Pay With Your Heart

Chapter 118 - Complex Attitude

Eun-sun looked at him with incredulity. Here she was trying to vent and there he was spewing another nonsense from his mouth.

Was he really considering forcefully engaging or marrying her?


He wouldn't dare! That would only happen after her dead body. Was there a blown fuse in his head? Or probably a genetic mental issue that must have mutated in his brain?

Eun-sun glared at him and seethed, "You wouldn't dare" before turning her face away to look outside the window. It was obvious there was no need talking or trying to vent at him. She should stick to her plan of going to spar.

She would vent more when she was hitting something or rather someone. This wasn't going to work.

Dan-Han kept gazing at her, and he knew he shouldn't say anything to her for now. If only she had not provoked him by doing all the things she did yesterday and this morning, he definitely wouldn't have done all he did this morning. He paid her one last look before turning away to look outside the window too.

The chaffeur couldn't help but look at the two frustrated beings seated at the back seat.

It was obvious his boss was going to have a hard time with this girl.

Soon they arrived Eun-sun's apartment, or rather the place which she lived with Hei-Ran. Arriving home she suddenly felt guilty for not calling Hei-Ran all day to check up on her since was at home and was still sick. Thanks to this evil brute who had kept her mind occupied with all the stupid thing she had pondered about all day.

She looked at him and sighed inwardly before turning to open the door. Just as she was about to step out Dan-Han held her hand, making her snap her head to look at him again, with her eyes screaming, 'What is it now?!'

Dan-Han looked at her hand which was tightly clenched into a fist, almost ready to pounce on him. He chuckled in his mind and looked away from it, he used his free hand to push the bag closer to her.

"This is yours, I can't take it back" He told her gently. Eun-sun was about to say something obviously to refute him when he suddenly said, "Please," like he was some reasonable person, when even all the deities knows he was nothing to being reasonable.

Eun-sun lifted her eyes to look at his, and if she could be sincere she had to admit that she couldn't find that irritating, annoying and commanding look he has always shot at her. His eyes looked different, but this still wasn't going to have any effect to her. She would never forget not even for a milli-millisecond that he was a crazy and wicked man.

In all honesty, Dan-Han's attitude sometimes surprises her and leaves her perplexed, because one minute he would try to act like a reasonable man, and the next he was acting like a big bad wolf with mental problems, cursed with a paralysed face.

His attitude was complex, she was sure even patients with bipolar didn't behave like this.

She lowered her eyes to look at the bag, and this was the first time she was having a clear look at it. It was a white medium sized teddy with huge fluffy ears. She hasn't really had a full look of it, but from the fluffy ears she could make out what animal it was. It was obviously a bear.

She glanced back at the man with enraged eyes. She knew she had to take it, else he wouldn't mind keeping her there till she accepted his gift or compensation, as that was actually what it was.

Eun-sun grabbed the bag from him and stepped out from the car without saying 'thank you' or 'good night' to Dan-Han, but rather she said, "Good night" to the chaffeur, who almost gave up his ghost when he saw Dan-Han's gloomy eyes gazed at him. The chaffeur couldn't bring himself to reply her, since he wasn't seeking death.

'Why was she talking to him?? She should talk to the boss and not him,' the man cried in his heart.

Eun-sun noticed the awkward way at which the chaffeur was acting and there was no need to guess why he was acting like he had suddenly gone was definitely this tyrant. Does he have to bully everyone? Even his own people? Eun-sun didn't pay anymore attention to the evil boss and his employee. They knew how they managed themselves. All she needed right now, was to get away from him and get some quiet time to herself without any intrusion from an evil being, that was tall and huge, with a perfect godlike face and horrible attitude in the form of Lee Dan-Han.That was all she wanted tonight.

But was that even possible?

Dan-Han continued to watch her disappearing silhouette till she was completely out of sight. And as if they had right timing, Dan-Han received a conference call from the two knock heads he called friends.

He picked up the call and he saw their faces smiling at him like they were cows being grilled, most especially Kang In-Ha.

"President Lee, when are you coming?" In-Ha asked with glee.

"Yeah, we're waiting for you, young master Lee" Jae-Hyun added. It was obvious they were in the same room and they still chose to make a video conference call, and from the music playing in the background it was obvious they were already at the bar.

"Is that why you both decided to make a conference call?" His tone was back to his usual cold one. It seems he could only talk in a gentle tone when he was talking to her. He scoffed in his mind at that realization.

"Yeah, we miss you already" In-Ha chipped.

"It was all In-Ha's idea" Jae-Hyun explained, making In-Ha glare at him. He didn't want to face the crazy CEO's wrath. In-Ha should face all the consequences alone. He was the only one who could wear the cold man out, and after all it was his idea to call Dan-Han when he knows how the guy behaved towards call. He knew since Dan-Han had promised to come, he'll definitely keep to his words. So there was no need to call him, but In-Ha wouldn't hear of it.

"What a chicken" In-Ha sneered as he eyed the spineless Jae-Hyun. He turned to the phone again to look at Dan-Han who had a very obvious bored look on his face. "When are you coming, Mr Lee?" He asked.

"Stop bothering me" Dan-Han said before ending the call. With Eun-sun gone, he was already feeling bored. If not for the fact that he had promised to hang out with the guys tonight, he'd would have gone home and spent the night thinking about his lady and more possible ways to win her heart, because he was obviously lacking in some many areas right now. No matter the effort he makes towards winning her, the more angry and distant she became.

His eyes met with that of the driver through the rear view mirror, "To the club" he ordered, before looking outside the window with bored eyes.

He was already missing her. Even though she doesn't say much when she was around, her presence makes everything clear.


Eun-sun and Hei-Ran's Apartment

Eun-sun was startled when Hei-Ran pounced on her the moment she walked into the house.

"You scared me" Eun-sun frowned at her.

"Really?" Hei-Ran asked feigning a surprised look like she wasn't expecting her to be scared.

"Wow that's news to me. I thought superwoman isn't supposed to be scared. I guess they had that thought wrong. I would have sworn you had no iota of fear in you, but who could have known?" She spoke with a contemplative look on her face.

Eun-sun furrowed her brows, "What do you mean?" She asked still standing at the entrance of the door with Hei-Ran standing right in front of her.

"Hmm, nothing" She shrugged, while Eun-sun narrowed her eyes suspiciously.

"I see you're getting better? Else you wouldn't be this energetic" Eun-sun stated as she took off her shoes.

"Of course I'm better, I wasn't really sick, that boss of mine is just to dramatic" She hissed when the thought of Jinhai came to mind. Weirdo!

"That's better" Eun-sun replied, but she still placed her hand on Hei-Ran's forehead to check her temperature. And it was indeed normal. She was a bit warm when she left for work this morning.

"I told you" Hei-Ran drawled.

Tilting her head to give side, she noticed Hei-Ran was wearing a dangling ear ring and that was when she noticed her make up.

"Going somewhere?" She asked.

"Yes we are" Hei-Ran chipped as she jumped to hook her hand around Eun-sun's arm.

"We?" Eun-sun asked in surprise. She wasn't going anywhere, she never had it made plans to go out.

"Yes we" She replied. "And before you ask we're going for Ji-Sang's send-off party" She announced.


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