Out For Karma: Mass Effect

[Book Three] Chapter 01: Invasion, reunion, revelation

[Book Three] Chapter 01: Invasion, reunion, revelation

Chapter 01: Invasion, reunion, revelation

It has been six months since her last mission and arrest. Six months since she blew up a Mass Relay with an asteroïd, delaying the Reapers’ invasion. The news should have been great, unfortunately in the relay’s destruction, 300 thousand Batarians perished. While Hackett congratulated Shepard for her decisive actions he couldn’t do anything about the charges brought on her. The batarians wanted war since humanity arrived on the galactic scene and that was the perfect opportunity for them. Jane had turned herself in and had been under house arrest ever since. The investigation was taking its time but it couldn’t be helped, after all she had disappeared from two years, came back on a vessel under Cerberus’ colors, dealt with the Collectors and blew up a Mass Relay causing a diplomatic incident. There was a lot to go through.

She hasn’t been idle during all this time, keeping up on practicing her biotics, even Rick’s special training after proving he had been right about his ideas. Can’t have a better proof than surviving the flying speed of a fleeing Normandy by using biotics. Thus, she adopted his training method. Channeling her biotics in her body for one hour then taking an hour break, when she’ll just practice fighting. After six months of it, she had noticed the changes which were significant. She felt more powerful and her control was way better. She still was limited with using her hands and legs though, but she wasn’t really mad about it. What drove her mad was that she couldn’t contact anyone. The higher ups isolated her from everything and everyone. She didn’t know anything at all about what happened for the last six months.

Jane was meditating when the door to her large room opened. A tank of a man entered and saluted her.

“I’m not a commander anymore, James. There is no need to salute me.”
“If you say so. The defense committee wants to see you. It seems urgent.”

With his message delivered he went back out and Jane followed him asking questions that the man couldn’t answer as he was only told to fetch her as she was needed. She saw the people around, all in uniform, walking fast. Something was happening and she needed to know what. The pair quickly met Anderson, a simple admiral now after he stepped down from the human councilor position. She hadn’t seen him since she left for that fateful mission. James was relieved of his duty and the mentor and mentee exchanged niceties before going to the heart of the matter.

“What’s going on? Why is everyone in such a hurry?”
“Hacketts is mobilizing the fleets. All of them. Words must have reached the Alliance commands, something big is coming and we don’t know what.”
“It’s them? They’re finally here?”
“We don’t know, not for certain.”
“It’s them.” she repeated but made a statement this time. “The Collectors were the most advanced species and they were known. Something unknown and big? That has to be them. Unless another race came from another galaxy but the odds are too small.”
“You spent too much time with him.”
“I’d rather say I learned a lot but Anderson… We’re not ready.”
“Good thing you have the occasion to tell that to the committee.”
“I’d rather have a gun in my hand and fight than talk with those incompetent idiots. It’s a waste of time.”
“They’re just scared, Shepard. The idea that a millions years old race has come back to exterminate all sentient life in the galaxy would scare anyone. It’s an unknown; they didn’t see what you saw, they didn’t live what you lived. You spoke to a reaper, hell killed one of them and delayed their invasion. They want answers, they want information, they want advice and you’re the best person to provide all of that to them.”
“You know it isn’t true.”
“We can’t ask him and you know why. There is no way they would take him seriously. No, they need you.”
“After grounding me and taking away my ship?”
“The only reason you got out so lightly is because of your knowledge about the reapers. Anyone else would have been court-martialed and sentenced to jail for the rest of their life.”
“My knowledge and your good word, I presume?”
“Yes. I trust you Shepard and so does the committee which supported you. That your ship was taken and that you were discharged were the few conditions for you to retain your freedom.”
“Conditions? What conditions?”
“I’m not on earth for pleasure, I had to step down as a councilor. If that’s not enough proof that I trust you, then I don’t know what will be.”
“Politics.” Jane said in disgust. “What does the committee expect of me? Talking? I’m a soldier Anderson, I don’t talk, I act.”
“Which I expect you to be, to do whatever the hell it takes to win against the reapers but most of all I expect you to lead and if talking is the way to get everyone to follow you, then talk you will.”

After multiple corridors and turns at many intersections they met Ashley coming back from a talk with the committee. She was surprised to see Jane and conflicted, their last talk on Horizon, a colony in the Traverse has not been pleasant.

“Lieutenant-commander, how did it go?” Anderson inquired.
“I don’t know, I’m just waiting for orders now.”
“Lieutenant-commander?” exclaimed Jane.
“You didn’t know?”
“The only contact I had in six months was James and he had strict orders to not tell me anything.” the redhead replied then turned back to Ashley. “I’m happy for you, you more than deserve it.”
“Thank you, and it’s good to see you.”

Both Jane and Anderson got called by a woman in uniform; the committee was ready to meet them. Ashley looked at her friend’s retreating back when James got next to her.

“You know each other?”
“I served under her when we were chasing Saren.”
“You were part of her crew?!”
“Not at first. I was stationed on Eden Prime when Saren attacked with the geths. My whole company was killed and I was about to experience the same fate when she swooped in and saved my life. From there she took me in, figured I was very motivated to catch the turian.”
“How was it? Serving under her? I mean on the Normandy?”
“It was…Great. We met a lot of people, saw lots of action, explored many planets and had some nice R&E on the Citadel.”
“It seems like you had the time of your life.”
“You can say that.” as she began walking. “What was the best was the crew, the non-alliance members I mean.”
“The commander recruited non-humans?” James asked bewildered.
“Yes. She didn’t care one bit which species you belonged to, as long as you were competent and wanted to bring Saren down, you were in. Turian, krogan, quarian, asari… I learned a lot from them. And it was refreshing to talk with people who didn’t know anything about my family.”
“And the rest of the crew was okay with it?”
“Not at first. Some because the Normandy was the latest secret project of the alliance and that aliens on board were a huge risk of leaks. Some because they had some idiotic xenophobic idea. After some time though everyone was okay with it.”
“I have to say, I’m surprised you're not…”
“Xenophobic myself?”
“I didn’t want to imply…”
“That’s alright James, I get it and I admit I was. Without aliens my family would never have been in disgrace in the first place. I was lucky to meet some good people who helped me see the truth of how stupid I was and even more lucky to meet good aliens friends. I think people are being idiots because they never interacted let alone saw any.”
“That’s a rather open-minded view from someone in the Alliance military.”
“No good experiences with fellow or superior officers?”
“Sadly, no.”
“I sympathize. It was the same for me until I met the commander.”

They walked further into the building when it shook suddenly. It has been violent enough that some people fell on the floor. Ash and James kept their balance and stood on her feet. Looking out the window they saw Reapers landing and firing their red beam at everything in sight. Her reaction was immediate.

“Come on, we need to move!” she said as she began running.
“Where are we going?”
“Docking bay. We need to get on a ship.”
“What ship?! We can’t just board one without...”
“The Normandy!”

That shut James up. The Normandy had been docked for inspection ever since, Jane had brought it back on earth and turned herself in. As it was a ship built by Cerberus, it was meticulously studied by one department after another in the hope to find something on the terrorist organization. When they found nothing, the political side of the Alliance wanted to put it in service as the name ‘Normandy’ had quite the reputation. Hackett and Anderson shut it down immediately. Joker was allowed to stay on board after being exonerated from the charges of being part of Cerberus.

In five minutes the pair reached the Docking Bay and went to the ship when Ashley received a communication from Anderson.

“Williams, you need to go to the Normandy and …”
“I’m almost on board, sir.”

“Good! Shepard and I are making our way to the spaceport, be ready to pick us up.”
“What about the crew, sir? It’s understaffed.”
“We’ll have to make do.”

She and James got in and immediately went to the cockpit to relay the orders to Joker. To her surprise an old friend was also there.

“Williams?! What are you…”
“Not now! Anderson gave us orders. The Normandy is to pick him and Shepard up. Joker starts the engines.”
“Roger that.” the pilot replied.
“Wait! The commander is with the admiral?”asked Kaidan.
“They were in a meeting with the defense committee when the attack happened. Joker, is there any military gear on the ship?”
“Standard Alliance’s armors and weapons are stored on the Cargo Bay.” answered a female voice.
“Who is it?” inquired Ashley.
“That’s EDI, the ship VI.” explained Joker as he made the ship leave the ground.

Ashley nodded and went straight down the bridge to get to the elevator, followed by Kaidan and James.

“At least it’s faster than on the first Normandy.” Kaidan said.
“What is?” inquired James.
“The elevator.”
“God it was so slow, at least until Tali and Rick upgraded it.” Ashley said, remembering.
“I can’t believe the commander never noticed.”
“That’s because they put a scanner in it. Every time it detected Shepard it went back to its original speed.” she said with a smile.
“Why would they do that?” wondered James, confused.
“To not get caught.” answered Ashley with an amused smile.
“The commander forbade them to touch the elevator. Way too stubborn about it.”

The more he learned about the first crew of the Normandy the more he wanted to know. To James it seems like a fun bunch to be around.
Arriving in the Cargo Bay, they quickly found the lockers containing the equipment and began to dress up. Once ready, they opened the bay, to not waste time in the pick up.

“Lieutenant-commander, we’re nearly there! ETA: 3 minutes.” came the voice of Anderson through Ashley’s coms.
“We’re on air, ready to.. Oh God, they’re going to shoot down a cruiser. Joker!”

With Joker’s skills, avoiding the Reaper’s red beam and the falling debris of the cruiser has been easy. Now in the air for good and out of the Docking Bay, the ship went straight towards Anderson and Shepard’s location, blowing up the area crawling with reaper’s ground forces. Only one of them got on the ship however, Anderson choosing to stay behind to rally the resistance as the military was in disarray. He reinstated Shepard and put her in charge of the Normandy. When she refused to leave and abandoned him and earth he had been rational about it.

“We can’t do it alone. We need help, from every species with all their ships to even have the slightest chance to win this fight. Go see the council, convince them to act.”
“What if they don’t listen to me?”
“Some will. From there make the rest listen.”

Jane bit her lower lip, not liking at all what she was hearing but knew that was the best thing to do. She simply nodded in agreement.

“I’ll be back, for you, with the greatest fleet I can gather.”
“I know.” Anderson said with a confident smile.
“Good luck.”
“You too, Shepard. Now go!”

The cargo’s ramp closed, and Jane walked towards the elevator, not realizing that Kaidan was there too.

“What the hell is going on? What are we doing?!” James exclaimed loudly.
“We’re going to the citadel.” Jane replied.
“We’re giving up the fight?!”
““What?!”” Ashley and Kaidan exclaimed in unison.
“Anderson’s orders, get help from the council.”
“That’s bullshit! He wouldn’t want us to leave.”
“I don’t like it anymore than you do! But he’s right, we need help, so we’re going to get it one way or another. You don’t like it? Noted; you’re free to take the first shuttle back to earth on the citadel, I won’t stop you.”
“Commander.”  came Joker’s voice from the ship’s coms.
“Joker? That you?”
“‘Course it is. Think I’d let anyone else fly my baby?”
“Are you saying hello or…”
“Emergency transmission from Admiral Hackett for you.”
“Patch it through.”

The transmission was of poor quality, and many words Hackett said were unheard but enough were and they were significant.

“...Mars… Researching… Dr. T’Soni and… way to stop the reapers… Only way… Soon…. Hackett out.”

It was enough for Shepard who ordered Joker to bring them to Mars. She went to a locker and opened it when EDI’s voice stopped it.

“Commander, your usual Gear is in your cabin. I took the liberty to order it during your house arrest.”
“Thank you, EDI.” replied Shepard and both Ashley and Kaidan raised a brow at that but didn’t say anything, instead they asked questions.

“Why Mars?”
“What will we find there?”
“I don’t know but Liara is there so probably something prothean. Hackett thinks it’s important so we go and we get it. Kaidan, it’s good to see you again. Most importantly, EDI…” she said as she entered the elevator.
“Yes, commander?”
“Find me Rick.” Jane ordered as the door of the elevator closed.

James began to rant again after her departure.

“Earth is being invaded, and she wants to find someone?! What is wrong with her?!”
“Not just any someone.” replied Ashley as she went to the workstation and began to dismantle her assault rifle, to do her own maintenance on it.
“I’m surprised the commander is looking for him. Their relationship is not the best.”  Kaidan announced.

“He is very competent in what he does, we can’t not have him with us and she knows that.”
“Who the hell is that guy?!”

Kaidan and Ashley looked at each other for a moment then looked at James.

““Shepard’s worst headache.””


They arrived on Mars in less than half an hour, the planet being rather close. After landing on a small cliff on the outside of the outpost, not too far from the entrance, they could see in better detail the huge storm coming their way. Getting down from their position, they found the body of an alliance soldier, a bullet in the head from behind.

“Executed.” Ashley said.
“Between this and no one answering the coms....”  began James.
“Something is very wrong here, keep an eye open.” Jane ordered.

They walked a few dozen feet when the team saw alliance’s soldiers on their knees being executed by Cerberus agents. Immediately they leapt into action and fired at their opponent. Taken by surprise their enemies didn’t last long. Moving forward, they engaged another group who met the same end. Entering the complex and taking an elevator. Kaidan, with the subtlety of an elephant in a porcelain store, asked Shepard if she knew anything about this as she used to be with them. That ruffled her feathers a bit and denied having any relation with Cerberus, something that James confirmed  as he explained that she was cut off from the rest of the world since her arrest. Turning towards Ashley, Jane looked at her intently.

“Nothing to say about me and Cerberus, Ash?”
“Skipper, if you were working for them Rick would have put a bullet in your head the moment you dealt with the Collectors. You’re still alive, it’s proof enough for me.” she said as she shrugged her shoulders.
“Seriously, who’s that guy?!” asked James for the second time. Ashley and Kaidan’s answer had not been satisfactory to him.
“The greatest pain in my ass.” she replied nonchalantly, prompting the two others in the know to smirk. “But also, the best fighter and smartest man I’ve ever met. If you’re unlucky, you’ll get to know him.”

She didn’t add anything else to her description and the ride continued in silence. When it stopped at the desired level they took a stance and moved ahead carefully. Twenty feet into the area and some noise came from the ceiling as they looked up they understood that people were in the vent system and quickly took cover. When the plate closing the vent burst open, they were ready to shoot and nearly did when an asari got out of it and landed on the ground. Turning around the alien trapped her chaser in a singularity and shot each of them in their head.


James got out from his cover assault rifle drawn when Jane stopped him.

“She’s with us.” Walking towards the asari she made herself known.
“Jane! You’re alive!” Liara replied and hugged the redhead. When she saw who she was with, she greeted her old teammates with as much enthusiasm without the hug though.

“I’m sorry about earth. I heard the report when…”
“Cerberus happened.”
“Yes. Why have you come here though? Not that I’m complaining but…”
“Admiral Hackett sent us here. He said you found something, a way to stop the reapers?”
“I did. Plans for a prothean device, one able to wipe out all the reapers.”
“Here on Mars? How come? The prothean archives have been known for nearly forty years! How was it not known before now?!”
“The amount of data is astronomical, Jane. And in prothean. Translating everything is a life’s work.”
“What matters is that we get that weapon.”
“It’s not a weapon or I don’t think it is, it looks more like a part of something but it’s just plans, blueprints. We’ll have to build it. First, though, we must get them from the archives.”
“It’s more than what we got two minutes ago, so I’m taking it. How do we get into the archives from here?”
“Through the tram, over there.” she said as she pointed beyond the big window near them. “That is if Cerberus didn’t lock it down.”
“How did you know there was something here?” asked Kaidan from the side.
“I didn’t, it was just the best lead we had.”
“We?” Jane asked, hoping.
“Rick and I. We contacted Hackett who agreed it was worth a look. He gave us special permission. With Rick able to read protheans it made things easier.”
“He’s here?!” the redhead exclaimed, trying to do her best to hide her joy. As Liara nodded affirmatively, Jane asked for his location.
“I don’t know where. He was analyzing the translated data in our room when Cerberus attacked.”
“I almost feel sorry for them.” the commander replied and noticing the looks she was receiving she justified herself. “Almost. I mean…”
“““We know what you mean.”””
“I don’t.” said James.

Any explanation for the soldier had to wait as Cerberus agents were there, trying to open a locked door. Jane ordered him to go back to the shuttle to be ready to cover their exit as the huge storm outside was getting closer. Once again the man was not happy with his orders but obeyed nonetheless.

Jane felt nostalgic as she fought her enemies with her friends by her side, remembering the time, three years prior, when they chased Saren. However one thing was different now, she was a biotics and when Liara casted a singularity at Cerberus, her body moved on reflex and she sent a Throw creating a brutal biotic explosion killing all their opponents. Clearly her training had paid off.

“That was a powerful Throw, Jane.”
“Wait, you’re a biotic now?!” Ash exclaimed.
“I always had the potential but since I was never tested, nobody knew. When Cerberus brought me back, I was given a biotic implant and before you ask, it has been checked and it’s a run out of the mill implant.”
“Still, this kind of power after only a year… It’s unheard of.” said Kaidan.
“I had very good teachers.” Jane replied enigmatically with a smile.

The team didn’t tarry any longer and made their way deeper into the outpost, dealing properly with every Cerberus soldier they encountered. They discovered a security room on the way and had a look at the video recordings. Thanks to Liara, who recognized the woman on them, they understood that the attack originally came from the inside as the terrorist organization seemed to have sleeper agents.

After taking a shortcut which brought them outside, they arrived in the mess hall. With its door to the outside open it had been depressurised, everyone in it died of suffocation, not a good way to go. Thankfully for them another security control room was just beyond the mess window. Taking care of the three soldiers just behind it, Liara separated from the group and pressurized the area.  Watching the video recordings they saw the same woman as earlier killed the guards and opened the doors to the outside, killing everyone.

“She didn’t even hesitate.” Ashley noticed.
“I can’t believe, I didn’t see it coming.” lamented the asari.
“It’s not your fault, and you know it.” denied Jane.
“You came here to get answers against the reapers, no one will blame you for being focused on it and not seeking things.”
“Thank you, Kaidan.”
“Besides, Rick was there and he didn’t see anything either.” Ash tried to her up and it worked as Liara chuckled.
“The only thing he saw was our room and the archives. If I didn’t bring him food, he would have died of starvation without even noticing it.”
“Something must really have caught his eye.”
“Not really, he just didn’t see the point with ‘interacting with idiots who've been there for years and found nothing and were more interested in talking than researching’.” she said, trying to mimic his synthetic voice.
“He really didn’t get any better in three years.” stated Kaidan.
“On interacting with strangers? Not one bit.” admitted Jane.
“Come on, we need to go through the labs to get to the tram, it’s not far from here.” Liara said as she took the lead.

They steam-roll group after group of Cerberus men and while it wasn’t difficult some soldiers were annoying. Between the smoke screens and the ones with actual physical shields they took a bit more time than they should have. When the team opened the big double door giving access to the tram area, they saw a very lethal turret firing on-stop on the side. Sneaking closer, they witness the automatic defense system focusing on a very thick container.

Is the turret malfunctioning? Jane wondered.

She got the answer to her question when two Cerberus agents, came from the control room on the other side of the team’s position and began to shoot behind the container.

“Someone’s there! Let’s…”

She stopped her sentence when she saw a blue blur coming from behind the container, colliding with the cerberus guys so hard that they were sent back into the control room. What followed was a succession of loud gunshots and  blue blurs, they could all witness through the room’s window. It happened in a flash, ten seconds at most. Unfortunately for the team without its target the turret went in search mode and found the team. As it was about to fire it was turned off.

“I can’t believe, we stayed right there in the open like idiots.” Jane said in a low voice.
“I can’t believe you stayed right there in the open like idiots.” came a voice from the room speakers.

They haven’t even met again properly, that she already wanted to punch him. Shepard took a deep breath and let it go. This is not how she wanted their reunion to start and it will not. She had a lot to talk about with him.

A talk we should have had six months ago if it hasn’t been for this god damned to all hell mission.

They walked to the control room and joined him inside.

“Those assholes are everywhere but the main force is concentrating around the archives and the tram.” Rick said, typing away on a console.
“No greetings, no ‘How have you been? It’s been a while.’.”
“No. More important things to do.”
“And now, you’re talking like Mordin.”
“Faster, more efficient.” he said as he stopped using the console, picked up his shotgun from the desk near it and turned around. “ Tram coming, few minutes. Unwanted passengers. Should get in position.” he said as he exited from the door opposite of which they had all entered.

Jane went immediately after him and grabbed his arm.

“You and I need to talk.”
“You need.”
We need. Once we’re back on the Normandy.”

From the back the trio looked at the scene in front of them.

“Something happened between them?”
“I don’t know. Last time I saw any of them was on Horizon, they warded off the Collectors. They seemed fine, almost friendly.”
“For me it was when… They weren’t fighting, in fact they were ganging up on me.” shared Liara, stopping herself for revealing anything about the Shadow broker.
“Ganging up on you?” Ashley asked.
“I may or may not have made our mission harder by raising many flags…”
“May or may not?! You almost disintegrated me!” Rick protested.
“It wasn’t on purpose!”
“Oh, I want to hear that story!” the brunette interjected.

They stopped talking as a yellow alarm activated, indicating that the tram was arriving. Ashley and Liara went to one side of the hanger, Kaidan on the other and Jane and Rick took position in the front behind some containers. The ambush was ready and the poor bastards in the tram got caught in a crossfire a few feet after exiting it. Wasting no time they picked up the few thermal clips of their enemies and got into the vehicle.

“We should travel at a slow speed.” advised Rick.
“Why?” Kaidan asked.
“You think they did something on the way?” inquired Jane.
“It’s the only way to the archives. You want people kept away? You booby trap the path.”
“We’ll have to risk it, we don’t have time to go slow.” the redhead ordered after a small hesitation.
“I miss my shotgun.” Rick lamented as he looked at his M-6 Carnifex in hand.
“Why don’t you take a weapon from them? In fact, why don’t you have any weapons besides your gun?”
“I wasn’t allowed to bring any weapons. It’s bullshit because Liara was.” he complained.
“A simple precaution from Hackett who didn’t want the Alliance’s personnel to get hurt.”
“If I had killed every idiot I’ve ever met… He’s just paying me back for all those business deals.”
“Look me in the eyes and tell me you wouldn’t have shot any of them.”
“Just one. That haughty bitch.”
“Let me guess. 5”10 brunette, slender and fit with huge boobs?” said Ashley.
“Yeah, you saw her?”
“On the surveillance recordings, she’s Cerberus.”
“Now no one can say shit if I shoot her. Anyway, as for why I don’t pick any of their weapons is because I don’t like assault rifles and they’re all tailored to them. I was lucky to find a Carnifex. ”
“Tailored to them?” inquired Jane.
“Remember my last deal with the Alliance? In six months they only had the time to fit their most important military sections. I’m not surprised Cerberus got some weapons.”
“N7 being one of them.” Kaidan said. “I miss my TR-11 Junon.”
“They’re all named after human gods and goddesses.” he replied.

She was about to ask why she didn’t have one of those weapons as she was N7 when a bomb exploded on the rail putting a stop to their advance.
“Called it.”
“Not now! We need to find a way to cross the gap.”
“We can’t charge to the other side, there is nowhere to land as the gate is closed. So unless they use the other tram, we’re stuck because I doubt that they’re retarded enough to…”

Just as he was saying that the gate opened and the second tram loaded with cerberus agents came in their direction.

“Apparently, they are.” said Liara as Rick looked dumbfounded at what was happening.
“I… but… Seriously, how come those morons still exist?!” he replied, coming back to his senses.
“Don’t know, don’t care. Be ready to get on that tram.” ordered Jane.

Cerberus had been so stupid that they stopped just next to them.One singularity from Liara and a Throw to detonate it sent them all flying overboard. Taking control of the vehicle they reached the other side and saw Cerberus troops aggregating beyond the second gate. A complete reversal of what they did earlier in the other tram area.

“Oh, now they’re trying to stop us.”said Rick.
“It’s not good, we’re not really in an advantageous position.” noted Kaidan.
“Don’t worry, I got an ace up my sleeve. Be ready to get out of here and find some cover.”

They all had questions for the helmet man but refrain for asking them as the gate separating them to their own onslaught began to retract into the ground. As it was nearly completely gone Rick charged a group and to everyone’s surprise followed up with a slam of his fist on the ground, creating a biotic dome that sent flying all around the Cerberus agents around him. Immediately the team sprung into action and made their way behind crates while shooting at the distracted enemies.

Rick being in the middle of the room without much protection dove onto the ground and rolled towards an alcove in the wall. There he got back on his feet again and began shooting from behind. When reinforcement arrived from his back, he quickly moved to find a better cover but took a shot to the side. Fortunately for him, the others were done with the first group and began a suppressing fire, allowing him to drag himself in a safe spot.

“You got shot.” Jane said as she came to him, the reinforcement being dealt with.
“Astute observation.”
“You never get shot. Your shield usually handles it and you charge away before taking another one.” she said as she kneeled down and started applying medi-gel on the wound.
“That’s because of the… nova. It depleted my shields.”
“Nova? That dome thingy?”
“Yeah. I drew too much energy from my shields and that left me defenseless.”
“That’s very risky.”
“If I had my shotgun I wouldn’t have a need to create it.”
“Wait! Created it? Just now?” Ashley asked from behind the redhead.

“Only you Rick. Only you.” Liara said, shaking her head in exasperation.
“None of you are dead in that tram, so you’re all welcome.” he said as Shepard was done with the medi-gel and put him on his feet.
“You’re good?”
“I can probably run, but another charge would be costly for my body. As for other tasks… I’ll tell you once everything stopped spinning a bit.”

Jane nodded and they went into the archives. It was a big circular room with multiple consoles in the middle where what looked like a gigantic prothean beacon stood up. She signaled Ashley and Kaidan to clear the perimeter, each going their own side, while her, Liara and Rick went to the console. TIM paid them a visit through a hologram. As the tech expert turned on his omni-tool to give the man another dose of Mordin’s singing like he did on the Collector base, he was stopped.

“There is no need for that, Wald. Measures have been taken, it won’t work.”
“Give me some time, you’ll see.”
“Time you don’t have.” turning to the commander he spoke to her. “Fascinating race, the protheans…”
“Oh, shut up! We know your speech already. You’re talking about advancement and preservation of humanity but all you want is the Reapers under your thumb to control the galaxy.” interrupted Rick.
“Humanity would be preserved by being at the top of all species!”
“You’re just a poor bastard that survived Shanxi and never had his PTSD treated, Jackie. That time is over, humanity is already at the top with other species, its legacy preserved.”
“Oh, yes, I’m well aware of your little Safeguard project, Wald. Fruitless endeavor I’m afraid, and useless.” TIM bit back. “You may know who I am but it won’t help you…”
“We’re not going to win the war if we kill each other, you could help, use Cerberus as you present it to the galaxy…”
“Jane! The data! It’s not there!” Liara exclaimed, prompting both Jane and Rick to turn around to look at her. Rick immediately went to the console and began to check.
“It’s being erased as we speak. Someone is here with us.” he announced.

At that moment they heard Ashley shout to someone to step away from a console, then noise of a short fight. Turning towards the direction of the sound they saw the traitorous brunette run as fast as she could towards the exit.

“She has the data!” Ashley yelled.

Jane and Rick began the pursuit, the latter lagging a bit behind because of his wound. The former tried to charge her, but she received an incinerate that she didn’t completely dodged, scratching her left pauldron but giving time to the Cerberus agent to get away. The chase led them to the roof of the facility but they were too late. The woman got on a Cerberus shuttle and was succeeding in her escape. Rick in a desperate move charged and collided with her inside the shuttle as its door wasn’t yet closed. A doomed action as while his shields stopped the projectiles he was shots with, they did nothing to stop the incinerate and the kick that sent him falling fifteen feet below head first. Thankfully James was there and in a brave but stupid maneuver, used the own shuttle he was piloting to take down the Cerberus’ one crashing it on the roof and making it explode. Jane signaled James to land, while Ashley and Liara went to Rick. Kaidan got closer to the destroyed shuttle when its door was sent flying and the brunette, now monochrome and made of metal, got out of the wreckage. He tried to shoot her but she was too close and hit him multiple times with her fist before finally grabbing him by the throat and repeatedly smashing his head against the burning shuttle. Kaidan’s body went limp and she released him then turning around, she ran towards Jane, probably to do the same. The redhead had enough distance and her aim was true, the multiple shots of her gun put the thing down.
Immediately, she went to check on Kaidan, while Ashley and Liara came back, from behind the wrecked shuttle, the former carrying on her shoulder an unconscious Rick as fast as she could.

“We need to hurry, his helmet is broken, he’ll suffocate!” Ashley yelled.
“Liara, take that thing in the shuttle, I’m taking Kaidan.” Jane ordered as she crouched down to pick up her teammate. “We’re getting out of here, now!”  she said as the storm was almost upon them along with reapers landing on the planet.


James pushed the shuttle as far as he could and in less than five minutes they were back on the Normandy. Thankfully for Rick, the shuttle was air tight, he wouldn't have made it otherwise. They quickly disembarked and brought the two injured to the empty med-bay. They needed to remove Rick’s helmet and Liara was in panic.

“Damn it! I can’t.. I can’t remember the sequence.”
“Thank you, EDI.” the asari answered as she entered the numbers on the side of Rick’s helmet.

Hearing the locking mechanism unlocking gave her a tiny sense of relief. Delicately she removed the helmet from his head, revealing his face to anyone in the room. It was with wide eyes and confusion that Shepard shouted one single word, a name.



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