Pick Up the Rejected Pure Love

Chapter 10: Friends or Not?

Chapter 10: Friends or Not?

We were carefully measuring angles at the claw machine.

Considering the doll inside was likely worth around 12,000 won, another failure would make the whole endeavor seem futile. We’d already burned 10,000 won into this, after all. But now, with the claw hovering so close to the prize chute, it felt as though we were on the cusp of triumph.

“Do you want to try the last turn, Eun-ha? I feel like I’m just not good at this.” Han-gyeol asked me.

“Me? Me do it? I’ve never played the claw machine before!”

“Who knows? There might be something like Beginners’ luck.”

“Um... Okay! I’ll try it! But you’ll have to guide me, alright?”

“Trust only in me!”

I switched places with Han-gyeol and started moving the claw around.

“Han-gyeol...how is it? Is it good?”

“Uh, maybe a little to the left?”

“Like, this way? Should I press the button now?”

“Ah... Just a tiny bit to the right!”

“Like this?! How about now?!”

“Seems good!”

“Alright, pressing it now...”

As I cautiously pressed the button, the claw began its slow descent. Its pincers perfectly wrapped around the doll, lifting it into the air for a suspenseful moment.

Then, as if destined, the blue turtle doll slid right into the prize chute.

“Wooooow! Han-gyeol, we did it!”

“Wooowww! It worked on the first try when Eun-ha did it?! You’re a natural!”


Han-gyeol bent down and retrieved the doll.

“Here—Eun-ha, it’s a gift.”

“Haha! Thanks! But I feel bad just taking it, so I’ll give you 5,000 won?”

“Huh?! Um... No. I got it because I wanted to give it to you as a gift.”

I couldn’t decline the kindness radiating from Han-gyeol’s genuine smile.

But still, it was a bit embarrassing, as this was the first time I had ever received a doll from a guy.

“Ah... then I’ll gratefully accept it.”

I hugged the doll a little tighter.

“Alright. Let’s head home.”

As we made our way back home, with the blue turtle doll nestled in my arms, I pondered our unexpected events. I had thought we were just going to watch a movie and part ways, but we ended up hanging out at the arcade.

And each time I recalled Han-gyeol’s expression after his defeat at a fighting game, a smile couldn’t help but bloom across my lips.

Han-gyeol is a really interesting person, and surprisingly easy to talk to.

I even felt a little guilty for initially being wary of him.

“So, why are you so good at fighting games?”

“Ah, I used to play a lot of games with my brother. Not so much recently, though”

“Does that mean your brother is better than you?”

“Not at all! My brother is worse than me. Why? You want to try playing against him?”

“To be honest, I’d just like to win against anyone at this point.”

“Haha! Then, uh—”


“Nothing! We can just do it online!”

For a moment, I almost asked if he wanted to come over to my house to play against my brother.

The questions and conversation flowed naturally in front of Han-gyeol, brazen and unguarded.

At this point, we’d crossed the line from mere familiarity to something more...

Han-gyeol seems to have a knack for making people feel incredibly comfortable around him.

So I should be a bit more careful.

Bold words could slip out without thinking.

“Well, I’m not really good, I don’t really game that much. I only play occasionally when hanging out with friends.”

“Is that so? We are in our senior year after all. Ugh—I don’t want to go to school tomorrow.”

“Same here. I’d rather skip school, but what can we do?”

“Have you ever actually skipped school, Han-gyeol?”

“I’ve talked about doing it dozens of times, but never actually did. What about you, Eun-ha?”

“Me neither.”

We were about halfway home.

This was the same spot where Han-gyeol and I had parted ways after eating chicken last time.

“See you tomorrow then, Han-gyeol!”

“Wow, time flew by as we talked. Make sure you get home safely, Eun-ha.”

“Will do! See you tomorrow!”

“Yeah, see you tomorrow.”

After parting ways with Han-gyeol, I walked home alone.

I hadn’t expected the day to be so enjoyable.

Images of Han-gyeol watching the movie with an indifferent face flashed through my mind.

When he smiles brightly, he’s like a puppy... but when he’s expressionless, perhaps he’s more like an eagle?

I felt a little uneasy comparing a friend to animals, but that was my impression.

He’s like a child at times, but occasionally seems so mature.

If I had to describe Han-gyeol to someone, that’s how I’d explain him.

When we were gaming with the console between us, his expressions were so entertaining.

The flustered look on his face was something I suspect I’ll think about often.

Next time we go to a movie, we’ll definitely have to stop by the arcade again.

“I’m home.”

“Eun-ha, you’re back?”

“Mom? I thought you were busy with work?”

“Even the busiest people need at least one break a week.”

“And Dad?”

“Your dad will be busy until next week. He swung by earlier just to pick up some clothes.”

“Ah... if he had called, I would have freed up some time for him...”

As expected, Dad wasn’t home.

He said he would be busy last weekend, but it seemed he was busy this weekend too.

I wish he’d take better care of himself, but there were adult matters I, as a youngster, couldn’t understand.

“What’s that doll in your hand?”

“Oh, my friend and I watched a movie and played a claw machine afterward.”

“Ah, I see. Make sure to wash your hands since you’ve been out.”

“Will do.”

I headed to my room to change clothes first. And after washing my hands in the bathroom, I went to the living room. My brother was sitting on the floor leaning against the sofa, munching on apple slices.

“How’s school, Eun-ha? Must be tough being a senior?”

“Huh? Not really? I’ve made friends, and I don’t find anything particularly challenging. Being a senior is a bit stressful, though.”

“Mom, she’s not studying these days and is all into dating— Ouch!”

I kicked my brother’s shoulder for making unnecessary comments.

“Dating? Is there someone special?”

“No, no, it’s not like that. I’ve just become fast friends with a guy, and my brother is blowing it out of proportion.”

“Mom, she was even going to wear a short padded jacket instead of a long one today.”

“Would you please stay out of it? So, who is this friend?”

I briefly described Han-gyeol in response to my Mom’s question.

“He seems mature for his age? He’s incredibly kind, considerate, and good at sports too. I don’t know why, but I felt very comfortable around him. Oh, I didn’t mention his name. It’s Lee Han-gyeol.”

Mom looked at me with a warm smile.

“We went to see a movie today, and well, it’s a movie that could potentially be boring. I had intended to watch it alone, but Han-gyeol seemed really engrossed in it. I was a bit worried that I was subjecting him to a dull film, so I glanced over now and then, and he was thoroughly enjoying it. It’s like, I got a sense of his maturity? A mature vibe? His calmness was really palpable.”

“Ah, that’s rare to find in people nowadays,” Mom said with a smile.

“But sometimes he acts really childish too. Like, the doll I was holding? We got it from the claw machine together. He looked confident at first but struggled quite a bit. Hehe—so he spent 10000 won to get a 12000 won doll. After he got it, he bounced around joyfully, offering it to me. His expression was so happy, it made me happy too. He’s undeniably a young kid at heart.”

I didn’t just talk about today’s events; I also mentioned what happened yesterday.

“By the way, he bumped into Hyun-joo unni and me at the bookstore yesterday. We shared some pizza that she’d bought. Later, I picked up a bunch of heavy reference books, and he insisted on carrying them for me. He said it was the least he could do after ‘mooching off the pizza.’ He’s really considerate. I didn’t ask if he’s good at studying, but he knows a lot. We’re desk mates, so I saw him looking at computer components on his phone. Speaking of which, he also gave me a rundown of the computer components you were interested in, bro.”

As soon as I finished my story, my brother shot up from his seat.

“What?! You’re saying this guy is that guy?!”

My brother seemed to be holding him in high regard, apparently because the computer parts Han-gyeol had recommended were quite helpful.

“Whoa, calm down. What’s the big deal?”

“Ah, Mom... That guy is legit. I was skeptical at first, but his recommendations were spot-on: cost-effective and well-balanced. Man, he’s really something. He’d make a great son-in-law—ow!”

I kicked my brother in the thigh.

“Ouch... Why did you hit me?”

“I told you it’s not like that with Han-gyeol!”

“What do you mean ‘it’s not like that’? You’ve only started the new semester, and you’re already all about this guy!”

“Wh-What are you even talking about?!”

“Don’t you recognize your own feelings? Mom, my sister here’s totally clueless—Ouch! Why are you hitting me, Mom?”

My brother rubbed the top of his head.

“You ungrateful brat... What do you mean by calling your sister ‘clueless’?”

“Why are you picking on me?!”

“Ugh! You obviously haven’t learned your lesson.”

“Mom, Eun-ha always talks about how she wants me dead!”

“Quiet. My daughter doesn’t know such things.”

“Man, this is so unfair! Don’t I count as your child too?!”

“Quiet. You’re re-enrolling next semester, period.”

While Mom and my brother were talking, I was still spaced out. I cautiously went back to my room and lay down on my bed. It wasn’t bedtime yet, but I could feel my face flushing.

Now that I think about it, what did Han-gyeol mean by saying he doesn’t smile at everyone that way? Was he implying that we’re close friends? Imagining any deeper meaning might be my own speculation, but why can’t I get that comment out of my head?


My phone vibrated on the desk. There was a message from Han-gyeol.

[You get home safe?]

[Yeah. You?]

[All good. See you at school tomorrow.]

[Yeah, see you! Today was fun.]

[Same here. Next time, let’s watch a movie of my choice.]


After our brief text conversation, I looked down at the stuffed animal that Han-gyeol had given to me and gave its cheek a gentle pinch.

A friendship just one week old...

Two moments of subtle excitement.

One unexpected encounter.

One planned meeting.

We’re just friends, right...?

--- End OF The Chapter ---

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