Overlord: Multiverse

Chapter 46: New World IX

Chapter 46: New World IX

I wanted to become the World Master of the New World for 3 reasons;

The first one was because it was an important part of my new PTP to transcend past Rank 1.

The second one was to steal the Destiny and Fortune of its inhabitants.

It will provide me with almost infinite Supernatural Energy for my Cultivation.

To become the World Master of The New World, I needed to be the Defacto ruler of the entire world and the strongest being within it. Now, I could conquer the New World(NW) to satisfy these conditions, but that would conflict with my plan to steal their destiny and fortune.

When a being transcends past a certain point, it can manipulate abstract concepts like destiny, fate, karma, etc. These concepts are necessary past a certain point. However, what might happen if someone were to manipulate these concepts before transcending past that particular point?

I wanted to find the answer to that question. That's why I needed to become the world's ruler, but not through tyranny. But that doesn't mean I would avoid destroying someone if they stood in my way. For my plan to work, I just needed to get the approval of the majority of the people of the NW.

Enri: "How did I perform, Master Momonga?"

The sound of Enri's voice interrupted my train of thought. She was holding her sword in her right hand. The blade was a Divine-Class item known as Lifedrinker.

It allowed Enri to absorb the blood of her slain targets to boost the output of the sword. It could also store one skill from any class without restriction, meaning it could use 'World Break,' a skill from the 'World Champion' job class.

After using the skill, this ability would go into cooldown, depending on the rarity and power of the skill. The cooldown for 'World Break' was 24 hours.

Momonga: "You certainly did improve, but you still are far from acquiring the new Job Class. Continue to train diligently."

Enri: "I understand, Master."

She bowed her head. I nodded my head and dismissed her training for the day.

~Scene Change~

Demiurge was walking through the corridors of the 9th Floor. He had his iconic attire.

Demiurge: "That was true despair I felt."

He remembered when Momonga 'sacrifised' a huge portion of his power to save Nazarick from certain doom.


Demiurge and the 7 evil lords were kneeling before the 'Throne of the Kings.' Their Master and the guild leader of Ainz Ooal Gown had just exposed why they hadn't seen their creators for a long time.

Demiurge: 'It turns out that they were a bunch of cowards.'

Demiurge thought while trying to express his opinions. But an external force stopped him from doing so.

Momonga had already added a lot of phrases in their Flavor Text that made them hate their creators and other guild members.

Momonga: "But, I won't abandon you. Nazrick is my home, and you all are the dearest to me. That's why I'm willing to sacrifice my power to save Nazrick and lift your curse."

At this point, Demiurge felt despair.

Demiurge: 'This! We were created to do the bidding of the Supreme Beings that made us. Now that they abandoned us, will you sacrifice your power to save us, Lord Momonga?'

He wanted to scream and stop his Master from continuing, but again, an external force prevented him from doing so. He kept trying to break free but wasn't able to.

In the end, his Master sacrificed his power, and the curse that inflicted them was lifted. But, the curse in their hearts could never be lifted; they were why their Master lost almost all his power.

Even their very lives were not enough to thank their Master for his generosity.

Ultimately, his Lord sacrificed much of his power and lifted the curse that inflicted them. He also saved Nazarick by teleporting it to the new world.

Now that the curse was lifted and I could move, the deed had already been done.

Demiurge: 'I must work extra hard to bring his plans to fruition.'

~Flashback End~

Now, I stood before my Lord's office's doors. He had called me to discuss our future plans for this world. I courtly knocked on the door.

I was looking forward to this meeting because this might give me the chance to prove my worth and loyalty to him.

A second later, the door was opened by one of the members of the Pleiades Battle Maids, Entoma Vasilissa Zeta.

Demiurge: "Morning, Lord Momonga has called for me."

Entoma: "Understood, please, for a second."

She spoke in a calm tone and closed the door. I promptly fixed my tie and attire. A second later, the door opened.

Entoma: "Master is expecting you, Lord Demiurge."

I nodded, entered the room, and walked toward the table at the far end.

Momonga: "How have you been, Demiurge?"

Demiurge: "I am doing fine, my Lord. How about you?"

As I neared the table, I offered a deep bow.

Momonga: "I am doing fine myself."

After initial pleasantries, we began discussing our future plans for the New World.

Momonga: "That is the gist of things. There are certainly some points where we might need to improvise."

Then he turned his head to look directly into my eyes and spoke.

Momonga: "What are your thoughts on this, Demiurge?"

Demiurge: 'I must not disappoint him.'

I thought while recalling all the points we have discussed.

Demiurge: "I think that we might need to cull the undesirables. Also, we should take countermeasures against Players from Yggdrasil. If what you said is true, Lord. Then the appearance of new Players might hinder our plans."

As I spoke, Lord went into a deep thought.

Momonga had told him about the destruction of Yggdrasil. But now, he indulged a bit more information.

Time flows differently across Yggdrasil and the New World, and Players could transfer from Yggdrasil to the New World.

Momonga: "My thoughts exactly. Did we get any information from the captured knights?"

Demiurge: Well...

~Scene Change~

A man wearing black robes was humming softly in a moderately lit room. He had a crow-like plague mask that concealed his features. It bore two large eye sockets, each obscured by a vibrant yellow glass that rendered any attempt to peer inside futile.

[Image Here]

His name was Hannibal Lecter, the intelligence collector of Nazarick, more commonly referred to as the Torturer.

His status looked like this;



[Name: Hannibal Lecter]

[Creator: Momonga]

[Backstory: Acts as the Intelligence Collector of Nazarick]

[Floor: 5th]

[Race: Mutated Human]

[Racial Class(s): Infected Human(15), Mutated Human(10), Humanoid Grotesque(5)]

[Available Levels: 0]

[State Points: 0]

[Level: 100]

[Sense of Justice: -500(Extremely Evil)]

[HP: 65]

[MP: 45]

[Physical Attack: 60]

[Physical Defence: 70]

[Agility: 75]

[Magic Attack: 25]

[Magic Defence: 70]

[Resist: 100]

[Special: 100]

[Job Class(s): Bishop(15), Doctor(15), Autonomy Expert(10), Pathologist(5), Biomancer(5), Mind Breaker(15), God Hand(5)]

[Flavor Text: He likes to torture his subjects. He is indifferent to everyone from the outside world. He will go to extremes to get the information he needs. Even though he likes torturing his subjects, he doesn't allow it to hinder his work. When he receives the required information, he no longer tortures the subjects...]


Many naked men were suspended on the walls. Their limbs clamped to the wall. A piece of metal in their mouth to prevent them from speaking, and a metal holder around their head to prevent it from moving too much.

Doctor: "Let's start again, mon ami."

He turned around and approached a naked man. He was Nigun, the captain of the Sunlight Scripture. Hannibal pointed his opened palm toward the struggling Nigun.

His palm began to glow in a red hue. As it was glowing, many small cuts started to form on Nigun's body.


The room was filled with his screeches. The cuts began to lengthen and widen. A few seconds later, the meat inside was visible. Tears were flowing down his eyes as he continued to screech.

A second later, he passed out because of the amount of pain he was suffering from.

Hannibal: "~Tch~~Tch~ We can't have that now, can we now."

As he spoke, his palm stopped glowing red and began glowing in golden color.

A golden aura covered Nigun, and a second later, the cuts began closing back. He also regained consciousness.

Hannibal: "Now, let's try that again."

He moved to the trolly, where a plethora of medical tools were arranged neatly. There were vials with different colored liquids, jars with various grotesque monsters, etc.

He picked up a notebook and a pencil and moved back to where Nigun was attached to the wall. He then removed the clamp in his mouth and walked back.

Even though he didn't have the clamp in his mouth anymore, he didn't speak.

Hannibal: "Good boy. It looks like you are finally behaving."

Because of the mask and his monotonous tone, it was difficult to ascertain Hannibal's emotions.

Nigun shuddered on hearing this. His face remained emotionless, but his eyes showed true terror for the being before him. He was also breathing rapidly.

Hannibal: "Now, let's start with the questions."

He opened his notebook and began writing information.

Hannibal: What is your name?

Nigun: "Nigun Grid Luin."

Nigun spoke without wasting a second.

Hannibal: "Where do you come from?"

Nigun: "The Slane Theocracy."

Hannibal: "What race are you?"

Nigun: "Human."

Hannibal: "What religion do you practice?"

Nigun: "I practice the religion of the Six Great Gods."

Hannibal: "Explain this religion to me."

Nigun: "According to this religion, Humanity is the chosen race of the Gods, and the rest are monsters and a threat to Humanity. The Six Great Gods represent nature's six aspects: Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Light, and Dark."

Hannibal: "Interesting; what is it that you do for a living?"

Nigun: "I work as the captain of one of the six scriptures of the Slane Theocracy."

Hannibal continued to write the answers and kept asking questions. After a thorough investigation, Hannibal closed his notebook and looked toward Nigun.

Hannibal: "With that, the preliminary investigation is done. Now, you'll be presented before the ruler of this place. You should remember your training."

Saying this, he exited the room with his notebook. Once he was outside, he contacted Demiurge.


Hannibal: "Morning, Lord Demiurge, the knight is ready."

Demiurge: "Has the training been finished?"

Hannibal: "Yes, he is obedient and wouldn't cause any problems."

Demiurge: "Very well, I'll send someone for him."

Hannibal: "Understood."


Hannibal: "Another subject has been successful broken. Hahahahaha!"

~Scene Change~

Enri teleported to the 11th Floor using the Ring of Teleportation Momonga had given her. She appeared near a forest line. A small wooden house was situated near the nearby river.

This was her house for now.

Enri: "Home sweet home."

Saying this, he entered it.

Enri: "I wonder when Nemu is coming home."

~Scene Change~

Nemu was sitting in one of the chairs of a small classroom. She looked a lot more mature despite her young age.

Hermione was teaching her about magic.

Hermione: "Here's how you go about casting a basic 1st-Tier spell."

She spoke while closing her fist. She stood before a blackboard on which various magic circles were drawn.

Hermione: "Have you comprehended it?"

She asked in a stern voice while looking toward Nemu.

Nemu: "I did, teach."

Hermione: "Good. For your homework, I want you to make a magic circle for a new spell of 1st Tier. You shall have one week to complete this task."

Nemu: "Okay, teach."

Hermione nodded in affirmation.

Hermione: "Well, off you go. "

She swung her hand, and Nemu vanished from her seat.

To Be Continued...


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