Pay With Your Heart

Chapter 114 - I Want You For Breakfast

"Sir, it's - for you" Chang-wok replied in trepidation. Dan-Han's eye's narrowed when he heard that. What was the meaning of this nonsense. He hasn't eaten anything not made by his chef, or of late, by Eun-sun and Chang-wok knew that, so what was he saying.

Or wait did Eun-sun drop that off without seeing him?


He raised his eyes to Chang-wok and glared at him. It seems his secretary was becoming stupid and has obviously stopped using his brain.

Secretary Chang-wok who perfectly understood his boss' look, started sweating profusely.

"No, sir I didn't take it from her, she ordered it and I received it" He hurriedly explained before he becomes the target of problems that weren't supposed to concern him. He was busy working on his desk when when he received a call that he was to receive the food ordered by miss Park Eun-sun. He had been skeptical about it knowing his boss doesn't eat take outs or food made by anyone else apart from his chef and recently by Ms Park. But he had decided to receive it anyway not knowing the arrangement between Ms Eun-sun and his boss regarding his breakfast. He had thought his boss was slowly changing, little did he know he would be in this condition right now.

Dan-Han's eye's darkened when he heard that. Eun-sun did what?

She wasn't going to come to him? He looked at the bag of food in Chang-wok's hand and his mood turned livid.

"Get it out" He growled, his eyes flashed red in anger, as he shot up to his feet.

If this was how she was going to be then so be it. If Muhammed wouldn't come to the mountain then the mountain would go to Muhammed.

But in her case it wasn't going to be easy on her.

Meanwhile back at Eun-sun's office she kept feeling uneasy as she tried to bury herself with work. Her eyes kept darting back to the rose which she had buried under a number of files, and each time she stared at it her hea r t would skid a beat. And whenever the possibility of Dan-Han being the one behind the mysterious flower her heart would skid even more beat as it also brought back the memories of her dream.

She shook her head light for what seemed like the hundredth time, so as push all these thoughts out of her head.

"Ms Park?" Eun-sun heard someone call her name. She snapped her head up to see the director of her department beckoning on her.

"Sir" She answered standing to her feet.

"In my office now" He told her, drawing a lot of attention towards Eun-sun. It was obvious she has been getting a lot of attention lately, due to the several summons she has been receiving either from their bosses. She looked like as though she was always attracting trouble to herself. Some of them had thought she'd had been sacked by now since she was always being called by their higher ups.

They wondered what the problem was this time around.

"Yes sir" Eun-sun replied, as she made her way towards his office. She had a contemplative look on her face as she followed behind the man. She had no idea why she was being called into the director's office. It was the first time she was being called time, and it made her anxious.

"Go in" The man said the moment they approached the door of his office. She narrowed her eyes as she looked at him. He didn't look like he was going in with her. Then why had he called her? Was someone in there to meet her?

"Come on, go in" The man urged. He had been given three minutes to get her into the office, and he was nearly running out of time.

Eun-sun looked at the door knob, she had some sense of foreboding about this. She calmed herself and opened the door. She was startled when the man suddenly closed it behind her. She looked back at the door with narrowed eyes. She didn't understand what was happening right now.

"So that's how it is now" She hard a cold and deadpan tone speak from behind her, completely startling her making her snap her head backwards to look for the source of the voice.

She was stunned when she saw the man standing there with his hand buried inside his pocket, his eyes holding a cold glint and she could swear he was glaring at her with a murderous intent.

"M-Mr Lee" She called out in a low voice, very low voice. She could see the dark look in his eyes and it wasn't nice at all. Was he angry right now? He looked really angry.

"I asked you a question Park Eun-sun. Is that how it is now?" He asked taking a step forward, his eyes looked on her.

Eun-sun opened her mouth to speak but she clamped it back shut. What was he talking about?

Dan-Han's frown deepened when she remained mute, not making an attempt to answer his question. He bent down slightly and picked up bag from the swivelling seat of the owner of the office. Eun-sun's heart skipped a beat when she saw the bag. At first glance she knew it was the for she had ordered for him. This was the reason why he was angry?

"What's the meaning of this?" He asked, since she wasn't able to answer his first question she should be able to answer this one. He kept looking at her, impatiently waiting for her.

She kept staring at the bag on the table. She didn't know how to respond to him. Slowly she lifted her eyes from the bag to his face. The look on his face made her swallow hard.

"Pres-ident Lee, that's break-fast" She answered stutteringly.

Dan-Han looked down at the bag one more time, his eyes lingered on it for a while before he glanced back at her, as he took a step closer.

"That was breakfast?" He asked in a cold tone, his brows cocked to the side as he took another step towards her. Eun-sun felt her heart skid a thousand beats, only if that was possible. A feeling of deja Vu suddenly swept through her, and she felt her breath caught short when she remembered when she had experienced something like this. Her dreams.

She had seen this in her dreams. Her eyes widen at that thought. Her heart began to race and she subconsciously took a step back.

"Park Eun-sun was that supposed to be my breakfast " He asked again, this time his voice was more graven than before, as he slowly continued to approach her, while Eun-sun just like her dream took a step back from him while slowly nodding her head, which suddenly became frozen when Dan-Han said, "Or you were?"

That had completely frozen in space. She was his breakfast? Eun-sun didn't think she heard him clearly.

"President Lee" Eun-sun called in shaky tone. She knew she was suppose to go all defensive right now, and probably glare at him, and send him a warning not to take one more step close to her, but she just like her dream she couldn't form one word from her head. She looked behind her and she noticed how close she was to the cold wall.

A memory of him pinning her to the wall, before kissing her flashed through her mind. And she quickly said, "Stop!"

And just as if she had just cast a spell or worked some magic, Dan-Han stopped on his strides. His face darkened a little more when she spat out that word forcefully. He noticed the way her eyes were glancing at the door knob, he could tell what she was about to do.

"Don't you dare" He seethed, halting her hand which were about to make for the door. She turned to look at him, but the gaze at which he was looking at her was inscrutable.


"So when you sent that, you thought you could avoid me?" He asked cocking a brow at her.

"Park Eun-sun you try avoiding me but not my friend?" He asked, his tone sounding slightly hurt.

Eun-sun was looking at him with flickering eyes. Still not able to utter a word.

"Mr Lee I - wasn't trying to avoid-"

"Then tell me why you brought that instead of bringing yourself? Do you really not know what I want for breakfast?" He asked in a cold and low tone, and Eun-sun stupidly found herself shaking her head.

"Really?" He asked while looking her over. " Then let me tell you" He said suddenly covering the space between them in one large stride, his hand holding her and pushing her to the wall, startling the poor girl who had not expected him to do that.

"P-president Lee?" She called out in trepidation. Her heart beating hard and wild against her chest wall, her palms were beginning to sweat profusely.

"Shh.. I'll tell you what I want and you must provide it." He said in a low yet dangerous tone, as he slowly leaned closer to her ears, making her hitch.

"For breakfast -" He paused, as he let his warm breath seer through ears. "I want you"


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