Chapter 192

192 Chapter 192 Resolving An Unfinished Business

(Third person POV)

Crack *

The sound of a bone-breaking came from a remote corridor inside the office section of the military barracks, such a thing was abnormal, to say the least, but by coincidence or planning, there was no one in the vicinity to hear it; no one except Desmond and the poor devil who was now lying on the ground.

“I hope it’s been clear Lieutenant Decker, you keep your hands off my girls and I stay away from you; if you ask me, it doesn’t seem like a bad deal ”

A deal with the devil is what poor Lieutenant Decker wanted to shout, but he was too scared to say a single word; he didn’t even know how he provoked the demon that was torturing him.

Not that he could be blamed, Decker had been the lieutenant who had given the order to send people to Desmond’s house, as well as to harass other rookies like Silvia; It was even related to the harassment Paulina was receiving.

Worst of all, at least for poor Decker, he wasn’t even doing it for fun, he was the one doing Captain Williams’ dirty work and he was just following orders.

Never in his life would he have imagined that the new first lieutenant assigned to the base would appear to him out of nowhere and drag him into a remote hallway just to give him a brutal beating; Desmond hadn’t even explained the reason for the beating until now.

“No answers? Well, I guess I should break another finger to make sure you understand. ”


“Wait, I understand, I already understood; I’ll stay away from the girls in your squad. “Stammering through tears, Decker managed to reply.

“Perfect... oh, I almost forgot; that also includes former officer Paulina Rodríguez. I just recruited her as a volunteer emergency medical officer, so technically she is once again affiliated with our military headquarters and I suppose your boss won’t want there to be any grudges between us and our medical staff... especially with the times ahead. ”

Lieutenant Decker didn’t even stop to think about how Desmond had found out that he, too, was related to Paulina or why Desmond had decided to intervene; all he wanted was to be able to say goodbye to the smiling demon staring at him with naked cruelty.

“I’ll make sure it’s done, please just let me go.”

Satisfied with his work, Desmond let the poor lieutenant stumble away, though Decker almost fell back to the ground when he heard the devil’s whisper.

“Say hello to your sister Anna for me.”

A threat, it was a threat, but Desmond meant it as if he wanted to send his regards to Lieutenant Decker’s older sister; Decker felt a deep chill at that moment that he had never felt in his life.

Watching poor Lieutenant Decker tremble like a leaf in autumn, Desmond was too lazy to wait for his victim ... to wait for his new friend to leave the place so he left first leaving Lieutenant Decker there frozen.

After a pleasant chat with Leila from the personnel department, Desmond left his office with a bright smile and a contract in hand; the contract in question was the one he had mentioned earlier to recruit Paulina as a volunteer.

After saying goodbye to the recruits Desmond had returned to the personnel office looking for an option to solve Paulina’s problem. And it was Leila who offered to formulate a contract for him.

Leila was known to Paulina and she had felt very bad about what she went through with the girl so she offered to help her without even hesitating for a second; She had also been the one who had told him about Lieutenant Decker.

Of course, it was unlikely that Leila expected Desmond to go straight to break Decker’s bones in a secluded place to threaten him clearly that no normal person would come to that conclusion.

In any case, after a couple of hours fulfilling some of his official duties, dusk came and Desmond left the military barracks and went in the direction of the commercial district to look for Paulina.

In the end, it was not difficult to find her, apparently, Paulina now worked as the manager of the flower shop where Desmond used to do some shopping from time to time; It turns out that the owner was too old to continue running the store and hired the beautiful Pauline who was looking for work after leaving the army.

Upon entering the store there she was, with that beautiful blonde hair tied in a ponytail and a warm smile adorning her lips; the beautiful Paulina was watering the flowers attentively without noticing Desmond’s presence.

She seemed genuinely happy in her new job and Desmond thought it was a shame that other people came to ruin the happiness of the young beauty, but it wasn’t that Desmond had much choice about it either; the contract in his hand was already the best he could do now.

Paulina, without being aware of the arrival of a new client, concentrated on taking care of her with a lot of love from her orchids while Desmond just watched her enjoying the scene; Not only did Paulina have a beautiful face, but she had a phenomenal body and Desmond thought it would be a waste to ruin the beauty in front of him.

But nothing is eternal and this moment was no exception. Paulina stopped taking care of the orchids and Desmond decided it was time to make her presence known.

“Excuse me young beauty I would like to order three bouquets and a smile”

At that moment it was as if time had stopped for Paulina, that voice belonged to that man, she was sure but she was still afraid of turning around and realizing that she had been wrong; Unable to overcome her fear, Paulina remained silent without responding to Desmond.

“I suppose a bad joke is not the proper greeting given the circumstances ... Paulina has spent time”

It was at that precise moment that Paulina knew, it was him, she turned around without realizing that her eyes had become watery and she tried to answer the greeting only to realize that she didn′t know how to do it; she didn’t know Desmond’s name after all.

Noticing his watery eyes and his discomfort, Desmond felt a little guilty in his heart... the idiot hadn’t even said his name to the girl.

“Last time things were a bit ... troublesome so to speak, but as you see a lot has changed,” Desmond said as he pointed to his military uniform and continued “My name is Desmond Astryd and I come here today on behalf of the army”

Of all the scenarios that Paulina had ever imagined, I hope that she would meet Desmond wearing a military uniform, much less that she would visit her on official business; her only consolation is that she at least she knew she knew his name.

Seeing that Paulina was still on the verge of tears Desmond let out a helpless sigh and said:

“It seems I owe you an explanation.”


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