Pay With Your Heart

Chapter 421

Chapter 421: A Healing Phase

“I don’t really feel like eating out anymore Dan-Han. Can’t we just order some take out and just go back to the hotel?” Eun-sun asked as Dan-Han helped her out of the car, his arms so carefully guarding her as if she was some porcelain vase at risk of falling.

He had insisted on picking them up from the mall a while ago and had personally driven herself and Ni-Na, while Paul, the guard he assigned to them followed behind with the car that had taken them about all day.

Dan-Han peered at her with his brows slightly pulled together as he intently observed her. “Why? You don’t feel well?” He asked with concern, and she readily shook her head.

“I just want to be alone with you right now.” She told him, while Dan-Han’s brows furrowed deeper. He took note of the tone of her voice and keenly observed her disposition. He didn’t know what was wrong with her, but he could tell something was up.

“I’m sorry, love, but we can’t go back now because someone is already waiting for us.” Eun-sun raised her head towards him and spared him a curious look.

“Who’s waiting for us?” She inquired. She turned to Ni-Na who was a step behind them, and the girl casually shrugged.

Dan-Han’s hand on the small of her back moved to her waist as he guided her towards the door, ensuring she walked very slowly. He had no doubt that she had been running around with Ni-Na all morning, doing the exact opposite of what he had told her this morning.


“Who did you invite?” Eun-sun inquired again, as he held the door open for her.

Dan-Han’s gaze scanned through the restaurant the moment they stepped in, and he tipped his chin towards the familiar person seated at one of the tables, obviously waiting for them because his gaze met up with them as soon as they walked through the door.

“It’s In-Ha, and I didn’t invite him. He invited himself.” Dan-Han told her when he saw the look of surprise on her face.

He had also been surprised when he received In-Ha’s call earlier today asking if they could meet. And he had been more surprised when he said he’d join them for dinner after informing him about his plan for taking Eun-sun and Ni-Na out to eat.

“If it makes you uncomfortable, we can just go with that take out.” He told her.

Eun-sun peered at In-Ha as all Ni-Na had told her about him came to mind. For the first time, it felt like she was seeing In-Ha differently – different from how she had ever known him.

She slowly shook her head as she took a step forward. “It’s okay.” She said and Dan-Han nodded, leading the way to the table.

They both paused and looked back to Ni-Na when they realized she was still standing by the door.

“Ni-Na,” Dan-Han called when he observed how transfixed she was.

Ni-Na snapped back to reality when she heard Dan-Han call he name. She had been briefly stunned by the person seating at the table few meters away from them. She had not imagined seeing him few hours after she just talked about him with Eun-sun.

“Why are you standing there? Come on.” He told her and she hesitantly nodded and slowly followed behind.

“Dan-Han.” In-Ha greeted with a handshake, before turning to Eun-sun and finally Ni-Na, whose eyes quickly darted away from him.

Eun-sun stepped away from Dan-Han and slowly walked over to him.

“Hey.” In-Ha greeted with a smile as she stood before him, but he was uttered surprised when she pulled him in a hug. In-Ha’s eyes anxiously darted to Dan-Han who surprisingly had an eased look on his face, as if saying he was perfectly okay with it.

In-Ha found himself glancing at Ni-Na and his brows creased. Was she smiling?

He glanced back at Eun-sun when she hugged him a bit tighter. He sighed and hugged her back, not being away to stop himself from doing so.

She felt as small as she’d always felt in his arms, and her scent also hasn’t changed a bit. She still reminded him of lavender.

In-Ha searched his mind to remember the last time they hugged this closely, but he couldn’t.

His closest guess was before they went on that trip? He certain it way back then, because that trip had changed everything in their lives, and everyone had been apart since then.

“I’ll remind the chef about our order, and probably ask him to make a few more things.” Dan-Han suddenly said, making Eun-sun and In-Ha glance at him as they slowly pulled away.

“Ni-Na, you come with me.” He said and strided away with Ni-Na tailing behind.

In-Ha scoffed as he watched him leave. “He really makes it impossible to hate him.” He smiled and Eun-sun affirmatively nodded as they watched Dan-Han leave after giving such a silly excuse when they knew he was just giving them space to talk as usual.

“You can never hate him no matter hard you try. He’s that kind of man that has that effect on you.”

In-Ha turned his gaze to her and watched her as she watched Dan-Han leave with Ni-Na. “And I understand why he’d be your only choice.”

Eun-sun raised her head up to him and met his eyes which were staring down at hers. His blue-green were always so vibrant and beautiful, just like the person he was.

“I’m sorry.” She whispered out, and In-Ha slowly shook his head, his lips slightly curving up in a smile, which wasn’t as bright as the smiles she has always seen on his face. As a matter of fact, it’s been a while since she saw him smile brightly.

“You have nothing to apologize for.” He told her.

“No, I have everything to apologize for. I must apologize for not being a true friend to you. For not recognizing the fact that all that happened wasn’t your fault. It was neither of our faults, and like a true friend I should have been there for you, totally supportive as you sort yourself out. I should have tried to know you more, and be a good support to you.”

In-Ha slowly reached for her hand and he led her to sit on a chair while he occupied the one beside her.

They both turned to one another and held each other’s gaze. In-Ha sighed when he saw a tear drop threaten to fall down her eyes and he quickly caught it with his thumb.

“You don’t have to apologize for anything, Eun-sun. It’s not your fault I fell for you. Or maybe it was the judgemental glare you tossed at me the first day you saw me at Dan-Han’s place and you thought me to be your boss.” He chuckled.

“Or maybe it was the shoulder flip you gave me that almost broke my ribs when I tried to be a pervert that had me falling for you.” He smiled and Eun-sun chuckled with a sniff.

“You were indeed a pervert.” She said with a smile.

In-Ha caught another tear from her eyes as he nodded in agreement and continued. “Maybe it was all that that had you stuck in my mind, or maybe it was because you were different from the other girls I’ve bedded before your arrival, and I was eager for the chase. Several times, you called me out on my crap and beat me into shape.”

“Please don’t put it that way.” Eun-sun flushed with mortification. When he put it that way, it made her seem like a man beater. “You make it seem like I’m a very violent person.”

“You were a very violent person.” He corrected and Eun-sun smacked his arm, while he smiled.

“I’m so surprised how you’ve turned into a crybaby in front of me. That man have you tamed and in chains.”

“I’m not in any chain.” Eun-sun smacked his arms again as she tried not to laugh. She paused and peered at him when she caught his eyes intently staring at her. Her smile dissipated when she saw how serious he was looking at her.

“Eun-sun, I don’t know if I’ve said it before but I don’t regret it. I don’t regret falling for you. I-I don’t regret wanting you and pining for you, because I feel for the first time, I believe what Jae-Hyun said.”

Eun-sun’s brows furrowed into a knot. “Jae-Hyun? What did he say?” She curiously asked.

“He said that you were a test.” He told her.

“A test?” Eun-sun asked as her brows furrowed deeper, while In-Ha nodded.

“Yes. My test, Eun-sun. A test to show me I was ready for another phase-”

“Another phase of your life.” She cut in, and In-Ha nodded


Eun-sun chuckled at the coincidence that Ni-Na had just said same thing hours ago. “Ni-Na said those same words about you today.” She said.

“She did?” In-Ha asked with a raised brow.

“Yeah. She said this wasn’t coincidental, and that maybe we’re met to help each other and be in each other’s lives, but not in the way we’d want to. Or the way you want to. That this could be a healing phase for you and I, from our past.” She said and In-Ha frowned.

“She said that?”

“Yes.” Eun-sun nodded, while In-Ha turned towards the direction Ni-Na had gone with Dan-Han with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

“Jae-Hyun and Ni-Na are knowledgeable people, especially Ni-Na. She’s so bright and smart for her age. And I think she really cares for you like a sister. I mean she’s worried about you. She...she told me about your past, and...and your mom.”

Eun-sun paused when In-Ha turned to her and stared at her with a blank look.

“She told you that too?” He slowly asked, his voice almost in a drawl that made Eun-sun slightly nervous.

“Yeah, she did. She wanted me to know you better, and I think she wanted us to get past all this and just be the best we could be for each other. She didn’t mean to talk about your personal life, so don’t be angry with her. I really felt bad for not knowing anything about you, except the superficial things I know. I really hate myself for that. So please don’t be angry with her.” She rambled out, feeling slightly anxious for Ni-Na’s sake


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