Overlord: Multiverse

Chapter 52: New World XV

Chapter 52: New World XV

"From this day forward, I will be known as Helios Vortem, and you shall call me Helios. If you have any objections, stand and voice them."

"We have heard your precious name, Lord, and devote ourselves to it with unwavering loyalty."

Albedo spoke while looking down.

"Glory to Lord Helios

Every guardian spoke with great devotion and loyalty. Momonga nodded at this.

"Continue to serve me, my Guardians."

He spoke while taking back his seat on the throne.

"Now, other than Albedo, Hermione, Malachar, and Demiurge, the rest of you are free to return to your respective floors." He spoke while looking at the kneeling guardians.


A few seconds later, the rest of the guardians left the throne room, and Albedo moved beside him. He then turned toward Malachar.

"Malachar, tell me what you think about the members of the cult?"

Malachar raised his head and looked toward Helios.

"They are weak; the only ones worth paying attention to are their leader, Xyris, and another member called Isoldra, Lord Helios."

He spoke in a rumbling tone.

"Care to explain the reason."

I spoke while stroking my chin. I was using my demon variant at the moment.

"Lord, Xyris was able to become a Night Lich on his own. It is an impressive feat seeing the relatively weak strength of the outside world. As for the other one, Isoldra, she has an interesting power to discern the tier of a spell."

"Understandable; how's your preparation for attacking the Corpus of the Abyss going?"

"They will attack one of their bases in 3 days. I will also be there to judge their performance and intervene if they are about to be destroyed."

I had already summoned a few thousand low-level undead and a few high-level undead. But I was skeptical about their victory. If the information I received from Malachar was true, even with a few high-level undead, the fight was going to be very difficult.

But, this was their test; even if they were unable to win and were about to be destroyed, Malachar would make a move.

"En, you are excused then. You may return to your floor."

I nodded and spoke.

"Understood, Lord Helios."

I kept inquiring about different things from them, like the search for the other continents, the progress of Nemu in acquiring magic-related classes, the expenditure of the tomb, etc.

After 30 minutes of discussion, I dismissed them all. Now, only Albedo stood by my side.

'Let's have some fun, shall we.' I thought while looking at the Albedo's behind.

Without warning her, I extended my hands, wrapped them around her waist, and pulled her toward my lap.

"Uuh." A cute and surprised voice exited her mouth. And before she could react, she was sitting in my lap, and my hands were exploring her body.

"L-lord." She tried to speak, but a moan left her mouth.

"Call me darling or something similar when we are alone, got it?" I spoke while enjoying her body.

"S-sure, darling."

I nodded and used the Ring of AOG to teleport to my bedroom on the 9th floor. Once there, I threw Albedo onto the bed and began taking off my clothes.

"You requested to be embraced as your reward. So, I decided to grant your request today."

~Time Skip~

Currently, Albedo was peacefully asleep, lying naked beside me, embracing my body, and using my arm as her pillow. She had a satisfied smile on her face. We had been going for a few hours.

I looked toward her face and began caressing her cheek with my left hand. My right hand was firmly placed on her behind.

The caressing caused her to open her eyes. Seeing my face, her smile widened. I moved my head and kissed her forehead.

"Morning, sleepyhead," I spoke while moving away from her face.

"Good morning, darling."

Saying this, she moved even nearer. I then wrapped my left arm around her body and hugged her. Her face was now pressed against my chest.

"Did you enjoy your reward?"

"Yeah, I couldn't have asked for something better."

I chuckled a bit and kept hugging her. Due to our close distance, I could feel her hot breaths on my chest and her heartbeat.

~Knock~ ~Knock~

"Who is it?" I inquired while my eyes were closed, and I was caressing Albedo's bare back.

"It's me, Narberal, Lord Helios."

"Come in."

I spoke while keeping my eyes shut. I had a cheeky grin on my face.

The door opened, and Narberal Gamma entered the room in her maid outfit. She had a trolley with different kinds of dishes on it.

During my time on Earth, my dietary choices were primarily driven by necessity, and I rarely treated myself to anything beyond packaged foods. This was largely due to the prevailing conditions of the world.

Many times, I discovered toxins in the food I ordered from the outside.

However, after my transfer to the New World, I made a deliberate decision to savor the most exquisite and varied cuisines available.

When Narberal saw us naked, there was an apparent blush on her face, but because she was a maid, she managed to keep her composure.

"Lord Helios, the breakfast is ready."

I nodded and began getting up from the bed. Narberal moved toward the closet and retrieved a bathrobe. I was wearing underwear, so I didn't flash the cute dopple.

She brought the bathrobes and began dressing me. I had this line in almost all the maids' Flavor Text. After I was appropriately dressed, I moved toward the set of sofas and sat on one of them.

Narberal moved and placed a few dishes on the table. I turned toward the bed; Albedo was still asleep while hugging a pillow.

I looked toward Narberal and spoke.

"Are you not going to feed your lord?" I spoke in a teasing tone.

"Do you want me to feed you, Lord Helios?" She asked in a timid tone.

"Yeah, I want you to feed me."

I spoke in a manner of factually while placing both my arms behind my head.

"Pardon my intrusion."

She spoke and moved to sit beside me. But before she could, I placed my hand there and spoke.

"I want you to feed me while sitting on my lap."

"B-but, my lord, I can't do that. I am just a maid; it's not appropriate."

She stutteringly spoke while the blush on her face continued to grow.

"Are you trying to defy your lord's orders?"

Albedo chimed in from the side in a teasing manner. She was now sitting upright, covering her body with the blanket.

"No, that was not what I meant!"

~Scene Change~

Felicity, Hermione, Nemu, and I were standing in one of the small training rooms in Hogwarts. It had been a few days since I changed my name, and today, Hermione reported that Nemu was able to learn the Mage class and could cast 1st tier spells.

We all were present there to see her cast a few of them. The room was equipped with a few target dummies, which showed the damage dealt to them.


Hermione spoke while standing before me.

"Ok, teach!"

Nemu pointed one of her fingers toward one of the target dummies and cast a 1st tier spell.

"*Magic Arrow*"

An arrow made of Mana manifested before her finger before rushing toward the target dummy. As it struck the dummy, the screen present on the side of the wall showed the damage of the spell.

[Damage: 11]

The defense stats of the dummy were set at high 30s.

"Impressive; you certainly have improved a lot."

I moved toward Nemu and stroked her head. She had a wide smile on her due to this. I had included in the fake memories that she likes to try hard to get my praise.

"Tell me, how many spells have you managed to memorize?" I asked while stroking her hair.

"15, master." She spoke with a prideful expression.

"Good, here is a reward for your hard work."

I stopped stroking her head and took a book out of my 'Item Box.' I gave the book to her, which she eagerly accepted.

"In this book, I have noted down information about a specific type of magic known as Spirit Magic."

I spoke while giving her this book. This was another experiment; I wanted to test whether she would be able to unlock the 'Spirit Mage' job class after practicing some of the spells in it.

She unlocked the 'Mage' job class after being taught the Magic Theory by Hermione. So, I was positive she could unlock it.

After talking with her for a few minutes, I exited the room with Felicity. As we strolled through the halls of Hogwarts, I couldn't help but notice that she was sulking. I already knew the reason, so I decided to address it.

"Why are you sulking, Felicity?" I spoke as I stopped walking and turned around to face her.

"I am not in a state of sulk, my Lord. It is simply a product of your imagination." She spoke in a respectful manner.

I hummed in response.

"Hmm, is that so? Then, care to explain why you greeted me so coldly this morning?" I asked her while slowly walking toward her.

"As I said, my Lord. It is just a product of your imagination." She spoke while looking down.

I approached her and lifted her head by placing my hand under her chin.

"Is it because I slept with Albedo before you, isn't it?" I spoke cheekily.

She was behaving in this manner because of a clause in her Flavor Text.


I was standing in the throne room with Felicity. Tabula was done designing Albedo and was not inputting her Flavor Text.

"And she is a slut."

He entered the last part and closed the window. He then turned toward me and spoke.

"What do you think. Beautiful, right?" He spoke while admiring the Albedo's appearance.

"Well, appearance-wise, she is a beauty. But, I can't say the same about her personality though. Did you really have to make her like this?"

"You tell me, you practically made a yandere for yourself."

He spoke while pointing toward Felicity who was behind me.

"And to top it all off, you added that 'She doesn't mind sharing you with other women,' if that's not a contradictive personality trait, then I don't know what is."

"Have you been snooping around NPCs looking at their Flavor Texts?"

I asked him in a casual manner, and he laughed in response.

"Hahahaha! You know about my passion for Role Play."

"Yeah, I do, but still, it's weird. NPCs have feelings, too, you know?"

I spoke seriously, and after a few seconds, we began laughing again.

"Hahahaha! Only you understand my love for Role Playing. Speaking of, want to add a bit of spice to the relations of NPCs."

He spoke while taking out an NPC Editing Kit. Intrigued by his suggestion, I replied.

"Sure, what you got?"

"I have been reading the Flavor Text of the majority of the NPCs you created or helped in creating, and I have definitely picked up on a pattern."

"Hooh, that issss?"

"You are abusing your power as the guild leader and taking away all the beauties. While your guild mates are all single and ...."

"And there he goes," I spoke while looking at the rambling Tabula.

After a minute of rambling, he stopped and concluded it.

"So, in short, I want to add a sort of competition between Albedo and Felicity for your affection. What ya say?"

"Let's do it, sounds fun."

I spoke while taking out an NPC Editing Kit.

~Flashbac Ends~

She tried to hide her face by moving her head to the side, but I stopped it and hugged her.

"I can't see you like that, Felicity," I spoke while stroking her back.

To Be Continued...


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