Phantom Kid in the World of American Comics

Chapter 221: The Essence of Magic

Chapter 221: The Essence of Magic

“Hyperbolic Time Chamber: From the world of “Dragon Ball.” It is a magical cultivation sanctuary, one year inside is equivalent to one day in the outside world, adjusted by the system, the time house is filled with huge magical elements and is the best cultivation environment for the host.”

“One day outside is one year inside the time house. The host can decide the cultivation time by himself.”

After reading the system’s introduction, Mathison’s eyes flashed with joy. 

At first glance, it’s nothing more than providing a year of cultivation time to take Mathison’s magic level to the next level.

It was not as cost-effective as a direct increase in magic level.

It was like stealing Queen Elizabeth’s necklace and rising to C-rank magic. 

S-level rating should at least result in several levels upgrade at least. Granting him A-level magic power is not much now, isn’t it? 

And given one year, can he really guarantee that he will raise his magic level from C-level to A-level? 

The answer is clearly “no.” 

The difference between each level of magic power is terrifyingly large. The magic power of C-level is equivalent to ten times the amount of D-level; B-level magic power is 20 times greater than that of C-level; A-level magic power is a terrifying 50 times greater than that of B-level.

Either way, it’s an immediate way of improving. 

But is this really the case? 

The truth is that the amount of magic power is never equal to the level of a magician!

Even if he was given S-rank magic power, he would not be able to use S-rank magic. 

He doesn’t know about other magic systems, but from the perspective of the red magic system (Akako Koizumi) and the white magic system (Hogwarts) that the system had rewarded him with, 

The main difficulty in releasing magic is not defined by magic power, but by whether the magician can deeply understand the principles of the magic spell. 

In our impression, magicians are often associated with great wisdom and knowledge, which makes sense. 

There is an even more common sense-bending truth in the fact that the spells that release magic are not actually hard laws!

Every spell can be, according to the individual wizard’s different understanding, released in different ways. 

Magicians have held an idea since the beginning of time.

Who created the first spells? 

The wizards of old.

So the question arises.

Why should a spell created by someone from the past be perfect?

This idea has driven countless magicians to work on improving and innovating spells, enjoying research and experimentation. 

Some will succeed, some will fail. 

Although the results may appear to be very different, they may not be the same on the inside.

This isn’t that different from doing scientific research. 

Why does a theory have to be right? 

The most sacred and correct characteristic of a scientific theory is its falsifiability. 

The reason why the theories are rock solid is that they have been questioned and disproven in countless ways beyond imagination, and even many of their contents have been revised more or less by latecomers. 

At least, so far, there has been no evidence that completely disproves them. 

Once found, they will no longer be absolute theories. 

Perhaps magic and science are two opposing fields, but at this point, they have one thing in common. 

At least to Mathison’s current understanding. 

Of course, it is also possible that the magic he learned was a modified version of the system, which was different from the original version. 

In short, more sufficient magic power may be important, but it will not improve Mathison’s current strength. 

Some people may question: if I put in ten times the magic power in the same low-level magic, wouldn’t its power be increased by dozens or hundreds of times? 

Why else would you say that Mathison is a magician while he is only an ordinary person!

What a naive way to think.

Have you ever given thought to such a question? 

If simply piling up magic power can give low-level magic the power of high-level magic, then what is the use of having high-level magic?

Another question. 

What is the difference between low-level magic and high-level magic? 

Consuming the same magic power, the effect of high-level magic is absolutely incomparable to low-level magic. 

Could it be that the quality of magic is higher? 

Well, magic is magic! 

There is no such thing as low, medium, or high quality, magic is essentially a kind of energy.

And since it’s the same kind of energy, is there really quality to speak of? 

Have you ever seen a situation where the quality of electricity in one’s house is higher than that of yours, and the same household appliances use a one-kilowatt hour of electricity to power your ten-kilowatt hours? 

If you want to say that magic is of a higher quality than electricity, it is quite possible, after all, it is not the same kind of energy.

Compression of magic power? 

So the question is, what is compressed here, volume, mass? 

What are the pros and cons? 

So we can conclude one thing, that is, the magic power possessed by top magicians and junior magicians is essentially no different. The difference lies in the amount. 

Many magic geniuses have completed the 30-year journey of ordinary magicians in ten years, and the magic power they have accumulated is probably only the amount of middle-level magicians. 

But in the perception of all magicians, their strength is that of high-level magicians, even if their magic power is only one-tenth of a high-level magician, they are still high-level magicians! 

The step-by-step promotion of the title of “junior” to “senior” really requires a long time of hard study and in-depth research. 

The difference between low-level magic and high-level magic is also apparent.

Low-level magic is realized through the simplest and most direct magic circuit. It is what it looks like.

Do you want to increase the magic input? Sorry, spell casting failed. 

Instead of thinking about how to add magic power to low-level magic, it is better to create new magic directly. 

When you have a new spell, you start to get tired of it consuming too much magic and start to complicate the magic circuits of the new spell, which in turn leads you to develop a whole new spell.

Eventually, an advanced spell is born.

The process in the middle is definitely not something that can be explained in a few words. 

In short, for the current Mathison, the one-year cultivation time freely given by the Hyperbolic Time Chamber is definitely more useful than upgrading magic power. 

The way to receive the Hyperbolic Time Chamber is different from all the previous rewards. It is impossible to conjure a room out of thin air. That is too eye-catching. 

According to the system’s hints, if the year is not used up, Mathison can enter and leave the Hyperbolic Time Chamber at any time. 

When he wants to enter the time chamber, he only needs to think about it and he will be automatically teleported to the different dimensions where it is located. 

Mathison was in Gotham’s home base at the moment, so he didn’t have to worry about being seen.

So he decided to go directly to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber to experience it now. 

However, when Mathison was about to act on this idea, he suddenly stopped. 

He thought of something very important. 

A person in particular… 


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