Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2: Breakthrough!

Five years passed in a flash.

This year, Chen Feng is sixteen years old.

The waste Yan Qingyu and his waste apprentice who died five years ago have almost been forgotten by the people of Qian Yuanzong.

The night was like water, Chen Feng suddenly opened his eyes, and there was a burst of light in his eyes.

He stood up, bowed to the tombstone, and said in a low voice: "Master, five years have passed. I will follow your order and dig your grave open. I hope you will not be offended."

After speaking, he began to dig the soil and dig graves.

When he dug up the tomb and pried the coffin open, his eyes were shocked.

Yan Qingyu's body disappeared unexpectedly.

He couldn't believe it, but he buried the master's body himself.

He jumped down and found a small box at the bottom of the coffin. Opening the wooden box, on the yellow silk spread inside, there was a small tripod the size of a fist.

The small bronze tripod is covered with copper rust, three-legged round ears, with an ancient shape, full of the mysterious atmosphere of ancient wildness.

In the small cauldron, there was a drop of something similar to blood floating.

He only glanced at that drop of mysterious dragon blood, and felt that there was a thunder in his mind, and the whole person suddenly lost consciousness.

He felt that the whole person seemed to be thrown into an endless world of ink colors. The sky was ink color, and the ink color swirls all over the sky, and he kept choosing.

Under my feet is an endless black field, barren and desolate.

At the end of the wilderness, there is a black mountain range, which is taller than the Aomori mountain range where Qianyuanzong is located. Longer than a thousand miles?

When he walked into the mountain range, suddenly, the mountain range moved!

The mountain raised its head, it turned out to be a huge dragon head! With just one head, it is bigger than the highest peak of the Great Qin Kingdom.

And the black mountain range that stretched for thousands of miles turned out to be the body of this giant dragon.

The dragon looked up to the sky and groaned, there was a majestic rain, and the ground turned into an ocean in an instant, and Chen Feng was submerged in it.

Chen Feng couldn't breathe, almost suffocated, and was terribly uncomfortable.

After a long time, his head buzzed, and struggling out of the deep-sea illusion, Chen Feng knelt on the ground, panting heavily, cold sweat on his forehead.

He dared not look at that drop of blood anymore. What kind of creature's blood was this? How could it be so terrible? A drop of blood is like this, so how powerful is this creature?

Is this dragon blood?

But at this moment, suddenly, the bronze small cauldron flew directly into his hand like a living thing, and then quickly disappeared from the palm of his hand.

Chen Feng was startled, he felt Xiaoding walking along the meridian of his right hand all the way up, and then, severe pain came, making him feel like he was torn.

The pain caused him to roll back and forth on the ground, screaming loudly. The skin and muscles on his body were cracking, and blood rushed out, as if he was delayed.

After half an hour, Xiaoding followed the meridian all the way up and reached the Dantian position.

Chen Feng only felt a thud in his mind, and he fainted without knowing the personnel.

When he woke up, it was late at night. Chen Feng took a look at his body and found that his clothes had become tattered and tattered. In addition to blood, there was a layer of black and black oil on the surface of the body, exuding a foul smell, and it was sticky. It's terribly uncomfortable.

But he was warm, light and comfortable, which was something he had never experienced before.

Chen Feng looked at his body inwardly, and suddenly let out a cheer with surprise and joy.

He found that his dantian, which was as hard as iron and had no space, had been opened up.

Of course, the dantian was only a very small part of it, about the size of a fist, and at this time, the bronze small tripod was floating in it. That drop of mysterious dragon blood was tumbling inside, crystal clear.

Suddenly, a strand as thin as one-thousandth of a strand of hair emerged from the dragon's blood, and it swam out from the middle of the dantian and began to swim along his meridians. This strand of mysterious dragon blood contained majestic power and vast true energy. Those clogged in Chen Feng's meridians, in front of this strand of dragon blood, had no power to fight back, and were directly dissipated by the impact of smoke.

The severe pain came again, but Chen Feng resisted this time. He gritted his teeth, held his head high, and a voice in his heart screamed: "I can't bear this pain, how can you reach the top?"

He gritted his teeth, blood burst out of his mouth, shaking all over, but he finally resisted it.

Waves of severe pain hit, and half an hour later, Chen Feng let out a long suffocating breath.

The mysterious dragon blood traveled through his body at an extremely fast speed, and his blocked meridians were completely unblocked.

If his previous meridians were silted Xiaohegou, now his meridians are completely unblocked. Although they are very thin and narrow, they are unblocked. True Qi rushes through them, and even Chen Feng can hear them. The sound of running water!

Chen Feng was extremely excited, and his body was full of Zhen Qi at this time.

Feeling the tide of pain disappearing quickly, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and there was ecstasy in his heart.

He looked up to the sky and shouted: "I can practice now, my meridians are smooth, and my dantian is opened up! I am no longer a waste!"

The tears were pouring down, if not for personal experience, who would understand his pain?

Since childhood, his aptitude was extremely poor, he had cultivated for ten years, had no progress, was humiliated and contemptuous, and no one could value it, except for the master. How great is this pain?

And now, he can finally practice.

Zhen Qi wandered around in the meridians and returned to the dantian, but it was vigorously surging in the dantian, eager to move, and did not calm down at all.

With a move in Chen Feng's heart, the Zhen Qi in the dantian suddenly surged, leaping out of the dantian, swimming in various meridians, and with the swimming of the dantian Zhenqi, there was zhenqi in every meridian from the corner. Appeared, gathered in this true energy. This zhenqi continued to grow, and soon changed from the thickness of the hair to the thickness of the fingers.

The true energy that appeared in these corners was accumulated during Chen Feng's daily practice.

Although he was unable to cultivate due to the blockage of his meridians, and his realm was not improved, logically speaking, he could not cultivate even a trace of true energy. However, the Bedoro Leaf Golden Sutra he cultivated was so magical that not only made his foundation very solid, it also allowed him to develop a lot of zhenqi abruptly, hiding it everywhere in his body.

I haven't found it before, because his meridians are blocked and his true energy cannot circulate. And now that the real air is flowing, it naturally follows.

Chen Feng was shocked by the flow of true energy, feeling that his body was full of vigorous power.

There was a touch of joy in his heart.

"What a miraculous little tripod, what a miraculous dragon blood, the dragon blood is just a sliver of it, which allowed me to directly break through! Of course, there is also the merit of the Bedoro leaf golden scripture. I always thought this golden scripture was useless before, but now It seems that I was wrong. The golden scriptures are really amazing, and they can help me to develop true qi from this trash!"

"And now it seems that the surplus has not disappeared, and there is still an impact!"

Chen Feng's heart moved, and the true energy in his body surged like a spring.

He has reached the second stage of the acquired realm, he is not satisfied yet, and he wants to hit the third stage!

After impacting the third stage of the heavenly realm, the amount of zhenqi needed is quite huge. Chen Feng extracted all the zhenqi in his body, and the zhenqi in his body became thicker and thicker with little thumbs, and finally trembled violently all over again. The meridians all over the body groaned in pain, and the true energy surged like a tide.

He has already advanced to the third level of the acquired heaven.

Chen Feng clenched his fists, feeling the surging power in his body!

He suddenly punched, and there was a bang in the air, and the air vibrated.

Chen Feng could feel that his punch had a strength of eight hundred jin, reaching a strength of one and a half!

In the acquired realm, the first weight has a strength of 100 jin, the second weight is 200 jin, the third weight is 500 jin, the fourth weight is 1,000 jin... and so on. Five hundred catties is the power of a tiger, and although Chen Feng has just reached the third level, he has reached the power of eight hundred catties, which is more than half the power of the general Houtian realm triple power!

He punched a tree next to the tomb, and the big tree with the mouth of the bowl was suddenly interrupted.

Chen Feng looked up to the sky and smiled, feeling very refreshed.

How could he be unhappy from a waste that cannot be cultivated into an acquired triple powerhouse?

Moreover, not seeing Master's body also gave him a good guess.

"Master, where did you go? There is no corpse in the tomb. It seems that you are not dead, and you left me with this treasure. Now that you are dead, I can rest assured, rest assured, I will practice the exercises. Always find you!"

Now that he can practice, he is naturally very happy to learn that Master is not dead.

Chen Feng rummaged the box and made sure that there was nothing else inside, then put the box back and buried the tomb again.

He looked at the dirt on his body, smelled the stench on his body, gave a wry smile, and said to himself: "Chen Feng, you are also dirty enough."

After speaking, I turned around, found a nearby river, jumped in and cleaned it.

After washing all over and putting on simple but clean clothes, Chen Feng went back to sleep next to the grave.


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