- Is that so? If you’re Eun-ha’s friend, we should get along. Hi? I’m Yang Jung-yeon.”

“Hello. I’m Lee Han-gyeol.”

“And this is my boyfriend, Kang Seo-ha.”

“Ah- Hello. I’m Eun-ha’s childhood friend, Kang Seo-ha. Let’s get along.”

“Yeah. I think I’ve seen you around the hallway a few times. Ah- but we need to head back to our classroom now.”

I hurriedly came to the point, not wanting to leave Eun-ha in such a place.

“Ah- sorry. It was nice to meet you both. See you later then?”


“Take care, Jung-yeon, and Seo-ha.”

With Eun-ha’s farewell, Kang Seo-ha and Yang Jung-yeon walked in the opposite direction. However, as Eun-ha momentarily watched their retreating figures, her expression looked genuinely pained.

“Eun-ha, want some candy?”

“Huh? Didn’t we just have some?”

“I have a lot in my pocket. Here- have one.”

“Haha. I swear my teeth are going to rot.”

“If you brush well, it’ll be fine. Shall we go?”

As I took the first step, Eun-ha suddenly grabbed the hem of my clothes.

“Huh? What’s up?”

Eun-ha stared intently into my eyes for a moment before she spoke.

“Do you... know something? Is that why you’re being so considerate?”

This is bad.

--- End OF The Chapter ---

[TL:  Kwandong Byulgok: It’s a famous Korean poem written by Jeong Cheol.

Three Kingdoms: It refers to the historical period during which the Korean Peninsula was divided among three rival kingdoms: Goguryeo, Baekje, and Silla.

Heosaengjeon: It’s a satirical novel written in Chinese by Yeonam Park Ji-won in the late Joseon Dynasty to satirize the reality of Joseon at the time.

Join Patreon to support the translation and to read up to 3 chapters ahead of the release: /taylor007  ]


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