Overpowered Wizard

Chapter 73: Back in Charge

Chapter 73: Back in Charge

Zarian was back in charge.

He’d felt it the moment Hannah accepted his hug and pleaded for him to take the lead like usual. Other than her acting cute and bratty, which was fairly unexpected, Zarian had felt a shift in the atmosphere from that switch in roles. He couldn’t describe what it was exactly, but he tried anyway.

Did we have … a character switch? Like in a Japanese RPG?

Zarian didn’t think deeply about it. Such thoughts were too freaky and meta for his own Fractured Mind.

Instead, he focused on the gains!

Glorious, wonderful, splendid gains!

Zarian and Hannah rushed through the rainy streets of Central Bramblevale. Para the Parasite Cloak fluttered behind them while also carrying the most important dungeon core around. Ten skeletons ran with them in a loose formation that was still battle ready, each skeleton still armed with enchanted dark swords.

That was one heck of a dungeon crawl, Zarian thought, holding in how profoundly impressed he was by Hannah. I don’t know what’s the appropriate amount of praise I should give her. She has no idea how far she’s grown.

She could do scarily powerful things that Zarian couldn’t do. She was truly a genius in her class as the Runic Engineer. Zarian felt he hit the jackpot, and all he had to do was continue nurturing this genius woman.

He couldn’t wait to tell everyone about all of their advancements. Hell, he even had secrets of the Hemlock Family he could make use of if they were ever in a pinch. The reach of that family went further than the Eternal Garden Kingdom, apparently.

At some point, Zarian and Hannah didn’t bother moving like normal people. Why should they when their footwear had the Surface Walker enchantment?

Hannah sped up using her Agility and Wondrous Speed. Zarian did the same, matching her speed.

They ran up slick walls, leaving the skeletons to maneuver on their own somehow. Some skeletons ran through the alleys and streets. Others lunged through the air with creative uses of their unique abilities.

Loner and Hasty kept up the easiest.

Hannah let out a little shriek as she vaulted over a wide street. She windmilled her arms and legs as she cleared the space like a proper superhuman.

Zarian completed the vault with more grace and ease. He even had his hands in his pocket.

“Must you show off?” Hannah asked, landing with no break in her stride.

“I have to. For it’s my duty to keep you guys looking up to me.” Zarian chuckled. “Ah, yes, I can imagine you all getting more powerful, thinking you can nip at the ankles of a giant. Gotta remind you who’s boss.”

“I’m not Naomi.”

“Well, yes, but I wouldn’t be me without showing off.”

Hannah snorted while on their next impressive vault. Multiple alleys, squat shanty homes sequestered behind larger stone structures, curving canals, and stubby towers passed underneath them both.

Zarian watched the grounded skeletons use parkour moves to get past all the obstacles in their way. Thankfully, they had spectral spiders with them in case they got lost.

Zarian, Hannah, the skeletons, and the spiders left behind the main residential and business districts. They hit the road running between the richer area that held multiple mansions. Most of them were empty except for a few mansions occupied by other good gods.

Fortunately, Purgehunt and Purehome weren’t a big presence in Central Bramblevale. Instead, there were the acolytes for Lawkeep and Hopeland nearby, but they left Lovewar’s business alone.

Zarian and Hannah were passing by the perimeter near Hopeland’s mansion, just close enough to hear the weird chanting and vocal praises and shrieks. There weren’t many things that bothered Zarian, but Hopeland’s super cultish vibes were creepy.

“I’m glad we didn’t choose Hopeland as a benefactor,” Hannah admitted.

“Same. The more I learn about her. The more she freaks me out,” Zarian said.

“That’s troubling.”

“Let’s stay out of Hopeland’s direct business.”


Looking back, Zarian saw the last straggling skeletons catching up. They pretended to bend over and breathe hard while throwing furtive glares at Zarian and Hannah.

Together, they reached the Lovewar Mansion perimeter and passed through the barrier. Nothing seemed broken. But the place did feel less lively. Zarian noticed the lobby area was empty and more bare than the last time he saw it.

Zarian turned to the skeletons. “You guys hang out or explore. Make sure to rattle your bones so people know you’re around. The acolytes are so low in level they might die in fright if you’re not careful.”

Loner and the other skeletons nodded. Zarian turned his attention to the biggest creepers of them all: goblin skeleton Darko and human skeleton Blender. The Level 40 Runic Voyager and the Level 40 Runic Stalker had a tendency to move as the quietest and stealthiest among the skeletons.

“Loner, if the others scare an acolyte to death or cause too much trouble, I’m blaming you.” It was unfair to do that to Loner, but Zarian figured that was the goblin skeleton’s problem.

Loner was the strongest as the Level 44 Runic Enforcer.

The longest lasting skeleton slowly panned around and gave all of his subordinate skeletons a scary glare. The gnoll skeleton Flamer shifted assertively and looked down on Loner.

Flamer was a Level 43 Runic Burner, only one level below Loner.

Loner pointed through the front door.

Stolen story; please report.

Flamer nodded.

“What are they doing?” Hannah asked.

“Prison rules. They need to decide who’s the top skeleton,” Zarian explained.

As Loner, Flamer, and the other skeletons filed out the front. A Lovewar Acolyte walked into the lobby area and jolted in surprise. Zarian turned to observe Hannah’s reaction.

The Runic Engineer was still adjusting to her newfound power over others. The combination of having a legendary class, more stats, more abilities, and succeeding on her first class advancement as an exceptional adventurer put her way, way above weaker mortals.

Hannah had the cold habit of studying others as if they were something she could break down. And the poor acolyte could feel it as Hannah’s intense power swept over the girl. Then, without Zarian having to break in, Hannah pulled back and restrained herself.

Good, good, Hannah’s being mindful. Zarian was glad Hannah didn’t select an evil aligned class. She was still a caring and concerned person, for the most part. But there was a switch to her that was now more prominent after crawling the Devouring Librarian Dungeon.

“Hey, we’re back!” Zarian cheered with a wave.

“Um, oh, is that you, Lord Zarian? I couldn’t recognize you with the … interesting thing on your head,” said the shivering girl. “Is that a hat?”

“It’s my new wizard hat! I figured it’ll go well with the monocle.”

There were other factors that might’ve played a part in the girl struggling to recognize him. Hannah hadn’t noticed it much yet, but that was because she was familiar with him.

“Are Lord Zarian and Lady Hannah back?” asked another acolyte from down the hall.

Other young feminine voices called out. Before they entered the lobby, Zarian put away his new hat. The skill item faded into his body where it belonged.

It was a wonderful new addition.

And stupidly overpowered cheat.

Absolutely ridiculous. But nowhere as ridiculous as the other abilities Zarian had gained recently. The urge to explain the depth of his growth was a strong one. He was glad he waited when he heard some more familiar voices.

“Zarian, Hannah!” Naomi blitzed them from the other hallway.

Zarian found a pair of arms wrapped around him, his feet off the ground. He activated his Level 0 Mystic Toughness, and it was still a struggle to endure Naomi’s newfound Strength. She hadn’t even advanced her class yet.

Did she gain another trait while Zarian was gone?

“Naomi, I believe you’re going to crush him,” Hannah said.

“We have a healer. But, yeah, sure, my bad.” Naomi placed him down.

Before Zarian caught his breath fully, an intelligible shriek pierced the night. Bianca flew out from the hallway Naomi had come out of.

Bianca looked even more radiant than before and swept up Hannah in a hug. Then she quickly latched onto Zarian. She was still bouncing up and down while holding onto Zarian when Gilbert came strolling out of the hallway.

“Well, ain’t this a touching reunion,” Gilbert said. “And I’m even sober for this one. How long until the chief makes me want to grab a drink?”

“Put aside your troubling alcoholism. We have a classic school yard fight outside.” Zarian pointed out the front door.

“Oh, lemme see.” Naomi zipped outside.

Zarian led the others out. He noticed the acolytes gathering near the front door while staying inside. He saw rain-drenched soldiers looking from around the corner outside of the mansion.

“Who the heck are these guys?” Gilbert squinted at the skeletons.

Zarian pointed them out. “Glowy, Darko, Blender’s the smudgy one there, then there’s Warper, Hasty, Mighty, Icicle, Windy, and that steamy one is Flamer. He’s challenging Loner.”

“I love their names. Very creative,” Bianca said.

“They definitely have names the chief would pick,” Gilbert drawled.

“Hey! That wasn’t me this time. Those were all Hannah’s choices.”

They all looked at Hannah. She ignored them in favor of watching the showdown, which was the best excuse anyone could have.

Everyone focused as Flamer made a vast display of fire blazing off of his black and orange bones. Across from the Level 43 Runic Burner, Loner stood calmly, bony white arms held across his ribcage, runic symbols pulsating rhythmically on his skeletal frame.

“Go, Loner!” Bianca shrilled and exuded a bright radiance from her body. “I only know you, and I think you’re the coolest.”

Flamer rushed forward with a burst of fire. When it looked like he would go at Loner straight on, he shifted directions with an explosive and steamy step.

Flamer redirected to the left. Then he redirected to the right. The quick zigzag patterns ended with Flamer lunging at Loner from the flank with both skeletal palms filled with spiraling fire.

Loner moved with blurring speed and struck Flamer with a backhanded punch. A heavy vibrational thunderclap sent Flamer down into the wet lawn like a careening meteorite. Because of Reinforcement +2 and Amplify Force +2, most of the damage was lessened and redirected.

Flamer was slow at getting free of the soggy crater. Loner joined him instead of waiting.

Loner struck the gnoll skeleton with a punch that sounded like an artillery cannon. Then he hit Flamer with another punch and another punch, burying him in the soggy mud.

Loner only let up when Flamer stayed put.

Loner jumped out of the crater, leaving Flamer to crawl out, looking as battered as a gnoll skeleton could. The Runic Enforcer looked down at Flamer while he was still on all fours, his blackened frame mostly put out except for a few glowing orange streaks that sent steam curling up under the rain.

Loner offered a hand.

Flamer looked at it and shook his head. The gnoll skeleton stood up on his own, wobbling along the way to his full height. He looked down at the shorter goblin skeleton, then nodded his head in acceptance of Loner’s position as the top skeleton.

Zarian started off with a slow clap, and everybody else followed. They gave the skeletons a round of applause. Loner looked at them before turning away as if embarrassed by all the attention.

“Is this what we’ll see more of when we leave Central Bramblevale?” asked an acolyte.

“It’s so violent and incredible. I feel as if I’ll be turned into minced meat the moment we leave the wall,” said another acolyte.

“Maybe we shouldn’t turn against what we’re taught. Maybe we should stay as perfect maidens, flowers to be picked,” said a third acolyte.

“I’m a little scared, honestly,” admitted a fourth.

More of the same statements of fear and worry circled among the acolytes. There were still those who were excited to leave Central Bramblevale. But a majority were getting cold feet.

Bianca turned to the acolytes, and they all hushed up.

Zarian watched Bianca closely, picking out the small but profound details of Bianca’s changes. She seemed more regal, energetic, and alluring. All the acolytes were under her charm without Bianca even having to try.

“We can’t say you’ll stay safe all the time. I’ve seen someone die from a mistake,” Bianca admitted.

Zarian nodded.

“But we’re going to try our best to help you. Because we’re becoming powerful, and it’ll be nice to see you more capable since you’ve been great to us. It’ll be scary. And you might face plenty of danger. But when you come out on the other side, knowing you’re stronger than before, you’ll know you can keep going.”

Bianca’s words were simple but true. Her Shining Trust worked well with the radiance she exuded from her body. Just like that, she had all the acolytes eating off her pretty hands.

The acolytes cheered and thanked Lady Bianca for renewing their confidence before Head Acolyte Lora showed up and dismissed them. Officer Cadet Roland did the same with his soldiers.

Looking back, Zarian saw Loner was having a silent conversation with the other skeletons. Zarian figured now that they were outside of the dungeon, the skeletons could get to know each other more and establish some order among themselves.

Zarian liked to see that, which was why he preferred the small unit approach with his necromancy. Because of Hannah’s abilities as the legendary Runic Engineer, investing in a squad of undead who were the most advanced around would provide more fruit than raising an army of fodder.

Now, let’s get to the fun bits.

Zarian turned and looked each troublemaker in the eye. “So, whose bright idea was it to destroy Central Bramblevale’s underworld while I was gone?”


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