Pay With Your Heart

Chapter 429

Chapter 429: The Kims

Eun-sun anxiously sat beside Dan-Han as she gazed up at the black rustic gate that guided the distant building standing erect, a few meters away. She couldn’t make out the entire part of it, but its roof was proudly shooting into the sky, it was too prominent to ignore.

She peered at Dan-Han when she felt the warmth of his palm around hers, as he gave it a little squeeze.

“You don’t have to be so nervous. They’re just family.” He told her as if he could hear the anxious thump of her heart.

“Why do I feel like whenever you say family these days, there’s some sort of earth-shattering secret looming behind it.” Eun-Sun tilted a brow at him, while Dan-Han’s lips crooked to the side.

“That’s because your mind is being overly suspicious.” He told her, and Eun-sun tilted her brow even more. She wanted to tell him that he was the one being overly tight-lipped about things, thus rising her suspicion, but she refrained from saying so.

She was still in awe over what he told her about Ji-Tae and A-Yeong. He had mentioned some blackmail and kidnapping, but she believed he had held back on the full extent of the story, the same way he was holding back on the reason behind this unexpected visitation he had taken her on.

He had vaguely mentioned visiting a family friend, and he had said nothing other than that.


Eun-sun took a glance at him, her lips prying to part and spew the plethora of questions taunting her mind. Questions about whether this visit had anything to do with her parents, like an investigation or something. He had said they’d talk more about her parents, but until this morning, he had barely said a word about it.

Eun-sun still couldn’t believe Dan-Han had found her real parents. All throughout the night, she had tossed and turned, wondering what they’d be like. If they’d like her, or how she had turned out to be. What if they didn’t want her anymore? Or they’ve forgotten about her?

Eun-sun didn’t know which of these scared her more, but her heart was thudding hard and fast at the mere thought of it.

She peeked at Dan-Han again. He had said he saw her mother miss her? What did that mean?

Her lips parted to ask, but she bit them close and sighed. Dan-Han was just an impossible man, and he effortlessly wore her out with his taciturn attitude.

She hissed under her breath, but her weariness soon turned to awe when the gate suddenly opened on its own accord after Dan-Han spoke through the gate intercom system, revealing an asphalt driveway which was a continuation of the private road that wound up the hill they had driven past. The drive to this place had been hilly and scenic.

The driveway was coasted on both sides by tall trees, which hid a vast area of land covered by greeneries, and Eun-sun could make out a lake that stretched behind the woods, the waters reflecting the glistening rays of the sun.

Eun-sun looked up at Dan-Han who was also looking at her as if waiting for her gaze.

“Your family friends must be ridiculously rich,” Eun-sun muttered in awe and Dan-Han chuckled.

“That they are.” He said with a smile that almost felt cryptic, but Eun-sun was too stunned to pay attention to it. Her eyes widened more and more as she kept turning from side to side, taking whatever she could of the place.

“They’re not as rich as you, are they?” Eun-sun mindlessly asked as she kept her eyes glued to the window.

“The Kim’s wealth and influence comes from several generations. Though the Lee’s have worked hard in the past decades, we still can’t compare to the wealth that has come from that many generations. My father was dead poor a few decades ago. The Kim’s and my mom’s family helped him rise.” Dan-Han said. He chuckled when he saw her big brown eyes blinking at him like she had just heard the most incredulous story of her life.

“Woah,” Was all she said before turning her head once more to look at the scenery around her. She could make out peacocks elegantly strolling across the fields.

“I never knew they’d be anyone richer than you,” Eun-sun murmured, making Dan-Han bellow out a peal of laughter.

“I didn’t know I looked like the god of wealth. My girlfriend holds me in high regard. I’m honored.”

Eun-sun smacked his arm in mortification, as her cheeks colored.

“Such a tease.” She clucked and quickly turned away again.

“Seeing this place, I don’t know if I’m prepared enough to see these people. Do you think my dress looks good? What about my hair?” She frantically smoothened her dress, before pulling down the visor to look at her hair.

Dan-Han put the visor away, and Eun-sun anxiously stared at him.

“Just relax. You look beautiful enough. Youre more than beautiful.” He assured her, as he raised her hand to his mouth, his moist lips pressing a kiss on it. His words warmed her cheeks, but despite his words, Eun-Sun still wasn’t reassured. She felt like she should have put on something better. Her heart pounded even more as they drew closer to the house.

“This place is insanely beautiful.” Eun-sun absentmindedly muttered, as her sparkling eyes fully widened to its limit, especially as the building came into full view. It’s magnolia paint gleaming under the early afternoon sun.

The driveway wound around a beautiful water fountain, elegantly standing at the entrance of the house, with beautiful flowerbeds surrounding it.

Eun-sun couldn’t stop her eyes from darting around, as she took in the most gorgeous scenery she had ever seen in her life.

“Dan-Han, who are these people again?” She urgently inquired. She had a feeling they were some sort of royalty for them to be living this large. But all she got was some annoying laugh which almost made her glare at him.

“Come on,” Dan-Han beckoned to her as he stepped out of the car. Eun-sun did a quick look at herself in the visor mirror before stepping out of the car.

He walked over to her and pushed the hair hanging over the crook of her neck backward, before cupping her face and lifting it to his.

“Just relax, Eun-Sun. They’re family and believe me, they’ll love you. And-” He paused as he let his hands run down her side.

“When you see her, you’ll know why we’re here.” He cryptically said before placing a kiss on her forehead.

Eun-sun was about to ask him what he meant by that when the door of the house suddenly sprang open, and two lovely couples stepped out of the house with sunny bright smiles etched on their face.

“Dan-Han!” The woman chirped with sheer excitement as she stepped away from the arms resting around her shoulders and hastened towards Dan-Han who stepped forward to meet her.

“Be careful,” He called out as she trotted down the flight of stairs, but his lips broke into a smile when she hurried even more.

“Lee Dan-Han, my child.”

“Aunty.” Dan-Han bowed, but she quickly pulled him into a tight hug. Her dainty arms trying to go around his broad form that was twice the length of her arms.

Dan-Han lowered himself and placed his head on her shoulder as he let her hug him.

“I can’t believe you are here!” She said with a full-heartened smile, as she pat him on his back.

She broke the hug and looked at his face, her eyes sparkling with excitement and her smile not dwindling for a second. She reached for his face and cupped it, before peppering his cheeks with kisses, which had Dan-Han smiling even more. There were so many emotions in her eyes that they reflected on his.

“I can’t believe my godson has grown this big. You are now a man!” She said with a disbelieving tone as her gaze travelled over him, making Dan-Han chuckle.

“Of course, he is.” The man who had slowly been walking beside his wife chipped as he walked to her side and gave Dan-Han a hug.

“How long has it been, now?”

“Too long, Uncle,” Dan-Han replied with a heart-warming smile.

“Too long, indeed.” The man patted him on the back, good-naturedly.

The woman tore her eyes away from Dan-Han and craned her neck to look behind him and towards the petite figure hiding away at his back, and Dan-Han observed as she slightly stiffened on the spot.

She silently peered at Eun-sun for a short period of time, before glancing back at Dan-Han.

“W-who is she?” She weirdly asked. Dan-Han gauged her reaction as that of shock than of curiosity. Her husband also peered behind, but Eun-sun was perfectly tucked away behind Dan-Han’s broad form.

Dan-Han side-stepped and revealed the petite frame who had the most astounding look he had ever seen on her.

An awkward air of silence reigned in the air until Dan-Han’s voice suddenly broke through.

“This is my girlfriend, Park Eun-sun.” He introduced. He slipped a hand to the small of her back and slightly nudged her forward.


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