Pay With Your Heart

Chapter 140 - Honest Review

"Do I have to go home with you every day?" Eun-sun asked as she trailed behind Dan-Han out of the company. It was the close of work and as usual, he had sent his secretary Chang-wok to inform her to wait behind. She had waited for two more hours and had even slept off on her desk.

"Yes," He replied without looking at her.


"But I can go home on my own," She told him. She could always take a taxi, or more preferably she could take the bus since it's was cheaper.

Dan-Han abruptly paused on his strides when he heard her making Eun-sun who was closely trailing behind him jolt when she almost bumped into him. He slowly turned around and looked at her. Eun-sun lifted her eyes to look at him.

Dan-Han signed when he saw the way she was looking at him. She had that challenging look in her eyes again, "Are you angry because I made you wait?" He curiously inquired.

"Shouldn't I be?" She asked back, but she tried not to sound rude. He had made her wait for two long hours on her desk, she had slept off on it and it was uncomfortable. Her neck and back were beginning to ache, and he dares to ask her if she was angry.

Yes, like hell she was very a matter of fact, she was beyond furious.

Dan-Han sighed again when he noticed how angry her eyes looked. Fine, he had done wrong, he shouldn't have kept her waiting. He had a last-minute meeting that had stretched out for two more hours. He had wanted to adjourn the meeting and go meet her, but these clients were sort of important. He had worked hard to have them come over to the country for the collaboration.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that" He apologized in a gentle voice slightly startling Eun-sun. She shouldn't be dazed by his inconsistent change, but she was. She still wasn't used to him speaking softly or saying nice words or even apologizing to her. She was quite used to his hard and cold way of speaking and acting around her. Because that way she could justifiably glare at him and harbor some wicked thoughts about him in her heart. But with this sudden and awkward change, she didn't know what to do. His attitude was making her uncomfortable.

"Next time, come wait in my office, you can lie on the sofa" He added.

'So there was going to be a next time of two long hours of waiting? Just great' She sighed in her mind. Dan-Han's lips twitched when he noticed she had unknowingly rolled her eyes at him. Seems being affront was a default in her. She does these things without even realizing what she had done.

"I'll make it up to you" He suddenly declared.

"Huh?" Eun-sun's face which had initially turned to the side turned back to look at him in shock.

'He'd do what? Make it up to her?' Eun-sun asked herself. She was tempted to say to oblige and tell him she'd like to see him try, but she didn't dare. It would have nice to see how an aloof man like himself would try to make up to anybody. She wasn't as indifferent as he was but that was already a difficult task for her. So how exactly was he going to achieve that? She discarded those thoughts out of her mind. She wasn't stupid to find that out.

"Mr. Lee you don't–" Her words trailed off when she saw Dan-Han's eyes instantly change and a deep frown forming on his face. What was wrong with him now?

"Say it again," He said daringly, his cold attitude slowly returning. Eun-sun looked at him in a daze not sure what she was supposed to say again. What did she even say? She asked herself.

Her brows shot up when she remembered she had just called him 'Mr. Lee'. Was that what this was all about? His name?

But she still didn't think she'd be able to address him by his name. Not now or ever.

"Call me that again?" Dan-Han growled out as he took a step closer, tilting his chin up in a challenging manner. Eun-sun swallowed hard but she didn't take a step back as Dan-Han had presumed she would. The girl was getting bold by the day.

Eun-sun was quite startled by the sudden of his mood, but she had realized that this was who he was. He'd puff up like a spoilt child whenever something didn't go the way he wanted, and she was sort of doing it a lot. But she knew he'd not really hurt her, at least not yet, and even he tried to, she was capable enough to take care of herself, but then again she was sure Dan-Han wouldn't do that.

'His mood swings are even worst than that of an ovulating woman'

"I'm what?" Dan-Han asked in horror. Eun-sun's eyes shut up when she realized she had just said that out. 'Damn it'

"Wait!" She raised her hand to him before his mood goes worse. Dan-Han looked at her impatiently waiting for her explanation for indirectly insulting him.

Eun-sun swallowed nervously, as she assessed his countenance before saying,

"Look I know you like things been done your way and when they don't you tend to throw a fit by ordering people around and threatening them, but that's not the way things are done.

You say you want to be nice to me, and stop being impulsive but you're doing the exact opposite. You can't just threaten me into addressing you by your name. You're still my boss, which I find to be extremely overbearing and dangerous, so you just don't expect me to address you with your name or start being informal with you, do you?" She cocked a brow at him and heaved a sigh of relief when he didn't reply and just gave her a knowing look.

"If you want to be nice, be nice. If you want to stop being too domineering then by all means do, but please don't threaten me into calling you by your name. And yes you have a terrible mood swing, and you frown too much" She paused.

"It's just an honest review, nothing else" She quickly added when he kept looking at her without flinching.

Dan-Han maintained his gaze on her for a while after she finished speaking. He couldn't believe she was getting away with insulting him by giving him a lecture. But in all honesty, he didn't know what to say after that. He simply nodded his head and said, "As you wish"

Eun-sun was surprised he has willingly given in just like that. she almost couldn't believe it, for a moment there she was prepping herself for another of his mood swing, but that didn't come. Surprising!.

Dan-Han took her bag from her hand and held her hand in his, as he began leading them to the car.

Eun-sun looked around when she noticed the company wasn't as empty as it usually was whenever he was taking her home. She saw two people who had unfortunately clocked out late. She could feel the surprised and inquisitive gaze they were shooting at her, and it made her uncomfortable. Her hand involuntarily tightened around Dan-Han's hand prompting him to look at her.

He noticed the way she was lowering her head to avoid the inquisitive eyes that were gazing at them, or rather at her. He understood why she was being uncomfortable.

He picked up his pace and led them to his car which was waiting just outside. He usually used the private entrance exclusively made for him, but he has been riding the general elevator and has been going through the front door just because of her.

"Let's use my elevator next time," He said as he opened the door for her. Eun-sun looked at his face, she didn't know he took note of that. She nodded her head and stepped in. Dan-Han walked to the other side of the car and hopped in.

"Let's have dinner with my mother Saturday," He said the moment he stepped into the car.

"Hmm?" She turns to glance at him.

"She called for dinner remember?" He reminded her. Eun-sun's eyes widened when he said that, she had almost forgotten about that. She had sent her choices of food to Mrs. Lee but she had forgotten all about it, neither has she called her to check up on her. She was a terrible person.

Dan-Han chuckled lightly when she popped her eyes like that. He could tell she had forgotten about it.


"I'll pick you up," He told her, while she nodded. He was about to say something else when her phone started ringing. Eun-sun whipped her phone out of her bag but was quite surprised when she saw it was In-Ha calling.

"In-Ha?" She called out, memories of how she had flipped him over her shoulders came to mind. She felt embarrassed for her crass attitude. She hesitated to pick the call, her eyes were glued to it so much she didn't notice the brooding man sitting close to her. He had heard her calling In-Ha's name, and his name was currently displaying on the screen.

Eun-sun took a quick peek at Dan-Han who was pretending not to see the call. She finally answered the call.

"You gangster," In-Ha said the moment she picked the call.


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