Pay With Your Heart

Chapter 116 - Damned To Make You Mine

"Come on just say yes" Ji-Sang pleaded with Hei-Ran over the phone.

"No, for Christ sake that's too impromptu. You can't just do that" Hei-Ran said in a firm tone. Ji-Sang had just called to inform her about his send-off party which was to be held tonight. She didn't see how he could just invite them with no prior notice, they were his best friends for Christ sake.


"I know it's impromptu, but I swear I didn't plan it out like this. I thought I'd leave in two weeks, but I just got a call to resume in two days, so my colleagues decided to do a rushed party. That's why it became like this. Please you guys are my only family here and I can't go away without seeing you guys. I've booked my tickets for tomorrow, I leave by morning." He explained.

What he had said was no other than the truth. He had no plans for having an imprompt party. If his boss hadn't informed him about the sudden change in plans he'd never want to do something like this. He still wanted more time to talk to Eun-sun. He had planned on asking her out this weekend and probably try his luck with her one more time, but it seems he wouldn't be able to do so. And he had just tonight to see her face for one last time, before he leaves.

Hearing the word 'family', Hei-Ran couldn't say anything to refute him anymore. She wouldn't lie she was sad that Ji-Sang had to leave. They had grown up together, all three of them. They were the best of friends and kept each other company till things changed for Eun-sun, and she became a bit withdrawn or rather too withdrawn. And Ji-Sang's unrequited love for Eun-sun had made things a bit more worse, because she made sure to avoid him at all times, and that has driven them further apart. She was sure Eun-sun was also bothered about Ji-Sang leaving, but her personality would never make her admit it or say anything, after all it would be for her own good.

"So where are you having the party? At your place?" Hei-Ran inquired.

" at one of the clubs in town" He said, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck.

"Club??!" Hei-Ran asked in surprise, and widen eyes.

"Mmm" Ji-Sang nodded awkwardly. "But before you say anything and cut my head off, it's a private room. I booked a private room, is it will just be my colleagues, and you guys" He quickly explained. He knew fully we that both his best friends weren't into clubbing. They've practically haven't been to one. He also wouldn't have picked there for the venue if the guys at work had not suggested it and made him book a room.

"Ji-Sang you know how those places are, and you know how Eun-sun doesn't like noisy places, neither do I. I don't really know–"

"Come on Hei-Ran, it'll be safe. Nothing is going to happen, and I heard it's a bit private" He assured her.

"I don't know. What about Eun-sun, have you called her?" She was more curious about that. If Eun-sun agreed to go then she would go too.

"I called her already"

"And" She impatiently asked.

"Well she agreed" He announced.

"Huh?? She agreed?" Hei-Ran asked in surprise. Her eyes were fully widened. She was a bit suspicious.

"Yeah, I'm as surprised as you too. I called her first and I was really ready for her to reject the idea, and I had banked my hope on you to help me convince her, but she surprised me and said yes" Ji-Sang explained in a happy tone, which was very obvious from the phone.

Hei-Ran narrowed her eyes. It's not like she wasn't happy that Eun-sun agreed to go, but she knew her well enough to know that something was wrong. That girl would not easily agree to such a thing.

"What exactly did you ask her? And what exactly did she say?" Hei-Ran asked.

"Well I told her I'll be having a little send forth party tonight and I'd love her to come and she said okay"

"What exactly was her response?" Hei-Ran sti wasn't satisfied. She had a feeling, Eun-sun might not have heard Ji-Sang correctly. There was no way that girl would easily agree to something like that.

Ji-Sang kept quiet "She didn't really say yes" He paused. Now that he thought about it, he realized that her response actually seemed off. Unlike her response which were usually blunt, "she gave a disgruntled answer. Like an okay" He finally said. His countenance dulled when he realized Eun-sun might not have been listening to him, and had only mumbled out an answer.

He interrupted Hei-Ran who was about to say something. "Hei-Ran you have to make her come please" He begged.

"But you know that is going to be difficult"

"I know" He said, sighing exasperatedly. "But please this is my last time to see her. I don't want to leave without saying goodbye to her. I'll keep thinking about her if i leave without seeing her" Hei-Ran felt a pang in heart for him. She knew how hard it had been for him loving a girl who didn't love him back for years, and it was just a pity that both parties were her friend.

She didn't know what to say to him. Turning him down was difficult, and convincing Eun-sun to go to such a place for a party was going to be more difficult than anything else, but nonetheless she said, "Okay" This was going to be her parting gift to him.

Her response brought a happy smile to his. "Hei-Ran thank you. I'll be expecting you guys. I'll send the details to your phone okay"

"Okay" She replied. "And Ji-Sang, we're going to miss you" She said sadly.

"I'm going to miss you too" He replied with a sad voice, before ending the call.

It was going to be difficult leaving the people he had grown-up with, come to love and cherish, and move to another part of the world. But as hard as it was, he had no choice. If he keeps living here, he was never going to get past the woman he loves, but doesn't love him back, and this was why when the offer for the promotion came he had jumped at it. This was the best arrangement he could come up with.

And that was leaving.


Back At PK Corps

Eun-sun was sure she hadn't heard a th I ng which Ji-Sang or Hye-Jin had spoken to her. It was time to leave work, and she badly wanted to go home. But Dan-Han's threat had held her bound. She didn't know if the condition he gave was applicable today.

She cussed herself a thousand times over. She wouldn't have been in such a problem if she has just gone to give him that food.

Trying avoid that silly dream from becoming a reality had brought even more trouble. Wasn't it obvious that avoiding Lee Dan-Han was going to be q difficult task.

Whenever she tries to avoid, something happens and bring her five steps closer to him.

First she had just wanted to get a job to pay back the money she owed, and had somehow found herself in his house as his housekeeper. And just when she wanted to get away from that she got a job in his company and became friends with his mother. And he still didn't end there, when she wanted to give him some space, she ends up delivering him breakfast, and now another attempt to avoid making that horrendous dream from becoming a reality, he suddenly gets to take her home, have her deliver him breakfast, eat lunch with him, and also get flowers from him everyday.

How did her life end up like this?

And the worst of it all was that, she can't even do anything about it.

Eun-sun lolled back on her seat, her head facing up as she looked at the non-intriguing ceiling. Her thought was all over the place.

Only if she could miraculously pay up her debt. Maybe that was the reason why she was helpless around him, because she knew she was still indebted to him.

But what was the possibility that that man would let her be even after she has settled her debt. Reasoning with him was even out of it. He might just go back to his crazy mood of increasing her debt with that devilish mood of his.. The man's mood was even worse than that of a menopausal woman.

His attitude was intrusive, not bothering about anybody.

"Damn you Lee Dan-Han" She hissed and cussed, without noticing the presence of the person that had walked in.

"I'm only damned to make you mine"

Eun-sun's eyes widened when she heard that voice, her head still placed up.

'Son of the devil'


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