Otherworld Nation Founding Chronicles


In a certain night with a full moon.

The two went into labor at the same time.

AA, Why both of you at the same time!!”

“Even if you say that…..”

“My King, you’re being a bother so please get out.”

Because I was faffing around the two due to my worries, I got chased out by the sorcerers and midwives.

What a rude bunch. Although it’s true that there’s nothing I could really do……”

“Ah, what should I do!!”

“Please calm down, my king. Even if you cause mayhem, it won’t make the childbirth any faster.”

How annoying, Raymond. Even I know that, you know?

“Well, well. Just calm down. For the meantime, here, have a drink.”

“Ye, yeah. Thanks…..Or rather, why are you here, Bartolo?”

You’re supposed to be stationed at the border with the DeMorgal Kingdom, you know?

“I heard that it’s about time the two would give birth so I’m here on standby. Absolutely, among the great clansmen, I’m the first among who want to see their faces.”

“Is that so…..You, when your daughter was born, what did you do?”

While stirring around the liquor, Bartolo answers my question with a troubled face.

“Even if you ask me that……there’s really nothing a man can do when that time comes. As one would expect, we can only imagine the hardships of childbirth and hear them through hear-say. It’s not something you can do in the place of your wife, right? So, I just drank liquor.”

“Ah, is that so…..”

I guess that’s that, huh…… There’s nothing I can really do, huh……

Just in case, I though them using boiling water sterilization as a countermeasure for puerperal fever as well as alcohol sterilization. I also taught them the pain-relieving Lamaze technique but…

There’s the possibility of having difficulties.

Ah, why didn’t I study medicine in Japan!?

Even though if I had become a gynecologist or an obstetrician then I might have been able to do something even just a little.

No, I guess there’s nothing to be done even if I regret t now.

“Bartolo…..give me a strong liquor.”

“Now you’re talking.”

I gulp down the liquor Bartolo handed over.

………It’s bland, huh.

“It’s no use even if I drink away my worries, huh.”

I stop drinking liquor.

I really can’t get my mind off it. I guess Bartolo’s suggestion didn’t help, huh.

“Oi, Talk to me so I could get my mind distracted. Otherwise, you’re fired. It’s a royal order.”

“What an unusual royal order, huh.”

Raymond and Bartolo look at me with amazed faces.

Shut up, hurry up and talk with me.

“Then I’ll be asking you, how did you manage to get the two to give birth at the same time? Did you do both at once?”

“……I did both of them together about once every three times, huh……”

“They’re quite forgiving, huh.”

Raymond raises his voice in surprised.

No, not really. As expected, even I think it’s probably overdoing it. I just tried saying it on a whim while thinking that.

And when I did, unexpectedly, the two were also up for it or something……

“I’m so jealous! My wife would already snap at me if I talked to another woman!”

“That’s quite horrible, huh.”

I’m quite blessed, huh.

Lady Julia, Lady Tetra, How gracious of you, huh.

While doing such idiotic chatter, we heard a cry.

It’s a child’s, no, a baby’s cry.

This…this means….

“My king!! Lady Tetra has given birth!!”

My body moved faster than I could think.

I went straight to Tetra’s room.


Tetra is smiling.

Her face was full of sweat and her hair is a mess, with some clinging on her cheeks.

And in her arms is a beautiful baby wrapped in linen.

“It’s a healthy boy. Here, hold him.”


I held up the baby……my very own baby in my arms.

He’s quite heavy, huh…..I feel the weight of life.

“He inherited my hair huh. His face looks like yours. Especially that cheeky part.”

“How rude.”

When I stretched out my finger into the baby’s small hands, he grasped it tightly.

Aah…..How cute……so cute I could just eat him up.

“A name……give him a name.”

“Ah……this guy will be called Ancus – Ancus Ars.”

“I see. It’s a good name. Ancus……The fruit of my and Almis’ love…….”

Tetra smiles with a grin.

For the meantime, she looks fine, huh.

When I got relieved for the meantime, we heard another cry from the neighboring room.

This would mean……

“Go on.”

“Ah, I know.”

I hand over Ancus to Tetra and hurriedly head for Julia’s room.

I wonder if she’s okay…..”


“Ah, Almis……”

Julia faces me and shows me a smile.

Looking like she didn’t have a difficult childbirth as Tetra, she gives off an impression that she’s not that tired out.

However, her expression shows a little anxiety. It’s like happiness and anxiety are being mixed together…..

“Here you go. A healthy…….girl.”

Julia hands her over to me. Her hands are shaking a little.

Geez, this girl.

I kiss Julia in the lips.

“You did well. Thank you so much. I’m very happy, you know.”

When I said such and smiled, Julia’s expression turns cheerful as if her anxiety had cleared a little.

“What should we do with her name…….is it fine if I give it to her?”

“It’s fine. It’s your right as the father after all.”

Is that so. Then……

“Fiona. Fiona Rosyth. That will be her name.”

“Fiona, huh. Yes….. I think it’s a good name.”

Julia happily smiles.

I look at Fiona.

Her hair is lavender colored. She also takes her face from Julia.

When she grows up, she looks like she’ll become a gorgeous woman.

I’m so happy. Although I’m a little sad that she didn’t take that much from me.

Ah, so cute, huh.

What do I do now? I don’t know what I’d do if somebody told me ‘Please give me your daughter in marriage.’ I’m troubled.

“There’s no way I’ll let her marry.”

“…….What are you saying even though she’s just born?”

Julia quips and smiles.

It’s good that you’ve gotten better….Julia.

Around the time when things calmed down and Tetra and Julia fell asleep.

I look at the moon alone from a balcony in the palace. What a beautiful full moon.

I gulp down liquor by myself.


“Ron, is it? It’s quite late.”

“I was a little busy. So I got late. First, let me say my congratulations.”

Ron quietly comes along beside me.

“Sorry. I only have one cup.”

“No, I don’t mind. And so…you have a little difficult expression on your face, yes?”

“You know?”

“Yes….It’s about Julia, yes?”

Is it foresight?

Well, it’s something in everyone’s minds so I guess it’s only natural.

The next king would be Julia’s son.

That’s the unspoken agreement. This is something everyone in this country understands.

And while it’s only natural, if I tried to give Tetra’s son the crown, then the country would completely split into two.

Especially the Rosyth Clan. It’s easy to see that they’ll cry out ‘That’s not what you promised’ and would oppose me earnestly.

Even I know that so I didn’t give Ancus the name Rosyth so as to show that he doesn’t have any right to the succession.

Julia gave birth to a girl. And Tetra gave birth to a boy.

It’s a little troublesome situation.

Well, this much wont shake Julia’s social status.

However, if this went on for several times more, then it will become a problem.

That is…..a pattern where Julia keeps giving birth to girls and not be blessed with a son.

It’s not like I don’t have the alternative where……I won’t do Tetra until Julia gives birth to a sun but….there’s no way I can do that.

I don’t want Tetra to hold herself back that much after all, plus it’ll be expected that Abraham…….that damned old man wont stop it with the complaints.

If only that stupid geezer didn’t exist then this situation wouldn’t be that troublesome.

If I remember correctly, I heard that it’s the sperm which determines the gender of the child. In other words, the one at fault would be me.

But I also heard that the girl’s constitution also plays a part.

So, both are at fault……No, fault is not a good word for it. Should I say it’s the cause?

“Well, I’m honestly happy see. Boy, girl, I wanted both after all. In the first place, the probability is 50%, right? There’s no way she’d keep on giving birth to only girls.”

“Yes, that’s what I also think. Julia and Tetra are……. both important so, I don’t want to see the two of them fighting.

“Ah, there’s no way I’d let that happen. I definitely wont.”

I glare at the full moon.

As if ignoring me, it continues to shine brightly.

The peaceful days pass by and it has become the sixth month.

I strengthened vigilance against the DeMorgal kingdom’s invasion which we’ve known from intelligence as well as the probably accompanying coaltion.

And so, as feared, the peace had ended.

What we didn’t expect was…….

The one which ended the peace was not the DeMorgal Army’s invasion, but rather a civil war in the DeMorgal Kingdom.


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