Paradise Pokeball System

Vol. 2 Chapter 47: Grusha, Grusha!

Vol. 2 Chapter 47: Grusha, Grusha!

While this was convenient, I was a little leery about summoning the girls, but I guess people would find out at some point. Showing the world felt dangerous, but if people already knew about my Pokémon's Paradise Forms, there was a good chance that they knew about my ability to catch people.

-What happens if a Pokémon uses a move on you?- I sent back, and a reply came back almost immediately.

-Then you have to use a revive or a max revives to bring us back! Don't worry! We all want to fight!- Nemona replied.

I sighed, and then sent an -Okay- back but I got a message right away.

-You had better put some effort into it when you summon me!-

I chuckled at that message, and then looked down at Finny. "Ready to go?"

"No fair! I want the Master to carry me!" Popsicle complains, but then Knighty smacked her on the back of the head. "Hey! What was that for? You want to go?"

"You're a dummy. You have to walk to evolve, but you want the Master to carry you?" Knighty said, rolling her eyes, and I gave the two a look.

"Don't mess around, or I will turn this trip right around and send you all back to Prisma!" I half-threatened, but it got the two to quiet down.

I began to walk, and it was very quiet. I looked over at Popsicle, who was pouting, and then I looked over at Knighty who had a faint blush. Tomorrow I would have to take her to hunt the Bronzor's to collect their fragments, and then I would have to find a man named Zapapico to get the Auspicious Armor. After that, I was sure that she would feel better, but I was also excited to see what she looked like.

I walked down the path, but it didn't take long before I came across a Pokémon, and it was a Pokémon that I hadn't seen in the biome yet.

"A Pyroar?" I asked, and the Pokémon looked at me.

Then it looked at all the girls with me, and then back at me with a glare. It was clear that it didn't like how many female Pokémon I had, but they weren't even the same Pokémon. This was also my first face off against a wild male Pokémon, but then I remembered something and sighed.

"Sorry, big guy, but you are going to have to fight someone else," I said, and summoned Grusha's ball to my hand, and then tossed it out. "Go, Grusha," I said with no enthusiasm, but the ball just hit the ground without opening.

I just stared at the ball for a moment, and then Pyroar started to walk slowly towards me. I sighed, and set Finny down, walking over to the ball and picked it up, letting out another sigh before taking a deep breath and aiming at the Pyroar's head. "Alright! It's your time to shine! Go, Grusha!" I shouted out, and launched the ball at the Pyroar. Not how you were supposed to do it, but the slow gate the Pyroar had like it knew it was going to win was annoying me.

The Pyroar had no chance to dodge, and Grusha's ball dinged it between the eyes, knocking the Pokémon's head back. The ball flew up into the air and burst open, shooting a light down to the ground. The light formed into Grusha wearing a light blue tank top and dark blue jeans, along with her trademark scarf and mitts. The Pyroar's head snapped back down, but when it saw what had come off of the poke ball, it leaned its head around Grusha to look at me with a "Really?" look, and I just shrugged.

"Show us what you have learned, Grusha," I called out, and she looked over her shoulder with a nod.

"Grusha, Grusha!" She said in a determined voice, then turned around and said. "I use Splash!"

Me, Pyroar, and all my Pokémon just stood there with blank faces as Grusha flopped over and started to wiggle on the ground. My Cosmog came over to me, and leaned in to whisper. "Do I look like that?" Lumi asked, and I couldn't hold it in and burst out laughing. This was too much! What in Arceus's name was Grusha doing?"

Suddenly, Grusha jumped up, and turned to me to stick out her tongue cheekily. "Sorry, it was Iono's idea, but everyone's faces made it worth it! Now I am ready to be serious! Grusha, Grusha!"

I was almost in tears at this point from trying to hold back my laughter, but Grusha was too freakin cute!

"Let's end this quickly, Grusha. Use something other than Splash, please," I said, trying to keep myself together.

Grusha nodded, and then activated her Frigid Ice Queen Skin. Ice covered her body and then shattered off to reveal light blue boots, and gloves with dark blue shorts and a dark blue jacket that somehow contained her big breasts. Her hair had also turned to light blue, and her skin was a lighter shade. She turned and pointed her mittens at Pyroar.

"Grusha, Grusha!"

A board made of ice formed under her feet, and Grusha shot forward, breathing ice from her mouth to create a path that turned into a ramp. Grusha grabbed her board with one hand, spinning in the air while taking one foot off to land an icy kick to the side of the Pyroar's head. This staggered the Pokémon, and sent it tumbling. Grusha landed the blow with her foot, and then used the board to land back on the ground.

"Finish it, Grusha," I commanded, and she nodded, running forward with her board in her hand.

Grusha swung her board around in a large arch, the blade hitting Pyroar's head. As the Pokémon hit the ground, a flash of red light appeared around it, and the light faded away, showing the Pyroar had fainted. This was my first time seeing it outside of a trainer battle, and I was a bit relieved that we hadn't killed it. I didn't want to kill unless I had to.

"Master! How did I do? I mean, Grusha Grusha?" Grusha asked cutely as she ran over and gave me a hug, her big breasts pushing against me.

I returned the hug, and then patted her on the head. "That was awesome, Grusha! I couldn't have done better, but don't call me Master. People are already going to think this is weird," I told her, and she gave me a huge grin.

"What's weird? You are the master of all my holes!" Grusha said with a wink, and I groaned.

"Not around others, please," I said, looking her in the eyes, and she blushed.

"Sorry, Master. Grusha," She apologized, and then I let go of her, and then she took a step back. "Grusha, Grusha?"

"What does that even mean?" I asked, trying not to facepalm.

"I am going back now," She giggled, and then her and her ball turned into light that sucked back into me.


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