Overpowered Wizard

Chapter 83: Have Faith 2

Chapter 83: Have Faith 2

Zarian woke up and immediately knew it was night time. He rolled out of his bed and checked his body. Everything was working fine and back in order. Hell, he looked pretty good, honestly.

Had he put on more weight in muscle?

It wasn’t much. But it was noticeable.

When he looked over to the side, he saw Para was still holding onto the dungeon core, and Reiki was still evolving. He smiled at his Parasite Cloak and patted her material. Para extended a tentacle and patted him on the head in return.

Next, he looked at notification waiting for him:

<You’ve grown, gaining +3 Strength.>

“Seriously, System? That puts me at 39 Strength. You couldn’t squeeze out one more for me?” Zarian shook his head.

He knew he sounded ungrateful, but it was a little annoying to fall short of 40. His Agility was at 40 stat points. It would be nice for his Strength and Agility to match.

“Thanks, anyway.”

Zarian used the private bathroom to shower and clean up. His place was empty except for the very bare essentials. Everything else was packed up.

Zarian dressed in a loose shirt, pair of pants, and a pair of simple shoes. He had on his monocle, but no wizard hat this time around.

He went out of his room and found Loner leaning against the wall, his bony arms crossed over his ribcage. The other skeletons were spread out elsewhere, but Loner decided to hang around close to Zarian’s bedroom like usual.

“How are you, Loner?” Zarian asked.

The goblin skeleton shrugged.

“You’re just chillin like a villain as per usual, huh?”

Loner shrugged again.

Chuckling, Zarian nodded and turned down the hallway. Loner followed, skeletal body rattling the entire way. They were on their way to the kitchen when Zarian heard music playing.

He turned toward a backdoor leading out into the lawn behind the mansion. Strange, he hadn’t noticed there were so many people out back.

He checked on his spectral spiders, and they were all looking elsewhere. When they noticed his presence, they looked around everywhere but the backyard.

Zarian had to step out to get a look for himself. He saw there were more people here than the soldiers. He smelled the scent of tasty food and saw tables with spreads of edible delights. He saw multiple casks of beers stacked over each other, their the taps ready to pour into an awaiting mug. When he looked back at the people, there was a mixture of acolytes, soldiers, and well-dressed strangers.

But the strangers were very weak. He didn’t even use Identify and he could tell. So they couldn’t be nobles. He looked over to Loner who was walking off to find a corner to lean against, leaving Zarian to figure things out on his own.

Why does it feel like my summons are misguiding me on purpose?

Was this their attempt at a surprise?

Looking back to the event, he still didn’t recognize any of the dressed up ones until he saw a familiar girl in a pretty dress. She had on rugged boots instead of proper dress shoes.

It was the little boot girl from the underground, and she was running around with other children while looking back. She ran into him again, bounced off, then looked up.

“Who are you?” asked the little boot girl.

“The one who invited you.” Zarian chuckled. “I guess they had you cleaned up and given fresh clothes on top of the other stuff. Nice. I didn’t even think of that.”

“Oh, you’re him. Your skin is weird and dark. Is that because you’re evil? I like your face, though. It’s nice.”

“You have a talent for being annoying and adorable at the same time.” He flicked her forehead softly, and as she whined, he talked over her. “I’m from a different world. There are different skin colorations than what’s present in Corma.”

“Is that because of magic?”

Zarian chuckled. “Don’t think too much about it. I’m what’s known as a Floridian, and so are my friends. Anyway, are you having fun with this shindig that’s happening because of me?”

“Yeah, it’s fun. I’m all healed because of the nice healer man. And I’m so full I can throw up. But one boy said this is all going to go away once you leave. So we all say ‘What’s the point?’”

“Do you feel a little stronger and more capable?”


“Just maybe you’ll make the most out of it. If you don’t, then I can’t help with that. Or maybe I can if I come by again. Just try your best in the meantime.”

“Mm, okay. That old White Rose says there’ll be a new orphanage soon. And it’ll teach stuff so we can do special work and earn enough to be Low Roses. Can you imagine? Me, a noble? Can’t be a flower and get picked, I guess. It’s not even happening here. We’ll have to go elsewhere, somewhere safer, he says. Maybe I’ll try my best there.”

Arnold must know that the civil war will happen and is trying to move those he can help.

Zarian hadn’t told the man directly. But it wouldn’t surprise Zarian if Lovewar had given Serveserf a heads up. After all, the White rose of Serveserf was here instead of the White Rose of Lovewar, who was probably getting staged for the civil war to come.

“Exactly. Try your best. Run off now. Go have fun. Or I’ll curse you with my evil.”

He let his evil alignment brush gently over the little boot girl and her gaggle of friends while using a touch of his Uncanny Valley. The kids shrieked and ran away, some of them laughing while also frightened.

Zarian chuckled. He would make a killing if he ever had a haunted house business. Maybe he could mix it with a coffee shop.

This world didn’t have coffee. He should ask Luciana for coffee beans. Getting haunted before having a coffee sounded like a winning strategy.

Putting aside his musings, Zarian walked around. People had already taken note of him, since his Parasite Cloak and the dungeon core were easy giveaways.

He didn’t mind the attention as he listened to some bardic music played by a few talented fellows at the center of the shindig. He plucked up whatever he found tasty from the food tables and poured himself a drink. Then he slid into the dark background and watched everything proceed as he wolfed down food like a ravenous monster.

They all looked … happy.

Eager. Thrilled. Surprised. Uncertain. And willing.

He overheard conversations of newly anointed noble soldiers giving out business ideas to stir up the economy. Some soldiers would want some hands to help as serfs.

This story originates from Royal Road. Ensure the author gets the support they deserve by reading it there.

The feudal stuff was still iffy, but at least the new nobles were putting forth ideals of payment, room, food, and comforts. The new noble ladies, acolytes of Lovewar, were more forward-thinking and sharing ideas about a school system.

It was nice to hear. Zarian figured he wasn’t here to change everything, but he was clearly having an impact holding a charity event like this. In an environment of giving, people were more open to express kindness and do more acts closer to altruism.

Zarian stayed out of all the positive conversations while he feasted and drank. Thankfully, everyone at the event recognized he wanted some alone time to fill his stomach.

He was just finishing up when his spectral spiders found someone outside of the perimeter. With no hesitation, he cast Void Step twice. Once to grab up food from the tables and stack it on a large platter. He took someone’s mug from their hands since it was already filled.

Then the second Void Step took him to a lone side street between mansions where the Infernal Witch lurked. She was clearly curious about the event Zarian was holding.

Seeing his sudden appearance, she jolted back, her hands raised to use an ability. Zarian waved her down before offering some food. The witch gawked at the offering.

“What’s this for?”

“We’re the only evil ones around. I figured you’re okay enough for me to share this with you.”

“Yeah, well, there has to be an angle,” the witch hissed. “It ain’t evil without an angle.”

“What if I told you that there isn’t much of an angle than to just share?” Zarian stepped closer. “Besides, evil is only a tool and nothing more.”

“It is not a mere tool! Evil is a way of life. It is a devotion to fight against that which is so-called good. And we all know good isn’t good. We all know good is unfair. At least with evil, it’s upfront about how it’s going to hurt. But you’ll grow smart and powerful from it.”

“It’s a tool just like anything else. You should control it instead of letting it control you.” Zarian waved the platter around. “Are you going to take the food or not?”

The Infernal Witch looked up at his face, then down at the platter. She slowly took it from his hands. She sat against the wall and scooped food into her mouth fast while looking at him suspiciously.

“Why aren’t you good aligned?” she asked. “You’ll benefit more from that, won’t you?”

Zarian chuckled. “Evil suits me better. The good alignment has some restrictions that are concerning. With evil, I can do all the good I want and still have the smarts of evil at my disposal when I need it.”

“Why would the evil gods support that when you contradict our nature?”

Zarian wondered if he should tell her that some of the major gods of good and evil have amicable relationships with each other. The specifics surrounding the relationships of Shadowfell and Lovewar or Serveserf and Hisscreep were lost to lesser mortals.

However, Zarian imagined they could separate business and friendship somehow. Just like how he had to separate his friendship and partnership with Luciana.

“I’m going back to the party,” Zarian said. “Take care of yourself, Evelyn.”

“Oh, bastard, you used Identify on me. How did I not notice? You know that’s rude!” she shouted.

Zarian chuckled as he cast Void Step and returned to the party. He stopped where he left his beer. Someone was waiting for him.


“Hey,” Zarian said.

Naomi smiled, cocky and beautiful, assertive and daring. “I’m Level 42, and I’ve gotten the first stage of Aura Ignition.”

“Oh, la, la. Congrats, congrats. You’re really becoming the badass we all knew you would be.”

She sauntered around him in a dress that was glamorous and showy, hugging tight to her best features. She stopped at his side. “Gilbert’s Level 41, by the way.”

Zarian sighed with relief. They all had their first advancements. He was tempted to use Identify on her to see what changed, but he wanted her to tell him. Naomi was drawing it out, and Zarian figured this was her being petty about how he’d drawn it out earlier.

“Gilbert’s legendary. He’s a Knighted Healer.”

“Fancy. I guess we have a knight now. Bianca’s happy ain’t she?”


There was a pause. Naomi hesitated. Then, with a sigh, she said, “I’m only epic. Rumble Psion. My other options were trash. I had one legendary that would forgo what I’ve built toward.”

She sounded down. Zarian placed his hand on the back of her neck and rubbed around with his thumb. She leaned into it for a little while.

Then Naomi brightened. “I got outstanding.”


“I get +7 Free points per level now.”

“Nice! God damn good job.” Zarian nodded, thrilled. “Gilbert?”


That meant Zarian and Naomi were the only ones the System had deemed outstanding. However, Naomi was still one point behind Bianca, Hannah, and Gilbert, while two points behind Zarian. She would have to work harder than everyone else to make up for it.

Hell, out of everyone, Foodie’s mythical cooking would probably serve Naomi the best. The two of them now shared the power of Aura Ignition.

Oh, yeah, I’ll have to tell everybody about the Castle Grimrock issue.

He also had twenty high value levels to distribute. He was tempted to dole them out now. But there was also the option of waiting until they made the most out of the Level 40s and 50s by getting levels from their next adventure.

There was no rule against holding onto the high value levels until later, right?

I could use it on myself and shoot up to Level 73.

Zarian laughed at that thought. If he did that, then he wouldn’t be fighting much for a little while. He would be too OP for the area.

Granted, he would then focus more on studying his grimoires and doing other side activities. He would have to wait for his party members to catch up to him however long that would take, which could take some serious time, honestly.

“Hey, get out of your head.” Naomi shot him a sharp look.

“Yeah, yeah, so congratulations, again! You’re going to make the most out of Rumble Psion, no doubt. With that said, is it time for me to get yelled at for nearly dying again?” Zarian asked.

Come on, do it. I’m totally going to yell back. You nearly killed yourself with Aura Ignition.

Naomi fell silent for a while. Then she said, “If I can be there to fight for you, take the hits for you, I’ll do it. If I have to die for you, I’ll do it.”

Zarian lost his edge and was completely taken aback. “Whoa, wait. Chill out, Naomi. Where is this coming from?”

“From the heart, Zarian. From what we are. We’ll take the bullet for the people we care about any day of the week. I’m upset I wasn’t there when you left again. I’m upset that I’m struggling to keep up at times and no matter what I do, I still feel behind.”

Naomi sighed deeply, her hand over her chest. Then she smiled a little. “In spite of all of that, I’ll keep on struggling no matter what because I don’t have an ounce of quit in me. So, no, I will not yell at you. I just want you to know I’ll fight and die for you, because I know you’re always ready to fight and die for me.”

Zarian was stunned. He shouldn’t be. Naomi was quoting what Marines would do for each other.

The best fighting force in the old world wasn’t just a bunch of savages. They were a band of brothers and sisters who would die for each other in any conflict.

But what Naomi was saying felt deeper and more personal. They were Marines and Floridians, but they were more than the sum of their parts, too.

Looking into Naomi’s eyes, Zarian saw her tenacity and her passion. He saw more of her spirit.

Yeah, you got what it takes, Zarian thought. You can go the distance.

Naomi took his hand. “Come dance with me. It’s our last night in this place. Who knows how it’ll look afterward. But tonight, we celebrate.”

Zarian couldn’t resist. Not when Naomi had told him so much. Not when she was being different and open to him. She had him caught.

So they ended up in the middle of the dance where the music was loudest.

Zarian saw Bianca whirling around and making a flashy fool of herself. He saw Gilbert and Arnold knocking back drinks. Both men were having a good time and seemed like the best of buddies now. He saw Hannah sitting in the corner, reading something, being a studious introvert, while still having a drink in hand.

Then Zarian looked back into Naomi’s face. She guided his hand to her hip. She took his other hand smoothly into hers, their fingers intertwined.

Para extended a tentacle and deposited the dungeon core onto Hannah’s lap. The Runic Engineer’s attention veered from her reading material to the evolving object of massive interest.

Para curled her tattered material around Zarian and Naomi. The Parasite Cloak kept them close and cozy as they danced.

“I fought assassins, gave a god the boot, and made another god look like an amateur twice,” Zarian blurted out.

“Yeah? Arnold was telling us you did some crazy stuff down underground, cleaning up what we didn’t finish.” Naomi sucked her teeth playfully. “One of these nights I’ll run off and do my own solo adventure. And I won’t tell you for days just to see you suffer from curiosity.”

“You can’t.”

“How come?”

“My spider is in your brain. I’ll know where you’ll go. I’ll learn it all.”

Naomi snorted. “You idiot.” She leaned her head on his shoulder. “But I guess you’re my idiot.”

Zarian felt warm inside. He felt warm where Naomi touched and held. He leaned into her. Para wrapped them up closer.

Tonight filled itself with enchanting festivities and great memories.

Tomorrow would be the dawn of a new adventure.


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