Pay With Your Heart

Chapter 146 - Get My Reward

It was Saturday and Eun-sun had barely been able to take her mind off the issue of her missing father. Seeing that corpse at the hospital with no one to identify him, she fearfully began to wonder if something had also happened to her father and maybe he couldn't return not because he didn't want to but because he couldn't. A trial of depressing thoughts had gone through her mind after leaving the hospital with In-Ha.

To think the first call she received after her ten years search for her father was to come identify a body really made her scared. She didn't like it at all, and it was giving her a sense of foreboding.


She had taken alot of sheer will to take her mind off it. It wasn't an easy task, but she decided to have a positive mentality about it. Pondering on negative thoughts wasn't going to help anybody most especially her. All she had to do was work towards hiring a private investigator to help search for him.

She had not been able to say much to In-Ha after returning from the hospital but she felt grateful that he had been there.

She stood in front of the mirror and examined herself for the upteempth time.

"Are you sure this dress is okay? Is it modest enough?" Eun-sun asked Hei-Ran again who simply rolled her eyes. This was the fifth time she was asking her this question, and just like all the previous time she replied, "Yes" Her tone was curt.

"Are you sure?" Eun-sun asked with uncertainty.

Hei-Ran abruptly sat up as she looked at Eun-sun. "Why are you acting like you're going to see your mother in-law to be, or is something going on between you and your boss already?" Hei-Ran asked thoughtfully, while Eun-sun rolled her eyes at her.

"I should be asking you that. Have you fallen for your crazy boss yet?" Eun-sun asked back, as she began to comb her hair and pack it into a neat ponytail.

"Park Eun-sun take it from me, you're crazy." She cussed.

"As a matter you and Song Jinhai are mad!" She cussed again with much vigour, making Eun-sun laugh lightly.

"Seems you're full of venom and cusses these days. What did he do again? I know only your boss Jinhai can make you this way" Eun-sun chuckled.

"That...that bastard gave me a contract!" Hei-Ran blurted out.

"What kind of contract?" Eun-sun inquired, looking at Hei-Ran through the mirror.

"A relationship contract"

"He did what?!" Eun-sun asked in shock and surprise as she turned to look at Hei-Ran to be certain she was saying the truth.

"That bastard wants to control my life" Hei-Ran cried out frustratedly as she fell back on the bed and started rolling all over it.

Eun-sun was really surprised. Seeing Hei-Ran like this she could only imagine what she was going through in the hand of her crazy boss.

"Can I see the contract?" Eun-sun asked, making Hei-Ran to quickly compose herself and jump out of the bed rushing to her bag to pick up the stupid contract.

"Here" She handed it over to Eun-sun.

Eun-sun received it and quickly opened it. She read through the first page and she couldn't help but chuckle out. The ridiculity of the so called 'contract' was too much and she couldn't help but laugh out loud. Her laughter made Hei-Ran frown at her.

"Stop laughing" Hei-Ran snapped at her. She badly wanted to cry.

"I can't help it" Eun-sun said as she tried to stiffen her laugh. "Your boss is a nutcase" Eun-sun declared as she continued to read. After going through the all thing she furrowed her brows and asked, "So what does he get to do?" She asked thoughtfully. Looking at the contract, it was entirely in his favour and Hei-Ran was at his mercy.

"Don't ask me. That guy is nothing but a sly fox." She hissed out as she lolled on the bed again, defeatedly.

"I'd never be with someone like him, even if he's the last person on earth. I'd rather die single" She swore.

"Well never say never" Eun-sun told her.

"How did I even get to ki..." She was too mortified to even spew the 'kiss' word out of her mouth. The thought of it alone almost gave her an heart attack. She was somewhat grateful that she didn't remember any of it, else she might committed suicide already.

"I'd advice you not to sign it" Eun-sun told her in a serious tone, making Hei-Ran to eye her wickedly. She didn't see the reason for Jinhai torturing Hei-Ran like that when he could easily just tell her that he liked her. Atleast Dan-Han was better than him on this aspect.

"You sound like I have a choice. I kissed him! I kissed my boss, can't you see he's punishing me because of it?" Hei-Ran yelled out in frustration.

"Punish you indeed" She scoffed. Hei-Ran was even more dense than she was.

"You kissed him, so what? Did he die?" She asked but continued without waiting for Hei-Ran's reply.

"No, he didn't. I think your boss likes you. Fine i don't think, I know. So stop being scared of him when he should be the one acting scared"

"What?!" Hei-Ran sprang up from the bed and sat on it, her eyes fully widen in shock as she looked at Eun-sun with unbelief. Why did that nonsense just come out of her mouth?

'Jinhai likes who?'

"Are you insane?" Hei-Ran asked in stupefaction. Why was she blabbering rubbish now?

"Yes he does. Can't you see all he's doing is just to get you?" She hissed. It was sure too difficult lecturing a dense girl. She tsked in her mind.

"Eun-sun I don't think you're right. Song Jinhai doesn't like me, he doesn't even likes anyone" She said as a matter of factly, or so she thought.

"Yet he's making so much effort towards keeping you to himself. You should open your eyes and see what that's stupid boss if yours is up to" She hissed frustratedly. Look at her lecturing Hei-Ran about men, when she was in dire need of that lecture.

'Lecture on how to make your impulsive and overbearing boss to stop asking you out or lecture on how to murder your overbearing boss and getting away with it.'

But why were CEO's of these days acting like maniacs? They think they can just start liking their employees and then threaten them into liking them back. How annoying!.

Hei-Ran looked at Eun-sun in stupefaction. She didn't think Eun-sun was right. There was no way that Jinhai liked her. He had always treated her poorly. And even now he was punishing her with this stupid dating thing. 'So why and how did Eun-sun come to such a conclusion?' She asked herself.

She was about to say something else, when Eun-sun abruptly stopped her by raising a hand.

"Please leave me alone" She still had to go eat ready before Dan-Han arrived. He had informed her yesterday that he'd pick her up by 5pm. She was about to return back to what she had been doing, but she gave Hei-Ran one last look. She sighed when she saw her still looking lost, like she was still trying to understand what she had said.

"Hei-Ran I think the best you can do is talk to him, and call off this stupidity but if you cannot then atleast give your own terms to that contract. It the least you can do" She sincerely adviced before returning her attention to the mirror.

Hei-Ran looked at her and her mind became filled with confusing thoughts. Eun-sun's words were giving her a headache, but her last idea might actually be a good one.

Eun-sun sighed as she turned to open her hand bag and brought out her new lip balm which she had just gotten as a gift. Her eyes lingered on it for a while when she remembered how she had gotten it or rather who had given it to her.

Of course it was Lee Dan-Han.

Yesterday when she had returned from the hospital with In-Ha, she had not been surprised to see another gift bag lying on her desk. Thinking it might be the usual chocolates and Flower she had not been too bothered to look at them. But later when she did she saw this lip balm as well as other stuff lying in it. They weren't extravagant. They were mundane stuffs and we're just the things that a girl would use each day.

For a moment there she had thought he was quite thoughtful by giving such things to her. A note was also attached to read.

"Just in case you might have forgotten, you're met to be mine"

How typical for him to have threatened her.

Eun-sun rushed up to get herself ready, when her phone started ringing. She frowned when she noticed it was an unknown number, but she reluctantly picked it up.

"Hello" She spoke immediately she answered the call, but there was no answer.

"Hello?" She called again.

"I guess I'll receive my reward when you step outside your door" Was all the voice from the other side of the phone said.

Eun-sun's heart skipped several beats when she heard him.

'Lee Dan-Han?!' She called out inwardly with widened eyes.


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