Otherworld Nation Founding Chronicles

Chapter CHAPTER 104 – STRIKE

This time, the people that got assigned to military service insist the following:

“In war, isn’t it only the King and the noblemen who gain territory and slaves no matter how hard you work? Isn’t it strange? Aren’t us the one’s working the hardest? No way, I hate this! There’s no way I’d go to war!”

I see……they have a reason, huh.

“What are you saying!! This is a serious matter!”

Oi, Raymond. Don’t shout.

I’m the King, you know.

“They probably grew a feeling of solidarity thanks to working together in construction for a long time, huh. On top of that, we have this war. Right now, the country is in danger. They probably thought they are absolutely necessary resources. That’s why they’re probably thinking that…….they’d certainly be able to get what they usually wouldn’t be able to during normal times. It’s actually well thought out.”

In other words, it’s not like they don’t want to go to war. They just want to profit from it.

“What shall we do Your Majesty?”

“There’s not much we can do. It’s not like we can send a suppression force after all. All we can do is compromise.”

In other words, we can only give them land and slaves as well as a suitable salary.

That said, if we recognize something like this once, then we would have to keep recongnizing something like this forever.

Land…….the word contains so many meanings but even they shouldn’t want wastelands.

It’s restricted to agricultural land.

In addition to that, they also have land that each of them personally owns.

If they combine the two lands together, they won’t be able to manage the land farther away.

Therefore, I can’t give them land. Since money and slaves are limited by the land, it’s also impossible.

They should be able to understand this much.

In other words…….

“It’s about tax reduction, huh.”

An irked expression floats on Raymonds face,

Under these circumstances, income loss shouldn’t be the problem.

What those three thousand men recognizes are the same as what the farmers all around the Rosyth Kingdom recognizes which is also the same as what the farmers living in the territories of the clansmen recognizes.

In other words, irrespective of territory, whether royal or clansman, it’s necessary that all taxes be lowered.

This doesn’t end on the level of irksome.

This is because the great clansmen allegiance depends on whether a state would recognize and guarantee his possessions.

The clansmen are extremely hateful of any participation of the state in the affairs of their own territories.

Right now, amongst the 74 important clansmen in this country, 57 are at my disposal. If I immediately get their approval then the matter would be settled. However……

“What do you think?”

For the meantime, I tried asking them.

A clansman begins speaking.

“…….I’m in favor of tax reduction.”

This is unexpected….to have a favorable vote come first.

“Our territory has brought out more than fifty laborers. People who remember that they had once defied government will for a second time easily rouse another defiance. When these 50 agitators return to our territory, it would become so that we would have no choice but to give more concessions in the future. That’s why it’s better that we destroy the seeds of such arguments now.”

However, lots of clansmen immediately air their objections.

“I, I’m also opposed to this!! My territories finances right now are already in dire straights! If we lower taxes even more then……”

“That’s right! Furthermore, for the decision of this council to extend to all the clansmen’s territories…….it’s interference in local affairs!”

“But what do we do? If this keeps up, the country will perish.”

The great clansmen begin noisily arguing.

Occassionaly, angry roars fly about.

This is bad, huh…….If someone among them begin thinking that defecting to the Eville and Belvedere Kingdoms where they could expect recognition and guarantee of their lands then……..

However, there’s no other way to resolve this crisis than reducing taxes.

Alright, if it all comes down to this then….

“I’ve thought of a way without having to reduce taxes!”

I raise my voice. The clansmen focus their sights on me.

“If, for example, we suppose that we resolved this crisis without recognizing such demands…….wouldn’t it still occur a second time?”

This is the same as what the other clansman pointed out.

A person who remembers that they had defied once will find it easier than the first time to raise up in revolt the second time.”

“This time is still fine. Since they’re only around 3,000 strong, their demands are still relatively light. Unless we end this now, it’ll become a greater problem later on. Listen, the ones defying us are soldiers, you know?”

In this country, farmers = soldiers.

In other words, should those guys feel like rising up in revolt, they’d find it easy killing us. If you consider this, then it’s easy to understand that this incident is somewhat a frightening but at the same time fortunate matter.

“This is not a life or death matter for the Rosyth Kingdom. It is a problem that shakes my, and your social positions. ……..It seems, a long time ago, just like us, the Cretian states had a monarchial system of governance. However, they had risen up in revolt against exploitative kings and nobles, killed them, and committed themselves, as a matter of course, in governance.”

I threatened the great clansmen with actual history. If for example, my country perishes and you guys survived, it’ll be nothing more than a temporary measure to prolonging their lives.

……….However, in reality this history differs slightly.

Honestly speaking, it was the commoners and the nobles who incited the revolt who killed the king that had employed tyrannical rule. The great clansmen then became the aristocracy and began an aristocratic form of governance. After that, the commoners then took away governance from the aristocracy.

Even if it had become easier to rise up in revolt, if you take away the core that puts all of that together, then it’ll be impossible to overthrow the king.

However, a large part of the Adernian nobility don’t really know much about Cretian history.

Even lying is a means to an end.

“Regarding the tax reductions……..at the very least the highest taxes must be less than the royal territories where taxes are light.”

“If we reduce taxes that much then we won’t be able to keep our territories!!”

The clansman shouts. Other clansmen raise voices of opposition just like him.

Great clansmen who don’t hold much territory can only have so much taxes.

Therefore, they had no choice but to raise taxes.

It seems the great clansmen who hold territory to the extent they could prove it aren’t proactively showing opposition.

Nevertheless, they aren’t showing support either.

“It’s a natural opinion. If we reduce you good gentlemen’s incomes, then it’s equivalent to reducing this country’s military power. That’s why……”

It can’t be helped. Let’s just tighten our belts.

Before you can force someone else to bleed, you must first show yourself shedding blood.

“I’ll open to the public the means to produce paper and liquor.”

The council quiets down in a moment.

It felt like you can hear the great clansmen gulping.

It’s only natural to get surprised. You could say that paper and liquor are the source of the Rosyth clan’s wealth.

Right now, the reason we are able to conduct such large scale construction is thanks to the foreign currency we obtain through trade of paper and liquor.

“M, my king!! Are you insane!!”

Raymond shouts with wide eyes.

I look Raymond firmly in the eyes and answer:

“It can’t be helped. We’re being unreasonable to the feudal lords. We should also show sacrifice.”

When I said so, Raymond looked like he still has something he wanted to say but he backed down for the meantime.

Then, I look around the clansmen and ask them:

“Are you still dissatisfied?”

“…….Certainly we would be able to manage our territorie’s finances if you teach and grant as the means of producing liquor and paper. Nevertheless, such a large scale never before seen up until now would…….”

“It’d be fine if you just levy some sales tax. It’s a tax that doesn’t concern a large part of the commoners. It won’t be a problem if you raise it more or less.”

Although the economy might more or less chill if they raise some duties, it should also grow more than that chilling.

Even now, the sales tax is marvelously rising every month after all.

“What do you think?”


The clansmen fall into deep thought.

After a while, a clansman that showed vigorous opposition began talking.

“If things will become so, then I shall bear no opposition. I give my support.”

With that as the beginning, one by one the clansmen show their agreement.

After this, large scale tax reduction and duty consolidation was decided through vote.

The last clansman gives his greetings and the diet is postponed.

The only ones remaining here are me and Raymond.


Fufufufu, hahahahaha

“Hahahahahahahaha! Everything went well, huh, Raymond.”

“Yes. To think things would go this well, it’s all thanks to your speech.”

If you say that, then I dare say your performance was much more better, Raymond.

I was about to burst into laughter.

Now then, let us expound on the matter.

In this incident, the royal clan got not one disadvantage nor loss. Rather, we got nothing but gains.

By opening up the production methods to the great clansmen, the supply will increase and the price will drop, you say?

Certainly, the price will more or less drop. But it’s something that will drop either way.

In the first place, paper and liquor are consumables and are basic goods of small profits but quick returns.

While it may be true that the supply will increase, the price won’t fall that quickly.

It’s estimated that the royal territorie’s reduced taxes are more than covered by the profits obtained from sales taxes.

At any rate, bronze, silver, and gold coins brought in large quantities by Creatians have begun circulating in our country after all.

In addition to that, being able to get taxes in the form of cash rather than goods also makes us much happier.

Nevertheless, we still have to resolve ourselves for the large scale fall in tax revenues.

Also, regarding the profits we’ve obtained…….

“At last we finally managed to get our hands on the sacred forbidden grounds called the great clansmen’s territory. Furthermore, we managed to reduce their income in one go through tax reduction.”

The first time will always be difficult, but the second time will be much simpler.

We’ve said it again and again but it’s something that applies even to these noblemen.

We managed to obtain a precedent of being able to exert influence over the great clansmen’s territory through a resolution in the council. It’s a huge profit.

Furthermore, we managed to make them feel that the profits from the sales tax from paper and liquor would be enough to cover the income lost from the tax reduction.

However…….that’s a misunderstanding.

In the first place, merchants go where a lot of people go.

Therefore, just like before, it won’t change that they would go to the royal territories. Well, the number of merchants going to clan territories might also increase more or less but not to the extent they could expect much from sales taxes.

The economically ignorant great clansmen still seem to not understand this point.

In other words, we managed to vastly reduce the influence of the great clansmen in this incident.

However, how did everything go this well?

Honestly, I had thought that……

This might have really been the end.

Although we managed to shift this into a good direction, there was enough possibility that the council could have ended in disagreement and war.

“Have you heard? It appears that the clansmen have recently been addicted to Cretian culture. They’ve bought Cretian teaching slaves and seemed to have educated their children in the Cretian language. Also, it seems they’ve been collecting works of art with zeal recently. Isn’t that related to why they’ve been wanting money?”

“I see. Selling paper and liquor in order to obtain money is far better than selling the wheat from the tax payments in kind after all.”

In other words, it’s thanks to the zealous Cretian merchants, huh.

Nice, Cretian merchants!

Well, however……

“The commoners’ opposition came much earlier than we anticipated, huh.”

“……….It’s probably because of the Cretians, yes? They must have indoctrinated them with various things such as the money economy.”

I’ve been prepared for this but……

I got confused by how faster things went than anticipated. Even the spread of the money economy went faster than anticipated.

“Now then, I’ll be going to the place where the guys refusing to work are. I’ll immediately talk them down.”

“I’ll also come with you, My King.”

When I came to the site, the laborers crowded around me complaining about the harshness and dreadfulness of construction work and life.

Now, I’m not the imperially virtuous Prince Shotoku so I won’t be able to understand and answer each and every one of them.

For the meantime, I’ll let them speak until they’re satisfied.

For a while, the laborers kept airing their dissatisfaction at me. Then at a moment I judged favorable, I start speaking.

“I completely understand your complaints!!”

I say so in a voice as loud as possible so that everyone could hear.

Then, I look around the laborer’s faces. I firmly make eye contact.

“I’m thinking that it’s good giving each one of you here land. However, it probably won’t work even if you are given lands from far away. Furthermore, slaves, salt, and money are limited so there’s no way we would be able to give some to everyone here.”

The color of discontent begins to appear and disappear in the faces of the soldier. However, I wont stop.

“However, it is my true feeling that I want to reward you gentlemen. Therefore…..I’m thinking of showing my thanks to you in the form of tax reductions.”

In addition to that, the country will, without fail, bring out provisions during labor and military duties.

We will also suspend the collection of special taxes.

We will prohibit the unjustified seizure of assets by the king and the clansmen.


I promised improvements regarding the things the commoners are worrying about as well as the things they might worry about.

Gradually, you can see joy and surprise on the faces of the commoners.

This is probably a result far better than they had anticipated.

It’s exactly as I’ve intended. If you had to negotiate in the end, then rather than doing it half-baked small steps, doing it seriously and drastically should give a better impression.

For the finale, I raised my voice and gave my finish.

“I want to be your protector. As king, I want to protect you people. Therefore, won’t you people protect me, this country, from our enemies? This is my wish from you, my people, as king!”

This time, I turned the tables, asking something of them.

Silence controls the place.

What shattered it was the voice of a commoner.

“Long live the King!”

Hearing someone shouting so, the surrounding commoners follow suit.

““Long live the King!””

The wave of cheers gradually grew until, before one noticed, it became a chant that shaked the atmosphere.

““Long live the King!!!””


It was a bit more than I had anticipated but I wonder if it’s fine to label this as a great success?”

Supreme Martial Authority, Right to Veto in the Senate, Emergency powers of Imperial Dictatorship, the Highest Religious Authority.

There are various powers invested in the Romano Emperor.

Where did these powers come from? Is it because he is a living god? Is it because he has divine blood in him? Is it because it was given to him by Zelvia, Hainaut, Arne and Mares?


The Emperor’s Absolute Powers are derived from just a single duty.

That is the duty to protect the citizen.

The Emperor is allowed to exercise such absolute authority in times of defending the lives, food, water, freedom, and property of his citizens.

And the rights we Romano citizens have are rooted on our payment of taxes, duty to military service, and absolute loyalty towards the Emperor.

Emperor and Citizen.

So long as the two continue to protect their duties, I believe that the Empire is indestructible.

Excerpt from History of the Empire. 535th Year Issue

“Treatise on the Empire”


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