Overlord: Multiverse

Chapter 39: New World II

Chapter 39: New World II

I appeared in the plains of the Sylvan's Expanse. The grass swayed around due to the wind, the fake sun provided warmth and light, and the distant river created soothing water sounds.

Momonga: 'This is beautiful.'

While I was on Earth, I didn't go out much. And when I did, it was for something necessary like meeting with friends, killing people for the ritual, etc.

Due to pollution, Earth's natural beauty has long been tainted. So, it had been a while since I saw something this beautiful.

I spent a few seconds looking around the landscape.

Momonga: 'Let's test out my spells and skills.'

I switched to my Demon variant and equipped a wand.

I then raised my hand and started to cast a 5th Tier spell *Teleportation.* As I was about to cast it, the information regarding its circle, MP cost, cooldown, and effect instinctively came to mind.

It felt like I had used this spell thousands of times.

Momonga: "Interesting."

I stopped the casting process and started using different skills of my variant. Like with spells, the information regarding the skill I tried to use instinctively came to mind.

Momonga: 'Fortunately, it seems I wouldn't need to practice the skills or magic.'

This was one of the things I was scared of; I had a great number of skills and spells. So, it would've taken a lot of time if I had to practice them after coming to the New World.

But now, I was relieved. I now can spend the time I would have otherwise spent on training on cultivation.

Another thing that was proved by this experiment was that the items from the game had the same functionalities as in the game.

Momonga: 'Now, let's test the other variants.'

I spent half an hour testing out the different variants, and I could use all their skills and spells.

Another thing to note was that despite my different variants having different Karma Values, I remained the same as before the transmigration.

In the original series, Ainz's and other NPCs' personalities were affected by their Karma Values. Those with negative Karma Values tended to act evil; on the other, those with positive Karma Values tended to act benevolently to some degree.

My only answer to this was that my Soul wasn't normal.

When someone reaches Rank 1, their entire being undergoes a qualitative change. One of its effects is that it completes the soul of the being.

Rendering it impervious to tampering or alteration. So, due to the nature of my Soul, I managed to avoid the effects of the different Karma Values.

Additionally, it's possible that the sheer power contained within the portion of my soul that I had separated from my body surpassed that of anyone below Rank 8.

So, it might be possible that the power of my Soul prevented the effects of the different Karma Values.

But the most likely scenario was the first one.

I had some hypotheses about how I would be transferred to the New World. One included merging my soul with the physical form of my in-game avatar and then materializing this fused entity into reality through magic.

Momonga: 'But Tier Magic shouldn't be able to do so. It could be a Super Tier Magic. But I think it's Wild Magic.'

I thought with a thoughtful expression on my face and stroking my chin.

Momonga: 'I need to get my hands to Wild Magic. I also need to study the ruins, potions, items from Yggdrasil. And the most importantly, I need to study how World Items function, as well as study the architecture of Nazarick.'


I have much on my plate but could tackle the task individually. First on the agenda was to study the Magic System of Tier Magic, Super Tier Magic, and Wild Magic.


Sebas: "Lord Momonga."

Momonga: "What is it, Sebas?"

Sebas: "I am done scouting the area around Nazarick. It seems we are surrounded by grasslands, and the swamps that once surrounded the Great Tomb of Nazarick are nowhere to be found."

Momonga: "Well done. Do you have anyting else to report?"

Sebas: "Yes, my Lord. There doesn't seem to be any structures or any sign of sentient life around Nazarick."

Momonga: "You served me well, Sebas. Share this information with Albedo, and tell her to meet me in the throne room in 15 minutes. Also, send Felicity to the throne room as well. Also, you should return as well."

Sebas: "Understood, my Lord."

*Message Ends*

Momonga: 'So the transfer of the tomb followed the original series. But, I am not convinced that this is not an alternate version of the New World.'

It was a possibility that this was an alternate version of the New World.

After thinking about it for a few seconds, I decided to wait and see the events unfold.

Momonga: 'Let's continue the experimentation.'

~Scene Change~

Albedo was walking through the hallways of the 9th Floor. She had a serious expression, but her eyes gave away the true emotion hidden within. Deep down, she was overflowing with happiness.

Her beloved Lord Momonga had made a momentous decisionrather than abandoning them, he had chosen to sacrifice a significant portion of his power to save them and free them from their curse.

Albedo: 'Should anyone dare to disappoint my beloved, I would end them right then and there.'

They were the creations of the Supreme Beings, made to do their bidding and protect their home. But, in the end, they all abandoned them.

She clenched her hands at this thought, and her face scrunched up in anger.

Momonga purposefully added a few lines to every NPC's Flavour Text. All of them now harbored hostility toward the other members of Ainz Ooal Gown but respected him as their creator.

Albedo: 'But, Lord Momonga stayed with us.'

At the thought of Momonga, her hands loosened up, and her face returned to her serious expression.


Sebas: "Lady Albedo?"

Albedo: "What is it, Sebas?"

Sebas: "Lord Momonga wants you to meet him in the throne room in 15 minutes. And I have information regarding our sourroundings. Lord Momonga, ordered me to pass that information to you."

Albedo: "I understand."

Sebas then began telling her the same information he told Momonga.

Albedo: "I understand."

*Message Ends*

At the end of the *Message* she had an ecstatic expression on her face with a slight blush.

Albedo: "My beloved wants to meet me alone!!"

She moved with an inhuman speed toward the throne room.

~Scene Change~

It took her a few seconds to reach the massive gates of the throne room. She pushed them open with a slight motion of her hand.

There, she saw Felicity standing beside the throne in her maid outfit. Seeing her, Albedo's face instantly dropped.

Albedo: 'What is she doing here. Shouldn't she be guarding the 9th Floor.'

On the other hand, Felicity's previous joyous face also dropped due to the emergence of Albedo.

Felicity: 'Well, there goes my chance to spend time with Lord Momonga.'

Even though she was unhappy, she didn't show it on her face. As a maid, she at least should be able to do this much.

Albedo kept walking toward the throne.

Felicity: "It's good to see you, Lady Albedo."

Once Albedo was near, Felicity courtly bowed toward her.

Albedo: "I could say the same. How have you been, Felicity."

Felicity straightened up and spoke in a business-like manner.

Felicity: "I've been well, lady Albedo. What about you."

Albedo was her senior, so Felicity was speaking formerly with her.

Albedo: "I've been well."

They kept talking about different matters like the surroundings of Nazarick, etc.

Albedo: "You are one of the creations of Lord Momonga. Could you tell me what he likes, what is his taste in women?"

Felicity: "I'm afraid I don't know. Even though I was created by Lord Momonga, I don't know his taste in women. Because Fenris was his first creation, I beleive she would know more about it."

Albedo nodded thoughtfully.

After a few minutes, Momonga appeared near the throne. Seeing him, both Albedo and Felicity immediately bowed.

Both: "Welcome, Lord Momonga."

Momonga sat on the throne.

Momonga: "Raise your heads."

They both rose from the bow. Albedo stood on his left side, while Felicity was on his right. Momonga turned toward Albedo.

Momonga: "Albedo, did you received the information from Sebas."

Albedo: "I did, my Lord."

Momonga nodded.

Momonga: "I want you to pass that information to the other Guardians."

Albedo: "Understood, my Lord."

Momonga: "Umu. Have any Guardians contacted you about any abnormality, and are the facilities of Nazarick functioning as intended?"

Albedo: "No one among the Guardians contacted me, and the facilities are working as intended."

Momonga: "Umu. Now, I have a question for both of you."

He turned his head toward Felicity.

Momonga: "I sacrificed my power to teleport Nazarick to a new world but couldn't decide which world. That means the power structure of this world is unknown to us. So, I want your opinions on how we should hide Nazarick."

They both employed serious expressions and began thinking about different possibilities. After a second of silence, Felicity was the first one to speak.

Felicity: "I have an idea, master."

Momonga turned his head toward her.

Momonga: Speak.

Felicity: "Master, if it is possible to move the tomb to a secure location, we should do that."

Momonga: "A good suggestion. I am proud of you."

Hearing his words, she instantly became happy and smiled proud.

Felicity: "I am unworthy of such praise, master."

Saying this, she lightly bowed her head. Seeing her proud expression, Albedo was annoyed.

Albedo: "Lord, I, too, have a suggestion."

Momonga nodded, signaling her to continue.

Albedo: "We could use Illusion magic to hide the tomb. Sora can use a high level of Illusion magic. But I think we should first assess the power level of this world. Because we don't know the power level of this world, someone could break our illusion magic."

Momonga: "An excellent deduction! That's what I wanted to hear."

At this comment, Felicity's face dropped. On the other hand Albedo now had a proud expression on her face.

Albedo: "Thank you, my Lord."

Momonga: "Umu. But let's do that later. Ask Mare to cover the tomb's outside with hills and make dummy hills if necessary."

Albedo: "I understand, my Lord."

Momonga nodded at this and turned toward Felicity.

Momonga: "There is nothing for you to worry about, Felicity. Your suggestion was good, but Albedo's was more feasible right now. That doesn't mean that I don't value your opinions."

Felicity: "Forgive me, master, for making you worry about me."

Momonga: "Don't."

Momonga used his hands to stop her as she was about to bow.

Momonga: "There is nothing for you to apologize for."

To Be Continued...


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