Chapter 203

203 Chapter 203 Those Who Need To Be Protected

“Please help...”

Gerard who after being stabbed at least six times by Desmond begged for help seeing that the source of his fear had left the room, as hurt as he was, still hoped to take advantage of any opportunity he had to escape, but his illusions faded quickly as his entire body felt unexpectedly restricted.

Claire didn’t wait to see what could Gerard do in his state and she just restrained him with her telekinetic force without giving the criminal a chance to continue his machinations.

Morales and Silvia quickly proceeded to handcuff and restrain Gerard properly, checking his injuries in the process, after finishing the group immediately followed the direction in which Desmond had departed.

Desmond on the other hand was pretty sure that the group he left behind would be more than capable of completing Gerard’s arrest without his help so he left that matter in the back of his head until he reached the place where he was supposed to find who he was looking for.

And there she was, after completely removing the lock at the entrance to the warehouse Desmond entered and immediately managed to see who he was looking for, that same girl who always received him with a warm smile and eyes full of admiration and expectation was now tied in an indecorous way to a bed in bad shape in the middle of the warehouse.

“Who’s there?”

Hearing that someone had entered the room, Sara who was tied up blindfolded, managed to move the gag enough in her mouth, and she asked with a trembling voice.

“It’s me, Desmond, I’m here to help you; do not worry everything will be fine”


Desmond had to do his best to control the anger burning inside him at that moment and give words of comfort to the girl who was now trembling nervously in front of him.

Fortunately, Gerard hadn’t lied, aside from the ligature marks on his wrists and ankles; Sara looked pretty intact which helped calm Desmond’s mood.

“Desmond? Are you?”

The fear in Sara’s voice made Desmond feel like it was breaking his heart, the truth is that, although Sara was a small beauty she had never caught Desmond’s romantic interest, which did not mean that Desmond did not care about the girl at all; quite the contrary, Desmond had great respect and affection for this girl who spent the best years of her youth caring for the children of the orphanage by her own decision.

Desmond himself had never considered himself a noble person and he used to despise those of heroic character, but that did not mean that he could not respect and even admire those of pure heart and noble intentions.

And it was that kind of admiration and affection that Sara had that caused Desmond to lose control of his emotions when he discovered that Gerard was hiding in the orphanage, once inside the orphanage Desmond did not take long to notice the absence of Sara what it made him suspect the worst; That was why Desmond was so direct in his assault and questioning against Gerard.

“Yes, it’s me, don’t worry Sara, everything will be fine, I’m going to remove those ties, do you understand? Just stay still ”

Sara seemed to calm down a lot when she received Desmond’s confirmation and remained still while Desmond removed the restraints, meanwhile, Claire, Silvia, and Morales had dragged Gerard to the entrance of the warehouse, thus witnessing the last exchange of words between Desmond and Sara.

One can imagine the surprise that Silvia and her partner were taken by seeing Desmond’s tender and affectionate appearance as he released Sara’s bonds and tried to comfort her, it was obvious that the pair were not able to keep up with the varying rhythm of their lieutenant whose humor it was as capricious as the wind.

And they cannot be blamed, in the last hour, they had seen so many conflicting facets of Desmond that if told separately, anyone would think they were talking about two different people.

Unfortunately for them, Desmond wasn′t interested in pondering on his emotional instability, as he was too busy taking Sara very carefully in his arms and carrying her out of the room.

The funny thing is that as unnerving as it seemed to see Desmond being so loving and caring to someone else, Claire did not react at all; and Silvia who witnessed everything that happened had to keep any additional thoughts or comments to herself.

But there was something that Silvia couldn’t get out of her mind ... that almost beastly aggression from Desmond, a part of her that was unknown before seemed to tremble slightly when she saw Desmond like that, but what most caught her attention was the current behavior of Desmond and the words he addressed to Gerard during his quick questioning.

During the interrogation Desmond spoke about those who exert violence, mentioning how weak of will those who abuse the innocent are and how little he cared about having to inflict violence on them; but seeing the current scenario Silvia thought differently.

Silvia believed that the reason why Desmond felt nothing or seemed to feel nothing while torturing Gerard was not only because Gerard deserved it, she believed that for Desmond it was not about Gerard but Sara; and the reason why Desmond exerts violence is for those like Sara.

For those who are victims of violence and cannot defend themselves, for those who must be protected, it was for them that Desmond could apply such brutality on another human being without feeling anything.

And while that didn’t make Desmond correct in torturing Gerard, at least it was a feeling that many could relate to.

Unknown to Silvia, another person in the room had come to a similar conclusion about Desmond at the same time that she witnessed the constant emotional changes that she had undergone.

It was a shame that this person quickly lost interest in seeing Desmond leave the room and simply put the subject of Silvia in the back of her mind before flapping her beautiful wings and hovering happily on Desmond′s shoulder

After calming and comforting Sara, Desmond and his squad had to spend a couple of hours dealing with paperwork and handling his prisoner; curiously when the people in charge of moving Gerard arrived Gerard himself seemed more than happy to go with them.

One can imagine that the man wanted to put as much distance in the world as possible between himself and Desmond, the poor devil had no idea that Desmond had stopped caring about him at all; Desmond had enough trouble dealing with the paperwork and the repercussions his behavior would have during the event.

By the time dusk came Desmond had finally been cleared of the paperwork and claims from his superior, needless to say, Desmond headed straight home hoping to get some rest and maybe spend some intimate time with Claire.

One can imagine the surprise Desmond got when he opened the door to the room and the person waiting for him was not Claire but Kyuru and judging from the expression on her face the little fairy was certainly not coming to play.


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