Otherworld Nation Founding Chronicles


“Alright, such a goodnight’s sleep. What a wonderful morning. Well, the enemy probably never got an ounce of sleep, huh.”

“You have a bad personality, huh, Tonino. So, by your calculations, how long would you think this siege would take?”

“Well, considering the enemy’s fatigue, they’ll probably fall around a week later. Two weeks at most. We’d be able to secure troops, equipment, and rations from our rear after all. Really, the enemy is such an idiot, yes? To be pushing for a siege without even hope of re-supply.

The two leave the camp.

They’ve continuously attacked Fort Terrier all throughout the night. The enemy should certainly be tired.

“Alright, let’s have another wonderful day today!”

Second day of siege

“Damn, I’m so sleepy…..”

Gram lets out a yawn.

“They didn’t let us sleep at all yesterday, huh.”

Last night, just as Ron and Gram predicted, the De Morgal Army conducted a night attack. That said, they didn’t try to climb over the walls like last time. They attacked a place so deep where even any arrow cannot reach. They attacked by beating large drums and screaming their hearts out.

That said, it’s impossible for us to counter such an activity and thus we couldn’t sleep properly. As a countermeasure, we’ll divide our troops into two – one-half will sleep in the night and one-half in mid-day…Still, since we’d still be subjected to continuous attacks, there’s no way we’d be able to sleep soundly.

“Ah, damn. Our bowmen are starting to lose accuracy……”

Gram sighs as he watches the trajectory of an arrow fired by his subordinate.

However, it can’t be helped. It’s only natural for one’s concentration to drop when one lacks sleep.

At this rate, a lot more enemies would end up making it over the wall. This would in turn increase the burden on our foot soldiers.

Naturally, our foot soldiers lack sleep just the same.

“Ah, DAMN IT!! I’m getting pissed off! Bring out the Fire Cylinders! Let’s burn the enemy down to the ground!”

In the end, Ron couldn’t help but to use the fire cylinders. One by one, the enemies burst into flames.

However, the weapons only last ten seconds.

Immediately, its fuel will need replenishing. And as if taking advantage of that moment, the enemy continues to come over the wall. There’s no indication that their attack is abating.

“Damn it. However, I’m aiming to become a general. I must stand firm here!!”

Joseph swings his sword while blurting out his ambition. His efforts are more spectacular than of the other centurions.

“I won’t lose either!”

Ron wields his spear on the right hand and his sword on his left.

“Now then, let us raise a blood bath!”

The Rosythian catapults and ballistae roar into action, firing ((projectiles with)) gunpowder ((in them)).

They hit their targets, the siege towers but……they didn’t break in one hit.

Four hits and they finally fall.

“They were soaked with water to counter the flames…furthermore, they seem to be reinforced with various countermeasures. Damn, and I thought we’d be having an easy victory using Fire Medicine.”

Bartolo sighs.

The enemy siege towers are reinforced with iron here and there. Their exteriors are completely covered with animal skin which, as you can clearly see, are dripping with water.

The most annoying part is they also seem to be protected by magical barriers.

It appears that for every siege tower, there are three sorcerers protecting it with magical barriers.

“Oi, call over some sorcerers. We won’t get anywhere until we bring these guys down.” (Bartolo)

“Understood, we’ll destroy them immediately.”

Tetra comes out of nowhere and answers.

At a swing of her staff, particles of light come forth from the siege towers.

Their barriers are destroyed.

Then, an explosion rocks and destroys the towers themselves.

“That’s our lady!! Just one hit, amazing Lady Tetra. However, enemies are still climbing over here so it’s dangerous……Watch out!!”

Exactly at that moment, an enemy soldier climbs over the rampart and rushes towards Tetra.

However, Tetra calmly swings her staff.

The enemy’s head flies into the air and blood splatters everywhere.

“Eh……..Is that a swordstick?” (Bartolo)

(TLN: Shikomigatana/Swordstick/Cane Sword -> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swordstick JP: https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E4%BB%95%E8%BE%BC%E3%81%BF%E5%88%80)

“Yes. Isn’t it cool?” (Tetra)

The scabbard covering the pointed tip of Tetra’s staff is unsheathed. Henceforth appears the figure of a sword. You can see that it’s made from iron.

“Is milady perhaps knowledgeable about swordsmanship?”

“Naturally. Almis taught me.”

“A, as expected of milady……We’ll be in your care.”


Tetra gives a thumbs up.

“Hey, Ron!! They’ve set up another bridge over the moat!! The Battering Ram’s next! Hurry up and destroy it with some bomb spears!!

“Wait a minute, I got my hands full here!!”

While cutting apart the enemies around him, Ron hurriedly ordered his subordinates to blow up the battering rams.

Immediately, bomb spears come flying towards the targets.

However, they managed to withstand the bomb spears.

The battering rams are covered by iron roofs after all.

Furthermore, those roofs are protected by magical barriers put up by sorcerers numbering in the several tens. Therefore, the troops below them weren’t affected too.

“Iron roofs!? You’ve got to be kidding me!! Think, think! Ah, the bridge! Destroy the damn bridge!”

As Ron ordered, the bomb spears come flying towards the bridge. They splendidly hit the target.

The bridge easily collapsed sending the battering rams down into the water below.

Ron and the others finally get a feeling of relief.


“Damn….Aren’t those more battering rams?…”

Ron is reaching his wit’s end as he looks at the battering rams lined up in a row.

Although they have some bomb spears in inventory…they still only have a limited amount.

They already have used up a lot of the fire cylinders.

“What do we do when we run out…”

Furthermore, the enemy siege towers have intensified their attacks.

The enemy catapults, too, sometimes score hits and destroy the ballistae and catapults here.

“Alright, we’ve broken the magical barriers! Quickly, the fire medicine!”

As Lulu ordered, the ballistae shoot bomb spears at the enemy siege towers. They hit the targets which promptly collapsed. The enemy bowmen stationed there fall into the ground.

Furthermore, the Rosythian bowmen focused their attacks towards them.

It’s a strategy to eliminate enemy bowmen as much as possible. If they die, the Rosythian Army would have it easier.

In the morning battle, although they were numerically inferior in some places, the Rosythian Army managed to maintain superiority in the overall progress of the battle.


Almis is reading a letter. It’s a letter sent by falcon. His face loosens up, so you could understand that it’s good news.

“Please call for Sir Bartolo, Sir Perm, and Sir Ordovices.”

Almis orders Tetra. She immediately summons them.

“What is it, supreme commander?”

“The first phase of the plan is a success. No, it’s a huge success. The enemy completely didn’t notice.”

The three also loosen their faces.

“If this continues, we’ll be receiving the second report by tonight, right, supreme commander?”

“Yes, should the second phase be successful as well, then our victory would be ascertained.”

In the other camp, although it was three hours late, a falcon courier also arrived. This one, in contrast, brought bad news.

(Enemy Camp POV)

“Th…the village of Dress has fallen!!”

(TLN: The author used ドレス which usually means Dress as in female clothing. At first, I thought I’d just use Dorres for immersion, however the next named town pretty much confirmed that the village’s name is Dress.)

Tonino and Carlo receive the report that the supply base Tonino chose, the village of Torres has fallen via surprise attack by 500 Rosythian cavalry.

Tonino’s hands are shaking. This means that their supply line has been broken.

He, however, tries very hard to keep his clam.

The enemy, it would seem, are cavalry. The problem is where could they have come from. They most probably came from the Romano forest. There’s no other route except through that forest.

In Tonino’s point of view, it’s impossible to pass through that forest. If you accidentally entered that forest, it was said that the Griffon’s curse would strike you. Furthermore, ever since one is a child, it was already drilled into one’s existence that “If you aren’t a good boy then the Griffon will come eat you.”

Soldiers often abide by the unwritten rule that no one will trespass on Romano forest. On that subject, the enemy’s supreme commander is rumored to be the son of the Griffon. Thinking it was just a rumor, Tonino left the vicinity of the forrest completely unprotected. It was completely a personal oversight.

However, what was worrying Tonino was how did the village of Dress fall that easily. There are around 300 troops stationed there. Furthermore, it’s protected by a strong fort. The village is quite prepared for such contingencies.

Because this war is heavily dependent on the supply line, Tonino took no chances and ramped up the village’s defenses reliably.

Given the difference in numbers, it wouldn’t be strange for it to take the enemy three days minimum to take down the village.

Furthermore, it’s strange that the enemy managed to attack with 500 cavalry. The Rosyth Kingdom should only have around 150 cavalry at best.

There’s something strange going on.

Tonino immediately summoned the clansmen and the other commanders and chiliarchs in a council to decide whether to retreat.

They immediately reached their conclusion – a resounding no.

In the Art of War, it’s common sense to retreat because the supply line is cut, even if just temporarily.

However, this war is complicated by politics. Therefore, something like a retreat cannot be considered. and completely out of the question.

The participants in this war are mostly from the Carlo Faction. You cannot simply pull out of a war where Carlo’s succession bid is on the line.

Should they fail in this war, the clansmen’s fate is certain.

The possibility that a next king who is not Carlo would cordially welcome them is undoubtedly close to zero.

Actually, it would already be great if their territories can be guaranteed. There’s no question that some of the younger clansmen would be crushed after all.

At the very least, they believe such.

Their, and their clan’s lives, territory, property, and honor hangs in the balance.

Because there’s a possibility that all of those, should they retreat, crumble away, there’s no way they could do such just for a mere supply base behind them.

The decision was unanimous. That is, they would immediately recapture Dress Village ((with a detached force)) to restore the supply line.

The advantageous position is still theirs since the enemy only has a small army. They have high chance of success.

“Everything’s going to be fine. Send over 2000 light infantry and 200 cavalry. Ah……If we had more cavalry then it would be over in an instant. Our De Morgal Kingdom is, after all, afraid of the Rozel Kingdom so we could only rent out a little…..”

Even if you say the enemy is mostly cavalry, Tonino would still be sending 2000 infantrymen and 200 cavalry. It’s a numerical superiority of about 4 times. They would be able to take back Dress without fail.

In the first place, cavalry would be useless in siege warfare. Furthermore, they know the number of cavalry the Rosyth Kingdom has.

Most probably, the enemy would try to have the battle settled in the plains…..Just in case, the 200 cavalry should be enough to face them.

Furthermore, it is hoplites that determine battles in the Adernia Peninsula.

The enemy has none of those.

There’s just no turning back in this war.

At any rate, it’s not just Tonino’s promotion on the line…….but also Carlo’s succession and the De Morgal Kingdom’s hegemony.

The war situation pretty much didn’t change in the afternoon.

Nevertheless, people ranking Chiliarch and above in the Rosythian Army are a little festive while in contrast the same ranking people in the De Morgal Kingdom are a little bit down.

And thus, the night battle.

“They’re as noisy as usual, huh….”

“Really. Sir Chiliarch. By the way, did you see how I fought this afternoon?”

“Yeah, I did. Also, I’m starting to get annoyed so would you shut up? I’m sleepy.”

Ron and Joseph are glaring at the enemy army.

The enemy’s making noises by beating drums and shouting but they don’t look like they’re to attack.

Although the enemy’s encircling them, their true intention is to exhaust the defenders.

“Sieges are troublesome, huh. Though it’s not that bad since we still have enough rations.”

If things got drawn out, then it’ll probably become like hell.

However, the plan is to not let this siege get drawn out.

“By the way, I don’t know about our overall strategy, Sir Chiliarch. Can you tell me about it?”

“There’s no way I can tell a centurion, you know. Well, you’ll know about it by tomorrow…”

An owl catches Ron’s eye. It then lands on his shoulder.


The owl silently nods.

Although they requested for about 5 or 6 owls, the only sorcerer who could soul-ride one was Soyon. By nature, it would take several years plus you would need to establish trust before you could perform soul riding….However, Soyon had natural talent and was able to show she could quickly manage.

Ron takes the letter attached to the owl’s foot.

“Well then. It’s midnight so you won’t be easily found out, but, nevertheless, take care and be careful.

The Owl disappears into the dark night.

“Sir Chiliarch, what is that?”

“Although I still haven’t opened it, I believe it’s good news.”

Ron declares so and leaves to deliver the letter to Almis.

(Almis POV)

I read the letter that Soyon brought.

After reading, I carefully fold the letter and put it inside my pocket.

“Alright, our victory is decided. Tomorrow….we’ll probably have a pursuit battle, huh.”

I feel my cheeks loosen.

Finally, this bothersome siege is going to end.

“Ron. Contact the other commanders. Tell them to shift from defense to offense.”


Ron runs off.

Seeing that gives a smile to Bartolo’s face.

“To seriously succeed here. The enemy will receive their report by tomorrow morning huh. I can only imagine the looks on their faces.”

“Right? We’ll be avenging ourselves. Well then, how about a drink?”

“That’s would be great.”

“Gee, what a great morning we have. Yes. Can’t say the same for the enemy though.

Well, then, Lord Carlo. Let’s do our best today too and siege the hell out of them.”

“You’re right. Tonino. I want to go home quickly, you know. Honestly, I won’t last for another week.”

The two welcome a refreshing morning.

About the same time the two put on their clothes, a soldier hurriedly entered the room.

“What’s the rush? What is it?”

“It’s terrible!! The town of Blouse has fallen!”

“No, no, stop it with the bad joke.”

The estate of a De Morgal Clansman that directly borders the Ars Territory is in the town of Blouse.

The Blouse clan is one of the top five clans in the De Morgal Kingdom. It leads the Carlo Faction.

You could even say that the Carlo Faction = the Blouse Faction.

Hahaha, Tonino laughs then he checks the soldier’s expression.

It’s not a joke, it seems.

“Uhm….seriously? Or perhaps I should say that if that information were correct, wouldn’t that mean the enemy has completely taken the hinterland? (Revise: maybe change hinterland into rear or flank)

Their good morning has completely turned sour.


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