Otherworld Nation Founding Chronicles

Chapter 116 - Siege Battle II

”I was never very good with siege battles...” (Curiu)

General Curiu prepares for the siege battle as he smiles bitterly.

Upon receiving the order, the soldiers began constructing siege equipment.

There is no problems with materials as lumber, in others words trees, grow pretty much all around.

”I wonder; should have brought some siege equipment with us?” (Curiu)

”We would not have been able to make it had we brought some.” (Merlin)

Mari [Merlin] says to Curiu.

Gallians are a forest-dwelling hunter-gatherer tribe of people. Therefore, they excel in movement and combat within the forest.

However they are not very adept at using those forest’s trees in construction.

As they are clumsy with their hands, they are a people who are rooted in taking their time with construction.

Such “plain” work is usually monopolized by the Aldernians.

”Still, this is a pretty strudy castle ain’t it. If we made a direct assault, the losses would be too great.” (Curiu)

”Then should we attack their supplies?” (Merlin)

”We would if we could. But, do you think King Almus would be so naive as to forgive that?” (Curiu)

Finally, through political maneuvering, the Equus tribe, Eville Kingdom, and Belvedere Kingdom’s three armies made their advances into the Rosyth Kingdom.

From there, the three armies were crushed, and reinforcements are on their way...

Such a thing would be difficult, though not impossible.

”Still, making a direct assault would only increase casualties... Perhaps attacking their supplies is correct decision. We must consider the risk of the army getting flanked by the enemy reinforcements.” (Curiu)

Curiu considered the idea.

It would be wrong to consult Mari on military affairs, so she usually doesn’t speak up often.

”The enemy have not been given much time to prepare. Also since there has been looting the whole time we have been advancing, many of the surrounding residents have taken sanctuary behind the castle walls. Taking those two into account, their provisions should only last them between 4-6 months... Alright, attacking their supplies is the best option. First we....” (Curiu)

Curiu begins by sending fast horses to his mother country to request for large-scale reinforcements.

Curiu had brought with him 10,000 veterans [as in elite soldiers]. However, in a castle offensive, quantity rather than quality is more important.

Sieging with only 10,000 soldiers is not a good plan.

So, while waiting for reinforcements, preparations for a siege battle were underway.

”Continue the production of siege weapons. Have those who are clumsy with their hands perform civil works. Dig up the dirt!!” (Curiu)

With Curiu’s backing, two moats were dug around the ramparts of the castle.

The inner moat is meant to keep the enemy completely confined.

The outer moat is a countermeasure to avoid encirclement by King Almus when he arrives to provide relief/reinforcement to the castle’s garrison.

But still, the Gaulians are not very technologically advanced.

Although it is said that not even a horse could jump over it, something akin to a barricade was created. [Could be wrong here. The wording was weird for me.]

Whatever it is makes no difference.

It exists mostly to apply mental pressure to enemies by showing that they are completely surrounded.

It also serves to prevent enemy night attacks by digging a fence, so the soldiers will be able to rest.

”But doesn’t it seems like you know what you are doing? Normally, Gaulians would neglect construction wouldn’t they?” (Merlin)

”Well, I have done siege warfare a number of times in the northeastern portion of Gallia. Though our technological skills are low, we can manage to build something here.” (Curiu)

Curiu answered with a bitter smile.

”So, are we not going to attack?” (Merlin)

”No, as soon as the siege walls [?] are dug, there will be a simultaneous parallel attack from both sides. We need to tire out our enemies.” (Curiu)

That said construction cannot take forever.

”Then, for now, we’re not attacking?” (Merlin)

”Seems so.” (Curiu)

”Then... do you want to kill some time by hunting?” (Merlin)

”Alright, this makes it five!” (Merlin)

Mari goes to recover the rabbit she killed.

She gives the horse a light kick to head to where the rabbit is and then dismounts to pick it up.

The arrow pierced the rabbit’s head in one shot.

Instant death.

”Nice. An instant kill... well then, Curiu, how are you doing?” (Merlin)

Mari asks Curiu with a broad grin.

Curiu raises his hands up as if surrendering.

”I’ve got no talent for the bow. With a sword, I could kill a bear or even a dragon... but, Barune-dono is as skilled as ever I see.” (Curiu) [1]

”Suppose so.” (Merlin)

As Mari mounted on her horse says this, she readies her bow and in a moment canters off.

Then, aiming for the sky, she draws and fires an arrow.

After a while, a big bird falls down from the sky onto the grassland.

”I guess I’m in first today. Isn’t it about time we head back?” (Merlin)

”I suppose so. Madrid-dono doesn’t know when we will be attacking.” (Curiu)

Curiu shrugs.

”But it’s really amazing. That [technique] from the Flat-faced Tribe?” (Curiu)

”That’s right. This was normal for those guys. Hey, the enemy have Alvan Cavalry right? They’re skilled in horseback archery. That’s because they [Equus Tribe] are descendents of the Flat-faced Tribe. Well, I was originally a part of the (Japanese) Archery Club anyways...” (Merlin)

”(Japanese) Archery Club?” (Curiu)

”Yeah, well, just for fun. Enough to establish the foundations. That’s why it wasn’t too difficult to learn [their style]. That’s all there was to it.” (Merlin)

Mari goes silent upon finishing her sentence.

(I chose a poor topic...) [Curiu]

Curiu heads back to camp with some regrets. [He trying to get with Merlin?]




The clamor and shouting of enemy soldiers reverberate through the air; the sound from fire arrows raining down onto the battlefield seem to pierce the wind.

Fire arrows, while burning as beautifully as a shooting star, jump over the castle walls and pierce the roof of a house.

The houses in the DeMorgal Kingdom are made of stone but the roofs are made of wood due to the weight.

This will of course burn when lit with fire.

As summer in the Aldernian Peninsula is dry, the probability of a fire starting is high.

Therefore, the residents were working to extinguish the fires.

”Still, they do this night after night. I’m surprised they’re not bored of this.” (Bartolo)

”Didn’t you use this same tactic on us?” (Tonino)

”Thanks for the comeback.” (Bartolo)

Tonino and Bartolo have a chat while looking towards the enemy.

On the ramparts, the enemy cannot be seen trying to destroy the castle gate.

If that were to be done at midnight, the chances of having casualties from friendly fire increase. [Guessing this includes accidental melee attacks.]

It was only safe to fire fire arrows [haha], so this is what the enemy does every night.

Where in the world are they getting this much oil... is my first thought but, most likely, they are looting olive oil from the local countryside. [Not the olive oil! Mama mia.]

The Aldernian Peninsula has a prosperous olive and grape industry.

In the beginning the soldiers, fearing the enemy night attacks, were sleep deprived, but now they were calm as they got accustomed to it. That’s natural as it has been two weeks since they’ve doing this.

The soldiers in charge of the day shift are sleeping soundly in borrowed houses.

”Still, the enemy are not seriously attacking.” (Bartolo)

”Perhaps, they are waiting for reinforcements to arrive. There are more of us than them at the moment.” (Tonino)

In terms of numbers, the Coalition Army who are being besieged have the advantage.

However, if the beginning stages of the siege are handled poorly, it is very easy to end up with heavy losses early.

It cannot be said that morale have fully recovered.

The reason is something big and hairy... according to a prisoner of war’s testimony, the enemy have an animal called an “elephant”; there are soldiers who tremble at the sight of one.

Whether the enemy realized it or not and are doing it on purpose, the trumpeting of elephants can be heard.

That unique cry was definitely lowering the morale of the Coalition Army.

”Well, isn’t that fine? We’ve been able to get ready haven’t we?” (Bartolo)

As there were preparations being made by the besiegers, so too was there preparations being done by the besieged.

The production of more arrows and weapons for example.

Arrows are an expendable resource and weapons will obviously get damaged.

In order to be able to immediately and continuously replenish supplies, we are mobilizing blacksmiths and are mass producing them.

There is also the supplies of stones and wood to immediately begin work on the wall when it is destroyed. Of course dropping rocks from the ramparts was also drilled in various training courses.

”But there is one thing that concerns me. The enemy reinforcements are taking their time.” (Bartolo)

”The reason is unknown right?” (Tonino)

Bartolo and Tonino placed magicians outside of the castle walls to gather information on the enemy.

According to their information, the enemy’s reinforcements total 40,000 soldiers. The first group is arriving two weeks from now... We know that much.

The siege battle began two weeks ago.

This means that it takes four weeks of travel time to arrive from Rozel.

”Isn’t that strange? It is true that the distance is far... but didn’t General Curiu get here practically in no time? If you’re as much of a man as General Curiu is then wouldn’t you come to DeMorgal with supplies and preparations for a siege? And yet...” (Bartolo)

”Perhaps there is some sort of political circumstance. Most incomprehensible things can usually be chalked up to politics... It is enviable that Bartolo is able to think of things that way.” (Tonino) [He’s basically saying he envies Bartolo’s supposed naivety.]

Bartolo takes a swig of his alcohol and gives a retort.

”Our king will take full responsibility over a war. Even now he has not issued any dismissal orders... Well, he does leave all the hard work to me though.”

Almus is aware of his lack of martial talent.

He knows that it is only above average.

Therefore, he leaves matters of wars to excellent battle commander such as Bartolo.

Not just with war either.

Almus also has little clout among the upper class patricians. [i.e. the elitists]

That’s why he leaves management of the patricians to Raymond.

Basically leave it to the experts.

”Well, this time could turn ugly. There is the possibility for me to lose everything... I am prepared for that. I do hope that if it were to come to that I’d get off lightly. Well then, it seems the enemy’s attacks have softened a bit... It’s about time I slept.” (Tonino)

”Understood. I’ll remain awake for the time being.” (Bartolo)

Bartolo went off.

Then looks up to the stars and mutters.

”Not coming home alive huh. At worst, I won’t be able to see my daughter’s wedding... On second thought, that’s not something I want to see.” (Bartolo)

Bartolo remembered that the previous king [Julia’s father] blessed his only daughter’s marriage. [Can’t tell if she’s engaged or something. I don’t think it was ever mentioned.]

”Cailas-dono. Aren’t you late?” (Curiu)

”Hmm. I admit that I took my time. However, I think that is fine as I am the one coming here to reinforce for you. Curiu-dono. There is also the fact that I informed you in advance that I would be arriving late.” (Cailas)

Cailas Al Rozel.

He is the cousin of the reigning King Rozel.

If you were to ask about his character... then it would be that his bloodline was good but his abilities are mediocre.

Something like that.

Mediocre ability meaning that moves around his army ordinarily and governs securely.

In other words, as long as you don’t slack off too much, you can succeed. [I feel attacked.]

For him, his problem was not in his ability.

It was in his temperament.

He is arrogant and does not empathize with others. He is also careless. He is vain and loves to show off.

If you are incompetent, you will be mercilessly cut down, and if you are competent then you will be able to endure this.

However, he is mediocre.

What’s troubling is his social standing.

”Let me hear why you were late.” (Curiu)

”You imply there being a problem is a good thing. As you are aware, our country is surrounded by Gillbed, Fardam, and to the remaining northeastern portion of Gallia are the Germanis. It is not very easy to move with so many enemies around us.” (Cailas)

”But then wouldn’t it take even longer if you come after gathering together the military?” (Curiu)

Curiu makes a complaint to which Cailas vainly responds.

”There was no helping it. The resistance from the inhabitants was intense.” (Cailas)

”That is what happens when you pillage with no meaning.” (Curiu)

There are many advantages to pillaging.

Army provisions can be secured and prostitutes can be setup easily. More than anything it boosts morale. [*cough* “comfort women” *cough*]

However, you must also prepare for heavy resistance.

Therefore, Curiu pillaged villages and towns that were on the way; he never went out of his way to raid every town vaguely nearby.

That’s because you then lose the advantage of the faster marching speed due to procuring lost provisions locally.

The purpose of fighting a war is to win it; looting is a means to that end.

”Whether or not there is meaning to it is left to my judgement as a field marshal... Curiu-dono. Do you have anything to prove that the looting was meaningless?” (Cailas)

”... Fine. But don’t this again next time.” (Curiu)

Curiu sighs.

Even if this matter was pursued further, it’s not like Cailas would be executed.

King Rozel was soft on his family.

If Curiu were to kill Cailas, then Curiu’s life would be at risk.

Curiu gives some words to Cailas as he leaves.

”The commander of this operation is myself. Make sure you do not forget that.”

Author’s note:


Translator’s note:

I bet you all are surprised I’m alive. For those wondering why this took so long, then I can only say that I’m sorry for the wait. I’ve got a busy life and free time is hard to come by recently. I’ll post a link to my reddit post explaining more but just know that I am unsatisfied with my own work speed on this and do have a plan to improve. That said, I wonder how people do translation in a day. That’s very difficult for me to do but maybe that’s because I’m an obsessive perfectionist. I do try to make the story legible in English even if I change some of the meaning of the words slightly.


[1] So I had to actually look this one up but I think it was only mentioned once back in Ch. 102 or something (back when the previous guy was doing this). Merlin/Mari’s last name is apparently “Barloom.” I’m changing this to “Barune” since I didn’t particularly like this translation. The raw says バルーン which funnily reads as balloon in English so I can see why he chose “Barloom” but if that was the pronunciation the katakana would look more like this バールー ム. Thus I decided to keep closer to the pronunciation of balloon while making the last name look like a last name, “Barune.” (Pronounced bəroon) ↑


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