Paradise of Infinity

Chapter 24: Southern Air Temple (2)

Chapter 24: Southern Air Temple (2)

Chapter 24: Southern Air Temple (2)

After reading the letter and seeing something more familiar than the broken structures and statues, Aang had grown slightly calm. He wasn't cheerful as before, but his tears had dried off. The person Aang wished to meet the most in this temple was behind the door with strange contraptions that Nik and Sokka had failed to understand earlier.

Although Nik could simply devour the door, as he had felt previously—devouring relics and structures meaningful to his flight services may not be ideal. Besides, the fire nation is supposed to have many navy vessels. He could increase his AP from them.

"—Other Monks revealed I'm the Avatar a few days after. Monk Gyatso told me not to feel overwhelmed," Aang spoke up, allowing others beside him to know what was going on in the first place, "According to him, the person who can guide me through this journey is behind the doors of this sanctuary. I doubt he will be alive or even be here after so much time has passed, but a clue is all I can hope to attain."

"We tried it," Sokka complained, "The door won't budge." He then glanced at the lemur on Nik's shoulder and licked his lips.

"Please don't look at me like that," Nik narrowed his gaze as Katara chuckled, "Ah, I forgot that Sokka is of marriageable age, too."

"Hey!" Sokka hissed at his sister while Aang's mood rose as he watched others bickering.

"This door can only be opened by an Airbender. That's why I even have the confidence that the Fire Nation could not have entered the Sanctuary," Aang began moving his hands in a circling motion. The wind started to collect in between the space of his palms.

"Hmm, a man to guide the Avatar... maybe all your teachers are inside, and we won't have to go to that cowardly Northern Water Tribe," Sokka mused, "As much as I hate the prospect of it, maybe there are water, fire, and earthbender inside who can be your teacher."

"Maybe mine, too," Katara added.

"Let's find out," Nik shrugged. Aang seemed confident in opening the door. It won't take long to confirm their speculations.

Aang concentrated as his arms shot out with the intense wind entering the tubes from the blowhole.


A soft humming sound echoed as the trio saw the three air nomads' insignia turn over one by one as the air seemed to pass through the gaps of their fitting. Once all three insignias turned over, the other pipes behind the broader structure moved and twisted before letting out a pressurized wave of air and blowing away the collected ice and snow. The door finally moved with a heavy thudding noise, its panels opening inwards with the group's gaze greeted by darkness!

"Oh, well, it's always nice to hope," Sokka sighed.


The furry lemur on Nik's shoulder jumped down and entered the sanctuary as Aang followed soon.

"I can sense something inside," the young boy muttered. Everyone entered before Nik, and the others stiffened. Inside the sanctuary, barely visible, was a display of statues—Many statues.

"Uh, hello? My secret guide, are you here?" Aang inquired loudly, his voice echoing as he looked around with the lemur perching on his shoulder this time. On the other hand, Katara began observing the statue after recovering from her initial shock.

"It's a waste of time, Aan! Let's go!" Sokka grumbled when Nik elbowed and signaled him to look at the statues.

"Isn't that water tribe clothing?" Nik inquired, pointing at the statues wearing animal skin, fur, and tooth with slightly longer but adorned hair by some band made of tiny teeth.

"Well... it is," Sokka traced his chin, "And I'm pretty sure with that smug look on his face, he must be from the fire nation," he pointed at the statue of an old man wearing ceremonial robes with a flame-shaped token over his hair bun.

"And that guy is bald, with arrows, so that's an Airbender, and this leaves this guy to be an earthbender," Sokka pointed at the subsequent statues next to the firebender. The nearest of whom was a tall woman in an armored kimono and headdress.

"Of course," Katara gasped, "It's the cycle of Avatar. Legends say that the Avatar would emerge from each bending nation one at a time. Air, water, earth, and fire!"

"You're saying that this old man is an avatar?" Sokka looked at the statue dubiously.

"Was," Nik corrected, "Didn't you guys say that there can only be one Avatar?"

"These are..." Aang looked around with an amazed expression. Aang jumped, looking at the spiral formation of the statues from height and watching in amazement how sculptures cover the entire height of the tower!

The lemur on his shoulder had already flown away due to the sudden movement. Its furry body glided through the air and intended to make Nik its ride once again. However, for a moment's curiosity, Nik sidestepped, willing to see if the Lemur would react quickly enough.

It did.

Twisting its body, the lemur cartwheeled and landed on top of Nik's head on its four.


"These are supposed to be my past life..." Aang stated as he landed once again and grew curious, "How am I supposed to help me?"

"Maybe look in a mirror?" Sokka questioned, "Maybe a spirit-boogy-woogy will appear there and teach you the magic of other kinds."

"He's not wrong," Nik smiled, a little humored, "Maybe you need to look at yourself in the mirror and say a few encouraging things. Like—You can do it! And then there you go—All your problems might clear."

Aang's lips twitched.

"I don't know, guys," Katara frowned, "If it's just a reflection, wouldn't water work, too?"

"Oh, I didn't think of that," Sokka clicked his tongue.

"Let's just go," Aang groaned, "If I knew what to do, the world wouldn't be in such a mess."

He turned around, leaving towards the exit.

As others followed, Nik suddenly felt a shiver rush down his spine.


The Lemur screeched, jumping off of Nik's head and scurrying out the hall without looking back while Nik hurriedly turned around only to find everything perfectly normal... aside from the collection of statues.

'What the hell was that?' Nik frowned as he recalled the chilling sensation as if someone touched his shoulder but in ways inherently terrifying.

"Did you find something?" Katara stopped, waiting for Nik to catch up as he shook his head and replied uncertainly.

"I don't know. I suddenly felt cold..."

"You'll get used to it. Sokka and I are used to the cold, too," Katara smiled.

'Then why'd that rodent run away, and with that screech, too?' Nik pondered, clearly not believing his excuse.



Appa growled with absolute command, or so it would seem to those who couldn't understand the sky bison speech. While 'Momo'— the new companion, Winged-Lemur, whom Aang named as such due to his furry looks let out a soft screech with his fur standing to its end and his body curved like an inverse 'U.'

"Stop fighting, you guys," Aang sighed as he picked Momo up, "We're the last of our kind."

"Hey," Sokka whispered, pulling Nik, "Isn't it a sign of misfortune... you know, keeping the last of their kinds with us—and three of them?"

Katara's eyes twitched slightly while Nik mumbled, "Isn't it a sign of misfortune to try and oppose the Ruler of the world like you all plan to do?"

"You all? Aren't you with us?" Sokka snickered as Nik frowned, "Don't bring me into this craziness. I'm here till we find land... and people."

"What was wrong with my village then?"

"It was nice," Nik mumbled as they climbed Appa. Their visit to the Southern Air Temple had come to an end. The light was shed on many facts previously unknown.

For instance, the Airbenders might have their philosophies to blame for their downfall since their disappearance from the air temples seemed purely voluntary.

And they got to see Aang's previous life. Katara seemed pretty confident about the legends that these were exactly Aang's past life. Even Aang seemed a little believing of this fact. But Nik and Sokka largely believed that instead of a real incarnation, the Avatars were different individuals with a similar skillset, i.e., bending the four elements.

Unlike Sokka, however, Nik did plan to keep an open mind. Supernatural entities and myths were a large part of the culture of the world he originated from. Nik didn't spend enough time outside his prison, but he heard many things from his customers. And he survived the ordeal that is death itself. Things can't get weirder, right?

He wouldn't be shocked if someone else evaded death, too.

As Aang promised, the descent was slow and even instead of a steep fall that would guarantee the passengers' demise.

The group finally settled down on the foot of the mountain where things grew and allowed them to forage.

The vegetation was sparse but enough for the night as the evening sun had already begun to set and give way to cold dusk.

"Alright! Aang, Nik, you two find some nuts and berries. Follow Momo. If he eats it, pick as much of them as possible. I will find dry leaves and set up the fire. Katara, you set up the tents!"

"Hey, why do I get the worst of all jobs?" Katara frowned as Sokka looked confused, "Didn't you say you wanted as much responsibility as me? You and I were supposed to set tents originally, but I'm giving you my share of work, too."

He smiled, feeling gracious as Katara scowled.

"No way. Come, the three of us will find stuff in the shrubs like savages, and you can lead a civilized responsibility," she pushed the bundled-up tent as Sokka huffed deeply.

The rest in the Southern Air Temple was something Appa barely registered. The feed wasn't great. So, now surrounded by quite a bit of vegetation, the large sky bison began eating with Sokka left completely alone.

"Fine! I'm better than you anyway!" Sokka scoffed, turning to his task.

"I'll look here," Aang smiled and pointed in a particular direction.

"Alright, Nik and I will look—" Katara began with a smile when Nik cut her off.

"I want some time alone," Nik sighed, pointing to his right, "I will look in that direction. I'll try and look for fruits on the trees instead."

Katara looked at him and nodded though Nik did find her a bit reluctant. At this moment, he didn't particularly care. He was almost starving, and his packed lunch was also about to go bad. He needed to act quickly and decisively.

As the group separated, Nik entered the deeper section of the thicket. Few birds inhabited the surroundings. Observing his surroundings, Nik poked a shrubbery with the bone spear, and once satisfied that there was nothing hidden within, he hid within the shrubbery.

However, once again, the red scar on his left arm flashed. But instead of anything on Nik disappearing, it was Nik himself who vanished!


"It's overwhelming to enter this world," Nik exhaled deeply.

He was not on the foot of Patola Mountain Range anymore. Instead, he was... within 'him.'

From the very beginning, Infinity had shown itself to be gracious enough. There might be a reason for all of it, but Nik did not know it yet. He knew Infinity blessed him with a bloodline based on his previous occupation—a heritage! The bloodline made him look even more attractive to women, whether they showed it or not. Nik knew the legend of Adonis in his birthplace. A man who conquered goddesses only to fall prey to the claws of Angry Gods. His death was not quite tragic since he laughed, claiming that humans could overthrow the desires of gods as easily as the gods could do the same with humans.

Aside from this heritage, Nik could devour things without any consciousness to accumulate AP. This handy ability also acted as a method of self-defense if used properly—especially in a world where cold weapons remained the mainstream choice of arms.

Finally, Infinity gave Nik 'space' itself— in the form of a red scar on his left arm!

It may be the greatest gift from Infinity!

One's land.

Nik was not resistant to this temptation. He often wondered in his previous life what it would feel to have a personal piece of property—well furnished and decorated.

Still, somehow, a piece of 'world' was fitted on him in the form of a scar.

Why 'world' and not land?

Nik looked around.

Genuinely amazed.

Under a blue sky was a piece of restricted land.

No, to be precise, he was standing in the middle of an empty forest with no fauna in sight, and instead of a piece of land, it was an entire world in this red scar of his, however, the large circular perimeter of strange, translucent light right behind him that made him unable to move out of the restriction revealed that within this world, he was only granted a smaller portion of land.

It was the truth of the red scar and one of the benefits known about AP.

As his Authority Rank grows, the restriction around the land would widen and give Nik a larger area to develop personally.

This was also the purpose of the red scar.


In front of him were the outfits he stole when Mitsuko took him out shopping and a small bag filled with delicious treats especially cooked by Mitsuko for the journey.

Seeing it, a grateful smile appeared on Nik's face as he sat down and began eating everything heartily.

"I miss their cooking already..." Nik mumbled while eating. There were only three people who had cooked for him in his homeworld—Mitsuko, Yuuko, and her daughter Megumi.

Mitsuko was the best of the three when it came to cooking a variety of things in a short period. And now Nik also knew why Mitsuko placed such importance on a delicious and nutritious diet. To keep those around him healthy and satisfied so that they could have more fun.

It was a win-win situation, and Mitsuko was quite different from Esta even if the two shared similarly intense libido.

Once finished, Nik was left a bit unsatisfied. The meal was surely delicious but left for a time greater than intended—a few bits had gotten soggy, and the low temperature of the food itself wasn't pleasing.

However, his stomach was indeed full.

Closing the backpack, Nik lay down on the ground.

'Living beings can enter this world after I have their permission... but they cannot leave without my permission. What a strange rule... almost like a trap,' Nik mused, 'But how awesome it would be to have a personal home... and baths. Some luxury bath... maybe a bath with a side tray of snacks...'

Nik gulped, almost salivating at the prospect.

There were still a few things unclear about this space. If Nik brought someone inside and smuggled them to his homeworld, could they come out? In fact, in the bits of knowledge, this particular piece of information was missing, and seeing how clearly his tasks and intended services were described, Nik felt that if some things aren't explained, then they might not be possible itself, at least, not presently.

Only one thing could constantly bring change to his situation and benefits, and it was none other than Authority Rank.

Standing up, Nik climbed up a nearby tree and plucked a few mangoes. They were a little short of being completely ripe, but it worked well. Nik liked slightly sour mangoes more than a completely sweet one.

Yes, he was a heretic.


The time spent in the world hidden in the scar and the outside world he was currently within would be in sync based on his existence within a specific time range.

But the existence of a 'world' was still a bit of a mystery to Nik.

Is it a planet? A plane? Or an actual existence was hidden within his scar?

These questions weren't as important as the ones Aang and Sokka posed.

"Hey! Where did you find these? Looks like plum mangoes but... a little sour!" Sokka bit into the fruit as an apple, and Nik cringed. He didn't even have the time to tell that he preferred cutting the fruit around the large kernel and then just it eat it above the peel.

"Mgh, I like it," Katara peeled the skin with her teeth as she ate the fruit.

Nik had only brought a dozen of them out. Ordinarily, he could bring out the things he had stuffed inside the red scar, but since the fruits were attached to trees, he had to pluck them and then set them aside to bring them out with a thought.

"I didn't know fruits like these grew here," Aang mumbled, taking a large bite. His shoulders shuddered as his teeth suddenly impacted against the tough kernel. With juices splattered around the corner of his lips, Aang stuck his tongue out, "Maybe they grew in these hundred years."

He reasoned.

"Alright, what about the sleeping arrangements?" Nik inquired.

"I call Appa!" Aang smiled. He would rather sleep with his buddy.



Slowly biting into the mango, Momo looked up, chattering.

"Of course, you can sleep with me," Aang grinned, poking his index against the lemur's cheek.

"I'll have a tent, too," Katara shrugged.

Sokka and Nik looked at each other before the sarcastic chieftain remarked, "I hope you don't mind the smell of my socks."

"Ugh," Katara groaned while Nik blinked, not liking what he had just heard.

"Give me that," Nik snorted and instantly made the half-eaten mango disappear from Sokka's hand as he touched it.

"Oh, come on!"


Alternate Title: The Hidden Chamber; Secret Guide?; Statues of Past; Pompous Fire Nation Avatar?; A Hall of Glory; Aang is Supposed to Help Himself?; A Tall Female Avatar?; Spirited Touch; A Pat on the Shoulder; Spooked Momo; Last of Their Kinds; Camping; Nik Must Be Decisive!; Personal World; Mangoes; Mitsuko's Last Meal; Libidously Similar; Sleeping Arrangements; Smelly Socks; Petty Vengeance; Oh, Come On!


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