Part Time Employee in Konoha

Chapter 275: Jiraiya-sensei, why do you oppose me?

Chapter 275: Jiraiya-sensei, why do you oppose me?

Orochimaru's speculation is quite reasonable.

Even Jiraiya was shocked by Orochimaru's guess!

Because, in a certain sense, Nagato indeed fits the identity of the Child of Prophecy more than Uzumaki Naruto, as he is indeed bringing about changes to the Naruto World.


What about that child, Naruto?

When I encountered Uzumaki Naruto during my research, and took him as a student, was it all just to sacrifice him, to strip the tailed beast from his body, and allow Nagato to gather all the tailed beasts to revive the weapon of war?


Is this the truth?

After Jiraiya had this thought, a greater fear enveloped him. After taking Uzumaki Naruto as a student, due to Naruto's identity and personality, Jiraiya had always treated the child like his own son, pouring a lot of effort into him...

Now it seems...

Was all this to teach Uzumaki Naruto how to sacrifice himself?

"First, let's save Nagato."

Fukasaku understood Jiraiya's feelings and could only sigh, "At the very least, we must stop Kagura from obtaining the Rinnegan..."


Shima agreed with Fukasaku, nodding, "No matter what we intend to do, stopping Kagura from obtaining the Rinnegan is a must!"

This is what they must do.

Regardless of who the Child of Prophecy is, regardless of what the future truth holds, stopping Akihara Kagura from obtaining the Rinnegan now, preventing the union of the Sage's Eye and the Sage's Body, is certainly the right thing to do!

"Yes, we must stop Kagura first..."

Jiraiya agreed with the two sages' reminder.


Orochimaru's expression was subtle.

Where did Jiraiya and the two Toad Sages get their confidence from?

Everyone barely survived when they all attacked Six Paths of Pain together; Akihara Kagura took down Six Paths of Pain alone in ten seconds; how do they plan to stop Akihara Kagura?

How will they fight?

With what?


Jiraiya looked at Orochimaru.

"I must go."

Orochimaru interrupted Jiraiya.

"Orochimaru, this is truly the last time."

Jiraiya called out to the departing Orochimaru and said proactively, "Help me save Nagato, just like old times. I will fight desperately to cover your and Nagato's escape..."

"What you said..."

Orochimaru took a deep breath and heavily nodded, "This is the last time. For the sake of you almost dying here, I will help you one last time."

After speaking, Orochimaru suddenly smiled, "If it really comes to that, I can take the Rinnegan away first for you..."

"Hey, hey, hey!"

Jiraiya looked displeased, grumbling, "At this point, you're still trying to take advantage?"


Orochimaru shook his head and ignored Jiraiya.

On the battlefield.

The statue of True Several Thousand Hands had already degraded into a forest.

The Gedo Statue of the Outer Path was still roaring ferociously, but its limbs had been torn off, leaving a bare body lying on the ground, posing no threat to Akihara Kagura.

Nagato raised a black rod, about to stab it into his own eyes, when a lightning bolt struck his arm, knocking the black rod from his hand!

"Brother Nagato."

Akihara Kagura floated gently to his side, advising warmly, "Why so extreme? I only want your eyes..."

"Shinra Tensei!"

Nagato's chakra erupted!

As usual, the repulsive force struck Akihara Kagura, only to rebound back at Nagato's body, sending him flying!

Konan quickly unfolded sheets of paper to block Akihara Kagura's sight. She knew what Nagato intended to do, but she would always support his decisions.

If Nagato insisted on destroying those eyes...

Konan believed his choice was right, so she would follow his plan and stop Akihara Kagura before Nagato destroyed his eyes!

"Wind Release: Spiraling Wind!"

Akihara Kagura raised his hand, unleashing a gust that blew Konan away!

The next moment!

Akihara Kagura turned into a golden light, swiftly chasing after Nagato, his fingers raised to pluck Nagato's eyes!

A long tongue suddenly grabbed Akihara Kagura, pulling him back just in time to save Nagato!

It was Shima!

The Toad Sage quickly retracted her tongue after saving Nagato, but didn't notice the Flying Thunder God mark that had appeared on it upon contact with Akihara Kagura!

"Dismiss the summoning!"

Orochimaru understood Akihara Kagura better than anyone else. He ordered Jiraiya, his face contorted with anger, to immediately dissolve Shima's summoning.

"Flying Thunder God..."

Jiraiya suddenly realized something, and urgently turned to Shima: "Shima, quickly dissolve the summoning!"

Orochimaru acted even faster, swiftly kicking Shima away, fearing that she might inadvertently lead Akihara Kagura to them.

"What the heck..."

Shima took the initiative to dissolve the summoning, disappearing in a puff of smoke.

However, after Shima left, Jiraiya suddenly remembered something and cautiously said, "By the way, there's one thing I should mention. Kagura might have left a Flying Thunder God mark on me..."

When he accepted Akihara Kagura as his student, their relationship was very good, so it was likely that the mark was left on him as well...


Orochimaru's eyes twitched, glaring at Jiraiya in frustration. Jiraiya had the Flying Thunder God mark on him, making it possible for Kagura to get to him in an instant. How could he possibly help in this situation?

"You stay here and die!"

Orochimaru angrily cursed at Jiraiya.

"Alright, alright..."

Jiraiya could only smile awkwardly and nod.


Fukasaku, watching Akihara Kagura rush toward Nagato from afar, hurriedly shouted, "Little Jiraiya, if you don't save him now, it will be too late!"

"Sage Art: Water Severing Wave!"

As Fukasaku spoke, he spewed a high-pressure stream of water at Akihara Kagura, slashing towards him like a water blade!


Akihara Kagura glanced at the approaching water wave. Still in Sage Mode, he raised his hand.

"Sage Art: Water Release: Water Severing Wave!"

A more powerful high-pressure water stream cut across!

The two high-pressure water waves clashed in an X-shape. Fukasaku's water wave was clearly not strong enough and was instantly cut apart!

"Earth Release: Earth Flow Wall!"

Jiraiya formed a seal and raised a wall!


The wall was split in an instant!

Jiraiya watched in horror as the high-pressure water stream fell nearby, cutting a deep trench into the ground!

Orochimaru took a deep breath, sensing the terror of fighting Akihara Kagura: "Now do you realize how dangerous it is to fight your student? That guy's casually used Water Release can kill all of us..."

"But we must save Nagato!"

Jiraiya clasped his hands together and rushed towards Akihara Kagura, his white hair instantly growing long: "Wild Lion's Mane Technique!"

The suddenly extended white hair twisted around Akihara Kagura like countless ropes!

However, Jiraiya, knowing his technique could only restrain for a second, shouted loudly, "Nagato, run!"


Nagato looked at Jiraiya, who was saving him, in astonishment.

Just moments before, they were fighting, and he almost killed this teacher. But now, in an instant, this teacher was trying to save him...

"Head towards the lake..."

Konan immediately pulled Nagato, whispering, "I set traps by the lake to stop his pursuit, maybe even kill him..."

"Don't destroy the Rinnegan."

Orochimaru swiftly approached Nagato and Konan, coldly reminding them: "Your eyes are now the hope to save the ninja world..."


Nagato frowned, still not quite understanding.

Now, his Rinnegan seemed to be the root cause of the world's destruction. How did it suddenly become the hope of saving the ninja world?

"Just run quickly."

Orochimaru glanced at Nagato and Konan, having no time to explain further, and continued, "Jiraiya won't be able to hold off Kagura for long. He will use his life to cover your escape. Don't waste that fool's sacrifice..."

On the other side of the battlefield.

Jiraiya and Akihara Kagura walked towards their master-student confrontation again.

Akihara Kagura raised his hand, touching Jiraiya's long hair, and a bolt of lightning instantly spread from the hair to Jiraiya!

Jiraiya's body trembled violently, falling to the ground with a shudder, even emitting a puff of smoke from his mouth.

The tall, white-haired man climbed back up with a helpless wry smile, perhaps lamenting his fate: "It's funny when you think about it. I was almost killed by one student, and now I'm about to be killed by another..."

"There's no need to say such things, is there?"

Akihara Kagura frowned, seemingly not quite understanding: "Jiraiya-sensei, if I remember correctly, I just saved you..."


Jiraiya's momentum faltered instantly.

He initially had reasons to object, but he slowly shook his head and sighed, "Kagura, you want to take Nagato's Rinnegan and use its power to destroy the Ninja World. This is something I cannot stand by and watch."

"Kagura, you are my most outstanding student."

Jiraiya looked at Akihara Kagura and spoke softly, "In all my years traveling the Ninja World, I have never seen anyone with talent as great as yours..."

This was a fact.

The Ninja World was vast and full of wonders.

Jiraiya had traveled many places and seen many different types of ninjas, yet he still believed that Akihara Kagura before him was the most talented ninja, even having realized his potential.

Wood Release, Lava Release, Dust Release—mastery of these three Kekkei Genkai alone surpassed everyone in the Ninja World. Additionally, he had mastered all five nature transformations and even space-time techniques, Sage Mode, and forbidden jutsu...


This student had diligently trained his taijutsu.

Thinking about this, Jiraiya felt that perhaps no one as powerful as Akihara Kagura would ever appear again in the future; no one in the Ninja World could be his match.

This was the most frightening part.

A terrifying genius with no weaknesses.

If not for Nagato's Rinnegan and the war weapon created by the gathering of the Tailed Beasts, no one in the Ninja World could stop Akihara Kagura from destroying it...

"Your talent shouldn't be used for killing..."

Jiraiya looked at Akihara Kagura and spoke softly, "Danzo has influenced you too much. You should realize by now that he's not a good person. A ninja's life..."

(TL: Danzo still catching strays.)


Akihara Kagura impatiently dug in his ear, "You're not someone good at preaching, so don't start now. Lord Danzo indeed has some flaws, but he also possesses commendable qualities worth learning from..."

Akihara Kagura looked at Jiraiya and continued slowly, "I've always remembered Lord Danzo's teachings: once you find a goal, never waver in your will. No matter the preaching or obstruction from others, you must persist in doing what you believe is right..."


"What I'm doing is right."

"The source of chakra is wrong..."

"The existence of ninjas is wrong, and the ninja village system is wrong. That's why there are so many wars in the Ninja World. Even temporary peace cannot resolve conflicts between people. To prevent future suffering from wars..."

"I've been thinking all along..."

"In the end, I reached a conclusion."N/nêw n0vel chap/ers are published o/n n0v/e/(lb)i(n.)co/m

"The first answer is destruction."

Akihara Kagura slowly closed his eyes and then suddenly opened them, "Destroy everyone in this Ninja World, make all those who know war and conflict disappear..."

"A world of deathly silence is meaningless..."

Jiraiya shook his head. He absolutely did not believe that what Akihara Kagura was doing was right, nor could anyone else be right in doing so.

"I know..."

Akihara Kagura raised an eyebrow and posed a question for Jiraiya to ponder, "I have a question. How did humans come into existence?"

"And how did ninjas appear in this world?"


Jiraiya could not answer the first question, but he knew the answer to the second one very well: "A thousand years ago, the Sage of the Six Paths created a village, from which ninjas were born. In that era, ninjas could understand each other through chakra, and there were no conflicts among them..."


"Ninjas were created by the Sage of the Six Paths..."

Seeing that his teacher finally got to the point, Akihara Kagura smiled, "Jiraiya-sensei, I am your student. I have heard the stories you've told countless times, so I've thought of a second answer..."


"Since ninjas can be created by the Sage of the Six Paths, why can't we kill everyone and create new ninjas?"

"The newly created ninjas would be like newborn babies, as innocent as the ninjas created by the Sage of the Six Paths a thousand years ago..."

When Akihara Kagura said this, he seemed to be fascinated by the future story of his own creation: "I will destroy this old world. The ninjas of this era are ignorant, willing to fight for a little benefit, which is why Nagato was born..."

"However, he believed that the power of the nine Tailed Beasts gathered together could destroy the Ninja World, but the power of destruction can also be used for creation."

"I discovered the truth about the Tailed Beasts and the Gedo Statue before any of you. When I mastered Wood Release, I knew part of the truth of this Ninja World. I also knew why this world was full of wars and how to create a world where ninjas understand each other without wars..."

"That is to recreate a world that gives birth to ninjas, like the Sage of the Six Paths did a thousand years ago..."

"In that new world..."

"There would be no wars, no sorrow, no despair."

"The ninjas of the new world would understand each other like the village you talked about..."

At this point, Akihara Kagura even looked a bit sad, "Jiraiya-sensei, I've always followed your teachings. Why are you opposing me?"


This Naruto Arc is Finished in Patreon!

Now I'm gonna read the One Piece arc! Give me 1 week or less to give proper judgment whether to continue translating until One Piece. /Bleam

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