Chapter 198

198 Chapter 198 New Skills and a Grim Mission

“What kind of mission?” With his curiosity piqued, Desmond asked with interest.


After a brief silence, Desmond dropped his interested and playful expression and the entire aura around him seemed to instantly grow darker.

“A mission for a Shadowhunter I assume”

Elaisa smiled bitterly at Desmond’s sudden change and replied, “They are the only assassination missions we take.”

Before Elaisa could continue explaining she was quickly interrupted by Desmond who had no interest in accepting the mission without first asking a question of vital importance to him.

“If I remember correctly, Shadowhunters usually take these types of missions and they are mostly commissioned to hunt down all kinds of villains... What kind of monster am I hunting?”

Being aware to some degree of some of the moral boundaries concerning her hunter Elaisa was not particularly surprised by Desmond’s question so she replied lazily.

“A serial rapist and murderer, all the female victims between the ages of 14 and 18, all were abused and brutally tortured before dying, the reward was given by a celestial who took pity on the victims, but could not intercede for his own hand”


Few things in the world could make Desmond feel hatred or deep revulsion and it just so happens that the person Desmond would have to hunt for this mission was one of those few things.

As sadistic as Desmond could be at times, he had never inflicted pain on others for the sheer pleasure of doing so and the same applied to his lust as he had never forced her on others; Desmond sincerely despised this class of people greatly and was more than happy to end the life of such a being.

Without being aware of it, a dangerous and aggressive smile was drawn on Desmond’s face and when she saw it, Elaisa knew immediately that Desmond would accept the mission, although she was not entirely comfortable with Desmond’s thirst for blood at this moment.

“It seems that it captures your interest, I will send the precise details of the mission to your hunter’s book; In addition to that, I would like to go over with you a list of possible skills to acquire through the association if it suits you ”

As soon as she finished speaking Elaisa unfolded the holographic screen that she had next to her and placed it in front of Desmond showing him the aforementioned skillset.

Desmond had a small nervous tic when he saw the display of skills in front of him as not only were there a considerable number of them, but in addition, they all had an additional note that spoke about the amount of training required to master each of them.

Unlike the abilities he currently mastered where only a certain degree of control over one type of elemental mana and the energy required to propel the ability was required; the skills mentioned on the list required a great deal of dexterity and much more precise mana control.

“Silent step, constant arrows, sensory focus, mana pulse, elemental condensation, and the presence of the void... didn’t you find a longer list?”

A soft giggle escaped the fragrant lips of Elaisa who couldn’t help but find Desmond’s almost lamentable reaction funny.

“They are largely basic mana manipulation techniques that every elemental user should know, unlike other abilities where specific elements of mana are used these are intended to use mana in its purest form to carry out a function.

Believe me, you will need every one of them in the future not only for the mission that you will take next ... if it is any consolation they are quite cheap skills considering their usefulness ”

There was little comfort that Desmond found in Elaisa’s words, but reading Desmond’s description of the abilities he could not deny their usefulness, so he limited himself to keeping the bitterness he felt to himself.

“It seems like the next step is to train these skills like crazy, as well as my level of control over mana ... do we have anything else to discuss?”

With nothing more than an implicit complaint to add, Desmond, turned to Elaisa who was still looking at him with mockery without hiding in her expression.

“No, that would be it; Send me a message when you think you have reached an adequate level of competence in your training and we will agree on your next mission ”

Five minutes later Desmond was back in the living room of his home in his world staring at the ceiling with a blank expression on his face as he commented on his complaints to himself.

“Looks like I’m going to have a tough couple of weeks ahead.”

Little did Desmond know when he made such a comment that the word difficult would be ill-suited for what would happen to him in the next few weeks.


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