Chapter 207

207 Chapter 207 A Picnic And A Song

(Desmond Office, Military Barracks, Third Person POV)


Distracted for a moment by the sound of someone knocking on his door Desmond put the reports he was reading on the table and let the person outside pass.

With ice blue eyes Silvia entered with slow steps and a restricted attitude, it seemed that since the incident between her and Desmond the day before the girl still had a good measure of fear directed towards Desmond.

It was a shame that Silvia had a job to do and it included dealing with Desmond daily so the poor girl summoned all her courage and passed a message to Desmond.

“Gerard Mclain, the man we arrested yesterday was found dead today in his cell, according to the preliminary report it was suicide, although it does not seem that there will be a further investigation into this”

To Silvia’s surprise and discomfort, Desmond didn’t bother to answer, what was strange was that Desmond didn’t seem surprised at all by Gerard’s sudden death, which aroused Silvia’s suspicion a bit; but given her previous experience this time she was smart enough not to comment on it.

Uncomfortable with the silence, Silvia decided to leave the room after notifying her lieutenant: “That was all, if you don’t need me for anything else, I’ll go and retire”

On the way out of the office, Silvia heard what seemed like a somewhat exasperated sigh, followed by the sound of footsteps going in her direction, when she turned around she saw Desmond who picked up her coat and passed her next to her; just as Desmond almost left the room she turned around and said:


“Trevstone, Why don’t you join me for lunch today?”

And although it seemed that Desmond was asking Silvia to accompany him, his tone of voice and posture indicated more that it was an order or at least that seemed to Silvia who was still somehow shocked by yesterday’s events; so the poor girl followed Desmond with the attitude of a lamb being kidnapped by a wolf.

After a while, Silvia became suspicious of Desmond’s true intentions since they had long since moved away from the commercial district of the city where most of the restaurants were located.

For a moment Silvia’s mind was filled with possible scenarios, some worse than others, strangely the idea of ??some of those “Terrible” scenarios excited her a bit, but she was too nervous to recognize her inclinations at the time; it was a shame that a familiar voice interrupted her fantasies.

“We arrived”

Shocked out of her thoughts Silvia was surprised when she recognized the building and one of the people in front of her, in front of the botanical garden where Desmond had had his first date with Claire, two women were waiting for Desmond and Silvia, one of them was Claire with her emerald eyes and a smile; it was obvious that she was quite happy to see her friend.

Curiously, although Silvia was happy to see Claire even after yesterday’s incident, the person who most caught Silvia’s attention was the woman who accompanied Claire, with vermilion hair and eyes, very lightly tanned skin, and a seductive figure; Sasha had finally deigned to leave her new laboratory to join the group for a meal outside of the house.

As for why Sasha had captured Silvia’s interest, it wasn’t because the latter had special inclinations... at least not entirely, but the reason was quite strange in itself, it was the heat. For Silvia’s sixth sense, Sasha’s presence was like the warmest and most comfortable campfire in the world.

It was a pity that the only person present who noticed Silvia’s interest was not interested in revealing her presence and she followed her path floating on Desmond’s shoulder.

After a brief introduction between the girls, the group made their way to the center of the botanical garden where a small section had been arranged for a picnic-style lunch.

A beautiful view full of flowers was rare at this time of year and therefore the group enjoyed the environment more than normal, at least for the most part... Yet Silvia spent an uncomfortable moment trying to fit in with the group, mainly due to Sasha’s presence and due to the understanding that Sasha was Desmond’s other romantic partner.

After an hour lunch was over, it can be said that everyone had a pleasant and quiet moment except Silvia who had been uncomfortable throughout the event, and it didn′t help when she tried to flatter Claire and Sasha for the homemade food just to be corrected when Claire pointed to Desmond as the cook.

Besides the disbelief at the idea of ??Desmond in the kitchen, Silvia could no longer wait to find a place to hide, curious enough was that the worse her situation got the more she approached Sasha in search of warmth; like a little chick looking for her mother for comfort.

Ignoring the expression of utter misery on Silvia’s face, Desmond left the girls alone for a few minutes before returning with a small case that he took from somewhere, as soon as Claire saw the case her expression changed enormously; she could hardly believe what she saw so she rushed to silence the girls waiting for what would happen next.

Of course, Claire’s behavior did not go unnoticed by Desmond who only smiled bitterly before standing a couple of meters in front of the girls and opening the case.

“It’s been a long time” with a smile and a low murmur, Desmond brought out a simple, but very well-preserved violin, this didn’t look like an expensive instrument and looked a bit small for Desmond’s size; which make sense as it was the violin he used to play with his mother when he was little.

The truth to be told, there was more than one musical instrument in the original Astryd residence in the city of Kars, but after the loss of his parents and what happened in the following year’s Desmond had brought nothing but this violin to his new home and even that was done just out of nostalgia as Desmond did not believe at the time that he would play this instrument again.

But Desmond had thought a lot in his conversation with Kyuru about finding something to help him find inner peace and as much as Desmond thought about it this was the only thing that came to mind, back then playing the violin under his mother tutelage was the only true peace Desmond ever had in his life.

There was no violence, there was no hatred, there was no lust nor that predatory instinct that had existed in him since he was a child, he did not have to worry about taking care of anyone while playing music; all he had to do was put his soul into it and for Desmond, that moment was the only peace he could remember.

Taking a standard stance holding the violin’s chin between his jaw and his collarbone, Desmond placed the bow in his right hand and after a couple of deep breaths, he began to play.

The melody was upbeat, fluid, and energetic, being one of his mother’s favorite Mozart pieces, Desmond had a fairly high domain of this melody, even when this particular melody was meant to be a quartet; Desmond was giving an amazing demonstration.

Seconds turned into minutes and Desmond seemed increasingly lost in the melody, with memories and emotions emerging within him, this melody was not only a work of art in its own right, but it had a special meaning for Desmond, and playing it made Desmond feel once again close to what he had lost all those years ago.

As for the viewers, they were all in awe of the artistic display in front of them, especially Silvia and Sasha who had no idea that Desmond possessed such skill.

In a similar way to Desmond, Claire was more lost in her memories than in the melody itself, for this was a piece deeply engraved in her memory as well.

Of course, speaking of reactions, no reaction was greater than Kyuru’s, the tiny winged beauty fluttered erratically in an area out of the sight of everyone present, her cheeks flushed, her legs twisted and rubbed each other erotically with short moans coming out of her lips; with her eyes misty the reasons for her current behavior were unknown, but certainly, her reaction was the most intense of all.

In the end, the musical demonstration lasted almost half an hour before Desmond stopped, as much as he had wanted to continue playing the violin, the break time was over and it was time to go back to work; also Desmond had the strange feeling that he couldn’t play as freely as he had in the past.

The girls disappointed by having to stop their little private concert reluctantly agreed after being reprimanded by Desmond in an authoritarian tone, even so, the experience had left a deep impression on all the girls present; of course what kind of impression was left and what consequences it would have was something to be discovered in times to come.


Hearing her name, Silvia reacted a little surprised and responded instinctively: “Yes, lieutenant.”

At her formal reaction Desmond only smiled helplessly and said: “I apologize for my reaction yesterday, I am not used to having my authority challenged, but I still have to admit that I acted hastily and that’s why I apologize”

As if lightning shone in the dark, only then did Silvia realize that everything that had happened today had been an apology from Desmond for what had happened before, smiling to herself Silvia only nodded adorably.

Believing that he had solved his current problems with his subordinate, Desmond was quite satisfied, the poor devil didn′t know that his kindness only provoke Silvia’s curiosity and interest in him; if he did, it is not known what his reaction would be.


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