Phantom Kid in the World of American Comics

Chapter 178: The First Arkham Prisoner Is Arrested

Chapter 178: The First Arkham Prisoner Is Arrested

“What are you laughing at!” 

Hush once again felt strongly insulted. 

He questioned Mathison with pulsing veins on his forehead. 

“Turn around to see for yourself.” 

Mathison raised his brows and pointed to Hush’s back. 

Hush’s pupils shrank and hurriedly turned around. 

“What? How is this possible!” 

He saw a group of people behind him wearing GCPD uniforms! 

The people taking the lead turned out to be Aaron and Blake! 

“Why… are you still alive?” 

Hush’s mind was a mess, and he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. 

What about the people who were originally arranged to ambush them? 

Where did they all go? 

“Hush, how dare you pretend to be Jim and deceive us!” 

Aaron rolled up his sleeves and scowled. 

“You must be wondering why we weren’t ambushed.” 

At this time, Blake stepped forward and confronted Hush. 

“Did you install this on me?” 

Hush looked at Blake’s hand and found that he was holding a small black object. 

No one should be more familiar with this thing than Hush, because it was the bug he secretly placed on Blake. 

In fact, not only Blake but also Aaron and others had secretly the same bug installed on them. 

The location of its installation is also peculiar, and it should be impossible for them to find it. 

“When did you find out?” 

Hush began to doubt his disguise. Did Blake and the others know that he was not Jim Gordon? 

Or was it one person who knew but kept his mouth shut, while others were just acting alongside him? 

“Remember when you had an argument with Sheriff Cash not long ago?” 

Blake suddenly asked, and he continued to speak before Hush could respond. 

“When we pulled you away, you unconsciously pressed on me because of inertia. At that time, I had a strange feeling.” 

“And then I found this… in the inside pocket of my own shirt, as well as this.”

Blake first showed the bug, and then took out a white card. 

The card has the picture of Phantom Kid on it. 

The contents of the card were not very clear, but if you think about it, you will know that it is most likely to say that Jim Gordon is a mole, so that they should be careful about a possible ambush, siege, or something like that.

As for when he has done this, it was back at the moment when the power was cut off. 

At that time, everyone’s line of sight was blocked. With amazing skills and speed, it was not difficult for Phantom Kid to find the bug from Blake’s body and put it in his inner pocket. 

As for what happened next, it was very clear. After they dispersed, Blake knew from the card left by Phantom Kid that his chief had been kidnapped. 

In order to win his trust, the text on the card was written by Gordon using the GCPD secret code. This secret code has no data or information but was passed on orally among trusted people. 

So Blake and Aaron didn’t have much doubt. 

After some investigation, they found out that Bane’s subordinates were already approaching the major sub-bases of GCPD. 

There was indeed an imposter among them. 

It’s just that no one thought at that time that Jim Gordon, who was being treated in the hospital, would be a fake. 

Fortunately, there was a notice from Mathison, so that Blake and others had already prepared in advance, and in turn, wiped out Bane’s men. 

And following the instructions left by Phantom Kid, they quickly went to Midtown Island and laid an ambush in advance. 

After all, in order to pretend to be Gordon down to the tiniest details, so that ‘Batman’ couldn’t detect any flaw, he chose to walk to Midtown Island. 

The GCPD people didn’t pay much attention, they sailed directly to the south bank of Midtown Island. 

At that time, the gang arranged by Hush had not yet set foot on Midtown Island… 

“So it’s all your fault.” 

Hush turned his head and stared at Mathison, his eyes were full of hatred. 

“Phantom Kid, because of today’s incident, I will always remember you in my mind. Sooner or later, I will take out your heart and tear off your mask!” 

Even at this time, Hush still had the audacity to threaten Mathison with vicious words. 

“Only if you escape Arkham Asylum a second time, Mr. Elliott.” 

Mathison smiled indifferently. 

Hush, among the patients in Arkham Asylum, should be regarded as the most inconspicuous one. 

He is also the weakest. Mathison will not take his threat to heart at all. 

If it was Scarecrow or the Riddler, who are highly dangerous, then maybe Mathison will pay him a bit of attention, in order not to be avenged in the future. 

However, as long as he remained silent, Mathison is too lazy to spend more energy on dealing with him. 

And now that a large group of people like GCPD is here, he can’t really do anything to Hush. 


Hush was handcuffed by Gordon himself. 

As the first criminal to be re-arrested since the Arkham Asylum was breached, this has to be a good start. 

“One last thing I want to know.” 

When Hush was held by Aaron and Blake at the same time and was about to be taken away, he suddenly struggled to turn his head and asked Phantom Kid. 

“Edward told me that Floyd was looking after the Clock Tower. How did you go up and rescue Jim Gordon? Did you kill Floyd?” 

Hearing this, Mathison was stunned for a while and then burst out laughing. 

“Why would I kill Deadshot? It’s easy to deal with him. I just took advantage of his weakness.” 

“Humph! I knew Floyd was unreliable.” 

Hush’s face was gloomy, but unfortunately, his face was covered with bandages, and others couldn’t see. 

“What’s the next plan?” 

After Hush was escorted away by Blake and Aaron, Gordon turned to Mathison and asked. 

Although in terms of positions, thieves and police have always been opposed to each other, after what Kid has done in the past few days, all GCPD members have recognized his existence. 

He is regarded as almost equivalent to Batman. 

As for why it’s only “almost,” well, it is because Batman’s injustice has been cleared by Bane. 

That’s right, Bane revealed the truth of eight years ago to all of Gotham. 

The man who killed Harvey Dent was never Batman. And Harvey, who was seen as a hero, was actually the one who had turned into darkness. 

Bane’s purpose is very simple, to completely destroy the peaceful Gotham built by the Dent Act and make every citizen of Gotham realize that he is nothing more than a sinner. 

However, Mathison doesn’t know for sure whether Bane’s actions succeeded at making the people of Gotham feel guilty about Batman. 

He only knew that after such a riot, even if Gotham was successfully rescued and the nuclear bomb was finally stolen by him, it would be difficult for the city to restore its original peace. 


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