Otherworld Nation Founding Chronicles


Early hours of the third day.

Blouse, who was occupying Dress village, receives the report that Blouse town has fallen.

He hurries to recover Blouse town.

The logical thing to do was first remerge with the main De Morgal army.

However, because the Blouse Clan is a march responsible for the border with the Rosyth Kingdom, he is not that familiar with the offensive capabilities of cavalry. Therefore, he figured that if the enemy numbered only 500 then his forces would be enough to take them down. [TLN1]

Furthermore, he’s not in a mental state of being able to deliberately wait since it’s his own manor that has fallen and his own clansmen captured.

Thus, while leaving behind 500 men to protect Dress village, Blouse heads for Blouse town forcing his 1500 infantry to march.

On the third day, the Rosyth Army in the town of Blouse packed up all their loot and prisoners and departed the town late in the morning.

Since they also obtained more horses, they managed to bring more loot.

Although their speed has slowed because they’re carrying lots of loot, it’s still way faster than infantry’s marching speed.

Then around noon, they encounter the two hundred De Morgal cavalry.

“A battle immediately, huh. Nice. We’ll show you the power of the Equus tribe!!” (Muzio)

Immediately, the Equus tribesmen vigorously run off. They then take out their bows and fire simultaneously.

One by one, the De Morgal cavalry get pierced by arrows killing their momentum.

The Equus tribesmen then return their bows on their backs as they get closer with the enemy cavalry. They then wield their swords and spears and then assault the enemy.

The Equus tribesmen, born to be cavalrymen, slaughter the enemy cavalry one by one. They are using saddles provided by Almis.

The unsaddled De Morgal army simply has no chance of winning against such an enemy born to be cavalrymen, using saddles, and wielding swords and spears.

Just like that, the De Morgal cavalry is destroyed – 100 dead, 80 captured, and 20 deserted.

In contrast, the Equus tribesmen have 3 dead and 5 wounded.

It was a one-sided battle.

“I guess you don’t need us anymore, huh?” (Virgar)

“Oi, stop saying stupid things!” (Roswald)

Roswald silences Virgar.

“Now then, let’s press them for information. There’s no way there’s only 200 of them.”

Muzio interrogates the captured enemy soldiers.

They managed to make them spit out the number and current objective of Blouse’s detached force.

Although Blouse left early in the morning, there is quite a distance between Blouse town and Dress village.

Most likely the two forces will meet before the day is over.

Though the Rosythians are using wagons, they are ((still)) carrying ((considerable amounts)) of loot and prisoners.

Early hours of the third day, Fort Terrier.

At present, the De Morgal Army War Councilmen are disagreeing considerably with each other.

Namely regarding whether they should retreat or whether they should continue the siege as is.

Since the town of Blouse has already fallen, many see the need to immediately retreat.

However, the clansmen also cannot retreat that easily.

At any rate, there is money at stake in the war.

There’s no way they could retreat without even a little profit gained.

As it is, they are even fears of bankruptcy.

“Let’s retreat.”

Carlo, who has remained silent up until now, declares.

Everyone falls silent.

“Ar, are you sure!?”

Tonino askes Carlo with a trembling voice.

If they retreat now, then Carlo’s succession would become impossible.

“It couldn’t be helped, right? I think we should just retreat now before we receive even greater damage. Let’s just be grateful that we still haven’t suffered a lot of losses. It’s not that late to regroup after we repulse the enemy from the Blouse territory, right? I think that’s a better prospect than being stuck in a rut here.”

The chief, Carlo, calls for retreat.

The generals, Tonino included, could only stay silent.

“Understood. Then let’s begin preparations to retreat. I’ll take up the rear.”

The council ends at Tonino’s words.

They then begin said preparations.

“It looks like the enemy has started preparations to retreat.”

“I see. Then, let’s begin preparations to pursue.”

The Rosyth army will leave behind 500 soldiers in the fort. The other 7000 soldiers take offensive positions. The vanguard consists of the Elite 500 Ars Hoplites.

They open the gates and begin intense pursuit at the same time the De Morgal army turned around to make their retreat.

They assault the enemy with bomb spears and gunpowder infused sling projectiles. Furthermore the gunpowder was mixed with powder of hallucinogenic grass which scatters upon impact and causes illusory flames to appear.

In the last territorial war, the only practioner was Soyon. This time, however, several Rosythian sorcerers are also in action.

Although the sorcerers in the De Morgal army devoted themselves into trying to cancel the illusions, the entire army has quickly fallen into panic.

Soldiers whose morale had fallen and understood that defeat was inevitable scattered about and fled the battlefield.

The army’s formation breaks and, exacerbated by the Rosyth army’s continued attacks, causes a chain reaction which severely damaged the De Morgal army.

By the time they somehow managed to shake off the Rosyth army and scurry off back into the Blouse territory, the 25,000 strong De Morgal army was reduced into 20,000 soldiers.

In order to strike another blow, the Rosyth army has invaded the Blouse territory.

The nearby villages, having heard of the De Morgal army’s defeat, immediately bowed their heads and capitulated.


“It seems that the detached force has destroyed 200 enemy cavalry. It was a complete victory. Tomorrow, they will face enemy infantry. They report that after that, they would be able to rejoin us by evening.”

The Rosythian clansmen gets fired up as I read out the report.

The atmosphere calls for an immediate celebration.

“That said, what is the enemy thinking dividing his force like that. Is he stupid?”

Bartolo frowns. No matter how you look at it, the enemy should not have sent his remaining 2000 infantry into Blouse town.

He should have remerged with the retreating main army at Dress village and then attack the enemy.

“It couldn’t be helped. The commander of the force sent at Dress village was Blouse, after all. In other words, he’s the lord of the territory.”

If you were in his situation, you wouldn’t be able to stand by knowing that your own territory is being ravaged. At any rate, he had four times more soldiers, so he probably thought that he should try to recover his territory anyway.

Thus, the one week war meets it’s fourth day.

Fourth Day.

Ten thousand soldiers of the De Morgal army somehow managed to arrive in Dress village by night while being intensely pursued again in the morning.

There, they make camp.

All the defensive equipment there have been destroyed by the Rosyth army so they have to begin from scratch.

“Good grief, that Lord Blouse……why the hell did you sortie….”

Tonino breathes out a sigh.

He has just received the report that Lord Blouse has sortied to recover Blouse town.

However, for the De Morgal army whose present size had been greatly diminished, those 2000 soldiers are extremely valuable. Although Tonino had sent for a falcon courier and ordered Blouse to go back immediately, it doesn’t seem like he’s returning.”

“Lord Tonino…..the reply from His Majesty King De Morgal has come….”

Tonino had asked for reinforcements from King De Morgal on the morning of the third day.

This was the reply to that request.

“I see. Your gloomy face gives away the answer, huh.”

Tonino reads the king’s reply.

In summary, the King does want to come to the army’s aid. However, the Rozel Kingdom seems to have invaded the country so he couldn’t maneuver freely.

They are now rushing to organize an emergency army.

It says that they should hold out for a little while longer, three days at the least.

“What do we do, Lord Tonino?”

All the clansmen look at Tonino.

All of them are looking pale.

“First, let’s have the troops rest. Then, we wait for the return of Lord Blouse’s 2500 troops. After that, we’ll settle this with a field battle. Our soldiers are unsurpassed in this field up until now.”

Not only has Dress village no forts, it also had its defense equipment destroyed.

Rather than fight here, it would be better to just settle it in the fields.

“Will the enemy wait for us?”

“The enemy too probably won’t be able too move until their detached force arrive, right? In other words, the victor will be decided on whose force returns first.”

(Almis POV)

In the Rosyth Army

“Sakura, I have been worrying about I’d somehow lose because you’re here. However, you’ve shown what you’re made of. As I thought, you’re not an unlucky horse, right? Right?”

I talk to Sakura.

Since she had no name, I named her Sakura.

I named her because horsemeat is……..It’s a joke, don’t bite me.

Her mane reminds me of the sun which is associated with Japan, and from there I got the name. Since she’s a girl after all.

………Although she’s forbidden to scatter easily. [TLN2]

“Almis, Bartolo and the others call for you.”

“I understand. I’ll be right there.”

I return to camp with Tetra.

“Will we attack as it is?”

“If we strike now then we’ll be able to defeat them!”

Ordovices and Perm press me with excited faces.

Actually, the Rosyth Army is currently riding the momentum. Right now, I believe the men could even win against an enemy with twice as many soldiers as ours.

However, I think it’s safer to err on the side of caution. A cornered mouse will bite a cat after all.

Since it seems like it would take quite a considerable time for the enemy’s reinforcements to arrive, it would be fine to just wait and see how the situation develops, right?

“For the meantime, let’s wait for the detached force. They’ll probably arrive tonight after all. Besides, the soldiers are probably tired from chasing the enemy for a whole day. Let’s have them rest soundly today. Let’s also serve some liquor.”

“Wow, that’s our supreme commander. I can’t wait for the liquor!”

Bartolo says while drinking some liquor.

Have some self-control, stupid.


The Rosyth Detached Force and the De Morgal Army headed by Blouse are glaring at each other.

The sun is shining brightly over the two armies.

“I am the commander of this force, Raymond. We have your wives, sons, and daughters in custody. I assure you their safety. If you want them to return safely, then quietly surrender. If you would even like, would you care to defect to our country?” (Edit, check plural forms.)

“Who would!? We’ll make battle and immediately take them back from you!”

Negotiation promptly breaks dowm.

Raymond was troubled whether to kill one of Blouse’s relatives but banished the thought since it would only make Blouse even angrier.

“Now then, what shall we do……”

It was their first normal fight.

They were completely overwhelming in the earlier sieges so before they could fight, the enemy had already vacated their defenses and surrendered.

In the battle against the 200 cavalry, the Equus tribesmen did all the fighting so there was no need to specifically give orders.

However, this time, the enemy is 2,000 infantry. It won’t be as simple as before.

“Don’t worry. I’ve thought of a plan.”

Roswald speaks of his strategy. It’s a very straightforward tactic.

“Nice. Not bad. This plan would be better than doing a more complicated one.”

Muzio grins.

Thus, the battle begins. [TLN3]

Under the watchful eye of the sun….

The Equus tribesmen draw as close as possible to the enemy hopelights. They then fire their arrows simultaneously.

The arrows pour like rain unto the hoplites.

“Rout the enemy!!”

At Blouse’s order, the hoplites assault the Equus tribesmen.

The tribesmen evade and retreat while continuing their barrage of arrows.

Naturally speaking, humans can’t catch up to horses.

Having been forced to march here and now being forced to run back and forth, the hoplites immediately lose their stamina. Their movements withered and their formation became disordered.


The Rosythians counter with the Equus at the center, Roswald and Virgar’s group at the right flank, and Raymond’s group at the left.

With the hoplites exhausted, the De Morgal Army has gotten themselves surrounded, the Rosythians closing in on the front and the left and right flanks.

The formation completely collapses and the soldiers desparately begin running for their own lives.

“Like we’d let you get away!!”

Thus, the Rosythians went into intense pursuit. In the blink of an eye, the hoplites turn into a mountain of corpses.

“Now then, Lord Blouse. Be obedient and stop resisting. We’ll let you meet with your son soon.”

Roswald stabs the back of the horse Blouse is riding. The horse struggles wildly throwing off its rider whom Virgar catches skillfully.

“We’ve captured the enemy general – Blouse!!”

Just like that, the Rosyth Detached Force easily won the battle.


The two Rosythian armies recombine roughly the same time the De Morgal army barricaded in Dress village learned of Blouse’ huge defeat near Blouse town.

“You did an excellent job, Raymond.”

“Haha, well, it’s not me who did all the hard work. Everything’s thanks to great efforts of Lord Muzio and Lord Roswald.”

Raymond grinningly answers.

Practically speaking, Raymond didn’t do much in the operation. If I had to say, then he was the one responsible for controlling the Equus tribesmen.

“These are the spoils of war.”

Raymond shows the treasures, slaves (bureaucrats), sorcerers, and the Blouse clansmen he obtained.

Blouse then begrudgingly says:

“Listen here, I swear my son will definitely cut off the head of everyone of you here….”

“How would he be able to do that? With all of you Blouse clansmen taken prisoner, won’t your son not be able to move, right?”

One or two prisoners might have been different, but all of them are here captured.

Honestly, how can you fight squarely while worrying about the entirety of your clan.

“Well, anyway, everything will end at the next battle. Everyone, prepare yourselves for tomorrow!!”

The Rosyth Army erupts into cheers.

In the other side, the De Morgal Army is engulfed in a funeral-like gloomy atmosphere.

“Lord Tonino, we’ve had more deserters. Should we chase after them?”

“…….The soldiers we’ve sent to chase after some seemed to have deserted too. Just leave them be.”

One by one, the soldiers of the De Morgal army have begun deserting.

The morale is at its worst.

Reinforcements are hopeless.

“Lord Tonino, Lord Carlo seems to have summoned a war council. Your attendance is expected.”

“Lord Carlo, is it? It’s unusual for that person to propose something……I understand.”

“First, how much of our army’s force remain?”

“Around 9,000.”

Tonino answers.

“The enemy’s forces?”


Carlo nods in satisfaction at Tonino’s inquiry. [TLN4]

He then asks:

“Is there anyone here who still believes we could win against the Rosyth army? If there is, then please lay out a tangible plan.”

Everyone remained hanging their heads in shame. Nobody could answer.

No matter how superior their numbers or the quality of their equipment are, they most definitely lose in esprit d’corps. Aren’t the soldiers here already running for their lives even before the battle?

Once the battle begins, there’s a possibility the army would completely collapse.

“Then there’s no choice but to captulate, huh. Let’s call for peace.”

The clansmen are shaken into attention, fixing their gases into Carlo.

“Lord Carlo! If we proceed with such in our current situation, we would be forced to accept extremely unfavorable terms. We could even possibly be forced to hand over the entirety of the Blouse territory!!”

“That’s true, yes. However, if we lose, we would be forced to accept even worse terms. Besides, our country is surrounded by the Rozel, Fardam, and Gillbed Kingdoms. If we lose even more soldiers here, then our whole country is sure to follow. Even the incompetent me can understand that. We can’t win, yes? Then we shall ask for peace.”

There isn’t anyone who could object against Carlo.


(Almis POV)

Lord Almis, thank you very much for granting this opportunity to discuss peace.”

“No, please. I think it’s in our best interests for my and your country to reconcile after all.”

I amicably receive Crown Prince Carlo to the best of my abilities. He’s the crown prince of a high-ranking country after all. [TLN5]

“First, what do you say to a one year truce?”

Hmm, this means they have no intention to abandon their policy of pushing south.

Well, I can understand why they would not want to give up on the policy.

It would still be a one year truce even if I managed to destroy their army in battle.

Furthermore, it would be a different story if we would be invading deeper into their territory, however, we didn’t bring any siege equipment.

We could also use the siege equipment the enemy left behind. However, it would take time to pick them up then return here.

It’s an impossible plan.

I should take this up and anticipate and prepare for this one year.

“I understand. Then there’s no problem with a one-year truce. Now then, regarding reparations……”

“We shall give you the whole Blouse territory. Furthermore, as indemnity, we shall pay you in a ten year span, three times the amount you spent on this war.”

A sudden high ball, huh.

Nevertheless, the Blouse territory has completely capitulated after all so it’s a reasonable compensation.


We won’t be able to hold on to such a huge border.

Most probably, Carlos is thinking of taking it back later so he suggested this offer.

“We’re fine with the territory’s western half plus Blouse town’s environs. In exchange, we request 20 blacksmiths. We wan’t iron forge specialists.”

“…….That would be fine. Then we shall give your country 20 blacksmiths.”

With this, we’ll be able to mass produce iron. Our country’s blacksmiths are still inexperienced after all.

“Furthermore, we’d be fine with just twice our expenses as compensation but, we would like for you to pay in lump-sum. In exchange, we shall return all Blouse clansmen prisoners to you.”

“………Haa, I understand.”

With this you won’t be able to shirk payment.

Last is…….

“Also, we would like to ask two favors from you. First, before the performance of this agreement, we want you and the Blouse clansmen to stay in our country.”

“That’s only natural, yes. That would be fine. Then the next favor?”

“The next one is…..”

Carlo’s eyes widen as I state my next favor.

“Uwa, you really have a bad personality huh….”

“I’m honored by your praise. …….We’ll, I’m the next king after all.”


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